Plant Biology




Cơ quản chủ quản:  WILEY , Wiley-Blackwell

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Medicine (miscellaneous)Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and SystematicsPlant Science

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Plant Biology is an international journal of broad scope bringing together the different subdisciplines, such as physiology, molecular biology, cell biology, development, genetics, systematics, ecology, evolution, ecophysiology, plant-microbe interactions, and mycology. Plant Biology publishes original problem-oriented full-length research papers, short research papers, and review articles. Discussion of hot topics and provocative opinion articles are published under the heading Acute Views. From a multidisciplinary perspective, Plant Biology will provide a platform for publication, information and debate, encompassing all areas which fall within the scope of plant science.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Plant metallothioneins – metal chelators with ROS scavenging activity?
Tập 13 Số 2 - Trang 225-232 - 2011
Viivi H. Hassinen, Arja Tervahauta, Henk Schat, Sirpa Kärenlampi
AbstractMetallothioneins (MTs) are ubiquitous cysteine‐rich proteins present in plants, animals, fungi and cyanobacteria. In plants, MTs are suggested to be involved in metal tolerance or homeostasis, as they are able to bind metal ions through the thiol groups of their cysteine residues. Recent reports show that MTs are also involved in the scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The interplay between these roles is not entirely clear. Plants have many MT isoforms with overlapping expression patterns, and no specific role for any of them has been assigned. This review is focused on recent findings on plant MTs.
Temporal variation of competition and facilitation in mixed species forests in<scp>C</scp>entral<scp>E</scp>urope
Tập 16 Số 1 - Trang 166-176 - 2014
Miren del Rı́o, Gerhard Schütze, Hans Pretzsch
AbstractFacilitation, reduced competition or increased competition can arise in mixed stands and become essential to the performance of these stands when compared to pure stands. Facilitation and over‐yielding are widely held to prevail on poor sites, whereas neutral interactions or competition, leading to under‐yielding of mixedversuspure stands, can occur on fertile sites. While previous studies have focused on the spatial variation of mixing effects, we examine the temporal variation of facilitation and competition and its effect on growth. The study is based on tree ring measurement on cores from increment borings from 559 trees ofNorway spruce (Picea abies[L.]Karst.),European beech (Fagus sylvatica[L.]) and sessile oak (Quercus petraea(Matt.)Liebl.) in southernGermany, half of which were in pure stands and half in adjacent mixed stands. Mean basal area growth indices were calculated from tree ring measurements for pure and mixed stands for every species and site. The temporal variation, with positive correlations between species‐specific growth indices during periods of low growth and neutral or negative correlations during periods of high growth, is more distinct in mixed than in neighbouring pure stands. We provide evidence that years with low growth trigger over‐yielding of trees in mixed as opposed to pure stands, while years with high growth lead to under‐yielding. We discuss the relevance of the results in terms of advancing our understanding and modelling of mixed stands, extension of the stress gradient hypothesis, and the performance of mixedversuspure stands in the face of climate change.
Unique Tissue‐Specific Cell Cycle in <i>Physcomitrella</i>
Tập 5 Số 1 - Trang 50-58 - 2003
Gabriele Schween, Gilbert Gorr, Annette Hohe, Ralf Reski
Abstract: The moss Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) B.S.G. is a novel tool in plant functional genomics as it has an inimitable high gene targeting efficiency facilitating the establishment of gene/function relationships.Here we report, based on flow cytrometric (FCM) data, that the basic nuclear DNA content per cell of Physcomitrella is 0.53 pg, equating to a genome size of 1 C = 511 Mbp. Furthermore, we describe a unique tissue‐specific cell cycle change in this plant. Young plants consisting of only one cell type (chloronema) displayed one single peak of fluorescence in FCM analyses. As soon as the second cell type (caulonema) developed from chloronema, a second peak of fluorescence at half the intensity of the previous one became detectable, indicating that caulonema cells were predominantly at the G1/S transition, whereas chloronema cells were mainly accumulating at the G2/M transition. This conclusion was validated by further evidence: i) The addition of ammonium tartrate arrested Physcomitrella in the chloronema state and in G2/M. ii) Two different developmental mutants, known to be arrested in the chloronema/caulonema transition, remained in G2/M, regardless of age and treatment. iii) The addition of auxin or cytokinin induced the formation of caulonema, as well as decreasing the amount of cells in G2/M phase. Additionally, plant growth regulators promoted endopolyploidisation.Thus, cell cycle and cell differentiation are closely linked in Physcomitrella and effects of plant hormones and environmental factors on both processes can be analysed in a straight forward way. We speculate that this unique tissue‐specific cell cycle arrest may be the reason for the uniquely high rate of homologous recombination found in the Physcomitrella nuclear DNA.
