Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
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Experimental simulations of shock textures in BCC iron: implications for iron meteorites
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science - Tập 9 - Trang 1-15 - 2022
Neumann band in iron meteorites, which is deformation twins in kamacite (Fe–Ni alloy), has been known to be a characteristic texture indicating ancient collisions on parent bodies of meteorites. We conducted a series of shock recovery experiments on bcc iron with the projectile velocity at 1.5 km/s at various initial temperatures, room temperature, 670 K, and 1100 K, and conducted an annealing experiment on the shocked iron. We also conducted numerical simulations with the iSALE-2D code to investigate peak pressure and temperature distributions in the nontransparent targets. The effects of pressure and temperature on the formation and disappearance of the twins (Neumann band) were explored based on laboratory and numerical experiments. The twin was formed in the run products of the experiments conducted at room temperature and 670 K, whereas it was not observed in the run product formed by the impact at 1100 K. The present experiments combined with the numerical simulations revealed that the twin was formed by impacts with various shock pressures from 1.5–2 GPa to around 13 GPa. The twin in iron almost disappeared by annealing at 1070 K. The iron meteorites with Neumann bands were shocked at this pressure range and temperatures at least up to 670 K, and were not heated to the temperatures above 1070 K after the Neumann band formation.
The responses of the four main substitution mechanisms of H in olivine to H2O activity at 1050 °C and 3 GPa
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science - Tập 4 - Trang 1-20 - 2017
The water solubility in olivine
$$ \left({C}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}}\right) $$
has been investigated at 1050 °C and 3 GPa as a function of water activity
$$ \left({a}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}}\right) $$
at subsolidus conditions in the piston-cylinder apparatus, with
$$ {a}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}} $$
varied using H2O–NaCl fluids. Four sets of experiments were conducted to constrain the effect of
$$ {a}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}} $$
on the four main substitution mechanisms. The experiments were designed to grow olivine in situ and thus achieve global equilibrium (G-type), as opposed to hydroxylating olivine with a pre-existing point-defect structure and impurity content (M-type). Olivine grains from the experiments were analysed with polarised and unpolarised FTIR spectroscopy, and where necessary, the spectra have been deconvoluted to quantify the contribution of each substitution mechanism. Olivine buffered with magnesiowüstite produced absorbance bands at high wavenumbers ranging from 3566 to 3612 cm−1. About 50% of the total absorbance was found parallel to the a-axis, 30% parallel to the b-axis and 20% parallel to the c-axis. The total absorbance and hence water concentration in olivine follows the relationship of
$$ {C}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}}\propto {a_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}}}^2 $$
, indicating that the investigated defect must involve four H atoms substituting for one Si atom (labelled as [Si]). Forsterite buffered with enstatite produced an absorbance band exclusively aligned parallel the c-axis at 3160 cm−1. The band position, polarisation and observed
$$ {C}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}}\propto {a}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}} $$
are consistent with two H substituting for one Mg (labelled as [Mg]). Ti-doped, enstatite-buffered olivine displays absorption bands, and polarisation typical of Ti-clinohumite point defects where two H on the Si-site are charge-balanced by one Ti on a Mg-site (labelled as [Ti]). This is further supported by
$$ {C}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}}\propto {a}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}} $$
and a 1:1 relationship of molar H2O and TiO2 in these experiments. Sc-doped, enstatite-buffered experiments display a main absorption band at 3355 cm−1 with
$$ {C}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}}\propto {a_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}}}^{0.5} $$
and a positive correlation of Sc and H, indicating the coupled substitution of a trivalent cation plus a H for two Mg (labelled as [triv]). Our data demonstrate that extreme care has to be taken when inferences from experiments conducted at
$$ {a}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}}=1 $$
are applied to the mantle, where in most cases, a low
$$ {a}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}} $$
persists. In particular, the higher exponent of the [Si] substitution mechanism means that the contribution of this hydrous defect to total water content will decrease more rapidly with decreasing
$$ {a}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}} $$
than the contributions of the other substitution mechanisms. The experiments confirm previous results that the [Mg] mechanism holds an almost negligible amount of water under nearly all T-P-fO2-fH2O conditions that may be anticipated in nature. However, the small amounts of H2O we find in substituting by this mechanism are similar in the experiments on forsterite doped with either Sc or Ti to those in the undoped forsterite at equivalent
$$ {a}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}} $$
(all buffered by enstatite), confirming the assumption that, thermodynamically,
$$ {C}_{{\mathrm{H}}_2\mathrm{O}} $$
substituting by each mechanism does not depend on the water concentration that substitutes by other mechanisms.
