
Quaternary Research




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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Late Pleistocene Glacial Events in the Central Apennines, Italy
Tập 48 Số 3 - Trang 280-290 - 1997
Carlo Giraudi, Massimo Frezzotti
The study of glacial evidence in the Gran Sasso Massif of the Central Apennines, Italy, has allowed the last maximum advance and the subsequent stadial phases to be dated and the mean annual temperature and quantity of precipitation in the form of snow to be assessed for a number of periods. The glaciers probably reached their maximum extension (Campo Imperatore Stade) ca. 22,600 14C yr B.P. and started to retreat ca. 21,000 yr B.P., leaving behind three recessional moraines. After a first interstade (Fornaca Interstade), the Fontari Stade appears to have taken place shortly after 16,000 yr ago. Ca. 15,000 yr ago the glacier started retreating, leaving behind four more recessional moraines. An interstade (Venacquaro Interstade) preceded the Mount Aquila Stade, datable at ca. 11,000 yr B.P. A strong correlation is evident between the glacial phases on land and the isotopic variations in cores from the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Paleoclimate and growth rates of speleothems in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula over the last two glacial cycles
Tập 80 - Trang 284-290 - 2013
Heather M. Stoll, Ana Moreno, Ana Mendez-Vicente, Saul Gonzalez-Lemos, Montserrat Jimenez-Sanchez, Maria Jose Dominguez-Cuesta, R. Lawrence Edwards, Hai Cheng, Xianfeng Wang
Speleothem growth requires humid climates sufficiently warm to stimulate soil CO2 production by plants. We compile 283 U/Th dates on 21 stalagmites from six cave systems in the NW coast of Spain to evaluate if there are patterns in stalagmite growth that are evidence of climatic forcing. In the oldest stalagmites, from marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 7–5, growth persists through the glacial period. Hiatuses and major reductions in growth rate occur during extreme minima in summer insolation. Stalagmites active during the last interglaciation cease growth at the MIS 5–4 boundary (74 ka), when regional sea-surface temperature cooled significantly. During MIS 3, only two stalagmites grew; rates were highest between 50 and 60 ka during the maximum in summer insolation. One stalagmite grew briefly at 41 ka, 36.5 and 28.6 ka, all during warm phases of the Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles. A pronounced Holocene optimum in stalagmite growth occurs from 9 to 6 ka. The cessation of most growth by 4.1 ka, coincident with broad increases in aridity over the Mediterranean and areas influenced by the North African Monsoon, suggest that regions such as NW Spain, with dominant Atlantic moisture sources, also experienced increased aridity at this time.
Earliest direct evidence of monument building at the archaeological site of Nan Madol (Pohnpei, Micronesia) identified using <sup>230</sup>Th/U coral dating and geochemical sourcing of megalithic architectural stone
Tập 86 - Trang 295-303 - 2016
Mark D. McCoy, Helen A. Alderson, Richard Hemi, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards
AbstractArchaeologists commonly use the onset of the construction of large burial monuments as a material indicator of a fundamental shift in authority in prehistoric human societies during the Holocene. High-quality direct evidence of this transition is rare. We report new interdisciplinary research at the archaeological site of Nan Madol that allows us to specify where and when people began to construct monumental architecture in the remote islands of the Pacific. Nan Madol is an ancient administrative and mortuary center and the former capital of the island of Pohnpei. It was constructed over 83 ha of lagoon with artificial islets and other architecture built using columnar basalt and coral. We employed geochemical sourcing of basalt used as architectural stone and high-precision uranium-thorium series dates (230Th/U) on coral from the tomb of the first chief of the entire island to identify the beginning of monument building at Nan Madol in AD 1180-1200. Over the next several centuries (AD 1300-1600) monument building began on other islands across Oceania. Future research should be aimed at resolving the causes of these social transformations through higher quality data on monument building.
