Progress in Orthodontics
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Biomechanical effects of Skeletally anchored Class III elastics on the maxillofacial complex: a 3D finite element analysis
Progress in Orthodontics - Tập 22 - Trang 1-12 - 2021
Although, the outcomes and changes in the maxillofacial complex after the application of intraoral bone anchored Class III elastics, have been reported by multiple clinical studies, there was no finite element study to assess and evaluate the stress pattern and displacement on maxillomandibular complex with bimaxillary anchorage. The present study aims to evaluate the biomechanical effects on maxillomandibular complex of Skeletally anchored Class III elastics with varying angulations using the 3D finite element analysis. Two 3-dimensional analytical models were developed using the Mimics 8.11 (Materialise: Leuven, Belgium) and ANSYS software Version 12.1 (ANSYS Inc, Canonsburg, PA, USA) from sequential computed tomography images taken from a Skeletal Class III subject. The models were meshed into 465,091 tetrahedral elements and 101,247 nodes. Intraoral mechanics for skeletally anchored maxillary protraction (I-SAMP) were applied on two models i.e. A and B (without and with maxillary expansion respectively) between miniplates on maxilla and mandible on both right and left sides with three different angulations of forces—10°, 20° and 30°). Although the craniomaxillary complex in both the models (A and B) displaced forward while demonstrating rotations in opposite directions, the displacements and rotations decreased gradually with the increase of the angle of load application from 10° to 30°. The mandible rotated clockwise in both the simulations, but the displacement of mandibular surface landmarks was higher in Simulation A. However, the antero-inferior displacement of the glenoid fossa was higher in Simulation B than in A. Significant displacement of maxillofacial sutures and structures was witnessed with I-SAMP with maxillary expansion and Class III elastics for correction of Skeletal Class III with maxillary retrognathism. Thus, I-SAMP with maxillary expansion is a desired protocol for treatment of maxillary retrognathism. However, the prescribed angulation of the Class III elastics should be as low as possible to maximise the desired effects.
Effect of single-dose low-level helium-neon laser irradiation on orthodontic pain: a split-mouth single-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial
Progress in Orthodontics - Tập 16 - Trang 1-7 - 2015
Pain is the most common complication of orthodontic treatment. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been suggested as a new analgesic treatment free of the adverse effects of analgesic medications. However, it is not studied thoroughly, and the available studies are quite controversial. Moreover, helium neon (He-Ne) laser has not been assessed before. This split-mouth placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial was performed on 16 male and 14 female orthodontic patients requiring bilateral upper canine retraction. The study was performed at a private clinic in Sari, Iran, in 2014. It was single blind: patients, orthodontist, and personnel were blinded of the allocations, but the laser operator (periodontist) was not blinded. Once canine retractor was activated, a randomly selected maxillary quarter received a single dose of He-Ne laser irradiation (632.8 nm, 10 mw, 6 j/cm2 density). The other quarter served as the placebo side, treated by the same device but powered off. In the first, second, fourth, and seventh days, blinded patients rated their pain sensed on each side at home using visual analog scale (VAS) questionnaires. There was no harm identified during or after the study. Pain changes were analyzed using two- and one-way repeated-measures ANOVA, Bonferroni, and t-test (α = 0.01, β > 0.99). This trial was not registered. It was self-funded by the authors. Sixteen males and 11 females remained in the study (aged 12–21). Average pain scores sensed in all 4 intervals on control and laser sides were 4.06 ± 2.85 and 2.35 ± 1.77, respectively (t-test P < 0.0001). One-way ANOVA showed significant pain declines over time, in each group (P < 0.0001). Two-way ANOVA showed significant effects for LLLT (P < 0.0001) and time (P = <0.0001). Single-dose He-Ne laser therapy might reduce orthodontic pain caused by retracting maxillary canines.
