New Phytologist
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Carbon (C) metabolism is at the core of ecosystem function. Decomposers play a critical role in this metabolism as they drive soil C cycle by mineralizing organic matter to CO2. Their growth depends on the carbon‐use efficiency (CUE), defined as the ratio of growth over C uptake. By definition, high CUE promotes growth and possibly C stabilization in soils, while low CUE favors respiration. Despite the importance of this variable, flexibility in CUE for terrestrial decomposers is still poorly characterized and is not represented in most biogeochemical models. Here, we synthesize the theoretical and empirical basis of changes in CUE across aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, highlighting common patterns and hypothesizing changes in CUE under future climates. Both theoretical considerations and empirical evidence from aquatic organisms indicate that CUE decreases as temperature increases and nutrient availability decreases. More limited evidence shows a similar sensitivity of CUE to temperature and nutrient availability in terrestrial decomposers. Increasing CUE with improved nutrient availability might explain observed declines in respiration from fertilized stands, while decreased CUE with increasing temperature and plant C : N ratios might decrease soil C storage. Current biogeochemical models could be improved by accounting for these CUE responses along environmental and stoichiometric gradients.
There is consensus that plant species richness enhances plant productivity within natural grasslands, but the underlying drivers remain debated. Recently, differential accumulation of soil‐borne fungal pathogens across the plant diversity gradient has been proposed as a cause of this pattern. However, the below‐ground environment has generally been treated as a ‘black box’ in biodiversity experiments, leaving these fungi unidentified. Using next generation sequencing and pathogenicity assays, we analysed the community composition of root‐associated fungi from a biodiversity experiment to examine if evidence exists for host specificity and negative density dependence in the interplay between soil‐borne fungi, plant diversity and productivity. Plant species were colonised by distinct (pathogenic) fungal communities and isolated fungal species showed negative, species‐specific effects on plant growth. Moreover, 57% of the pathogenic fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) recorded in plant monocultures were not detected in eight plant species plots, suggesting a loss of pathogenic OTUs with plant diversity. Our work provides strong evidence for host specificity and negative density‐dependent effects of root‐associated fungi on plant species in grasslands. Our work substantiates the hypothesis that fungal root pathogens are an important driver of biodiversity‐ecosystem functioning relationships.
The concept of a root economics space (RES) is increasingly adopted to explore root trait variation and belowground resource‐acquisition strategies. Much progress has been made on interactions of root morphology and mycorrhizal symbioses. However, root exudation, with a significant carbon (C) cost (
Plant–soil feedbacks can influence plant growth and community structure by modifying soil biota and nutrients. Because most research has been performed at the species level and in monoculture, our ability to predict responses across species and in mixed communities is limited. As plant traits have been linked to both soil properties and plant growth, they may provide a useful approach for an understanding of feedbacks at a generic level. We measured how monocultures and mixtures of grassland plant species with differing traits responded to soil that had been conditioned by model grassland plant communities dominated by either slow‐ or fast‐growing species. Soils conditioned by the fast‐growing community had higher nitrogen availability than those conditioned by the slow‐growing community; these changes influenced future plant growth. Effects were stronger, and plant traits had greater predictive power, in mixtures than in monocultures. In monoculture, all species produced more above‐ground biomass in soil conditioned by the fast‐growing community. In mixtures, slow‐growing species produced more above‐ground biomass, and fast‐growing species produced more below‐ground biomass, in soils conditioned by species with similar traits. The use of a plant trait‐based approach may therefore improve our understanding of differential plant species responses to plant–soil feedbacks, especially in a mixed‐species environment.
Plant trait variation drives plant function, community composition and ecosystem processes. However, our current understanding of trait variation disproportionately relies on aboveground observations. Here we integrate root traits into the global framework of plant form and function. We developed and tested an overarching conceptual framework that integrates two recently identified root trait gradients with a well‐established aboveground plant trait framework. We confronted our novel framework with published relationships between above‐ and belowground trait analogues and with multivariate analyses of above‐ and belowground traits of 2510 species. Our traits represent the leaf and root conservation gradients (specific leaf area, leaf and root nitrogen concentration, and root tissue density), the root collaboration gradient (root diameter and specific root length) and the plant size gradient (plant height and rooting depth). We found that an integrated, whole‐plant trait space required as much as four axes. The two main axes represented the fast–slow ‘conservation’ gradient on which leaf and fine‐root traits were well aligned, and the ‘collaboration’ gradient in roots. The two additional axes were separate, orthogonal plant size axes for height and rooting depth. This perspective on the multidimensional nature of plant trait variation better encompasses plant function and influence on the surrounding environment.
