Quaternary Research
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Correlation between Vegetation in Southwestern Africa and Oceanic Upwelling in the Past 21,000 Years Dinoflagellate cyst and pollen records from marine sediments off the southwestern African coast reveal three major aridification periods since the last glaciation and an environmental correlation between land and sea. Abundant pollen of desert, semi-desert, and temperate plants 21,000–17,500 cal yr B.P. show arid and cold conditions in southwestern Africa that correspond to low sea surface temperatures and enhanced upwelling shown by dinoflagellate cysts. Occurrence of Restionaceae in the pollen record suggests northward movement of the winter-rain regime that influenced the study area during the last glacial maximum. Decline of Asteroideae, Restionaceae, and Ericaceae in the pollen record shows that temperate vegetation migrated out of the study area about 17,500 cal yr B.P., probably because of warming during the last deglaciation. The warming in southwestern Africa was associated with weakened upwelling and increased sea surface temperatures, 2000–2800 years earlier than in the Northern Hemisphere. Aridification 14,300–12,600 cal yr B.P. is characterized by a prominent increase of desert and semi-desert pollen without the return of temperate vegetation. This aridification corresponds to enhanced upwelling off Namibia and cooler temperatures in Antarctica, and it might have been influenced by oceanic thermohaline circulation. Aridification 11,000–8900 cal yr B.P. is out of phase with the northern African climate. Reduction of the water vapor supply in southwestern Africa at that time may be related to northward excursions of the Intertropical Convergence Zone.
Tập 54 - Trang 72-80 - 2000
Radiocarbon Studies of Latest Pleistocene and Holocene Lava Flows of the Snake River Plain, Idaho: Data, Lessons, Interpretations Latest Pleistocene-Holocene basaltic lava fields of the Snake River Plain, Idaho, have been dated by the radiocarbon method. Backhoe excavations beneath lava flows typically yielded carbon-bearing, charred eolian sediment. This material provided most of the samples for this study; the sediment typically contains less than 0.2% carbon. Charcoal fragments were obtained from tree molds but only from a few backhoe excavations. Contamination of the charred sediments and charcoal by younger carbon components is extensive; the effects of contamination were mitigated but appropriate pretreatment of samples using acid and alkali leaches. Twenty of the more than 60 lava flows of the Craters of the Moon lava field have been dated; their ages range from about 15,000 to about 2000 yr B.P. The ages permit assignment of the flows to eight distinct eruptive periods with an average recurrence interval of about 2000 yr. The seven other latest Pleistocene-Holocene lava fields were all emplaced in short eruptive bursts. Their 14 C ages (yr B.P.) are: Kings Bowl (2222± 100), Wapi (2270 ± 50), Hells Half Acre (5200 ± 150), Shoshone (10,130 ± 350), North Robbers and South Robbers (11.980 ± 300), and Cerro Grande (13,380 ± 350).
Tập 25 - Trang 163-176 - 1986
An Equable Glaciopluvial in the West: Pleniglacial Evidence of Increased Precipitation on a Gradient from the Great Basin to the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts Dated macrofossil evidence documents the widespread occurrence of woodland in what are now desert lowlands of southwestern North America from the last pleniglacial (ca. 20,000 yr B.P.) to late glacial/Holocene transition (12,000–8000 yr B.P.). The composition of the Pleistocene woodlands indicates that they had already differentiated geographically in modern form, though immensely more extensive than today. The pinyon-juniper woodland (Pinus monophylla, Juniperus osteosperma ) of the Mohave Desert province had not yet penetrated the central Great Basin, but extended from southern Nevada south through the vast lowlands of the Mohave and westernmost Sonoran Deserts to southeastern California and Baja California. The strongly xerophytic Mohavean woodland was characterized by a very well-marked altitudinal and latitudinal zonation with juniper-Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia ) sorting out below pinyon-juniper woodland, and with live oaks restricted to the upper level along the lower Colorado River drainage. Southeastward, the Sonoran Desert province was similarly zoned, but with the more slender-leaved Pinus edulis var. fallax as pinyon and with more live oaks in the upper zone. However, the pleniglacial woodland of the Chihuahuan Desert province was almost unzoned, inasmuch as the less xerophytic species of pinyon and live oaks prevailed over the entire span of available elevation; the pinyon was the very slender-leaved P. cembroides var. remota . The overall paleozonation indicates a strong northwest-to-southeast gradient of increasing summer rain with decreasing distance from the monsoonal source area over the Gulf of Mexico, as at present, but augmented pluvially along the same gradient. A key piece of evidence is the counterintuitive latitudinal-zonational anomaly between about 30 and 40° N in southwestern North America; the lower limits of modern vegetational zones are depressed with decreasing latitude (e.g., ca. 500 m lower at 34° than at 36° N). The axis of the gradient actually extends from northwest to southeast , paralleling the monsoonal gradient of increasing summer rain, which no doubt causes the apparent anomaly. During the Wisconsinan glacial, the latitudinal anomaly was greatly steepened , a fact requiring a pluvial increase in precipitation over the Southwest. The monsoonalpluvial pattern is supported by the Neotoma record of a northwest-to-southeast gradient of increasing diversity of evergreen oaks requiring summer rain, and by a parallel segregation of pinyon species. Equability of seasons during the last glacial is also suggested by the Neotoma macrofossil data.