Deglaciation, basin formation and post-glacial climate change from a regional network of sediment core sites in Ohio and eastern Indiana
Tập 76 - Trang 401-410 - 2011
Katherine C. Glover, Thomas V. Lowell, Gregory C. Wiles, Donald Pair, Patrick Applegate, Irena Hajdas
AbstractMany paleoclimate and landscape change studies in the American Midwest have focused on the Late Glacial and early Holocene time periods (~ 16–11 ka), but little work has addressed landscape change in this area between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Late Glacial (~ 22–16 ka). Sediment cores were collected from 29 new lake and bog sites in Ohio and Indiana to address this gap. The basal radiocarbon dates from these cores show that initial ice retreat from the maximal last-glacial ice extent occurred by 22 ka, and numerous sites that are ~ 100 km inside this limit were exposed by 18.9 ka. Post-glacial environmental changes were identified as stratigraphic or biologic changes in select cores. The strongest signal occurs between 18.5 and 14.6 ka. These Midwestern events correspond with evidence to the northeast, suggesting that initial deglaciation of the ice sheet, and ensuing environmental changes, were episodic and rapid. Significantly, these changes predate the onset of the Bølling postglacial warming (14.8 ka) as recorded by the Greenland ice cores. Thus, deglaciation and landscape change around the southern margins of the Laurentide Ice Sheet happened ~ 7 ka before postglacial changes were felt in central Greenland.
Episodic Emergence in the Past 3000 Years at the Akkeshi Estuary, Hokkaido, Northern Japan
Tập 56 - Trang 231-241 - 2001
Yuki Sawai
AbstractAt the Akkeshi estuary, rapid emergence interrupted Holocene submergence at least four times in the past 3000 years. Each emergence event produced an upward change from estuarine mud to freshwater peat. While the estuarine mud abounds in brackish and marine diatoms, freshwater taxa dominate the peat. Emergence events occurred from 1700 to 2300, 1000 to 1300, and 500 to 700 cal yr B.P. An additional emergence event predated by several decades a volcanic ash that erupted in A.D. 1694. At least three of the events produced contacts abrupt enough to represent uplift during earthquakes. Such uplift may reconcile seemingly conflicting records of vertical crustal movement in eastern Hokkaido. This tectonically active area, which is being subducted by the Pacific plate at 8 cm/yr, contains marine terraces that imply 0.1–0.5 mm/yr of net uplift in the late Quaternary. However, these terraces adjoin tide gages that recorded 8–9 mm/yr of steady submergence in the 20th century. The terrace uplift need not conflict with the gaged submergence if the region is subject to occasional coseismic uplift, as during the emergence events implied by Holocene geology near Akkeshi.
Age and significance of the Quaternary cemented deposits of the Duje Valley (Picos de Europa, Northern Spain)
Tập 79 - Trang 1-5 - 2013
Elisa Villa, Heather Stoll, Pedro Farias, Luna Adrados, R. Lawrence Edwards, Hai Cheng
AbstractCemented calcareous breccias appear in the Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain) resting on glacially abraded surfaces and covered by moraines. U/Th dating of the calcite coating the clasts was successful in two samples, the oldest one indicating that the breccias accumulated during or prior to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11, and the youngest indicating later cementation during MIS 8. The former introduces a limit for the age of the glaciation preceding the breccias, which cannot correspond to an event younger than MIS 12. This is the oldest absolute age so far obtained for intercalated glacial/interglacial deposits of the Iberian Peninsula.
Development of the mixed conifer forest in northern New Mexico and its relationship to Holocene environmental change
Tập 69 - Trang 263-275 - 2008
R. Scott Anderson, Renata B. Jass, Jaime L. Toney, Craig D. Allen, Luz M. Cisneros-Dozal, Marcey Hess, Jeff Heikoop, Julianna Fessenden
Chihuahueños Bog (2925 m) in the Jemez Mountains of northern New Mexico contains one of the few records of late-glacial and postglacial development of the mixed conifer forest in southwestern North America. The Chihuahueños Bog record extends to over 15,000 cal yr BP. AnArtemisiasteppe, then an openPiceawoodland grew around a small pond until ca. 11,700 cal yr BP whenPinus ponderosabecame established. C/N ratios,δ13C andδ15N values indicate both terrestrial and aquatic organic matter was incorporated into the sediment. Higher percentages of aquatic algae and elevated C/N ratios indicate higher lake levels at the opening of the Holocene, but a wetland developed subsequently as climate warmed. From ca. 8500 to 6400 cal yr BP the pond desiccated in what must have been the driest period of the Holocene there. C/N ratios declined to their lowest Holocene levels, indicating intense decomposition in the sediment. Wetter conditions returned after 6400 cal yr BP, with conversion of the site to a sedge bog as groundwater levels rose. Higher charcoal influx rates after 6400 cal yr BP probably result from greater biomass production rates. Only minor shifts in the overstory species occurred during the Holocene, suggesting that mixed conifer forest dominated throughout the record.
