Molecular Brain




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Cellular and Molecular NeuroscienceMolecular Biology

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

FMRP attenuates activity dependent modifications in the mitochondrial proteome
Tập 14 - Trang 1-11 - 2021
Pernille Bülow, Stephanie A. Zlatic, Peter A. Wenner, Gary J. Bassell, Victor Faundez
Homeostatic plasticity is necessary for the construction and maintenance of functional neuronal networks, but principal molecular mechanisms required for or modified by homeostatic plasticity are not well understood. We recently reported that homeostatic plasticity induced by activity deprivation is dysregulated in cortical neurons from Fragile X Mental Retardation protein (FMRP) knockout mice (Bulow et al. in Cell Rep 26: 1378-1388 e1373, 2019). These findings led us to hypothesize that identifying proteins sensitive to activity deprivation and/or FMRP expression could reveal pathways required for or modified by homeostatic plasticity. Here, we report an unbiased quantitative mass spectrometry used to quantify steady-state proteome changes following chronic activity deprivation in wild type and Fmr1−/y cortical neurons. Proteome hits responsive to both activity deprivation and the Fmr1−/y genotype were significantly annotated to mitochondria. We found an increased number of mitochondria annotated proteins whose expression was sensitive to activity deprivation in Fmr1−/y cortical neurons as compared to wild type neurons. These findings support a novel role of FMRP in attenuating mitochondrial proteome modifications induced by activity deprivation.
Transient inhibition of microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 after status epilepticus blunts brain inflammation and is neuroprotective
Tập 16 - Trang 1-11 - 2023
Nelufar Yasmen, Madison N. Sluter, Lexiao Li, Ying Yu, Jianxiong Jiang
Status epilepticus (SE) in humans is characterized by prolonged convulsive seizures that are generalized and often difficult to control. The current antiseizure drugs (ASDs) aim to stop seizures quickly enough to prevent the SE-induced brain inflammation, injury, and long-term sequelae. However, sole reliance on acute therapies is imprudent because prompt treatment may not always be possible under certain circumstances. The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the devastating consequences of SE are presumably associated with neuroinflammatory reactions, where prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) plays a pivotal role. As the terminal synthase for pathogenic PGE2, the microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1) is rapidly and robustly induced by prolonged seizures. Congenital deletion of mPGES-1 in mice is neuroprotective and blunts gliosis following chemoconvulsant seizures, suggesting the feasibility of mPGES-1 as a potential antiepileptic target. Herein, we investigated the effects of a dual species mPGES-1 inhibitor in a mouse pilocarpine model of SE. Treatment with the mPGES-1 inhibitor in mice after SE that was terminated by diazepam, a fast-acting benzodiazepine, time-dependently abolished the SE-induced PGE2 within the brain. Its negligible effects on cyclooxygenases, the enzymes responsible for the initial step of PGE2 biosynthesis, validated its specificity to mPGES-1. Post-SE inhibition of mPGES-1 also blunted proinflammatory cytokines and reactive gliosis in the hippocampus and broadly prevented neuronal damage in a number of brain areas. Thus, pharmacological inhibition of mPGES-1 by small-molecule inhibitors might provide an adjunctive strategy that can be implemented hours after SE, together with first-line ASDs, to reduce SE-provoked brain inflammation and injury.
Identification of FMRP target mRNAs in the developmental brain: FMRP might coordinate Ras/MAPK, Wnt/β-catenin, and mTOR signaling during corticogenesis
Tập 13 - Trang 1-13 - 2020
Cristine R. Casingal, Takako Kikkawa, Hitoshi Inada, Yukio Sasaki, Noriko Osumi
Corticogenesis is one of the most critical and complicated processes during embryonic brain development. Any slight impairment in corticogenesis could cause neurodevelopmental disorders such as Fragile X syndrome (FXS), of which symptoms contain intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), an RNA-binding protein responsible for FXS, shows strong expression in neural stem/precursor cells (NPCs) during corticogenesis, although its function during brain development remains largely unknown. In this study, we attempted to identify the FMRP target mRNAs in the cortical primordium using RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing analysis in the mouse embryonic brain. We identified 865 candidate genes as targets of FMRP involving 126 and 118 genes overlapped with ID and ASD-associated genes, respectively. These overlapped genes were enriched with those related to chromatin/chromosome organization and histone modifications, suggesting the involvement of FMRP in epigenetic regulation. We further identified a common set of 17 FMRP “core” target genes involved in neurogenesis/FXS/ID/ASD, containing factors associated with Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase, Wnt/β-catenin, and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathways. We indeed showed overactivation of mTOR signaling via an increase in mTOR phosphorylation in the Fmr1 knockout (Fmr1 KO) neocortex. Our results provide further insight into the critical roles of FMRP in the developing brain, where dysfunction of FMRP may influence the regulation of its mRNA targets affecting signaling pathways and epigenetic modifications.
