Population Ecology

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Contributions of three-site mutations in acetylcholinesterase and cytochrome P450 to genetic variation in susceptibility to organophosphate insecticides within a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster
Population Ecology - Tập 52 Số 1 - Trang 159-169 - 2010
Miyo, Takahiro, Oguma, Yuzuru
In this study, we attempted to elucidate the two resistance factors conferring resistance to organophosphates within the Katsunuma population of Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen), one of which has been mapped on the second chromosome and the other on the third chromosome. With regard to the second chromosome factor, we tested susceptibility to malathion of 54 recombinant inbred lines with recombination between ltd and vg. Analyses of variance (ANOVAs) showed highly significant variation in susceptibility to malathion between recombinant lines. In addition, susceptibility of the second-chromosome resistant line to malathion was increased with additional application of piperonyl butoxide, suggesting a member of the Cyp gene family located between ltd and vg. With regard to the third-chromosome factor, we conducted inhibition assays of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with respect to fenitroxon and carbaryl, to evaluate the contribution of mutated AChE to organophosphate resistance within the Katsunuma population. I 50 values of resistant lines, isolated from this population, were about 15 times higher for fenitroxon, and about two times higher for carbaryl, than those of susceptible lines, suggesting the contribution of mutated AChE to organophosphate resistance within the Katsunuma population. We further investigated the genetic variation in the acetylcholinesterase (Ace) gene within the newly collected Katsunuma population, by using the allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach, and revealed that within this population there were high frequencies of resistant-type mutations at three sites in the Ace gene, which play critical roles in altering sensitivity of AChE to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides.
A comparison of species diversity estimators
Population Ecology - Tập 41 Số 2 - Trang 203-215 - 1999
David Mouillot, Alain Leprêtre

Although having been much criticized, diversity indices are still widely used in animal and plant ecology to evaluate, survey, and conserve ecosystems. It is possible to quantify biodiversity by using estimators for which statistical characteristics and performance are, as yet, poorly defined. In the present study, four of the most frequently used diversity indices were compared: the Shannon index, the Simpson index, the Camargo eveness index, and the Pielou regularity index. Comparisons were performed by simulating the Zipf–Mandelbrot parametric model and estimating three statistics of these indices, i.e., the relative bias, the coefficient of variation, and the relative root‐mean‐squared error. Analysis of variance was used to determine which of the factors contributed most to the observed variation in the four diversity estimators: abundance distribution model or sample size. The results have revealed that the Camargo eveness index tends to demonstrate a high bias and a large relative root‐mean‐squared error whereas the Simpson index is least biased and the Shannon index shows a smaller relative root‐mean‐squared error, regardless of the abundance distribution model used and even when sample size is small. Shannon and Pielou estimators are sensitive to changes in species abundance pattern and present a nonnegligible bias for small sample sizes (<1000 individuals).

Evolution of apomixis as a strategy of colonization in the dioecious species Lindera glauca (Lauraceae)
Population Ecology - Tập 44 - Trang 0293-0297 - 2002
Y. L. Dupont
 I have investigated the reproductive biology of four dioecious species of Lindera in Japan: Lindera obtusiloba Bl., L. umbellata Thunb., L. erythrocarpa Makino, and L. glauca Bl. The sex ratios in populations of the first three species are close to equality, but in L. glauca only female individuals are found in Japan, although males are known from continental Asia. The persistence of this dioecious species in the absence of males is surprising, and prompts the question: What mechanisms operate to ameliorate problems of colonization in species of Lindera? I carried out bagging experiments in order to test for apomixis (asexual reproduction by seeds) and to establish the importance of pollination and fertilization, and potential pollen vectors. Only L. glauca reproduced by apomixis. Level of fruit set was high, and was not affected by pollination. In the other three species, seed set was entirely dependent on pollen transfer, which could be accomplished by small Coleoptera and Diptera. The evolution of apomixis in L. glauca appears to have been a strategy to overcome sterility and establish a population in the Japanese islands even in the absence of males. However, this change in breeding system has not occurred in congeneric, co-occurring species, which do not seem to have experienced a lack of male plants.
A laboratory study on the predatory mite, Typhlodromus pyri (Acarina: Phytoseiidae). II The effect of temperature and prey consumption on the numerical reponse of adult females
Population Ecology - Tập 30 Số 1 - Trang 13-24 - 1988
A. J. Hayes

The numerical response of adult female T. pyri feeding on different levels of ERM larvae, and at a range of temperatures was examined. The duration of the pre‐oviposition period decreased as larval consumption increased, and the rate of oviposition was linearly related to the rate of consumption of larvae. Mathematical models were used to describe these relationships in terms of temperature and consumption of ERM larvae. The results were discussed in relation to the nature of the T. pyri/ERM interaction in New Zealand apple orchards.

