Postgraduate Medical Journal
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The metabolic syndrome (MetS) represents a combination of cardiometabolic risk determinants including obesity (central adiposity), insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, dyslipidaemia, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and hypertension. MetS is rapidly increasing in prevalence worldwide as a consequence of the continued obesity “epidemic”, and as a result will have a considerable impact on the global incidence of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Currently, there is debate concerning whether the risk of cardiovascular disease is greater in patients diagnosed with MetS than that of the sum of the individual risk factors. At present, no unifying origin that can explain the pathogenesis of MetS has been identified and therefore no unique pharmacological treatment is available. This review summarises and critically evaluates the current clinical and scientific evidence supporting the existence of MetS as a multifactorial endocrine disease, for which maternal nutrition may be a common pathogenic mechanism. In addition, we suggest that ectopic fat accumulation (such as visceral and hepatic fat accumulation) and the proinflammatory state are central to the development of the MetS.
To assess 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) concentrations in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and to study the relationship, if any, between vitamin D concentration and bone disease.
Consecutive patients with diagnosed primary hyperparathyroidism were enrolled in the study. Clinical and biochemical details, including serum calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 25OHD levels, were recorded. An abbreviated skeletal survey and preoperative localisation with ultrasound/CT scan of the neck and tetrofosmin/technetium-99m hexakis(2-methoxyisobutylisonitrile) parathyroid scan was performed.
39 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism were identified (mean (SD) age 38.4 (15.0) years (range 12–72)). The most common presenting features were bone pain (80%), fatigue (80%) and proximal muscle weakness (78%). Brown tumours were present in 58% of cases, renal calculi in 42% and nephrocalcinosis in 12%. The mean (SD) corrected serum calcium concentration was 12.47 (1.58) mg/dl (3.2 (0.4) mmol/l). Serum 25OHD concentration was <5 ng/ml in 11 patients (28%), 5–10 ng/ml in nine (23%), 10–20 ng/ml in 14 (36%), and >20 ng/ml in five (13%). Serum alkaline phosphatase, PTH and gland weight were higher, whereas serum 25OHD was lower, in patients with skeletal disease. Patients with 25OHD concentrations ⩽10 ng/ml had higher body mass index, lower postoperative calcium and higher postoperative PTH. There was a significant correlation between serum calcium and adenoma weight.
The profile of patients with diagnosed primary hyperparathyroidism does not seem to have changed over the last decade. Parathyroid gland weight was found to correlate with serum calcium and PTH.
Continuous professional development (CPD) for Danish general practitioners (GPs) is voluntary and based on funded accredited activities. There is an ongoing discussion on how to improve this current system by introducing mandatory elements. To inform this debate, we set out to identify GPs’ current use of CPD and to explore the motives behind their choices.
A mixed-methods study with a combined qualitative and quantitative approach was used. In 2012, two focus group interviews were conducted, followed up the same year by an online questionnaire sent to 1079 randomly chosen Danish GPs.
Focus groups: CPD activities are chosen based on personal needs analysis, and in order to be professionally updated, to meet engaged colleagues and to prevent burnout. GPs also attend CPD to assess their own pre-existing level of competence. CPD activities need to be experienced as being both meaningful and relevant in order to have an impact. Questionnaire: The response rate was 686/1079 (63%). GPs spend on average 10.5 days per year on accredited, voluntary CPD activities. Workplace-related CPD activities and practice-based small group learning played a significant role. The main motivation for choice of CPD activities included academic interest, experience of patient-related problems in their own surgeries and medical topics where the GPs felt insufficiently confident.
Danish GPs are frequent users of voluntary accredited CPD. Their CPD choices are motivated by topics strengthening their professional capacity and preventing burnout. There would seem to be no need for a mandatory system.
Probiotics (usually lactobacilli and bifidobacteria) and prebiotics (non-digestible oligosaccharides) have been shown to be useful in preventing certain disease conditions as well as possibly promoting specific aspects of health. In the present review, the evidence from clinical trials for benefits from probiotics and prebiotics to elderly populations is presented and discussed, specifically in respect of three common conditions found in the elderly. Both probiotics and prebiotics may be helpful in malnutrition, particularly in lactose intolerance and calcium absorption, and in constipation. Probiotics have been shown clearly to boost immunity in the elderly, but the clinical significance of this remains to be clarified. These results are encouraging, and further large scale studies seem justified to establish the place of probiotic and prebiotic supplements in elderly subjects.
Communication failures in healthcare teams are associated with medical errors and negative health outcomes. These findings have increased emphasis on training future health professionals to work effectively within teams. The Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) communication training model, widely employed to train healthcare teams, has been less commonly used to train student interprofessional teams. The present study reports the effectiveness of a simulation-based interprofessional TeamSTEPPS training in impacting student attitudes, knowledge and skills around interprofessional communication.
Three hundred and six fourth-year medical, third-year nursing, second-year pharmacy and second-year physician assistant students took part in a 4 h training that included a 1 h TeamSTEPPS didactic session and three 1 h team simulation and feedback sessions. Students worked in groups balanced by a professional programme in a self-selected focal area (adult acute, paediatric, obstetrics). Preassessments and postassessments were used for examining attitudes, beliefs and reported opportunities to observe or participate in team communication behaviours.
One hundred and forty-nine students (48.7%) completed the preassessments and postassessments. Significant differences were found for attitudes toward team communication (p<0.001), motivation (p<0.001), utility of training (p<0.001) and self-efficacy (p=0.005). Significant attitudinal shifts for TeamSTEPPS skills included, team structure (p=0.002), situation monitoring (p<0.001), mutual support (p=0.003) and communication (p=0.002). Significant shifts were reported for knowledge of TeamSTEPPS (p<0.001), advocating for patients (p<0.001) and communicating in interprofessional teams (p<0.001).
Effective team communication is important in patient safety. We demonstrate positive attitudinal and knowledge effects in a large-scale interprofessional TeamSTEPPS-based training involving four student professions.
This study describes, in detail, the phenotype of late-onset retinal macular degeneration (L-ORMD) an inherited condition affecting both the retina and anterior segment. A staging based on clinical characteristics is proposed, and the relevance of this condition to current understanding of age-related macular degeneration is discussed.
A systematic review of the literature regarding this condition supports a detailed description of the natural history. Clinical experiences in identifying, monitoring and managing patients are also presented.
L-ORMD is a rare fully penetrant autosomal dominant condition resulting from a mutation in the C1QTNF5 gene on chromosome 11. Affected individuals develop bilateral loss of vision, dark-adaptation abnormalities, fundus drusen-like yellow spots, midperipheral pigmentation, choroidal neovascularisation, chorioretinal atrophy and long anteriorly inserted lens zonules. Patients may benefit from treatment with high-dose vitamin A.
Raised awareness of L-ORMD should lead to earlier diagnosis and improved care for patients. New antivascular endothelial growth factor treatment may provide a new possibility for management. A deeper insight into molecular and genetic mechanisms of L-ORMD may suggest avenues to explore new treatments of this disorder.
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