
Journal of extracellular vesicles





Cơ quản chủ quản:  John Wiley & Sons Inc. , WILEY

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Cell BiologyHistology

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Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines
Tập 7 Số 1 - 2018
Clotilde Théry, Kenneth W. Witwer, Elena Aïkawa, María José Alcaraz, Johnathon D. Anderson, Ramaroson Andriantsitohaina, Anna Antoniou, Tanina Arab, Fabienne Archer, Georgia K. Atkin‐Smith, D. Craig Ayre, Jean‐Marie Bach, Daniel Bachurski, Hossein Baharvand, Leonora Balaj, Shawn Baldacchino, Natalie Bauer, Amy A. Baxter, Mary Bebawy, Carla Beckham, Apolonija Bedina Zavec, Abderrahim Benmoussa, Anna C. Berardi, Paolo Bergese, Ewa Bielska, Cherie Blenkiron, Sylwia Bobis‐Wozowicz, Éric Boilard, Wilfrid Boireau, Antonella Bongiovanni, Francesc E. Borràs, Steffi Bösch, Chantal M. Boulanger, Xandra O. Breakefield, Andrew Breglio, Meadhbh Á. Brennan, David R. Brigstock, Alain Brisson, Marike L. D. Broekman, Jacqueline Bromberg, Paulina Bryl‐Górecka, Shilpa Buch, Amy H. Buck, Dylan Burger, Sara Busatto, Dominik Buschmann, Benedetta Bussolati, Edit I. Buzás, James Brian Byrd, Giovanni Camussi, David R. F. Carter, Sarah Caruso, Lawrence W. Chamley, Yu‐Ting Chang, Chihchen Chen, Daiwen Chen, Lesley Cheng, Aled Clayton, Stefano Piatto Clerici, Alex Cocks, Emanuele Cocucci, Anabela Cordeiro‐da‐Silva, Yvonne Couch, Frank A. W. Coumans, Beth Coyle, Rossella Crescitelli, Miriã Ferreira Criado, Crislyn D’Souza‐Schorey, Saumya Das, Amrita Datta Chaudhuri, Paola de Candia, Eliezer F De Santana, Olivier De Wever, Hernando A. del Portillo, Tanguy Demaret, Sarah Deville, Andrew Devitt, Bert Dhondt, Dolores Di Vizio, Lothar C. Dieterich, Vincenza Dolo, Ana Paula Domínguez Rubio, Massimo Dominici, Maurício Rocha Dourado, Tom A. P. Driedonks, Filipe V. Duarte, Heather M. Duncan, Ramon M. Eichenberger, Karin M. Ekström, Samir EL Andaloussi, Céline Elie-Caille, Uta Erdbrügger, Juan Manuel Falcón‐Pérez, Farah Fatima, Jason E. Fish, Miguel Flores‐Bellver, András Försönits, Annie Frelet-Barrand, Fabia Fricke, Gregor Fuhrmann, Susanne Gabrielsson, Ana Gámez‐Valero, Chris Gardiner, Kathrin Gärtner, Raphaël Gaudin, Yong Song Gho, Bernd Giebel, Caroline Gilbert, Mario Gimona, Ilaria Giusti, Deborah C. I. Goberdhan, André Görgens, Sharon M. Gorski, David W. Greening, Julia Christina Gross, Alice Gualerzi, Gopal N. Gupta, Dakota Gustafson, Aase Handberg, Reka A. Haraszti, Paul Harrison, Hargita Hegyesi, An Hendrix, Andrew F. Hill, Fred H. Hochberg, Karl F. Hoffmann, Beth Holder, Harry Holthöfer, Baharak Hosseinkhani, Guoku Hu, Yiyao Huang, Veronica Huber, Stuart Hunt, Ahmed Ibrahim, Tsuneya Ikezu, Jameel M. Inal, Mustafa Işın, Alena Ivanova, Hannah K Jackson, Søren Jacobsen, Steven M. Jay, Muthuvel Jayachandran, Guido Jenster, Lanzhou Jiang, Suzanne M. Johnson, Jennifer Jones, Ambrose Jong, Tijana Jovanović‐Talisman, Stephanie Jung, Raghu Kalluri, Shin‐ichi Kano, Sukhbir Kaur, Yumi Kawamura, Evan T. Keller, Delaram Khamari, Elena Khomyakova, Anastasia Khvorova, Peter Kierulf, Kwang Pyo Kim, Thomas Kislinger, Mikael Klingeborn, David J. Klinke, Miroslaw Kornek, Maja Kosanović, Árpád Ferenc Kovács, Eva‐Maria Krämer‐Albers, Susanne Krasemann, Mirja Krause, Igor V. Kurochkin, Gina D. Kusuma, Sören Kuypers, Saara Laitinen, Scott M. Langevin, Lucia R. Languino, Joanne Lannigan, Cecilia Lässer, Louise C. Laurent, Grégory Lavieu, Elisa Lázaro‐Ibáñez, Soazig Le