The effect of sandblasting and acid etching on survival rate of orthodontic miniscrews: a split-mouth randomized controlled trial
Progress in Orthodontics - Tập 22 - Trang 1-7 - 2021
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of surface roughening and acid etching on clinical success rate and removal and insertion torque of orthodontic miniscrews. Sixty-two orthodontic miniscrews (Jail Medical Corporation, Seoul, Korea) with the same design and dimensions (10-mm length, 2-mm diameter) are divided into two (sandblasted and acid-etched versus control) groups. The sample of the study was 31 patients whose miniscrews were needed for en masse retraction of the upper six anterior teeth. In this split-mouth study, the miniscrews were placed in the attached gingiva between the second premolar and the first molar. The side (left or right) was selected randomly. The miniscrews were loaded 6 weeks after insertion, and the patients were followed up after 3, 6, 10, 14, and 18 weeks and then for 4 weeks interval. Chi-square, correlation, and independent t tests were done using SPSS ver24 to interpret the data. The survival rate was 90.3% and 83.9% for the sandblasted and acid-etched versus the control group, respectively. The difference in survival rate was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Removal torque was higher for the sandblasted group (p < 0.05). Younger patients showed less survival rate (p < 0.05) in both groups. Insertion side, namely, left or right, was not statistically significant. Although sandblasting increased removal torque, it did not influence the survival rate of orthodontic miniscrews significantly.
Effectiveness of en masse versus two-step retraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Progress in Orthodontics - Tập 18 Số 1 - 2017
Prediction of Class II improvement after rapid maxillary expansion in early mixed dentition
Progress in Orthodontics - Tập 18 Số 1 - 2017
A retrospective analysis of factors influencing the success of autotransplanted posterior teeth
Progress in Orthodontics - Tập 16 - Trang 1-7 - 2015
Survival and success rates of tooth transplantations even after long follow-up periods have been shown to be very high. Nevertheless, it is important to analyse factors potentially influencing these rates. The aim of this study was to assess the influence on success of potential factors. The research was based on a retrospective analysis of clinical and radiological data from a sample of 59 subjects (75 transplanted teeth). The follow-up period varied from 0.44 to 12.28 years (mean 3.95 years). Success rates were calculated and depicted with Kaplan-Meier plots. Log-rank tests were used to analyse the effect of root development stage, apex width, the use of enamel matrix proteins or the surgeon on success of transplantations. Results for success of premolar transplantations were comparable with already published data, while molars performed worse than shown in other studies. The surgeon performing the transplantation (p = 0.001) and tooth type (p ≤ 0.001) were significantly associated with transplantation success. Use of enamel matrix proteins (p = 0.10), root development stage (p = 0.13), the recipient area (p = 0.48) and apex width (p = 0.59) were not significantly associated with success. Molar transplantations were not as successful as premolar transplantations; however, success rates varied greatly depending on the surgeon’s experience. The use of enamel matrix proteins as well as root development stage, the recipient area and apex width did not show significant associations with success of tooth transplantations.
3D evaluation of the morphological and volumetric changes of the tongue and oral cavity before and after orthognathic surgery for mandibular prognathism: a preliminary study
Progress in Orthodontics - - 2020
The volumetric ratio of the tongue to the oral cavity has been recognized to be one of the important factors for the maintenance of stable occlusion. Oral cavity capacity is changed after orthognathic surgery in patients with mandibular prognathism; however, the volumetric changes of the oral cavity including the tongue before and after surgery have not been analyzed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the morphological and volumetric changes of the tongue and oral cavity following orthognathic surgery using a newly developed vinyl polysiloxane impression method. The study was performed in fifteen subjects who underwent surgical orthognathic treatment. Impressions of the tongue together with the oral cavity were obtained before orthognathic surgery and 1, 3, and 6 months after orthognathic surgery. These impression patterns were scanned using cone-beam computed tomography (CT), and three-dimensional (3D) images of the oral cavity including the tongue, and the upper and lower dental arches were reconstructed. The morphological and volumetric changes in the oral cavity capacity and the tongue volume were examined. The volume of the tongue with the volume of the oral cavity decreased after orthognathic surgery. There was a correlation between the decrease in the oral cavity capacity and tongue volume. The volumetric ratio of the tongue to the oral cavity seems to be maintained before and after orthognathic surgery. VPS method, free from radiation exposure, may be useful for investigating the morphological and volumetric changes of the tongue and oral cavity, which may possibly influence the stability of the dental arch and occlusion during surgical orthodontic treatment.