Tập 12 - Trang 311-325 - 1979
Discriminant Function Analysis of Late Quaternary Tephras from Five Volcanoes in New Zealand Using Glass Shard Major Element Chemistry The microprobe-determined glass shard major element chemistry of tephras derived from five North Island, New Zealand volcanoes (Mayor Island, Okataina, Taupo, Tongariro, and Mount Egmont) and younger than ca. 20,000 yr B.P. was subjected to discriminant function analysis. Four separate approaches were adopted to test the match of the tephras with their known sources: (1) an analysis of raw microprobe data; (2) an analysis of normalized data; (3) an analysis of the data transformed by calculating the log10 of oxide scores divided (arbitrarily) by the chlorine content; and (4) a repeat of (3) with multivariate outlier scores, as determined by principal components analysis, deleted. All yielded excellent classification functions (efficiencies of 91–100%), with the eruptives associated with each of the five volcanoes being chemically distinct from one another. In each approach, the first two canonical discriminant functions accounted for >90% of the variation between groups. The removal of multivariate outliers from the data set had only minor effects on the performance of the discriminant function procedures. Separate discriminant function analysis of the relatively alike Taupo and Okataina eruptives gave a greater degree of multivariate separation. The numerical classifications generated should enable unidentified tephras erupted since ca. 20,000 yr B.P. from the five volcanoes to be provisionally matched with their sources.
Tập 30 - Trang 270-283 - 1988
Resistivity Investigation of an Infilled Kettle Hole An electrical resistivity survey of a lacustrine infilled basin in drift (Abbot Moss, N. England) clearly revealed the morphometry and internal structure of the basin. The technique also delimited extensions to the basin, which are buried beneath colluvium outside the present area of peat accumulation. Resistivity drilling has definite advantages over hand boring particularly for deposits formed between deglaciation and the onset of limnic sedimentation, or for sequences containing inpenetrable sand horizons. Geophysical techniques can provide an overall framework and gross stratigraphy of limnic deposits within which more detailed conventional Quaternary studies can be assessed.
Tập 9 - Trang 231-237 - 1978
Regional tree growth and inferred summer climate in the Winnipeg River basin, Canada, since AD 1783 Abstract A network of 54 ring-width chronologies is used to estimate changes in summer climate within the Winnipeg River basin, Canada, since AD 1783. The basin drains parts of northwestern Ontario, northern Minnesota and southeastern Manitoba, and is a key area for hydroelectric power production. Most chronologies were developed from Pinus resinosa and P. strobus , with a limited number of Thuja occidentalis , Picea glauca and Pinus banksiana . The dominant pattern of regional tree growth can be recovered using only the nine longest chronologies, and is not affected by the method used to remove variability related to age or stand dynamics from individual trees. Tree growth is significantly, but weakly, correlated with both temperature (negatively) and precipitation (positively) during summer. Simulated ring-width chronologies produced by a process model of tree-ring growth exhibit similar relationships with summer climate. High and low growth across the region is associated with cool/wet and warm/dry summers, respectively; this relationship is supported by comparisons with archival records from early 19th century fur-trading posts. The tree-ring record indicates that summer droughts were more persistent in the 19th and late 18th century, but there is no evidence that drought was more extreme prior to the onset of direct monitoring.