Lay, Myung‐Shin Lee, Fiona Lee, Débora S. Lemos, Metka Lenassi, Aleksandra Leszczynska, Isaac T. S. Li, Ke Liao, Sten F.W.M. Libregts, Erzsébet Ligeti, Rebecca Lim, Sai Kiang Lim, Aija Linē, Karen Linnemannstöns, Alicia Llorente, Catherine Lombard, Magdalena J. Lorenowicz, Ákos M. Lőrincz, Jan Lötvall, Jason Lovett, Michelle C. Lowry, Xavier Loyer, Quan Lu, Barbara Łukomska, Taral R. Lunavat, Sybren L. N. Maas, Harmeet Malhi, Antonio Marcilla, Jacopo Mariani, Javier Mariscal, Elena S. Martens‐Uzunova, Lorena Martín‐Jaular, Dominique Meyer, Vilma R. Martins, Mathilde Mathieu, Suresh Mathivanan, Marco Maugeri, Lynda K. McGinnis, Mark J. McVey, David G. Meckes, Katie Meehan, Inge Mertens, Valentina R. Minciacchi, Andreas Möller, Maléne Møller Jørgensen, Aizea Morales‐Kastresana, Jess Morhayim, François Mullier, Maurizio Muraca, Luca Musante, Veronika Mussack, Dillon C. Muth, Kathryn H. Myburgh, Tanbir Najrana, Muhammad Nawaz, Irina Nazarenko, Peter Nejsum, Christian Néri, Tommaso Neri, Rienk Nieuwland, Leonardo Nimrichter, John P. Nolan, Esther Nm Nolte-'t Hoen, Nicole Noren Hooten, Lorraine O’Driscoll, Tina O’Grady, Ana O’Loghlen, Takahiro Ochiya, Martin Olivier, Alberto Ortíz, Luis A. Ortiz, Xabier Osteikoetxea, Ole Østergaard, Matías Ostrowski, Jaesung Park, D. Michiel Pegtel, Héctor Peinado, Francesca Perut, Michael W. Pfaffl, Donald G. Phinney, Bartijn C. H. Pieters, Ryan Pink, David S. Pisetsky, Elke Pogge von Strandmann, Iva Polakovičová, Ivan K. H. Poon, Bonita H. Powell, Ilaria Prada, Lynn Pulliam, Peter J. Quesenberry, Annalisa Radeghieri, Robert L. Raffaı̈, Stefania Raimondo, Janusz Rak, Marcel I. Ramirez, Graça Raposo, Morsi S Rayyan, Neta Regev‐Rudzki, Franz Ricklefs, Paul D. Robbins, David D. Roberts, Sílvia C. Rodrigues, Eva Rohde, Sophie Rome, Kasper M.A. Rouschop, Aurelia Rughetti, Ashley E. Russell, Paula Saá, Susmita Sahoo, Edison Salas‐Huenuleo, Catherine Sánchez, Julie A. Saugstad, Meike J. Saul, Raymond M. Schiffelers, Raphaël Schneider, Tine Hiorth Schøyen, Aaron Scott, Eriomina Shahaj, Shivani Sharma, Olga Shatnyeva, Faezeh Shekari, Ganesh Vilas Shelke, Ashok K. Shetty, Kiyotaka Shiba, Pia Siljander, Andreia Silva, Agata Skowronek, Orman L. Snyder, Rodrigo Pedro Soares, Barbara W. Sódar, Carolina Soekmadji, Javier Sotillo, Philip D. Stahl, Willem Stoorvogel, Shannon L. Stott, Erwin Strasser, Simon Swift, Hidetoshi Tahara, Muneesh Tewari, Kate Timms, Swasti Tiwari, Rochelle Tixeira, Mercedes Tkach, Wei Seong Toh, Richard Tomasini, Ana Cláudia Torrecilhas, Juan Pablo Tosar, Vasilis Toxavidis, Lorena Urbanelli, Pieter Vader, Bas W. M. van Balkom, Susanne G van der Grein, Jan Van Deun, Martijn J. C. van Herwijnen, Kendall Van Keuren‐Jensen, Guillaume van Niel, Martin E. van Royen, André J. van Wijnen, M. Helena Vasconcelos, Ivan J. Vechetti, Tiago Degani Veit, Laura J. Vella, Émilie Velot, Frederik J. Verweij, Beate Vestad, Jose Luis Viñas, Tamás Visnovitz, Krisztina V. Vukman, Jessica Wahlgren, Dionysios C. Watson, Marca H. M. Wauben, Alissa M. Weaver, Jason Webber, Viktoria Weber, Ann M. Wehman, Daniel J. Weiss, Joshua A Welsh, Sebastian Wendt, Åsa M. Wheelock, Zoltán Wiener, Leonie Witte, Joy Wolfram, Angeliki Xagorari, Patrícia Xander, Jing Xu, Xiaomei Yan, María Yáñez‐Mó, Hang Yin, Yuana Yuana, Valentina Zappulli, Jana Zárubová, Vytautas Žėkas, Jianye Zhang, Zezhou Zhao, Lei Zheng, Alexander R. Zheutlin, Antje M. Zickler, Pascale Zimmermann, Angela M. Zivkovic, Davide Zocco, Ewa Zuba‐Surma