Expression of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase in mature granule cells of the adult mouse dentate gyrus
Tập 3 - Trang 1-14 - 2010
Koji Ohira,, Hideo Hagihara,, Keiko Toyama,, Keizo Takao, Masaaki Kanai, Hiroshi Funakoshi, Toshikazu Nakamura, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa
New granule cells are continuously generated in the dentate gyrus of the adult hippocampus. During granule cell maturation, the mechanisms that differentiate new cells not only describe the degree of cell differentiation, but also crucially regulate the progression of cell differentiation. Here, we describe a gene, tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO), whose expression distinguishes stem cells from more differentiated cells among the granule cells of the adult mouse dentate gyrus. The use of markers for proliferation, neural progenitors, and immature and mature granule cells indicated that TDO was expressed in mature cells and in some immature cells. In mice heterozygous for the alpha-isoform of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, in which dentate gyrus granule cells fail to mature normally, TDO immunoreactivity was substantially downregulated in the dentate gyrus granule cells. Moreover, a 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine labeling experiment revealed that new neurons began to express TDO between 2 and 4 wk after the neurons were generated, when the axons and dendrites of the granule cells developed and synaptogenesis occurred. These findings indicate that TDO might be required at a late-stage of granule cell development, such as during axonal and dendritic growth, synaptogenesis and its maturation.
Hyperexcitability of the local cortical circuit in mouse models of tuberous sclerosis complex
Tập 12 - Trang 1-13 - 2019
Jian-Ping Zhao, Akira Yoshii
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a neurogenetic disorder associated with epilepsy, intellectual disabilities, and autistic behaviors. These neurological symptoms result from synaptic dysregulations, which shift a balance between excitation and inhibition. To decipher the synaptic substrate of hyperexcitability, we examined pan-neuronal Tsc1 knockout mouse and found a reduction in surface expression of a GABA receptor (GABAR) subunit but not AMPA receptor (AMPAR) subunit. Using electrophysiological recordings, we found a significant reduction in the frequency of GABAR-mediated miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (GABAR-mIPSCs) but not AMPAR-mediated miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (AMPAR-mEPSCs) in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons. To determine a subpopulation of interneurons that are especially vulnerable to the absence of TSC1 function, we also analyzed two strains of conditional knockout mice targeting two of the prominent interneuron subtypes that express parvalbumin (PV) or somatostatin (SST). Unlike pan-neuronal knockout mice, both interneuron-specific Tsc-1 knockout mice did not develop spontaneous seizures and grew into adults. Further, the properties of AMPAR-mEPSCs and GABAR-mIPSCs were normal in both Pv-Cre and Sst-Cre x Tsc1fl/fl knockout mice. These results indicate that removal of TSC1 from all neurons in a local cortical circuit results in hyperexcitability while connections between pyramidal neurons and interneurons expressing PV and SST are preserved in the layer 2/3 visual cortex. Our study suggests that another inhibitory cell type or a combination of multiple subtypes may be accountable for hyperexcitability in TSC.
Chd8 mutation in oligodendrocytes alters microstructure and functional connectivity in the mouse brain
Tập 13 - Trang 1-15 - 2020
Atsuki Kawamura, Yoshifumi Abe, Fumiko Seki, Yuta Katayama, Masaaki Nishiyama, Norio Takata, Kenji F. Tanaka, Hideyuki Okano, Keiichi I. Nakayama
CHD8 encodes a chromatin-remodeling factor and is one of the most recurrently mutated genes in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Although we have recently shown that mice heterozygous for Chd8 mutation manifest myelination defects and ASD-like behaviors, the detailed mechanisms underlying ASD pathogenesis have remained unclear. Here we performed diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) in oligodendrocyte lineage-specific Chd8 heterozygous mutant mice. DTI revealed that ablation of Chd8 specifically in oligodendrocytes of mice was associated with microstructural changes of specific brain regions including the cortex and striatum. The extent of these changes in white matter including the corpus callosum and fornix was correlated with total contact time in the reciprocal social interaction test. Analysis with rsfMRI revealed changes in functional brain connectivity in the mutant mice, and the extent of such changes in the cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala was also correlated with the change in social interaction. Our results thus suggest that changes in brain microstructure and functional connectivity induced by oligodendrocyte dysfunction might underlie altered social interaction in mice with oligodendrocyte-specific CHD8 haploinsufficiency.
