Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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Teachers’ adoption of an open and interactive e-book for teaching K-12 students Artificial Intelligence: a mixed methods inquiry
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 - Trang 1-20 - 2021
With the rapid development of information technology, e-books have become convenient for students to improve their learning performance, especially when learning complicated concepts. However, research showed that acceptance of e-books by teachers is fragmented, due to several factors including the e-book design. Therefore, this study combined the potential positive impacts of openness and interaction on learning to design an open and interactive e-book for teaching K-12 students AI. It then applied a mixed method to investigate the factors that affect teachers’ acceptance of this open and interactive e-book based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and interviews. The obtained results showed that teachers’ intention to continue using this e-book is significantly influenced by their perceived usefulness and attitude towards this e-book. Additionally, both the interactive and openness features were very helpful for teachers in using this e-book in their teaching plans. However, some of them raised several concerns like the interactive coding platform should be personalized based on students’ age. The findings of this study could help different stakeholders (e.g., instructional designers, teachers, policymakers) in facilitating the design and adoption of open and interactive e-books.
Một nghiên cứu thực nghiệm về ý định hành vi của sinh viên Trung Quốc trong việc áp dụng công nghệ học tập thông minh 5G trong bối cảnh Covid-19 Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 - Trang 1-17 - 2021
Việc giãn cách xã hội do dịch Covid-19 đã gây rối loạn tất cả các lĩnh vực của xã hội, bao gồm cả giáo dục. Để duy trì hoạt động bình thường, điều cần thiết là phải thích nghi nhanh chóng với tình huống này. Nhiều công nghệ và nền tảng đã nhanh chóng cung cấp hỗ trợ cho người dùng. Bài viết này tiếp cận từ góc độ phê phán để phản ánh các yếu tố có thể gây ra sự áp dụng vội vàng công nghệ học tập thông minh 5G. Để khảo sát ý định của sinh viên đối với việc học thông minh, bài viết cung cấp một khung lý thuyết dựa trên mô hình chấp nhận công nghệ (TAM) bằng cách thêm vào các thành phần từ lý thuyết thực hành xã hội (SPT). Dựa trên phân tích dữ liệu thông qua Mô hình phương trình cấu trúc (SEM) của một cuộc khảo sát (n = 375) được thực hiện tại Trung Quốc, chúng tôi phát hiện rằng sự lựa chọn công nghệ học tập thông minh 5G phụ thuộc vào tác động kết hợp của các yếu tố Vật chất (MAA), Ý nghĩa (MEA) và Tiếp cận năng lực (COA). Kết quả cho thấy đây là những yếu tố tác động hiệu quả đến ý định của sinh viên trong việc áp dụng công nghệ học tập thông minh 5G. Những kết quả này nhằm hỗ trợ các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ và các nhà quyết định phát triển các cách hiệu quả để tăng cường việc sử dụng học tập thông minh. Những phát hiện này cũng có thể giúp chúng tôi xác định các thách thức ảnh hưởng đến việc áp dụng học tập thông minh và đóng góp vào việc thiết kế và cung cấp đúng cách các chương trình học tập thông minh ở các quốc gia khác.
#Covid-19 #công nghệ học tập thông minh #mô hình chấp nhận công nghệ #sinh viên Trung Quốc #5G
Exploring jump back behavior patterns and reasons in e-book system
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 9 - Trang 1-23 - 2022
With the increasing use of digital learning materials in higher education, the accumulated operational log data provide a unique opportunity to analyzing student learning behaviors and their effects on student learning performance to understand how students learn with e-books. Among the students’ reading behaviors interacting with e-book systems, we find that jump-back is a frequent and informative behavior type. In this paper, we aim to understand the student’s intention for a jump-back using user learning log data on the e-book materials of a course in our university. We at first formally define the “jump-back” behaviors that can be detected from the click event stream of slide reading and then systematically study the behaviors from different perspectives on the e-book event stream data. Finally, by sampling 22 learning materials, we identify six reading activity patterns that can explain jump backs. Our analysis provides an approach to enriching the understanding of e-book learning behaviors and informs design implications for e-book systems.
Learners' approaches, motivation and patterns of problem-solving on lines and angles in geometry using augmented reality
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 7 - Trang 1-23 - 2020
There are several concepts in 2D Geometry that require understanding their application in the real practical world. However, in classrooms, such concepts are often taught without the analysis of the learners’ realization and interpretation of the existing concepts around them, in their surroundings. For this purpose, an Augmented Reality (AR) based module for the 7th and 8th grade syllabus has been designed to encourage the active participation of the learners in the classroom while learning the concept of Lines and Angles. It comprises three AR learning activities that enable the participants to recall, visualize, and identify the type of angle and then mark it by drawing on the augmented 3D house. Before conducting the main studies, a pilot study was conducted with 6 students of 8th grade. This helped in validating the data instruments, timing, and execution of the research study. The first study was conducted with 21 students of 8th grade where 12 participants performed the AR learning activities in dyads and 9 participants performed individually. Their perspectives, approaches, and motivation in performing the AR learning activities have been reported. Findings from the study showed that the majority i.e. 90.4% participants preferred to perform the AR learning activities in dyads than individually. Though the usability score was higher for the participants who performed the AR learning activities individually (M = 70.28) as compared to dyads (M = 65.23), there was no significant difference in the motivation scores between the participants of the two groups. In the second study, 28 students of 7th grade were divided into dyads and their behavior patterns of performing the AR learning activities have been reported. Using Lag Sequential Analysis, significant sequences were obtained based on the behaviors belonging to three categories of peer involvement, teacher prompts and AR interactions. It was found that the designed AR learning activities encouraged the participants to discuss the concepts with peers, enhanced their immersive experience as they together moved around and inside the house to find and identify the angles.