The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications describing physiological and pathological functions of extracellular vesicles (EVs), a collective term covering various subtypes of cell‐released, membranous structures, called exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, apoptotic bodies, and many other names. However, specific issues arise when working with these entities, whose size and amount often make them difficult to obtain as relatively pure preparations, and to characterize properly. The International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) proposed Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles (“MISEV”) guidelines for the field in 2014. We now update these “MISEV2014” guidelines based on evolution of the collective knowledge in the last four years. An important point to consider is that ascribing a specific function to EVs in general, or to subtypes of EVs, requires reporting of specific information beyond mere description of function in a crude, potentially contaminated, and heterogeneous preparation. For example, claims that exosomes are endowed with exquisite and specific activities remain difficult to support experimentally, given our still limited knowledge of their specific molecular machineries of biogenesis and release, as compared with other biophysically similar EVs. The MISEV2018 guidelines include tables and outlines of suggested protocols and steps to follow to document specific EV‐associated functional activities. Finally, a checklist is provided with summaries of key points.

Optimized exosome isolation protocol for cell culture supernatant and human plasma
Tập 4 Số 1 - 2015
Richard J. Lobb, Melanie Becker, Shu Wen, Christina S.F. Wong, Adrian P. Wiegmans, Annette Leimgruber, Andreas Möller

