
Population Ecology

SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1996,1999-2023)




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Springer Japan , WILEY

Lĩnh vực:
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Iσ‐Index, a measure of dispersion of individuals
- 1962
Masaaki Morisita
Conclusion and summary

As the Iσ‐index is neither affected by the mean per sample unit except for regular distribution nor standing on the assumption of any definite type of contagious distribution, it may have the most wide range of application among the ones hitherto deviced for measuring the dispersion of individuals in a population. The relations of the Iσ‐index to ,k of negative binomial distribution and N of binomial distribution as well as the new dispersion index, IB, given in this paper may serve, if necessary, for the analysis of data in the ecological works.

The estimation of population size, migration rates and survival in a stratified population
- 1973
A. N. Arnason

Estimates of survival, migration rates, and population size are developed for a triple catch marking experiment on n (n>‐2) areas with migration among all areas and death in all areas occurring, but no recruitment (birth). This repressents the extension to three sampling times of the method ofChapman andJunge (1956) for estimates in a stratified population. The method is further extented to allow for ‘losses on capture’.

Measurement of non‐randomness in spatial distributions
Tập 8 Số 1 - Trang 1-7 - 1966
Roger H. Green

The measurement of departure from randomness in spatial distributions has widespread application in ecological work. Several “indices of non‐randomness” are compared with regard to their dependence on sample number, sample size and density. Criteria for the best choice of index for specific situations are discussed. A new coefficient Cx is proposed for use with positively contagious distributions and tests of significance are given. When Cx and another index (S2/m−1) are used for positive and negative contagion respectively, values ranging from −1 through 0 (random) to +1 are obtained, regardless of sample number, sample size or density.

Competitive exclusion through reproductive interference
Tập 34 Số 2 - Trang 275-284 - 1992
Eizi Kuno

A simple differential equation model was developed to describe the competitive interaction that may occur between species through reproductive interference. The model has the form comparable to Volterra's competition equations, and the graphical analysis of the outcome of the two‐species interaction based on its zero‐growth isoclines proved that: (1) The possible outcome in this model, as in usual models of resource competition, is either stable coexistence of both species or gradual exclusion of one species by the other, depending critically upon the values of the activity overlapping coefficient cij; (2) but, for the same cij‐values, competitive exclusion is much more ready to occur here than in resource competition; (3) and moreover, the final result of the competition is always dependent on the initial‐condition due to its non‐linear isoclines, i.e., even under the parameter condition that generally allows both species to coexist, an extreme bias in intial density to one species can readily cause subsequent complete exclusion of its counterparts. Thus, it may follow that the reproductive interference is likely to be working in nature as an efficient mechanism to bring about habitat partitioning in either time or space between some closely related species in insect communities, even though they inhabit heterogeneous habitats where resource competition rarely occurs so that they could otherwise attain steady coexistence.

Quantitative evaluation of predation by spiders on the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler, by a sight‐count method
- 1972
Keizi Kiritani, Sachio Kawahara, Takafumi Sasaba, Fusao Nakasuji

A sight‐count method for evaluation of predation by spiders on the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps was proposed and its applicability was tested under natural conditions.

The number (n) of leafhoppers preyed on by spiders per rice hill per day was estimated by the formula: urn:x-wiley:14383896:pope0187:equation:pope0187-math-0001 where F is the frequency of predation observed per hill:P is given by dividing the time spent feeding on prey by 24 hours; and C refers to the total amount of feeding activity expressed in terms of the activity during the standard time interval. The total number (N) of prey attacked during the specified period can be given as follows: urn:x-wiley:14383896:pope0187:equation:pope0187-math-0002

With this method, the role of paddy‐inhabiting spiders, Lycosa pseudoannulata, Oedothorax insecticeps, Tetragnatha spp, and Enoplognatha japonica, as predator of N. cincticeps was evaluated with reference to life tables of the prey.

The advantages and limitation of the sight‐count method were discussed as compared with other methods so far proposed.

