Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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First case of chronic wasting disease in Europe in a Norwegian free-ranging reindeer
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 47 - Trang 1-7 - 2016
Sylvie L. Benestad, Gordon Mitchell, Marion Simmons, Bjørnar Ytrehus, Turid Vikøren
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a fatal contagious prion disease in cervids that is enzootic in some areas in North America. The disease has been found in deer, elk and moose in the USA and Canada, and in South Korea following the importation of infected animals. Here we report the first case of CWD in Europe, in a Norwegian free-ranging reindeer in Southern Norway. The origin of the disease is unknown. Until now a low number of cervids, and among them a few reindeer, have been tested for CWD in Norway. Therefore the prevalence of CWD is unknown.
Monitoring the immune response to vaccination with an inactivated vaccine associated to bovine neonatal pancytopenia by deep sequencing transcriptome analysis in cattle
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 44 - Trang 1-17 - 2013
Wiebke Demasius, Rosemarie Weikard, Frieder Hadlich, Kerstin Elisabeth Müller, Christa Kühn
Bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP) is a new fatal, alloimmune/alloantibody mediated disease of new-born calves induced by ingestion of colostrum from cows, which had been vaccinated with a specific vaccine against the Bovine Virus Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV). The hypothesis of pathogenic MHC class I molecules in the vaccine had been put up, but no formal proof of specific causal MHC class I alleles has been provided yet. However, the unique features of the vaccine obviously result in extremely high specific antibody titres in the vaccinated animals, but apparently also in further molecules inducing BNP. Thus, a comprehensive picture of the immune response to the vaccine is essential. Applying the novel approach of next generation RNA sequencing (RNAseq), our study provides a new holistic, comprehensive analysis of the blood transcriptome regulation after vaccination with the specific BVDV vaccine. Our RNAseq approach identified a novel cytokine-like gene in the bovine genome that is highly upregulated after vaccination. This gene has never been described before in any other species and might be specific to ruminant immune response. Furthermore, our data revealed a very coordinated immune response to double-stranded (ds) RNA or a dsRNA analogue after vaccination with the inactivated single-stranded (ss) RNA vaccine. This would suggest either a substantial contamination of the vaccine with dsRNA from host cells after virus culture or a dsRNA analogue applied to the vaccine. The first option would highlight the potential risks associated with virus culture on homologous cells during vaccine production; the latter option would emphasise the potential risks associated with immune stimulating adjuvants used in vaccine production.
Routes of transmission and consequences of small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) infection and eradication schemes
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 35 Số 3 - Trang 257-274 - 2004
Ernst Peterhans, T Greenland, Juan José Badiola, G D Harkiss, Giuseppe Bertoni, Beatriz Amorena, M. Eliaszewicz, Ramón A. Juste, R Krassnig, J.P. Lafont, Patrick Lenihan, Gudmundur Pétursson, G. C. Pritchard, John Thorley, C. Vitu, Jean‐François Mornex, Michel Pépin
An inactivated novel chimeric FAdV-4 containing fiber of FAdV-8b provides full protection against hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome and inclusion body hepatitis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 53 - Trang 1-12 - 2022
Baiyu Wang, Mingzhen Song, Congcong Song, Shiyi Zhao, Panpan Yang, Qilong Qiao, Yanfang Cong, Yanling Wang, Zeng Wang, Jun Zhao
Fowl adenovirus serotype 4 (FAdV-4) and FAdV-8b are causative agents of hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome (HHS) and inclusion body hepatitis (IBH), respectively. HHS and IBH co-infections were often reported in clinical, yet there are no commercially available bivalent vaccines for prevention and control of both FAdV-4 and -8b. In the present study, a chimeric FAdV-4 was firstly generated by substituting fiber-1 of FAdV-4 with fiber of FAdV-8b. The chimeric virus, rFAdV-4-fiber/8b, exhibited similar replication ability in vitro and pathogenicity in vivo to the parental wild type FAdV-4. A single dosage of vaccination with the inactivated rFAdV-4-fiber/8b induced high antibody titers against fiber-2 of FAdV-4 and fiber of FAdV-8b and provided full protection against FAdV-4 and -8b challenge. These results demonstrated that fiber of FAdV-8b could replace the role of fiber-1 of FAdV-4 in the process of viral infection, and rFAdV-4-fiber/8b could be used to make a potential bivalent vaccine for the control and prevention of HHS and IBH.