Representation and High‐Quality Annotation of the <i>Physcomitrella patens</i> Transcriptome Demonstrates a High Proportion of Proteins Involved in Metabolism in Mosses
Tập 7 Số 3 - Trang 238-250 - 2005
Daniel Lang, Jochen Eisinger, Ralf Reski, Stefan A. Rensing
Abstract: To gain insight into the transcriptome of the well‐used plant model system Physcomitrella patens, several EST sequencing projects have been undertaken. We have clustered, assembled, and annotated all publicly available EST and CDS sequences in order to represent the transcriptome of this non‐seed plant. Here, we present our fully annotated knowledge resource for the Physcomitrella patens transcriptome, integrating annotation from the production process of the clustered sequences and from a high‐quality annotation pipeline developed during this study. Each transcript is represented as an entity containing full annotations and GO term associations. The whole production, filtering, clustering, and annotation process is being modelled and results in seven datasets, representing the annotated Physcomitrella transcriptome from different perspectives. We were able to annotate 63.4 % of the 26 123 virtual transcripts. The transcript archetype, as covered by our clustered data, is compared to a compilation based on all available Physcomitrella full length CDS. The distribution of the gene ontology annotations (GOA) for the virtual transcriptome of Physcomitrella patens demonstrates consistency in the ratios of the core molecular functions among the plant GOA. However, the metabolism subcategory is over‐represented in bryophytes as compared to seed plants. This observation can be taken as an indicator for the wealth of alternative metabolic pathways in moss in comparison to spermatophytes. All resources presented in this study have been made available to the scientific community through a suite of user‐friendly web interfaces via and form the basis for assembly and annotation of the moss genome, which will be sequenced in 2005.
Sulfate Assimilation in Basal Land Plants ‐ What Does Genomic Sequencing Tell Us?
Tập 9 Số 5 - Trang 556-564 - 2007
Stanislav Kopřiva, Gertrud Wiedemann, Ralf Reski
Abstract: Sulfate assimilation is a pathway providing reduced sulfur for the synthesis of cysteine, methionine, co‐enzymes such as iron‐sulfur centres, thiamine, lipoic acid, or Coenzyme A, and many secondary metabolites, e.g., glucosinolates or alliins. The pathway is relatively well understood in flowering plants, but very little information exists on sulfate assimilation in basal land plants. Since the finding of a putative 3′‐phosphoadenosine 5′‐phosphosulfate reductase in Physcomitrella patens, an enigmatic enzyme thought to exist in fungi and some bacteria only, it has been evident that sulfur metabolism in lower plants may substantially differ from seed plant models. The genomic sequencing of two basal plant species, the Bryophyte Physcomitrella patens, and the Lycophyte Selaginella moellendorffii, opens up the possibility to search for differences between lower and higher plants at the genomic level. Here we describe the similarities and differences in the organisation of the sulfate assimilation pathway between basal and advanced land plants derived from genome comparisons of these two species with Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa, two seed plants with sequenced genomes. We found differences in the number of genes encoding sulfate transporters, adenosine 5′‐phosphosulfate reductase, and sulfite reductase between the lower and higher plants. The consequences for regulation of the pathway and evolution of sulfate assimilation in plants are discussed.
Sulfur Metabolism in Plants: Are Trees Different?
Tập 9 Số 5 - Trang 620-637 - 2007
Heinz Rennenberg, Cornelia Herschbach, K. Haberer, Stanislav Kopřiva
Abstract: Sulfur metabolite levels and sulfur metabolism have been studied in a significant number of herbaceous and woody plant species. However, only a limited number of datasets are comparable and can be used to identify similarities and differences between these two groups of plants. From these data, it appears that large differences in sulfur metabolite levels, as well as the genetic organization of sulfate assimilation and metabolism do not exist between herbaceous plants and trees. The general response of sulfur metabolism to internal and/or external stimuli, such as oxidative stress, seems to be conserved between the two groups of plants. Thus, it can be expected that, generally, the molecular mechanisms of regulation of sulfur metabolism will also be similar. However, significant differences have been found in fine tuning of the regulation of sulfur metabolism and in developmental regulation of sulfur metabolite levels. It seems that the homeostasis of sulfur metabolism in trees is more robust than in herbaceous plants and a greater change in conditions is necessary to initiate a response in trees. This view is consistent with the requirement for highly flexible defence strategies in woody plant species as a consequence of longevity. In addition, seasonal growth of perennial plants exerts changes in sulfur metabolite levels and regulation that currently are not understood. In this review, similarities and differences in sulfur metabolite levels, sulfur assimilation and its regulation are characterized and future areas of research are identified.