Targeted deletion of the C-terminus of the mouse adenomatous polyposis coli tumor suppressor results in neurologic phenotypes related to schizophrenia
Tập 7 - Trang 1-14 - 2014
Takanori Onouchi, Katsunori Kobayashi, Kazuyoshi Sakai, Atsushi Shimomura, Ron Smits, Chiho Sumi-Ichinose, Masafumi Kurosumi, Keizo Takao, Ryuji Nomura, Akiko Iizuka-Kogo, Hidenori Suzuki, Kazunao Kondo, Tetsu Akiyama, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa, Riccardo Fodde, Takao Senda
Loss of adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene function results in constitutive activation of the canonical Wnt pathway and represents the main initiating and rate-limiting event in colorectal tumorigenesis. APC is likely to participate in a wide spectrum of biological functions via its different functional domains and is abundantly expressed in the brain as well as in peripheral tissues. However, the neuronal function of APC is poorly understood. To investigate the functional role of Apc in the central nervous system, we analyzed the neurological phenotypes of Apc1638T/1638T mice, which carry a targeted deletion of the 3′ terminal third of Apc that does not affect Wnt signaling. A series of behavioral tests revealed a working memory deficit, increased locomotor activity, reduced anxiety-related behavior, and mildly decreased social interaction in Apc1638T/1638T mice. Apc1638T/1638T mice showed abnormal morphology of the dendritic spines and impaired long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission in the hippocampal CA1 region. Moreover, Apc 1638T/1638T mice showed abnormal dopamine and serotonin distribution in the brain. Some of these behavioral and neuronal phenotypes are related to symptoms and endophenotypes of schizophrenia. Our results demonstrate that the C-terminus of the Apc tumor suppressor plays a critical role in cognitive and neuropsychiatric functioning. This finding suggests a potential functional link between the C-terminus of APC and pathologies of the central nervous system.
The molecular biology of memory: cAMP, PKA, CRE, CREB-1, CREB-2, and CPEB
Tập 5 - Trang 1-12 - 2012
Eric R Kandel
The analysis of the contributions to synaptic plasticity and memory of cAMP, PKA, CRE, CREB-1, CREB-2, and CPEB has recruited the efforts of many laboratories all over the world. These are six key steps in the molecular biological delineation of short-term memory and its conversion to long-term memory for both implicit (procedural) and explicit (declarative) memory. I here first trace the background for the clinical and behavioral studies of implicit memory that made a molecular biology of memory storage possible, and then detail the discovery and early history of these six molecular steps and their roles in explicit memory.
Corticosteroids: way upstream
Tập 3 - Trang 1-20 - 2010
Therese Riedemann, Alexandre V Patchev, Kwangwook Cho, Osborne FX Almeida
Studies into the mechanisms of corticosteroid action continue to be a rich bed of research, spanning the fields of neuroscience and endocrinology through to immunology and metabolism. However, the vast literature generated, in particular with respect to corticosteroid actions in the brain, tends to be contentious, with some aspects suffering from loose definitions, poorly-defined models, and appropriate dissection kits. Here, rather than presenting a comprehensive review of the subject, we aim to present a critique of key concepts that have emerged over the years so as to stimulate new thoughts in the field by identifying apparent shortcomings. This article will draw on experience and knowledge derived from studies of the neural actions of other steroid hormones, in particular estrogens, not only because there are many parallels but also because 'learning from differences' can be a fruitful approach. The core purpose of this review is to consider the mechanisms through which corticosteroids might act rapidly to alter neural signaling.
Stimulation induces gradual increases in the thickness and curvature of postsynaptic density of hippocampal CA1 neurons in slice cultures
Tập 12 - Trang 1-10 - 2019
Jung-Hwa Tao-Cheng
Activity can induce structural changes in glutamatergic excitatory synapses, including increase in thickness and curvature of the postsynaptic density (PSD); these structural changes can only be documented by electron microscopy. Here in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures where experimental conditions can be easily manipulated, increases in thickness and curvature of PSDs were noticeable within 30 s of stimulation and progressed with time up to 3 min. These structural changes were reversible upon returning the samples to control medium for 5–10 min. Thus, the postsynaptic density is a very dynamic structure that undergoes rapid reorganization of its components upon stimulation, and recovery upon cessation of stimulation. The gradual increase in thickness of PSD could result from a gradual translocation of some PSD proteins to the PSD, and the increase in curvature of the PSD is likely led by postsynaptic elements.