The use of augmented reality in a gamified CLIL lesson and students’ achievements and attitudes: a quasi-experimental study
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 9 - Trang 1-18 - 2022
The advancement of technology has provided new avenues for English language teachers to assist students in improving their language learning processes. Augmented reality is an emerging technology that can implement virtual objects into the physical learning environment. This quantitative study aimed to determine the impact of employing augmented reality in a CLIL lesson. The study also looks at EFL learners’ attitudes about the use of AR. For this purpose, 76 high school students (38 males and 38 females) have taken part in this study. The results showed that using an AR-based mobile application improved the language achievements of the learners. The learners who used AR have gathered better results in the CLIL lesson. Additionally, the learners had positive attitudes towards the use of augmented reality. They found it satisfying and engaging and were willing to use it in the future again. Based on the study findings, EFL teachers are encouraged to use AR in their classes to teach both content and the language.
Correction: Reimagining how to understand learning game experiences: a qualitative and exploratory case study
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 1-1 - 2023
Conditions for effective smart learning environments
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2014
Inquiry-based learning and E-learning: how to serve high and low achievers
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 7 - Trang 1-15 - 2020
Large-scale implementations of effective inquiry-based learning are rare. A European-wide initiative gave teachers access to innovative e-learning tools (ranging from virtual labs, virtual games and simulations to augmented reality applications) for lesson planning and classroom implementation. We examined 668 such implementations across 453 schools within the period of one school year. Teachers could use a platform with digital resources and tools and were encouraged to adopt five different phases of inquiry-based learning: orientation, hypothesizing, planning, analysis, and conclusion. Additionally, an integrated interface for lesson implementation tracked each students’ problem-solving competence (during the inquiry lessons), culminating in about 12,000 datasets. Every user generated an average of 22 digital inquiry-based digital scenarios, each of which required approximately 50.14 min for completion. These scenarios, using high quality resources adapted to school conditions, yielded significant learning outcomes for participating students (age: 14.4 years, gender balanced). While the PISA study identified 10% high achievers on average, we exceeded this number in our framework scoring 20–29% high achievers and 37–42% low achievers (which was close to the 45% PISA average). Offering tools to teachers, which help creating individual inquiry scenarios and monitoring students’ achievement, does not yield any insurmountable obstacles for classroom-implementation of inquiry-based lessons: Compared to the PISA study, levels of high achievers increased even if complex problem-solving competence was required.
Non-intrusive assessment of learners’ prior knowledge in dialogue-based intelligent tutoring systems
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 3 - Trang 1-18 - 2016
This article describes a study whose goal was to assess students’ prior knowledge level with respect to a target domain based solely on characteristics of the natural language interaction between students and conversational Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs). We report results on data collected from two conversational ITSs: a micro-adaptive-only ITS and a fully-adaptive (micro- and macro-adaptive) ITS. These two ITSs are in fact different versions of the state-of-the-art conversational ITS DeepTutor (
). Our models rely on both dialogue and session interaction features including time on task, student generated content features (e.g., vocabulary size or domain specific concept use), and pedagogy-related features (e.g., level of scaffolding measured as number of hints). Linear regression models were explored based on these features in order to predict students’ knowledge level, as measured with a multiple-choice pre-test, and yielded in the best cases an r=0.949 and adjusted r-square =0.833. We discuss implications of our findings for the development of future ITSs.
A BPM-based approach for ensuring an agile and adaptive learning process
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 1-34 - 2023
Agility is a contemporary approach to IT project management, which we can also use in education. Students learn through the gradual implementation of iterative projects with information exchange between team members. Agility is above all a mindset. Being agile is quite simply being able to adapt to an environment that changes. Furthermore, various research works focused on the assessment of innovative teaching methods to promote the acquisition of new professional skills (e.g. project-based learning, active and collaborative learning, smart learning, etc.). In addition, adaptive learning is a pedagogical method favoring tailor-made e-learning to respond to the acquisition of certain skills, through the adaptation of pedagogical resources according to the learners’ needs. Therefore, to establish a model based on these different methods to benefit from their advantages, we based our work on the Business Process Management approach, which constitutes the means of implementing thedesired agility in the learning process. Thanks to such a cyclical and continuous improvement approach, the learning process will evolve and take into account both the needs and the specificities of the involved actors (learners or teachers). We implemented our learning process and applied Process Mining techniques to foster the adoption of “Smart Education”. We also attempted to ensure learning process adaptability based on the scrutiny of the log files obtained throughprevious executions of our learning process.
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