The DeKalb mounds of northeastern Illinois as archives of deglacial history and postglacial environments
Tập 74 - Trang 82-90 - 2010
B. Brandon Curry, Michael E. Konen, Timothy H. Larson, Catherine H. Yansa, Keith C. Hackley, Helena Alexanderson, Thomas V. Lowell
AbstractThe “type” DeKalb mounds of northeastern Illinois, USA (42.0°N, −88.7°W), are formed of basal sand and gravel overlain by rhythmically bedded fines, and weathered sand and gravel. Generally from 2 to 7 m thick, the fines include abundant fossils of ostracodes and uncommon leaves and stems of tundra plants. Rare chironomid head capsules, pillclam shells, and aquatic plant macrofossils also have been observed.Radiocarbon ages on the tundra plant fossils from the “type” region range from 20,420 to 18,560 cal yr BP. Comparison of radiocarbon ages of terrestrial plants from type area ice-walled lake plains and adjacent kettle basins indicate that the topographic inversion to ice-free conditions occurred from 18,560 and 16,650 cal yr BP. Outside the “type” area, the oldest reliable age of tundra plant fossils in DeKalb mound sediment is 21,680 cal yr BP; the mound occurs on the northern arm of the Ransom Moraine (−88.5436°W, 41.5028°N). The youngest age, 16,250 cal yr BP, is associated with a mound on the Deerfield Moraine (−87.9102°W, 42.4260°N) located about 9 km east of Lake Michigan. The chronology of individual successions indicates the lakes persisted on the periglacial landscape for about 300 to 1500 yr.
Sensitivities of the equilibrium line altitude to temperature and precipitation changes along the Andes
Tập 81 - Trang 355-366 - 2014
Esteban A. Sagredo, Summer Rupper, Thomas V. Lowell
AbstractEquilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) of alpine glaciers are sensitive indicators of climate change and have been commonly used to reconstruct paleoclimates at different temporal and spatial scales. However, accurate interpretations of ELA fluctuations rely on a quantitative understanding of the sensitivity of ELAs to changes in climate. We applied a full surface energy- and mass-balance model to quantify ELA sensitivity to temperature and precipitation changes across the range of climate conditions found in the Andes. Model results show that ELA response has a strong spatial variability across the glaciated regions of South America. This spatial variability correlates with the distribution of the present-day mean climate conditions observed along the Andes. We find that ELAs respond linearly to changes in temperature, with the magnitude of the response being prescribed by the local lapse rates. ELA sensitivities to precipitation changes are nearly linear and are inversely correlated with the emissivity of the atmosphere. Temperature sensitivities are greatest in the inner tropics; precipitation becomes more important in the subtropics and northernmost mid-latitudes. These results can be considered an important step towards developing a framework for understanding past episodes of glacial fluctuations and ultimately for predicting glacier response to future climate changes.
Paleoclimatic Significance of the Mineral Magnetic Record of the Chinese Loess and Paleosols
Tập 37 Số 2 - Trang 155-170 - 1992
Barbara A. Maher, Roy Thompson
AbstractThe origins of the magnetic susceptibility variations of the Chinese loess and paleosols are explored by scanning and transmission electron microscopy of magnetic extracts, and by magnetic modeling of magnetic hysteresis data, to provide quantified estimates of the major magnetic components. Microscopy identifies several distinct size and shape characteristics in the magnetic carriers. Lithogenic magnetites, intact and abraded, dominate the coarse-grained magnetic fraction. The smallest of the coarse grains is ∼ 2 μm. The remaining magnetic materal is ultrafine in size, with two types of magnetite particles present. Type A particles strongly resemble soil magnetites produced by inorganic precipitation. Type B particles, which occur rarely, are probably bacterial in origin. Quantitative modeling of these magnetic assemblages shows that over 90% of the susceptibility variations is accounted for by the superparamagnetic magnetite component. Compared to the loess units, the paleosols are richer in magnetite, particularly of superparamagnetic size, and have a threefold higher ratio of magnetite to hematite. We identify pedogenic formation of magnetite as the major contributor to the loess magnetic record. Matching this record against other paleoclimatic records, we find an extremely high correlation with the standard 18O record. The Chinese loess sequences record a very high resolution magnetic stratigraphy directly related to changing climate.