Global and Arctic effective radiative forcing of anthropogenic gases and aerosols in MRI-ESM2.0
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science - Tập 7 - Trang 1-21 - 2020
The effective radiative forcing (ERF) of anthropogenic gases and aerosols under present-day conditions relative to preindustrial conditions is estimated using the Meteorological Research Institute Earth System Model version 2.0 (MRI-ESM2.0) as part of the Radiative Forcing Model Intercomparison Project (RFMIP) and Aerosol and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project (AerChemMIP), endorsed by the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). The global mean total anthropogenic net ERF estimate at the top of the atmosphere is 1.96 W m−2 and is composed primarily of positive forcings due to carbon dioxide (1.85 W m−2), methane (0.71 W m−2), and halocarbons (0.30 W m−2) and negative forcing due to the total aerosols (− 1.22 W m−2). The total aerosol ERF consists of 23% from aerosol-radiation interactions (− 0.32 W m−2), 71% from aerosol-cloud interactions (− 0.98 W m−2), and slightly from surface albedo changes caused by aerosols (0.08 W m−2). The ERFs due to aerosol-radiation interactions consist of opposing contributions from light-absorbing black carbon (BC) (0.25 W m−2) and from light-scattering sulfate (− 0.48 W m−2) and organic aerosols (− 0.07 W m−2) and are pronounced over emission source regions. The ERFs due to aerosol-cloud interactions (ERFaci) are prominent over the source and downwind regions, caused by increases in the number concentrations of cloud condensation nuclei and cloud droplets in low-level clouds. Concurrently, increases in the number concentration of ice crystals in high-level clouds (temperatures < –38 °C), primarily induced by anthropogenic BC aerosols, particularly over tropical convective regions, cause both substantial negative shortwave and positive longwave ERFaci values in MRI-ESM2.0. These distinct forcings largely cancel each other; however, significant longwave radiative heating of the atmosphere caused by high-level ice clouds suggests the importance of further studies on the interactions of aerosols with ice clouds. Total anthropogenic net ERFs are almost entirely positive over the Arctic due to contributions from the surface albedo reductions caused by BC. In the Arctic, BC provides the second largest contribution to the positive ERFs after carbon dioxide, suggesting a possible important role of BC in Arctic surface warming.
Boring bivalve traces in modern reef and deeper-water macroid and rhodolith beds
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science - Tập 7 - Trang 1-17 - 2020
Macroids and rhodoliths, made by encrusting acervulinid foraminifera and coralline algae, are widely recognized as bioengineers providing relatively stable microhabitats and increasing biodiversity for other species. Macroid and rhodolith beds occur in different depositional settings at various localities and bathymetries worldwide. Six case studies of macroid/rhodolith beds from 0 to 117 m water depth in the Pacific Ocean (northern Central Ryukyu Islands, French Polynesia), eastern Australia (Fraser Island, One Tree Reef, Lizard Island), and the Mediterranean Sea (southeastern Spain) show that nodules in the beds are perforated by small-sized boring bivalve traces (Gastrochaenolites). On average, boring bivalve shells (gastrochaenids and mytilids) are more slender and smaller than those living inside shallow-water rocky substrates. In the Pacific, Gastrochaena cuneiformis, Gastrochaena sp., Leiosolenus malaccanus, L. mucronatus, L. spp., and Lithophaga/Leiosolenus sp., for the first time identified below 20 m water depth, occur as juvenile forms along with rare small-sized adults. In deep-water macroids and rhodoliths the boring bivalves are larger than the shallower counterparts in which growth of juveniles is probably restrained by higher overturn rates of host nodules. In general, most boring bivalves are juveniles that grew faster than the acervulinid foraminiferal and coralline red algal hosts and rarely reached the adult stage. As a consequence of phenotypic plasticity, small-sized adults with slow growth rates coexist with juveniles. Below wave base macroids and rhodoliths had the highest amounts of bioerosion, mainly produced by sponges and polychaete worms. These modern observations provide bases for paleobiological inferences in fossil occurrences.