Feedback between plants and soil microbial communities can be a powerful driver of vegetation dynamics. Plants elicit changes in the soil microbiome that either promote or suppress conspecifics at the same location, thereby regulating population density‐dependence and species co‐existence. Such effects are often attributed to the accumulation of host‐specific antagonistic or beneficial microbiota in the rhizosphere. However, the identity and host‐specificity of the microbial taxa involved are rarely empirically assessed. Here we review the evidence for host‐specificity in plant‐associated microbes and propose that specific plant–soil feedbacks can also be driven by generalists. We outline the potential mechanisms by which generalist microbial pathogens, mutualists and decomposers can generate differential effects on plant hosts and synthesize existing evidence to predict these effects as a function of plant investments into defence, microbial mutualists and dispersal. Importantly, the capacity of generalist microbiota to drive plant–soil feedbacks depends not only on the traits of individual plants but also on the phylogenetic and functional diversity of plant communities. Identifying factors that promote specialization or generalism in plant–microbial interactions and thereby modulate the impact of microbiota on plant performance will advance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying plant–soil feedback and the ways it contributes to plant co‐existence.
Reciprocal interaction between plant and soil (plant–soil feedback, We developed a model coupling litter‐ and microbial‐mediated Results showed that although plant carbon: nitrogen (C : N) ratio and microbial nutrient acquisition traits were consistently important, the importance of litter decomposability varied. Litter decomposability was not a major We propose that the importance of litter decomposability depends on the composition of root‐associated microbes. Our results provide new perspectives in plant invasion and trait‐based ecology.
There is strong evidence for a phylogenetic signal in the degree to which species share co‐evolved biotic partners and in the outcomes of biotic interactions. This implies there should be a phylogenetic signal in the outcome of feedbacks between plants and the soil microbiota they cultivate. However, attempts to identify a phylogenetic signal in plant–soil feedbacks have produced mixed results. Here we clarify how phylogenetic signals could arise in plant–soil feedbacks and use a recent compilation of data from feedback experiments to identify: whether there is a phylogenetic signal in the outcome of plant–soil feedbacks; and whether any signal arises through directional or divergent changes in feedback outcomes with evolutionary time. We find strong evidence for a divergent phylogenetic signal in feedback outcomes. Distantly related plant species show more divergent responses to each other’s soil microbiota compared with closely related plant species. The pattern of divergence implies occasional co‐evolutionary shifts in how plants interact with soil microbiota, with strongly contrasting feedback responses among some plant lineages. Our results highlight that it is difficult to predict feedback outcomes from phylogeny alone, other than to say that more closely related species tend to have more similar responses.
The adoption of diverse resource acquisition strategies is critical for plant growth and species coexistence. Root phosphatase is of particular importance in the acquisition of soil phosphorus (P), yet it is often overlooked in studies of root trait syndromes. Here, we evaluated the role of root phosphatase activity (RPA) within the root economics space and the order‐based variation of RPA, as well as the correlations between RPA and a suite of leaf traits and soil properties over a range of evergreen tree species in a subtropical forest. Root phosphatase activity exhibited a high degree of inter‐specific variation. We found that there were two leading dimensions of the multidimensional root economics space, the root diameter–specific root length axis (collaboration trait gradient) and the root tissue density–root nitrogen concentration axis (classical trait gradient), and RPA aligned with the former. Root phosphatase activity is used as a ‘do it yourself’ strategy of soil P acquisition, and was found to be inversely correlated with mycorrhizal colonization, which suggests a trade‐off in plant P acquisition strategies. Compared with soil and foliar nutrient status, root traits mattered most for the large inter‐specific changes in RPA. Furthermore, RPA generally decreased from first‐ to third‐order roots. Taken together, such diverse P‐acquisition strategies are conducive to plant coexistence within local forest communities. The use of easily measurable root traits and their tight correlations with RPA could be a feasible and promising approach to estimating species‐specific RPA values, which would be helpful for better understanding plant P acquisition and soil P cycling.
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