Tập 70 - Trang 158-172 - 2008
Late quaternary snowline reconstructions for the southern and central Sierra Nevada, California and a reassessment of the “Recess Peak Glaciation” Abstract In the Sierra Nevada, the “Recess Peak Glaciation” has been previously defined on the basis of deposits exhibiting relative-age characteristics intermediate between those of the Little Ice Age deposits and those of early Holocene or older moraines. In the absence of reliable chronological control, the Recess Peak deposits were assigned an early Neoglacial age. Although numerous moraines in the central and southern Sierra have been attributed to this interval, regional snowline gradients reconstructed from these deposits lack internal consistency and appear to represent several distinctly different episodes of glacier advance. As a basis for comparison with the Recess Peak data, modern and late Pleistocene regional snowlines were reconstructed using accumulation-area ratios and cirque-floor altitudes. These reconstructions display regionally consistent gradients, rising gradually southward and more steeply eastward. Based on these data, the full-glacial late Pleistocene snowline depression is estimated to have been ≥800 m. Estimates of Recess Peak snowline depression vary widely, ranging from 140 to 500 m, and a reconstructed regional gradient rises northward, in opposition to the late Pleistocene and modern snowlines. Limited radiocarbon dating and the irregular pattern derived from the Recess Peak snowline data suggest that, even in the type area, these deposits resulted from both pre- and post-Hypsithermal glacier advances.
Tập 36 - Trang 294-306 - 1991
Stratigraphic constraints on late Pleistocene glacial erosion and deglaciation of the Chukchi margin, Arctic Ocean Abstract At least two episodes of glacial erosion of the Chukchi margin at water depths to ∼ 450 m and 750 m have been indicated by geophysical seafloor data. We examine sediment stratigraphy in these areas to verify the inferred erosion and to understand its nature and timing. Our data within the eroded areas show the presence of glaciogenic diamictons composed mostly of reworked local bedrock. The diamictons are estimated to form during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and an earlier glacial event, possibly between OIS 4 to 5d. Both erosional events were presumably caused by the grounding of ice shelves originating from the Laurentide ice sheet. Broader glaciological settings differed between these events as indicated by different orientations of flutes on eroded seafloor. Postglacial sedimentation evolved from iceberg-dominated environments to those controlled by sea-ice rafting and marine processes in the Holocene. A prominent minimum in planktonic foraminiferal δ 18 O is identified in deglacial sediments at an estimated age near 13,000 cal yr BP. This δ 18 O minimum, also reported elsewhere in the Amerasia Basin, is probably related to a major Laurentide meltwater pulse at the Younger Dryas onset. The Bering Strait opening is also marked in the composition of late deglacial Chukchi sediments.
Tập 67 - Trang 234-245 - 2007
Changing Patterns in the Holocene Pollen Record of Northeastern North America: A Mapped Summary By mapping the data from 62 radiocarbon-dated pollen diagrams, this paper illustrates the Holocene history of four major vegetational regions in northeastern North America. Isopoll maps, difference maps, and isochrone maps are used in order to examine the changing patterns within the data set and to study broad-scale and long-term vegetational dynamics. Isopoll maps show the distributions of spruce (Picea ), pine (Pinus ), oak (Quercus ), herb (nonarboreal pollen groups excluding Cyperaceae), and birch + maple + beech + hemlock (Betula, Acer, Fagus, Tsuga ) pollen at specified times from 11,000 BP to present. Difference maps were constructed by subtracting successive isopoll maps and illustrate the changing patterns of pollen abundances from one time to the next. The isochrone maps portray the movement of ecotones and range limits by showing their positions at a sequence of times during the Holocene. After 11,000 BP, the broad region over which spruce pollen had dominated progressively shrank as the boreal forest zone was compressed between the retreating ice margin and the rapidly westward and northward expanding region where pine was the predominant pollen type. Simultaneously, the oak-pollen-dominated deciduous forest moved up from the south and the prairie expanded eastward. By 7000 BP, the prairie had attained its maximum eastward extent with the period of its most rapid expansion evident between 10,000 and 9000 BP. Many of the trends of the early Holocene were reversed after 7000 BP with the prairie retreating westward and the boreal and other zones edging southward. In the last 500 years, man's impact on the vegetation is clearly visible, especially in the greatly expanded region dominated by herb pollen. The large scale changes before 7000 BP probably reflect shifts in the macroclimatic patterns that were themselves being modified by the retreat and disintegration of the Laurentide ice sheet. Subsequent changes in the pollen and vegetation were less dramatic than those of the early Holocene.
Tập 8 - Trang 64-96 - 1977
First Quaternary Fossil Record of Caecilians from a Mexican Archaeological Site A single vertebra from an Early Formative period archaeological site in coastal Chiapas, México, is identified as belonging to the amphibianDermophis mexicanus (Duméril and Bibron) 1841 (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliidae). The vertebra was recovered from deposits dated to approximately 1200–1350 B.C. The specimen represents the first Quaternary fossil record for gymnophiones. Its presence suggests the possible role of the species as a bioturbator. Its recovery is further evidence of the utility of fine-grained archaeological recovery techniques.
Tập 52 - Trang 138-140 - 1999