Xác định các quy trình và lĩnh vực chính trong tương tác giữa khí hậu và hệ thống kinh tế xã hội: một bài tổng quan hướng tới việc tích hợp hệ thống Trái đất – con người Dịch bởi AI
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science - Tập 8 - Trang 1-23 - 2021
Để xác định các quy trình và lĩnh vực chính liên quan đến sự tương tác giữa Trái đất và hệ thống kinh tế xã hội, chúng tôi xem xét các nghiên cứu hiện có về các quy trình/lĩnh vực mà qua đó khí hậu ảnh hưởng tới hệ thống kinh tế xã hội, từ đó ảnh hưởng trở lại đến khí hậu. Đối với mỗi quy trình/lĩnh vực, chúng tôi xem xét các tác động vật lý và sinh thái trực tiếp và, nếu có, tác động đến kinh tế và phát thải khí nhà kính (GHG). Dựa trên bài tổng quan này, lĩnh vực đất được xác định là quy trình có tác động đáng kể nhất đến phát thải GHG, trong khi năng suất lao động có tác động lớn nhất đến tổng sản phẩm quốc nội (GDP). Mặt khác, lĩnh vực năng lượng, do sự gia tăng nhu cầu về làm mát, sẽ có tác động làm tăng phát thải GHG. Tài nguyên nước, sự gia tăng mực nước biển, thảm họa thiên nhiên, các dịch vụ hệ sinh thái, và các bệnh tật cũng cho thấy tiềm năng có ảnh hưởng đáng kể đến phát thải GHG và GDP, mặc dù đối với hầu hết các yếu tố này, một tác động lớn chỉ được báo cáo bởi một số lượng nghiên cứu hạn chế. Vì vậy, cần có thêm nhiều nghiên cứu để xác minh ảnh hưởng của chúng từ góc độ phản hồi đến khí hậu. Ngoài ra, mặc dù thiệt hại kinh tế phát sinh từ di cư và xung đột là không chắc chắn, nhưng chúng nên được coi là những quy trình có thể gây hại.
Mineralogical and physico-chemical properties of halloysite-bearing slip surface material from a landslide during the 2018 Eastern Iburi earthquake, Hokkaido
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science - - 2021
Destructive landslides were triggered by the 6.7 Mw Eastern Iburi earthquake that struck southern Hokkaido, Japan, on 6 September 2018. Heavy rainfall on 4 September in addition to intermittent rainfall around the Iburi Tobu area saturated and weakened the slope-forming materials (mostly altered volcanoclastic soils), making them susceptible to failure because of the earthquake’s strong ground motion. Most of the shallow landslides exhibited long runouts along gentle hill slopes, with characteristic halloysite-bearing slip surface at the base of the volcanic soils. This study investigated the mineralogical and physico-chemical properties of the slip surface material with the aim of understanding weakening and post-failure behaviors during the landslides. Halloysite in the slip surface had irregular-to-hollow-spherical morphology with higher mesopore volumes than tubular halloysite, which is related to a high capacity for water retention after rainfall. To reproduce possible chemical changes in the slip surface during rainfall, the sample was immersed in varying amounts of rainwater; solution pH increased and ionic strength decreased with increasing water content. These findings, alongside electrophoretic analysis, suggest that rainwater infiltration could have increased the absolute zeta potential value of the slip surface material. It is suggested that rainfall before the earthquake enhanced the colloidal stability of halloysite particles within the slip surface, owing to an increase in electrostatic repulsion. This decreased the material’s cohesive strength, which might have led to destabilization of the slope during ground shaking generated by the earthquake, and subsequent high-mobility flow after failure.
