Journal of Ornithology
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Accounting for detection probability when estimating force-of-infection from animal encounter data
Journal of Ornithology - Tập 152 Số S2 - Trang 511-520 - 2012
Die Veränderung der Brutvogelfauna in zwei süddeutschen Dorfgemeindebereichen in den letzten fünf bzw. drei Jahrzehnten oder: verlorene Paradiese?
Journal of Ornithology - Tập 144 - Trang 385-410 - 2003
Für zwei süddeutsche Dorfgemeindebereiche (Möggingen — Sitz der Vogelwarte Radolfzell — und Billafingen — Wohnort des Autors, beide in der Nähe des Bodensees) lassen sich aufgrund von kontinuierlichen Beobachtungen, wiederholten Bestandserfassungen, Tagebuchaufzeichnungen und u. a. die Veränderungen der Avifauna für 5 bzw. 3 Jahrzehnte darstellen, für Möggingen auch detailliert quantitativ. Die Ergebnisse sind in Tab. 1 und 2 zusammengefasst und basieren auf ausführlichen Artbeschreibungen mit Quellenangaben, die verfügbar sind unter oder vom Autor. In den letzten 50 bzw. 30 Jahren sind auf ausgewählten Untersuchungsflächen im Bereich von Möggingen (ca. 4 km2) 110 Brutvogelarten festgestellt werden, im Bereich von Billafingen (ca. 8 km2) 84, davon 89 bzw. 74 als (fast) regelmäßige Brutvögel. Im Untersuchungszeitraum sind von den (fast) regelmäßig brütenden Arten 18 (21 %) bzw. 14 (19 %) verschwunden, und 12 (14 %) bzw. 5 (7 %) brüten inzwischen nur noch unregelmaäßig oder kaum noch. Von den verbliebenen regelmäßig brütenden 56 bzw. 51 Arten zeigen derzeit 20 bzw. 7 deutliche Bestandsabnahme, 32 bzw. 41 stabile Bestände und nur 4 bzw. 3 Bestandszunahme, und lediglich 8 bzw. 3 Arten haben sich (vorübergehend) neu angesiedelt. Für die Untersuchungsfläche in Möggingen lässt sich zeigen, dass auch die Individuenzahl stark zurückgegangen ist — von ursprünglich rund 3300 auf derzeit 2100 —, und damit auch die Vogel-Biomasse insgesamt — von früher ca. 240 kg auf derzeit 150 kg. Dieser enorme Schwund an Artenvielfalt und Individuenzahl, der sich fortsetzt, geht im Wesentlichen auf drei Faktorenkomplexe zurück, die diskutiert werden: 1) Verluste von Habitaten und Verschlechterung der Habitatqualität (v.a. des Nahrungsangebotes), 2) „Verunruhigung” der Landschaft und 3) globale Klimaerwärmung. Um die Entwicklung zu einem „immer leiser werdenden Frühling” möglicherweise doch noch aufhalten zu können, werden acht konkrete Vorschläge gemacht: 1) Lobby-Bildung mit Verbänden und der Öffentlichkeit, 2) Mobilisierung von Wissenschaftlern, 3) Neuorientierung in der Grundlagenforschung, 4) Einschaltung der Medien, 5) mehr sachliche Bewertung von Erfolgen, Misserfolgen und Einflussgrößen, 6) aktuelle Schutzmaßnahmen zum Flächenbezug, 7) Einrichtung einer Management-Gruppe und 8) Intensivierung einer naturschutzorientierten Umwelterziehung.
Ecological and historical views of the diversification of Geositta miners (Aves: Furnariidae: Sclerurinae)
Journal of Ornithology - Tập 158 - Trang 15-23 - 2016
Diverse historical and ecological factors determine and drive diversification of vertebrate lineages. Historical factors (e.g., orogenic movements) are expected to act on coarser spatial and temporal scales than contemporary ecological factors (e.g., climate and biotic interactions). However, distinctions between such scales remain arbitrary, and yet are important to understanding which factors acted in the emergence of new species. We inferred ancestral states for climatic niches on ecological scales, and ancestral area reconstructions for the genus Geositta on deeper time scales. Ecological niches did not overlap more between sister species than among more distant relatives, and rather pointed to a plastic scenario for climatic diversification of Geositta rather than niche conservatism. Events temporally associated with the formation of the Andes (Miocene) seem to explain most of the diversification. In sum, climatic factors may not have had a great influence in the diversification of Geositta, at least in the context of Pleistocene climate fluctuations.