Extracellular vesicles represent a rich source of novel biomarkers in the diagnosis and prognosis of disease. However, there is currently limited information elucidating the most efficient methods for obtaining high yields of pure exosomes, a subset of extracellular vesicles, from cell culture supernatant and complex biological fluids such as plasma. To this end, we comprehensively characterize a variety of exosome isolation protocols for their efficiency, yield and purity of isolated exosomes. Repeated ultracentrifugation steps can reduce the quality of exosome preparations leading to lower exosome yield. We show that concentration of cell culture conditioned media using ultrafiltration devices results in increased vesicle isolation when compared to traditional ultracentrifugation protocols. However, our data on using conditioned media isolated from the Non‐Small‐Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) SK‐MES‐1 cell line demonstrates that the choice of concentrating device can greatly impact the yield of isolated exosomes. We find that centrifuge‐based concentrating methods are more appropriate than pressure‐driven concentrating devices and allow the rapid isolation of exosomes from both NSCLC cell culture conditioned media and complex biological fluids. In fact to date, no protocol detailing exosome isolation utilizing current commercial methods from both cells and patient samples has been described. Utilizing tunable resistive pulse sensing and protein analysis, we provide a comparative analysis of 4 exosome isolation techniques, indicating their efficacy and preparation purity. Our results demonstrate that current precipitation protocols for the isolation of exosomes from cell culture conditioned media and plasma provide the least pure preparations of exosomes, whereas size exclusion isolation is comparable to density gradient purification of exosomes. We have identified current shortcomings in common extracellular vesicle isolation methods and provide a potential standardized method that is effective, reproducible and can be utilized for various starting materials. We believe this method will have extensive application in the growing field of extracellular vesicle research.

Neutral sphingomyelinases control extracellular vesicles budding from the plasma membrane
Tập 6 Số 1 - 2017
Kerstin Menck, Can Sönmezer, Thomas Worst, Matthias Schulz, Gry H. Dihazi, Frank Streit, Gerrit Erdmann, Simon Kling, Michael Boutros, Claudia R. Binder, Julia Christina Gross

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane particles secreted from cells into all body fluids. Several EV populations exist differing in size and cellular origin. Using differential centrifugation EVs pelleting at 14,000 g (“microvesicles” (MV)) and 100,000 g (“exosomes”) are distinguishable by protein markers. Neutral sphingomyelinase (nSMase) inhibition has been shown to inhibit exosome release from cells and has since been used to study their functional implications. How nSMases (also known as SMPD2 and SMPD3) affect the basal secretion of MVs is unclear. Here we investigated how SMPD2/3 impact both EV populations. SMPD2/3 inhibition by GW4869 or RNAi decreases secretion of exosomes, but also increases secretion of MVs from the plasma membrane. Both populations differ significantly in metabolite composition and Wnt proteins are specifically loaded onto MVs under these conditions. Taken together, our data reveal a novel regulatory function of SMPD2/3 in vesicle budding from the plasma membrane and clearly suggest that – despite the different vesicle biogenesis – the routes of vesicular export are adaptable.

Size and concentration analyses of extracellular vesicles by nanoparticle tracking analysis: a variation study
Tập 6 Số 1 - 2017
Beate Vestad, Alicia Llorente, Axl Neurauter, Santosh Phuyal, Bente Kierulf, Peter Kierulf, Tore Skotland, Kirsten Sandvig, Kari Bente Foss Haug, Reidun Øvstebø

Current methods for characterisation of extracellular vesicles (EVs) need further standardisation in order to obtain an acceptable level of data comparability. Size and concentration of EVs can be determined by nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). However, both the heterogeneity of EVs and the choice of instrument settings may cause an appreciable analytical variation. Intra‐assay (within‐day, n = 6) and inter‐assay (day‐to‐day, n = 6) variations (coefficient of variation, % CV) of different preparations of EVs and artificial vesicles or beads were determined using two NanoSight NS500 instruments, located at different laboratories. All analyses were performed by the same operator. The effect of applying identical software settings or instrument‐optimised settings for each sample type and instrument was also evaluated. Finally, the impact of different operators and the use of two different software versions were investigated. The intra‐assay CVs were 1–12% for both EVs and artificial samples, measured on the same instrument. The overall day‐to‐day variation was similar for both instruments, ranging from 2% to 25%. However, significantly different results were observed between the two instruments using identical software settings. The effect of applying instrument‐optimised settings reduced the mismatch between the instruments, resulting in little to no significant divergences. The impact of using different operators and software versions when analysing silica microspheres and microvesicles from monocytes using instrument‐optimised settings on the same instrument did not contribute to significant variation compared to the overall day‐to‐day variation of one operator. Performance differences between two similar NTA instruments may display significant divergences in size and concentration measurements when analysing EVs, depending on applied instrument settings and technical conditions. The importance of developing a streamlined and standardised execution of analysis, as well as monitoring longitudinal variation parameters on both biological and synthetic samples, should be highlighted.