Different population responses of three sympatric rodent species to acorn masting—the role of tannin tolerance
Population Ecology - Tập 59 - Trang 29-43 - 2017
Rokuya Onodera, Yuka Akimoto, Takuya Shimada, Takashi Saitoh
Rodent population dynamics are predicted to respond positively to the masting of acorns, but diverging results have been published. This study tested the hypothesis that population responses to acorn masting vary depending on differences in the tolerance to tannins of different rodent species. The effects of acorn abundance on the rodent population densities were analyzed using a dataset obtained in Hokkaido, Japan. Specifically, population fluctuations of three rodent species (Apodemus speciosus, A. argenteus, and Myodes rufocanus) and the abundance of Quercus crispula acorns have been monitored since 1992. Acorn production in previous years had a positive effect on the annual population growth rates of A. speciosus; however, this trend was not clear in the other two species. Tannin tolerance, assessed by body weight changes in an acorn feeding experiment, exhibited clear differences among the rodent species; namely, the body weight of A. speciosus increased, whereas that of the other two species decreased. The observed responses to acorn masting of populations of the three sympatric rodent species reflected tannin tolerance. It suggests that only populations of species with high tannin tolerance positively respond to acorn masting. Previous studies tend to overlook species-specific abilities of coping with tannins in acorns. Our results emphasize the necessity of evaluating the tannin tolerance of rodents and the tannin content of acorns to understand how rodent population dynamics and acorn production are related.
Sự biến động dân số và sự duy trì của các hệ thống một ký sinh chủ – hai ký sinh tùy thuộc vào phân bố tài nguyên: từ hành vi ký sinh đến động thái quần thể Dịch bởi AI
Population Ecology - - 1999
Muneaki Shimada
Tóm tắt

Động lực học quần thể và độ biến động được nghiên cứu trong các hệ thống thí nghiệm một ký sinh chủ – hai ký sinh với các phân bố tài nguyên khác nhau: điều kiện tài nguyên tụ tập và điều kiện tài nguyên thưa thớt. Hệ thống bao gồm một loài bọ hạt chủ, Callosobruchus chinensis, và hai loài ký sinh trùng ong, Anisopteromalus calandrae (Pteromalidae) và Heterospilus prosopidis (Braconidae). Trong điều kiện tài nguyên tụ tập, các ký sinh chủ phù hợp cho ký sinh (giai đoạn sâu muộn thứ tư và nhộng) tập trung trong một mảng tài nguyên lớn, nhưng chúng phân tán đồng đều trong 16 mảng nhỏ trong điều kiện tài nguyên thưa thớt. Các cuộc thống kê quần thể được thực hiện cách nhau 10 ngày trong các nền văn hóa dài hạn, đổi mới 10 gram đậu azuki (Vigna angularis). Trong cả hai điều kiện tài nguyên, giai đoạn đầu tiên là hệ thống một loài của C. chinensis mà thôi, và A. calandrae được thêm vào trong giai đoạn thứ hai. Hệ thống một ký sinh chủ – một ký sinh trùng với C. chinensisA. calandrae cho thấy động lực học quần thể ổn định với những biến động nhỏ. Sau khi thêm H. prosopidis trong giai đoạn thứ ba, hai trong ba lần lặp lại vẫn tồn tại đến ngày 800 trong mỗi điều kiện tài nguyên, mặc dù một lần lặp lại trong mỗi trường hợp đã tuyệt chủng khi có sự bùng phát ngay lập tức của quần thể H. prosopidis sau khi giới thiệu. Độ biến động quần thể của C. chinensisH. prosopidis cao hơn đáng kể và kích thước quần thể trung bình của A. calandrae nhỏ hơn đáng kể trong điều kiện tài nguyên thưa thớt so với điều kiện tài nguyên tụ tập. Một thí nghiệm ngắn hạn về hiệu suất ký sinh cho thấy H. prosopidis ký sinh nhiều hơn đáng kể ở mật độ ký sinh chủ thấp trong điều kiện tài nguyên thưa thớt so với điều kiện tài nguyên tụ tập. Sự can thiệp hỗn hợp của H. prosopidis đủ yếu ở mật độ ký sinh trùng thấp nhưng trở nên mạnh mẽ đột ngột với mật độ cao. Cung cấp các ký sinh chủ tươi trong hỗn hợp với các ký sinh chủ đã bị ký sinh, hành vi tìm kiếm ký sinh của một ký sinh trùng đã được ghi hình bằng video trong 3 giờ và được so sánh giữa hai loài ong ký sinh. H. prosopidis có thể ký sinh các ký sinh chủ tươi hiệu quả hơn A. calandrae thông qua việc đi bộ đường dài thường xuyên (đi bộ đến những hạt đậu xa trong một lượt hoặc bên ngoài một mảng hạt đậu có các ký sinh chủ và quay lại nhanh chóng trên một hạt đậu xa trong mảng) sau khi gặp lại các ký sinh chủ đã bị ký sinh. Cân nhắc tất cả các kết quả thí nghiệm, các quần thể được đánh giá là mong manh hơn và khả năng tuyệt chủng cao hơn trong điều kiện tài nguyên thưa thớt so với điều kiện tài nguyên tụ tập. Hiệu quả tấn công cao hơn của H. prosopidis đã làm mất ổn định động lực học quần thể hơn trong điều kiện tài nguyên thưa thớt.