Detection of repeating earthquakes and their application in characterizing slow fault slip
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science - Tập 6 - Trang 1-21 - 2019
Repeating earthquakes (repeaters) that rupture the same fault area (patch) are interpreted to be caused by repeated accumulation and release of stress on the seismic patch in a creeping area. This relationship between repeaters with fault creep can be exploited for tracking the fault creep (slow slip) based on the repeaters’ activity. In other words, the repeaters can be used as creepmeters embedded on a fault. To do this, it is fundamentally important to select earthquakes that definitely re-rupture in the same area. The selections are usually done based on waveform similarity or hypocenter location. In hypocenter-location based detection, the precision of the relative location compared with the dimension of earthquake sources is critical for confirming the co-location of the source area. On the other hand, waveform-similarity-based detection needs to use appropriate parameters including high enough frequency components to distinguish neighboring sources. Inter-event timing (recurrence interval) and/or the duration of a sequence’s activity are good diagnostic features for finding appropriate detection parameters and eliminating non-repeating events, which are important because an inappropriate selection leads to including triggered sequences that do not re-rupture the same area. Repeaters provide an independent estimation of creep from geodetic data and such estimations are mostly in good agreement when both kinds of data are available. Repeater data are especially useful in the deeper part of strike-slip faults and in near-trench areas of subduction zones where geodetic data’s resolution is usually limited. The repeaters also have an advantage with geodetic data analysis because they are not contaminated by viscoelastic deformation or poroelastic rebound which are prominent postseismic process for large earthquakes and occur outside of faults. On the other hand, the disadvantages of repeater analysis include their uneven spatial distribution and the uncertainty of the estimates of slip amount requiring a scaling relationship between earthquake size and slip. There are considerable variations in the inferred slip amounts from different relationships. Applications of repeater analysis illuminate the spatial distribution of interplate stable slip, after slip, and spontaneous and cyclic slow slip events that represent important components of interplate slip processes in addition to major earthquakes.
Climate, vegetation and fire history during the past 18,000 years, recorded in high altitude lacustrine sediments on the Sanetti Plateau, Bale Mountains (Ethiopia)
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science - Tập 9 - Trang 1-19 - 2022
Low-altitude lakes in eastern Africa have long been investigated and have provided valuable information about the Late Quaternary paleohydrological evolution, such as the African Humid Period. However, records often suffer from poor age control, resolution, and/or ambiguous proxy interpretation, and only little focus has been put on high-altitude regions despite their sensitivity to global, regional, and local climate change phenomena. Here we report on Last Glacial environmental fluctuations at about 4000 m asl on the Sanetti Plateau in the Bale Mountains (SE Ethiopia), based on biogeochemical and palynological analyses of laminated lacustrine sediments. After deglaciation at about 18 cal kyr BP, a steppe-like herb-rich grassland with maximum Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae and Plantago existed. Between 16.6 and 15.7 cal kyr BP, conditions were dry with a desiccation layer at ~ 16.3 cal kyr BP, documenting a temporary phase of maximum aridity on the plateau. While that local event lasted for only a few decades, concentrations of various elements (e.g. Zr, HF, Nb, Nd, and Na) started to increase and reached a maximum at ~ 15.8–15.7 cal kyr BP. We interpret those elements to reflect allochthonous, aeolian dust input via dry northerly winds and increasingly arid conditions in the lowlands. We suggest an abrupt versus delayed response at high and low altitudes, respectively, in response to Northern Hemispheric cooling events (the Heinrich Event 1). The delayed response at low altitudes might be caused by slow negative vegetation and monsoon feedbacks that make the ecosystem somewhat resilient. At ~ 15.7 cal kyr BP, our record shows an abrupt onset of the African Humid Period, almost 1000 years before the onset of the Bølling–Allerød warming in the North-Atlantic region, and about 300 years earlier than in the Lake Tana region. Erica pollen increased significantly between 14.4 and 13.6 cal kyr BP in agreement with periodically wet and regionally warm conditions. Similarly, intense fire events, documented by increased black carbon, correlate with wet and warm environmental conditions that promote the growth of Erica shrubs. This allows to conclude that biomass and thus fuel availability is one important factor controlling fire events in the Bale Mountains.