Effect of storage on physical and functional properties of extracellular vesicles derived from neutrophilic granulocytes
Tập 3 Số 1 - 2014
Ákos M. Lőrincz, Csaba I. Tímár, Krisztina A. Marosvári, Dániel Sándor Veres, Lilla Otrokocsi, Ágnes Kittel, Erzsébet Ligeti

To carry out a systematic study on the effect of different storage conditions on the number as well as the physical and functional properties of antibacterial extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from human neutrophilic granulocytes.


Production of EVs with antibacterial properties was initiated by opsonized Zymosan A particles. The number of released fluorescent EVs was determined by flow cytometry following careful calibration. Physical properties and size of EVs were investigated by flow cytometry, dynamic light scattering and electron microscopy. Functional properties of EVs were tested by bacterial survival assay.


Storage at +20°C or +4°C resulted in a significant decrease of EV number and antibacterial effect after 1 day. Storage at −20°C did not influence the EV number up to 28 days, but induced a shift in EV size and almost complete loss of antibacterial function by 28 days. Storage at −80°C had no significant effect either on EV number or size and allowed partial preservation of the antibacterial function up to 28 days. Snap‐freezing did not improve the results, whereas the widely used cryoprotectants induced EV lysis.


Storage significantly alters both the physical and functional properties of EVs even if the number of EVs stays constant. If storage is needed, EVs should be kept at −80°C, preferably not longer than 7 days. For functional tests, freshly prepared EVs are recommended.

Evaluation of circulating small extracellular vesicles derived miRNAs as biomarkers of early colon cancer: a comparison with plasma total miRNAs
Tập 8 Số 1 - 2019
Li Min, Shengtao Zhu, Lei Chen, Xiang Liu, Rui Wei, Libo Zhao, Yuqing Yang, Zheng Zhang, Guanyi Kong, Peng Li, Shutian Zhang

Early diagnosis of colon cancer (CC) is clinically important, as it can significantly improve patients' survival rate and quality of life. Although the potential role for small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) in early detection of many diseases has been repeatedly mentioned, systematic screening of plasma sEVs derived early CC specific biomarkers has not yet been reported. In this work, plasma sEVs enriched fractions were derived from 15 early‐stage (TisN0M0) CC patients and 10 normal controls (NC). RNA sequencing identified a total number of 95 sEVs enriched fraction derived miRNAs with differential expression between CC and NC, most of which (60/95) was in well accordance with tissue results in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) dataset. Among those miRNAs, we selected let‐7b‐3p, miR‐139‐3p, miR‐145‐3p, and miR‐150‐3p for further validation in an independent cohort consisting of 134 participants (58 CC and 76 NC). In the validation cohort, the AUC of 4 individual miRNAs ranged from 0.680 to 0.792. A logistic model combining two miRNAs (i.e. let‐7b‐3p and miR‐145‐3p) achieved an AUC of 0.901. Adding the 3rd miRNA into this model can further increase the AUC to 0.927. Side by side comparison revealed that sEVs miRNA profile outperformed cell‐free plasma miRNA in the diagnosis of early CC. In conclusion, we suggested that circulating sEVs enriched fractions have a distinct miRNA profile in CC patients, and sEVs derived miRNA could be used as a promising biomarker to detect CC at an early stage.

Comparative analysis of EV isolation procedures for miRNAs detection in serum samples
Tập 5 Số 1 - 2016
Zoraida Andreu, Elia Yvette Anaid Ortiz Rivas, Aitana Sanguino-Pascual, Amalia Lamana, Mónica Marazuela, Isidoro González‐Álvaro, Francisco Sánchez‐Madrid, Hortensia de la Fuente, María Yáñez‐Mó