The demography of native and non-native plant species in mountain systems: examples in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Population Ecology - Tập 56 - Trang 81-95 - 2013
Fredric W. Pollnac, Bruce D. Maxwell, Mark L. Taper, Lisa J. Rew
In mountainous areas, native and non-native plants will be exposed to climate change and increased disturbance in the future. Non-native plants may be more successful than natives in disturbed areas and thus be able to respond quicker to shifting climatic zones. In 2009, monitoring plots were established for populations of a non-native species (Linaria dalmatica) and a closely related native species (Castilleja miniata) on an elevation gradient in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, USA. Population data were collected twice during the growing season for 3 years and used to calculate population vital rates for both species, and to construct population dynamics models for L. dalmatica. Linaria dalmatica vital rates were more associated with climatic/environmental factors than those of C. miniata. Population dynamics models for L. dalmatica showed no trend in population growth rate (λ) vs. elevation. The highest λ corresponded with the lowest vegetation and litter cover, and the highest bare ground cover. All populations with λ < 1 corresponded with the lowest measured winter minimum temperature. There was a negative association between λ and number of weeks of adequate soil moisture, and a weak positive association between λ and mean winter minimum temperature. Variance in vital rates and λ of L. dalmatica suggest broad adaptation within its current range, with the potential to spread further with or without future changes in climate. There is evidence that λ is negatively affected by persistent soil moisture which promotes the growth of other plant species, suggesting that it might expand further if other species were removed by disturbance.
Space of iso-effect of density
Population Ecology - Tập 1 - Trang 119-121 - 1952
Syunro Utida
New editorial board
Population Ecology - Tập 53 - Trang 1-3 - 2010
Takashi Saitoh
Evaluating the influence of diet‐related variables on breeding performance and home range behaviour of a top predator
Population Ecology - - 2015
Rui Lourenço, María del Mar Delgado, Letizia Campioni, Erkki Korpimäki, Vincenzo Penteriani

Diet composition is linked to reproductive performance directly or indirectly by other life‐history traits, including home range behaviour. The relationships between prey abundance, diet and individual fitness have often been explored. However, these relationships are complex and difficult to disentangle, especially in vertebrate top predators. Here, we present the results of a long‐term study using multi‐model inference procedures to elucidate the influence of diet‐related variables on breeding parameters and home range behaviour of a top predator, the eagle owl Bubo bubo. Superpredation, diet diversity, rat biomass and rabbit mean weight were the most important variables when analysing reproductive parameters, suggesting that less diverse diets with greater rabbit biomass percentage may benefit reproductive performance, whereas rat biomass percentage is apparently associated with greater variation of breeding success. Earlier laying dates seem to be associated with the consumption, on average, of smaller rabbits. On the other hand, edge density was the most relevant factor determining the variation in home range behaviour, with individual characteristics, such as age and sex, also being important. Although the relative importance of the diet‐related variables was generally low, mean weight of alternative prey, diet diversity and rabbit biomass also helped to explain home range parameters. In an optimal foraging context, centred on the abundance of the main prey species, our results suggest that when rabbits are less available eagle owls may increase home range size in order to obtain alternative prey, increasing at the same time their dietary diversity, which may also require higher movement speed.

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