Phân bố sinh vật không nhân độc đáo theo phương thẳng đứng trong nước ngầm ở các môi trường địa chất trầm tích sâu ở Hokkaido, Nhật Bản Dịch bởi AI
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science - Tập 11 - Trang 1-13 - 2024
Mục đích của nghiên cứu này là làm rõ sự phân bố sinh vật không nhân theo phương thẳng đứng trong nước ngầm ở môi trường trầm tích dưới đất với cấu trúc địa chất phức tạp. Sáu mẫu nước ngầm đã được thu thập từ một giếng khoan sâu 1200 m ở ven biển, nơi các lớp đất được hình thành giữa 2,3 và 1,5 triệu năm trước tại Horonobe, Hokkaido, Nhật Bản. Dãy lớp đất nghiên cứu được chia thành ba vùng theo phương thẳng đứng, được phân loại hóa học địa chất dựa trên hàm lượng ion clorua và các đồng vị ổn định của nước. Vùng trên cùng (UZ; sâu hơn 500 m) chủ yếu chứa nước ngọt được cung cấp bởi nước mưa thấm xuống, vùng nước congênit (CWZ; sâu hơn 790 m) chứa nước biển cổ, và vùng khuếch tán (DZ; độ sâu 500–790 m), nằm giữa UZ và CWZ. Sự biến động về mật độ và thành phần của sinh vật không nhân đã được quan sát thấy trong ba vùng này. Mật độ sinh vật không nhân giảm dần từ UZ tới DZ, và mật độ của DZ thấp hơn hai bậc độ lớn so với UZ và CWZ. Hoạt động sinh vật không nhân cao được quan sát trong CWZ dưới DZ. Sự mở rộng theo chiều dọc của sự phân bố sinh vật không nhân từ CWZ, nơi tiềm năng sinh vật không nhân cao được biểu thị bởi khối lượng sinh khối có thể duy trì gần như tương đương với môi trường biển, có thể đã xảy ra trên một quy mô thời gian địa chất từ 80 nghìn năm đến 1,3 triệu năm, theo như tuổi nước ngầm của DZ. DZ là vùng mà hóa học địa chất đã thay đổi một cách mạnh mẽ do sự pha trộn của nước mưa thấm xuống và sự khuếch tán của nước biển cổ sâu, bảo tồn một môi trường dưới đất độc đáo. Khu vực trộn hóa học này có thể được coi là vùng đệm cho sinh vật không nhân nhằm ngăn chặn sự mở rộng của mật độ và hoạt động sinh vật không nhân do khuếch tán và sự phát triển tại chỗ từ cả phía trên và phía dưới các vùng này, điều này được dự kiến sẽ được duy trì trong khoảng thời gian địa chất. Vùng này được coi là quan trọng cho việc sử dụng không gian dưới đất trong môi trường dưới đất sâu của cung đảo.
ESR signal intensity of quartz in the fine-silt fraction of riverbed sediments from the Yangtze River: a provenance tracer for suspended particulate matter
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science - Tập 4 - Trang 1-22 - 2017
The Asian summer monsoon exerts a strong influence on the hydrologic cycle in East Asia. Moreover, the distribution of heavy precipitation in the Yangtze River basin, which covers a large area of South China, is sensitive to changes in monsoon intensity. Thus, the paleo-distribution of heavy precipitation in the Yangtze basin is key in reconstructing the paleo-monsoon intensity. In this study, we established proxies for distinguishing sediments from the northwestern and southeastern parts of the Yangtze River basin, with the goal of using them to reconstruct the paleo-distribution of heavy precipitation in the basin based on changes in the provenance of detrital sediments, as determined using sediment records at the river mouth. The proxies included the electron spin resonance (ESR) signal intensity and the crystallinity index (CI) of quartz in modern riverbed sediments along the mainstream and tributaries of the Yangtze River. The data revealed that the fine-silt fraction of the sediments (which represents suspended particulate matter, SPM) from each major tributary can be distinguished on the basis of ESR signal intensity and CI values. The values for each tributary reflect the age and type of bedrock in the tributary basin and show distinct regional variations according to the distribution of geological blocks within the Yangtze basin. In addition, the analyzed ESR signal intensity and CI values of the fine-silt fraction of riverbed sediments below mainstream–tributary junctions agree well with values calculated according to a simple mixing model of SPM discharged from the tributaries and the mainstream.
Tổng số: 415
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