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are emerging as potent non‐invasive biomarkers. However, current methodologies are time consuming and difficult to translate to clinical practice. To analyse EV‐encapsulated circulating miRNA, we searched for a quick, easy and economic method to enrich frozen human serum samples for EV. We compared the efficiency of several protocols and commercial kits to isolate EVs. Different methods based on precipitation, columns or filter systems were tested and compared with ultracentrifugation, which is the most classical protocol to isolate EVs. EV samples were assessed for purity and quantity by nanoparticle tracking analysis and western blot or cytometry against major EV protein markers. For biomarker validation, levels of a set of miRNAs were determined in EV fractions and compared with their levels in total serum. EVs isolated with precipitation‐based methods were enriched for a subgroup of miRNAs that corresponded to miRNAs described to be encapsulated into EVs (miR‐126, miR‐30c and miR‐143), while the detection of miR‐21, miR‐16‐5p and miR‐19a was very low compared with total serum. Our results point to precipitation using polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a suitable method for an easy and cheap enrichment of serum EVs for miRNA analyses. The overall performance of PEG was very similar, or better than other commercial precipitating reagents, in both protein and miRNA yield, but in comparison to them PEG is much cheaper. Other methods presented poorer results, mostly when assessing miRNA by qPCR analyses. Using PEG precipitation in a longitudinal study with human samples, we demonstrated that miRNA could be assessed in frozen samples up to 8 years of storage. We report a method based on a cut‐off value of mean of fold EV detection versus serum that provides an estimate of the degree of encapsulation of a given miRNA.

MiR155‐5p in adventitial fibroblasts‐derived extracellular vesicles inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation via suppressing angiotensin‐converting enzyme expression
Tập 9 Số 1 - 2020
Xingsheng Ren, Ying Tong, Yun Qiu, Chao Ye, Nan Wu, Xiao‐Qing Xiong, Juejin Wang, Ying Han, Ye‐Bo Zhou, Feng Zhang, Hai‐Jian Sun, Xing‐Ya Gao, Qi Chen, Yuehua Li, Yu‐Ming Kang, Guo‐Qing Zhu

Proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) plays crucial roles in vascular remodelling and stiffening in hypertension. Vascular adventitial fibroblasts are a key regulator of vascular wall function and structure. This study is designed to investigate the roles of adventitial fibroblasts‐derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) in VSMC proliferation and vascular remodelling in normotensive Wistar‐Kyoto rat (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), an animal model of human essential hypertension. EVs were isolated from aortic adventitial fibroblasts of WKY (WKY‐EVs) and SHR (SHR‐EVs). Compared with WKY‐EVs, miR155‐5p content was reduced, while angiotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE) content was increased in SHR‐EVs. WKY‐EVs inhibited VSMC proliferation of SHR, which was prevented by miR155‐5p inhibitor. SHR‐EVs promoted VSMC proliferation of both strains, which was enhanced by miR155‐5p inhibitor, but abolished by captopril or losartan. Dual luciferase reporter assay showed that ACE was a target gene of miR155‐5p. MiR155‐5p mimic or overexpression inhibited VSMC proliferation and ACE upregulation of SHR. WKY‐EVs reduced ACE mRNA and protein expressions while SHR‐EVs only increased ACE protein level in VSMCs of both strains. However, the SHR‐EVs‐derived from the ACE knockdown‐treated adventitial fibroblasts lost the roles in promoting VSMC proliferation and ACE upregulation. Systemic miR155‐5p overexpression reduced vascular ACE, angiotensin II and proliferating cell nuclear antigen levels, and attenuated hypertension and vascular remodelling in SHR. Repetitive intravenous injection of SHR‐EVs increased blood pressure and vascular ACE contents, and promoted vascular remodelling in both strains, while WKY‐EVs reduced vascular ACE contents and attenuated hypertension and vascular remodelling in SHR. We concluded that WKY‐EVs‐mediated miR155‐5p transfer attenuates VSMC proliferation and vascular remodelling in SHR via suppressing ACE expression, while SHR‐EVs‐mediated ACE transfer promotes VSMC proliferation and vascular remodelling.