Genetic monogamy in the Common Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra)
Journal of Ornithology - Tập 149 Số 4 - Trang 651-654 - 2008
Nestling diet optimization and condition in relation to prey attributes and breeding patch size in a patch-resident insectivorous passerine: an optimal continuum and habitat constraints
Journal of Ornithology - Tập 158 - Trang 169-184 - 2016
Direct observational studies are needed to address dietary adjustment in species breeding in isolated non-forest habitat islands with respect to the energy demands of growing nestlings and breeding patch size. Using new dietary records determined for nestlings of Whinchat Saxicola rubetra, a dramatically declining insectivorous passerine and an indicator species of the cessation of agricultural activity, we investigated the relationships between changes in the main dietary characteristics, numerical and biomass contributions of major taxonomic and functional prey groups (expressing chitin content, vertical distribution, habitat preference and vagility within the landscape) and brood age, nestling condition and size of abandoned fields (i.e. breeding patches). Broods from larger abandoned fields received more sedentary and heavier prey like Orthoptera and soil-dwelling invertebrates, whereas the proportion of caterpillars, aerial insects and prey from vegetation decreased with increasing patch size. Nestling condition was positively correlated with the proportion of caterpillars and Orthoptera or sedentary prey taxa, but negatively with the proportion of Coleoptera or vagile prey taxa in the diet, though not with patch area. This suggests that parent Whinchats can overcome the habitat constraints resulting from the small area of an abandoned field by interchangeably incorporating the two major prey groups (Orthoptera or Lepidoptera) into the diet they feed to their nestlings. This implies a continuum in dietary optimization that is a trade-off between a brood’s nutritional demands and the parents’ ability to deliver top-ranked invertebrates present mostly within the breeding patch.
Autumn migratory departure is influenced by reproductive timing and weather in an Arctic passerine
Journal of Ornithology - Tập 161 - Trang 779-791 - 2020
Numerous studies of spring migration have discovered that environmental conditions experienced on the wintering grounds and/or during vernal migration itself can have “carry-over effects” altering timing or success of the subsequent breeding season. Few studies have evaluated whether breeding and pre-basic molt have carry-over effects on autumn migration. The aim of this study was to test the expectations that (1) at broad temporal scales carry-over effects from breeding and molt constrain migratory departure but that (2) at finer temporal scales local weather will further refine this decision. We monitored nests of Gambel’s white-crowned sparrows breeding in the low Arctic in Alaska over three years and used radio-telemetry to track autumn migratory departure. We found that reproductive timing and weather parameters, but not molt timing, contributed to variation in autumn departure from the breeding site. Birds that terminated parental care late in the summer departed from the breeding grounds late relative to other birds. Birds were more likely to leave on nights without precipitation, when barometric pressure was increasing, and when ground level south winds were prominent. We also observed that, on average, birds departed 2.5 h after sunset and shifted the hour of departure as sunset advanced over the migration season. Our findings, in conjunction with observations of migration from earlier studies, raise the possibility that global climate change may be delaying autumn migratory departure in Gambel’s white-crowned sparrows breeding in Alaska.
The earliest known pelican reveals 30 million years of evolutionary stasis in beak morphology
Journal of Ornithology - Tập 152 - Trang 15-20 - 2010
The feeding apparatus of Paleogene birds is rarely well-preserved. Here, we describe the earliest known pelican (early Oligocene, Luberon, southeastern France), with its almost complete beak. Morphologically identical to modern pelicans, the new fossil already shows several advanced features unique to extant species of the genus Pelecanus. It probably belongs to the lineage ancestral to all or some of these pelican species. This fossil reveals a remarkable evolutionary stasis in the morphology of such an advanced avian feeding apparatus through ca. 30 million years. Several hypotheses are proposed to suggest explanations for such examples of long stases in volant homeothermic vertebrates.
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