Moss Systems Biology en Route: Phytohormones in Physcomitrella Development
Tập 8 Số 3 - Trang 397-406 - 2006
Eva L. Decker, Wolfgang Frank, Eric Sarnighausen, Ralf Reski
Day Length and Temperature Strongly Influence Sexual Reproduction and Expression of a Novel MADS‐Box Gene in the Moss <i>Physcomitrella patens</i>
Tập 4 Số 5 - Trang 595-602 - 2002
Annette Hohe, Stefan A. Rensing, Manuel Mildner, Daniel Lang, Ralf Reski
Abstract: The effect of temperature and light conditions on sexual reproduction (sporophyte formation) of in vitro cultures of the moss Physcomitrella patens was analysed. All parameters tested, i.e., temperature, light intensity and day length had a strong impact on the number of sporophytes formed. The highest number of sporophytes, 559 g fresh weight, developed at 15 °C, 8 h light/day with an intensity of 20 μmol/m2/s. In contrast, at 25 °C, as well as with a day length of 16 h per day, the number of sporophytes was drastically reduced. Vegetative growth, determined as fresh weight per petri dish, was impeded under conditions favouring sporophyte formation, probably due to nutrient transfer to the sporophytes. Microscopic documentation of the developing sporophytes revealed that, although archegonia were arranged in bundles at the gametophore apices, usually only one archegonium per gametophore apex developed into a mature sporophyte. From an EST database six novel MADS‐box genes were identified which, in phylogenetic analyses, did not cluster with the known groups of higher plant MADS‐box genes. One of these genes was represented only as a singleton in a cDNA library specifically derived from gametophore apices and developing sporophytes, and, therefore, designated PpMADS‐S. RNA amounts of PpMADS‐S were two to three times higher under conditions that stimulate sporophyte development (15 °C, 8 h light per day) when compared to conditions favouring vegetative growth (25 °C, 16 h light per day), indicating a possible function in sexual reproduction of this moss. Thus, an efficient experimental system was established to study sex organ formation, fertilization and embryo development in Physcomitrella.
Changes in the population of seed bacteria of transgenerationally <scp><scp>Cd</scp></scp>‐exposed <i><scp>A</scp>rabidopsis thaliana</i>
Tập 15 Số 6 - Trang 971-981 - 2013
Sascha Truyens, Nele Weyens, Ann Cuypers, Jaco Vangronsveld
AbstractPlant‐associated bacteria can have beneficial effects on the growth and health of their host. Nevertheless, the role of endophytic bacteria present in seeds has not been investigated in depth. In this study, the cultivable endophytic population of seeds from Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to 2 μm cadmium for several generations (Cd seeds) was compared with a population isolated from seeds of plants that were never exposed to Cd (control seeds). We observed obvious differences between the two types of seed concerning genera present and phenotypic characteristics of the different isolates. Sinorhizobium sp. and Micrococcus sp. were only found in control seeds, while Pseudomonas sp., Bosea sp. and Paenibacillus sp. were only found in Cd seeds. Sphingomonas sp., Rhizobium sp., Acidovorax sp., Variovorax sp., Methylobacterium sp., Bacillus sp. and Staphylococcus sp. occurred in varying numbers in both types of seed. Metal tolerance and 1‐aminocyclopropane‐1‐carboxylate deaminase activity were predominantly found in strains isolated from Cd seeds, while the production of siderophores, indole‐3‐acetic acid and organic acids was more prevalent in endophytes isolated from control seeds. These data support the hypothesis that certain endophytes are selected for transfer to the next generation and that their presence might be important for subsequent germination and early seedling development.
Pollinator‐independent orchid attracts biotic pollinators due the production of lipoidal substances
Tập 20 Số 2 - Trang 182-190 - 2018
Emerson Ricardo Pansarin, Pedro Joaquim Bergamo, Maria Juliana Ferreira‐Caliman
Abstract Flowering plants often depend on the attraction of biotic pollinators for sexual reproduction. Consequently, the emergence and maintenance of selected floral attributes related to pollinator attraction and rewarding are driven by pollinator pressure. In this paper we explore the effect of pollinators, rainfall, temperature and air humidity on the reproduction of a Brazilian terrestrial orchid, Cranichis candida based on data of phenology, flower resources, olfactory and visual attraction cues, pollinators and breeding system. The flowers of C. candida are strongly protandrous and pollinated by workers of the social native bee Tetragonisca angustula. The bees collect labellar lipoidal substances (wax scales), which are transported to the nest. The lipoidal substance is composed of sterols, hydrocarbons and terpenes. The last presumably protects the bees and their nests against pathogens and other arthropods. C. candida sets fruits through biotic self‐ and cross‐pollination, and spontaneously due the action of raindrops on flowers. Our results indicate that in C. candida, although rain‐mediated spontaneous self‐pollination happens, fructification mediated by biotic pollinations also occurs, which may result in fruit set by cross‐pollination. A mixed pollination system must result in higher genetic variability when compared to species whose fruits are produced entirely by self‐pollination. On the other hand, autogamy is a form of reproductive assurance, and has commonly evolved where pollination services are rare or absent.