An experimental strategy unveiling exosomal microRNAs 486‐5p, 181a‐5p and 30d‐5p from hypoxic tumour cells as circulating indicators of high‐risk rectal cancer
Tập 8 Số 1 - 2019
Tonje Bjørnetrø, Kathrine Røe Redalen, Sebastian Meltzer, Nirujah Sivarajah Thusyanthan, Rampradeep Samiappan, Caroline Jegerschöld, K. Risberg Handeland, Anne Hansen Ree

Tumour hypoxia contributes to poor treatment outcome in locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) and circulating extracellular vesicles (EVs) as potential biomarkers of tumour hypoxia and adverse prognosis have not been fully explored. We examined EV miRNAs from hypoxic colorectal cancer cell lines as template for relevant miRNAs in LARC patients participating in a prospective biomarker study (NCT01816607). Five cell lines were cultured under normoxia (21% O2) or hypoxia (0.2% O2) for 24 h, and exosomes were isolated by differential ultracentrifugation. Using a commercial kit, exosomes were precipitated from 24 patient plasma samples collected at the time of diagnosis. Exosome size distribution and protein cargo were determined by cryo‐electron microscopy, nanoparticle tracking analysis, immunoblotting and flow cytometry. The vesicles harboured strong cell line‐specific miRNA profiles with 35 unique miRNAs differentially expressed between hypoxic and normoxic cells. Six of these miRNAs were considered candidate‐circulating markers of tumour hypoxia in the patients based on the frequency or magnitude of variance in hypoxic versus normoxic cell line experiments and prevalence in patient plasma. Of these, low plasma levels of exosomal miR‐486‐5p and miR‐181a‐5p were associated with organ‐invasive primary tumour (p = 0.029) and lymph node metastases (p = 0.024), respectively, both attributes of adverse LARC prognosis. In line with this, the plasma level of exosomal miR‐30d‐5p was elevated in patients who experienced metastatic progression (p = 0.036). Our strategy confirmed that EVs from colorectal cancer cell lines were exosomes containing the oxygen‐sensitive miRNAs 486‐5p, 181a‐5p and 30d‐5p, which were retrieved as circulating markers of high‐risk LARC.

Prostate cancer extracellular vesicles mediate intercellular communication with bone marrow cells and promote metastasis in a cholesterol‐dependent manner
Tập 10 Số 2 - 2020
Stephen E. Henrich, Kaylin M. McMahon, Michael P. Plebanek, Andrea E. Calvert, Timothy Joel Feliciano, Samuel K. Parrish, Fabio Tavora, Anthony Mega, André De Souza, Benedito A. Carneiro, C. Shad Thaxton

Primary tumours can establish long‐range communication with distant organs to transform them into fertile soil for circulating tumour cells to implant and proliferate, a process called pre‐metastatic niche (PMN) formation. Tumour‐derived extracellular vesicles (EV) are potent mediators of PMN formation due to their diverse complement of pro‐malignant molecular cargo and their propensity to target specific cell types (Costa‐Silva et al., 2015; Hoshino et al., 2015; Peinado et al., 2012; Peinado et al., 2017). While significant progress has been made to understand the mechanisms by which pro‐metastatic EVs create tumour‐favouring microenvironments at pre‐metastatic organ sites, comparatively little attention has been paid to the factors intrinsic to recipient cells that may modify the extent to which pro‐metastatic EV signalling is received and transduced. Here, we investigated the role of recipient cell cholesterol homeostasis in prostate cancer (PCa) EV‐mediated signalling and metastasis. Using a bone metastatic model of enzalutamide‐resistant PCa, we first characterized an axis of EV‐mediated communication between PCa cells and bone marrow that is marked by in vitro and in vivo PCa EV uptake by bone marrow myeloid cells, activation of NF‐κB signalling, enhanced osteoclast differentiation, and reduced myeloid thrombospondin‐1 expression. We then employed a targeted, biomimetic approach to reduce myeloid cell cholesterol in vitro and in vivo prior to conditioning with PCa EVs. Reducing myeloid cell cholesterol prevented the uptake of PCa EVs by recipient myeloid cells, abolished NF‐κB activity and osteoclast differentiation, stabilized thrombospondin‐1 expression, and reduced metastatic burden by 77%. These results demonstrate that cholesterol homeostasis in bone marrow myeloid cells regulates pro‐metastatic EV signalling and metastasis by acting as a gatekeeper for EV signal transduction.