Effect of pH on in vitro biocompatibility of orthodontic miniscrew implants
Progress in Orthodontics - Tập 14 - Trang 1-7 - 2013
Although the clinical use of miniscrews has been investigated on a large scale, little is known about their biocompatibility. Since low pH can affect corrosion resistance, the aim of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of orthodontic miniscrews in different pH conditions. Four orthodontic miniscrews of stainless steel and grade IV and grade V titanium were immersed in a pH 7 and pH 4 saline solution for 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 84 days. Human osteogenic sarcoma cells (U2OS), permanent human keratinocytes (HaCat), and primary human gingival fibroblasts (HGF) were exposed to eluates, and the mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity was measured after 24 h to assess the cytoxicity. The results were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test (P < 0.05). When exposed to pH 7-conditioned eluates, the cell lines showed an even greater viability than untreated cells. On the contrary, the results revealed a statistically significant decrease in U2OS, HaCat, and HGF viability after exposure to eluates obtained at pH 4. Among the cell lines tested, HGF showed the most significant decrease of mitochondrial activity. Interestingly, grade V titanium miniscrews caused highest toxic effects when immersed at pH 4. The results suggested that at pH 7, all the miniscrews are biocompatible while the eluates obtained at pH 4 showed significant cytotoxicity response. Moreover, different cell lines can produce different responses to miniscrew eluates.
Three-dimensional evaluation of maxillary tooth movement in extraction patients with three different miniscrew anchorage systems: a randomized controlled trial
Progress in Orthodontics - Tập 23 Số 1 - Trang 1-12 - 2022
To compare the three-dimensional (3-D) movement of maxillary teeth in response to three common miniscrew anchorage systems in extraction patients with maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion. The study employed a randomized controlled single-blinded design with three arms. Thirty extraction patients who required maximum anchorage to retract maxillary anterior teeth were included and randomly allocated into three treatment groups: space closure with direct miniscrew anchorage and low crimpable hooks (DL group), indirect miniscrew anchorage and low crimpable hooks (IL group), and direct miniscrew anchorage and high crimpable hooks (DH group). Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of all included patients were obtained immediately before (T0) and after (T1) space closure. The outcomes were 3-D positional changes of maxillary central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, second premolar, and first molar. The repeated measures analysis of variance with post hoc LSD test was used to evaluate differences among groups. A significant intrusion (− 1.34 mm; 95% CI, − 1.60 mm, 1.08 mm) and buccal (− 6.92°; 95% CI, − 8.67°, − 5.13°) and distal (4.90°; 95% CI, 3.75°, 6.04°) inclination of the maxillary first molars were observed in the DL group, compared to the other two groups. The mesial movement (− 0.40 mm; 95% CI, − 0.83 mm, − 0.03 mm) of the maxillary first molars was found in the IL group, while the DL (0.44 mm; 95% CI, 0.15 mm, 0.73 mm) and IL (0.62 mm; 95% CI, 0.28 mm, 0.96 mm) groups exhibited distal movement. In the DH group, the lingual inclination changes of maxillary central incisor (5.04°; 95% CI, 2.82°, 7.26°) were significantly lower, which is indicative of good lingual root torque control of the maxillary anterior teeth. Three miniscrew anchorage systems produced significantly different 3-D maxillary tooth movement. The maxillary first molars were significantly buccally and distally inclined and intruded in patients using direct miniscrew anchorages with low crimpable hooks. Direct miniscrew anchorages with high crimpable hooks could help to achieve better lingual root torque control of the maxillary incisors. Trial registration The trial was registered at (ChiCTR1900026960). Registered 27 October 2019.
Validation and reliability of a prototype orthodontic bracket debonding device equipped with force-sensitive resistor (FSR): a novel method of measuring orthodontic bracket debonding force in vivo
Progress in Orthodontics - - 2019
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