Indicators of inflammation in the diagnosis of mastitis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 34 Số 5 - Trang 565-578 - 2003
Satu Py�r�l�
Genetic complexity and multiple infections with more Parvovirus species in naturally infected cats
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 42 - Trang 1-9 - 2011
Mara Battilani, Andrea Balboni, Martina Ustulin, Massimo Giunti, Alessandra Scagliarini, Santino Prosperi
Parvoviruses of carnivores include three closely related autonomous parvoviruses: canine parvovirus (CPV), feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) and mink enteritis virus (MEV). These viruses cause a variety of serious diseases, especially in young patients, since they have a remarkable predilection for replication in rapidly dividing cells. FPV is not the only parvovirus species which infects cats; in addition to MEV, the new variants of canine parvovirus, CPV-2a, 2b and 2c have also penetrated the feline host-range, and they are able to infect and replicate in cats, causing diseases indistinguishable from feline panleukopenia. Furthermore, as cats are susceptible to both CPV-2 and FPV viruses, superinfection and co-infection with multiple parvovirus strains may occur, potentially facilitating recombination and high genetic heterogeneity. In the light of the importance of cats as a potential source of genetic diversity for parvoviruses and, since feline panleukopenia virus has re-emerged as a major cause of mortality in felines, the present study has explored the molecular characteristics of parvovirus strains circulating in cat populations. The most significant findings reported in this study were (a) the detection of mixed infection FPV/CPV with the presence of one parvovirus variant which is a true intermediate between FPV/CPV and (b) the quasispecies cloud size of one CPV sample variant 2c. In conclusion, this study provides new important results about the evolutionary dynamics of CPV infections in cats, showing that CPV has presumably started a new process of readaptation in feline hosts.
KbvR mutant of Klebsiella pneumoniae affects the synthesis of type 1 fimbriae and provides protection to mice as a live attenuated vaccine
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 53 - Trang 1-12 - 2022
Fusheng Zhang, Yan Meng, Li Xu, Yujiao Tian, Huigai Lu, Jichen Xie, Renhui Ma, Moran Li, Bei Li
Klebsiella pneumoniae is a leading cause of severe infections in humans and animals, and the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains highlights the need to develop effective vaccines for preventing such infections. Live attenuated vaccines are attractive vaccine candidates available in the veterinary field. We recently characterized that the K. pneumoniae kbvR (Klebsiella biofilm and virulence regulator) mutant was a highly attenuated strain in the mice model. In the present study, the characterization, safety, and protective efficacy of ΔkbvR strain as a live attenuated vaccine were evaluated. The synthesis and activity of type 1 fimbriae were increased in the ΔkbvR strain. All mice inoculated by the subcutaneous route with 105, 106, and 107 colony-forming units (CFU) doses of the ΔkbvR strain survived. Subcutaneous immunization with two doses of 105 or 107 CFU ΔkbvR elicited a robust humoral immune response, and provided protection against the following K. pneumoniae intraperitoneal infection. The antisera of mice immunized with 105 CFU dose improved the opsonophagocytic ability and complement-mediated lysis not only to the same serotype strain but also to the different serotype strain. The passive transfer of antisera from 105 CFU dose-immunized mice provided protection against K. pneumoniae infection. Overall, our results suggest the great potential of the ΔkbvR strain as a novel vaccine candidate against K. pneumoniae infections in herds or humans.
Direct contact and environmental contaminations are responsible for HEV transmission in pigs
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 44 Số 1 - Trang 102 - 2013
Mathieu Andraud, Marine Dumarest, Roland Cariolet, Bouchra Aylaj, Elodie Barnaud, F. Eono, Nicole Pavio, Nicolas Rose
Bovine neonate natural killer cells are fully functional and highly responsive to interleukin-15 and to NKp46 receptor stimulation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - Trang 54 - 2009
Jamila Elhmouzi-Younes, Anne K. Storset, Preben Boysen, Fabrice Laurent, Françoise Drouet
Differential effects of Mycobacterium bovis - derived polar and apolar lipid fractions on bovine innate immune cells
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 43 - Trang 1-11 - 2012
Chris Pirson, Gareth J Jones, Sabine Steinbach, Gurdyal S Besra, H Martin Vordermeier
Mycobacterial lipids have long been known to modulate the function of a variety of cells of the innate immune system. Here, we report the extraction and characterisation of polar and apolar free lipids from Mycobacterium bovis AF 2122/97 and identify the major lipids present in these fractions. Lipids found included trehalose dimycolate (TDM) and trehalose monomycolate (TMM), the apolar phthiocerol dimycocersates (PDIMs), triacyl glycerol (TAG), pentacyl trehalose (PAT), phenolic glycolipid (PGL), and mono-mycolyl glycerol (MMG). Polar lipids identified included glucose monomycolate (GMM), diphosphatidyl glycerol (DPG), phenylethanolamine (PE) and a range of mono- and di-acylated phosphatidyl inositol mannosides (PIMs). These lipid fractions are capable of altering the cytokine profile produced by fresh and cultured bovine monocytes as well as monocyte derived dendritic cells. Significant increases in the production of IL-10, IL-12, MIP-1β, TNFα and IL-6 were seen after exposure of antigen presenting cells to the polar lipid fraction. Phenotypic characterisation of the cells was performed by flow cytometry and significant decreases in the expression of MHCII, CD86 and CD1b were found after exposure to the polar lipid fraction. Polar lipids also significantly increased the levels of CD40 expressed by monocytes and cultured monocytes but no effect was seen on the constitutively high expression of CD40 on MDDC or on the levels of CD80 expressed by any of the cells. Finally, the capacity of polar fraction treated cells to stimulate alloreactive lymphocytes was assessed. Significant reduction in proliferative activity was seen after stimulation of PBMC by polar fraction treated cultured monocytes whilst no effect was seen after lipid treatment of MDDC. These data demonstrate that pathogenic mycobacterial polar lipids may significantly hamper the ability of the host APCs to induce an appropriate immune response to an invading pathogen.
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