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Microfilament bundles associated with tubular endoplasmic Reticulum in fusiform cells in the active cambial zone ofFraxinus excelsior L.
Protoplasma - Tập 116 - Trang 204-208 - 1983
Leentje Goosen-de Roo, P. D. Burggraaf, K. R. Libbenga
In the active cambium ofFraxinus excelsior L. microfilament bundles and tubular endoplasmic reticulum appear always associated with each other in the parietal cytoplasm of fusiform cells. The two associated organelles are parallel to the longitudinal cell axis. The association is absent in small, isodiametric ray cells. It is suggested that the associations are specialized structures related to the strong longitudinal cytoplasmic streaming in active elongated cells.
Progress in permeability
Protoplasma - Tập 60 - Trang 150-158 - 1965
Karl Höfler
Fine structure of resting and germinatingPenicillium chrysogenum conidiospores
Protoplasma - Tập 73 - Trang 443-456 - 1971
Elena C. McCoy, Arthur E. Girard, Joseph M. Kornfeld
The fine structure of resting and germinating conidia ofPenicillium chrysogenum has been examined by electron microscopy. In addition to enlargement of the cells, a number of changes in ultrastructure become evident as morphogenesis proceeds. The newly synthesized germ tube is continuous with the corresponding layers of the conidial wall. Some conidial wall layers, however, do not extend into the hyphal wall. Several sections showing initial septum synthesis suggest that a septal pore is not a necessary structural entity. A characteristic orientation of the initial septum formed after germination is described. Aside from numerical considerations, no significant changes occur in nuclei, mitochondria, or ribosomes. The electron micrographs illustrate the presence of spherosomes, lomasomes, and nucleoli; the possible significance of these structures is discussed.
Structural stability studies in adhesion molecules—role of cation–π interactions
Protoplasma - Tập 248 - Trang 673-682 - 2010
K. Sophiya, Anand Anbarasu
Cell adhesion molecules are important for their various roles in many cellular events and responses. In the present study, we have analyzed the roles played by cation–π interactions in the structural stability of adhesion molecules. These interactions are mainly formed by long-range contacts. The occurrence of arginine is higher than lysine to form cation–π interactions. The secondary structure preferences of interacting residues are independent of amino acid class. Cation–π interactions might stabilize the interface between the terminus and core in this class of proteins. The results obtained in the present study will be useful in understanding the contribution of cation–π interactions to the overall stability of adhesion proteins.
Melatonin activates the vascular elements, telocytes, and neuroimmune communication in the adrenal gland of Soay rams during the non-breeding season
Protoplasma - Tập 257 - Trang 353-369 - 2019
Manal T. Hussein, Doaa M. Mokhtar, A. H. S Hassan
The adrenal glands of 15 adult Soay rams were used to study the effect of melatonin on their vascular elements and cellular organization. A significant increase in the cross-sectional area of the blood sinusoids was demonstrated after melatonin administration. The vimentin-expressing mesenchymal cells were increased in the melatonin-treated group. Intensive S-100 protein expression was observed in the sustentacular cells and telocytes (TCs) of the treated groups. Moreover, S-100 protein expressed intensively in the dendritic cells that distributed around the blood sinusoids. Dendritic cells showed positive immunoreactivity for CD8 and CD103. Many dendritic cells with well-defined processes were observed close to the nerve fibers after melatonin administration. A significant increase in the number and diameter of dendritic cells after melatonin treatment was demonstrated. Many highly active TCs were observed in the medulla of the treated group, which were characterized by long telopodes (Tps) containing abundant secretory vesicles that released into the extracellular milieu and towards the dendritic cells. In the melatonin-treated groups, the nerve fibers showed a significant increase in their cross-sectional area accompanied by an increase in the activity of Schwann cells and neighboring dendritic cells. In the treated group, TCs and DCs appear to contribute to angiogenesis. A planner contact between Tps and the stem cell was demonstrated in the treated group. Melatonin induced a stimulatory action on the vascular and neuronal elements of the adrenal gland. Moreover, it enhances the activity of a variety of cells including telocytes, dendritic, sustentacular, and Schwann cells.
The liesegang phenomenon as a source of colloidal matter
Protoplasma - Tập 30 - Trang 258-264 - 2005
Maurice Copisarow
The study of the interaction of calcium chloride with sodium carbonate reveals the following facts:
Negative heterochromacy in Orthopteran chromosomes
Protoplasma - Tập 37 - Trang 314-314 - 1942
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