Infochemically mediated tritrophic interaction webs on cabbage plants
Tập 43 Số 1 - Trang 23-29 - 2001
Kaori Shiojiri, Junji Takabayashi, Shuichi Yano, Akio Takafuji

In response to damage by herbivores, plants are known to emit infochemicals that enhance the effectiveness of insect parasitoids. Studies on plant–parasitoid interactions mediated by such infochemicals have focused on the tritrophic systems in which plants are infested by a single herbivore species. In natural ecosystems, however, plants are often simultaneously infested by several herbivorous species. The present study focuses on two herbivorous species that simultaneously attack crucifer plants and their respective parasitic wasps. We first show the specific responses of the two specialist parasitic wasps [Cotesia plutellae and C. glomerata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)] to infochemicals originating from cabbage plants (Brassica oleracea cv. Sikidori) infested by each of their respective host larvae [Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) and Pieris rapae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)]. We then coupled the two tritrophic systems on the same cabbage plants. These experiments demonstrated the presence of indirect interactions between the two species of herbivores. Overall, the results indicate the presence of infochemically mediated tritrophic interaction webs on a single plant.

Biodiversity and community structure of temperate butterfly species within a gradient of human disturbance: An analysis based on the concept of generalist vs. Specialist strategies
Tập 36 Số 2 - Trang 187-199 - 1994
Masahiko Kitahara, Koichi Fujii

We monitored nine butterfly communities with varying degrees of human disturbance by conducting a census twice a month during 1980 by the line transect method in and around Tsukuba City, central Japan. We analyzed the biodiversity and community structures using the generalist/specialist concept. The site (community) order based on decreasing human disturbance was positively correlated with butterfly species diversity (H′), species richness (the total number of species), and the number of specialist species in a community, but not with the number of generalist species. The number of generalist species was rather constant, irrespective of the degree of human disturbance. Thus, both the butterfly species diversity and species richness were more dependent on the specialists than the generalists. Our analyses also showed that the generalist species were distributed widely over the communities, and they maintained high population densities, resulting in high rank status in abundance in a community, with more spatial variation in density per species. Specialist species showed the opposite trends. These results demonstrate that the generalist/specialist concept is a powerful tool applicable to analyse the biodiversity and structure of natural communities.

A new method of sequential sampling to obtain the population estimates with a fixed level of precision
Tập 11 Số 2 - Trang 127-136 - 1969
Eizi Kuno

A simple method of sequential sampling is developed which would make it automatically possible to secure, without excess sampling, a predetermined level of precision for a series of population estimates being required. It appears to have wide application to sampling field populations under various situations since it is simply based upon the relationship of variance to mean for which a comprehensive formula deduced for biological populations from the linearity in the regression of mean crowding on mean density could be adopted. Some problems that may arise in practical application of the method are also discussed.

A comparison of species diversity estimators
Tập 41 Số 2 - Trang 203-215 - 1999
David Mouillot, Alain Leprêtre

Although having been much criticized, diversity indices are still widely used in animal and plant ecology to evaluate, survey, and conserve ecosystems. It is possible to quantify biodiversity by using estimators for which statistical characteristics and performance are, as yet, poorly defined. In the present study, four of the most frequently used diversity indices were compared: the Shannon index, the Simpson index, the Camargo eveness index, and the Pielou regularity index. Comparisons were performed by simulating the Zipf–Mandelbrot parametric model and estimating three statistics of these indices, i.e., the relative bias, the coefficient of variation, and the relative root‐mean‐squared error. Analysis of variance was used to determine which of the factors contributed most to the observed variation in the four diversity estimators: abundance distribution model or sample size. The results have revealed that the Camargo eveness index tends to demonstrate a high bias and a large relative root‐mean‐squared error whereas the Simpson index is least biased and the Shannon index shows a smaller relative root‐mean‐squared error, regardless of the abundance distribution model used and even when sample size is small. Shannon and Pielou estimators are sensitive to changes in species abundance pattern and present a nonnegligible bias for small sample sizes (<1000 individuals).