Journal of Neurophysiology




Cơ quản chủ quản:  American Physiological Society , AMER PHYSIOLOGICAL SOC

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Neuroscience (miscellaneous)Physiology

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The Journal of Neurophysiology publishes original articles on the function of the nervous system. All levels of function are included, from the membrane and cell to systems and behavior. Experimental approaches include molecular neurobiology, cell culture and slice preparations, membrane physiology, developmental neurobiology, functional neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, systems electrophysiology, imaging and mapping techniques, and behavioral analysis. Experimental preparations may be invertebrate or vertebrate species, including humans. Theoretical studies are acceptable if they are tied closely to the interpretation of experimental data and elucidate principles of broad interest.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Melanopsin Ganglion Cells Use a Membrane-Associated Rhabdomeric Phototransduction Cascade
Tập 99 Số 5 - Trang 2522-2532 - 2008
Dustin M. Graham, Kwoon Y. Wong, Peter A. Shapiro, Courtney Frederick, Kartik Pattabiraman, David M. Berson
Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) are photoreceptors of the mammalian eye that drive pupillary responses, synchronization of circadian rhythms, and other reflexive responses to daylight. Melanopsin is the ipRGC photopigment, but the signaling cascade through which this invertebrate-like opsin triggers the photocurrent in these cells is unknown. Here, using patch-clamp recordings from dissociated ipRGCs in culture, we show that a membrane-associated phosphoinositide cascade lies at the heart of the ipRGC phototransduction mechanism, similar to the cascade in rhabdomeric photoreceptors of invertebrate eyes. When ipRGCs were illuminated, melanopsin activated a G protein of the Gq/11class, stimulating the effector enzyme phospholipase C. The presence of these signaling components in ipRGCs was confirmed by single-cell RT-PCR and immunofluorescence. The photoresponse was fully functional in excised inside-out patches of ipRGC membrane, indicating that all core signaling components are within or tightly coupled to the plasma membrane. The striking similarity of phototransduction in ipRGCs and invertebrate rhabdomeric photoreceptors reinforces the emerging view that these cells have a common evolutionary origin.
Unified theory regarding A/P and M/L balance in quiet stance
Tập 75 Số 6 - Trang 2334-2343 - 1996
David Winter, François Prince, James S. Frank, C. Powell, Karl Zabjek
1. Control of posture in quiet stance has been quantified by center of pressure (COP) changes in the anterior-posterior (A/P) and medial-lateral (M/L) directions from a single force platform. Recording from a single force platform, researchers are unable to recognize two separate mechanisms that become evident when two force platforms are used. Depending on the stance position taken, many combinations of an ankle mechanism and a hip (load/unload) mechanism are evident. In side-by-side stance, A/P balance is totally under ankle (plantar/dorsiflexor) control, whereas M/L balance is under hip (abductor/adductor) control. In tandem stance, the A/P balance is dominated by the hip mechanism, with mixed and small or sometimes negligible contributions by the ankle plantar/dorsiflexors: for M/L balance, the reverse is evident; ankle invertors/evertors dominate, with mixed and small contribution from the hip load/unload mechanism. In an intermediate 45 degrees stance position, both ankle and hip mechanisms contribute to the net balance control in totally different ways. In the M/L direction the two strategies reinforce, whereas in the A/P direction the ankle mechanism must overcome and cancel most of the inappropriate contribution by the hip load/unload mechanism. A spatial plot of the separate mechanisms reveals the fact that the random-looking COP scatter plot is nothing more than a spatial and temporal summation of two separate spatial plots. A straight line joining the individual COPs under each foot is the load/unload line controlled by the hip mechanism. At right angles to this load/unload line in the side-by-side and tandem positions is the independent control line by the ankle muscles. In an intermediate standing position, the separate control lines exist, but now the ankle control is not orthogonal to the load/unload line; rather, it acts at an angle of approximately 60 degrees. The direction of these ankle control and load/unload lines also allows us to pinpoint the muscle groups responsible at the ankle and hip in any of the stance positions.
Stiffness Control of Balance in Quiet Standing
Tập 80 Số 3 - Trang 1211-1221 - 1998
David Winter, Aftab E. Patla, François Prince, Milad G. Ishac, Krystyna Gielo‐Perczak
Winter, David A., Aftab E. Patla, Francois Prince, Milad Ishac, and Krystyna Gielo-Perczak. Stiffness control of balance in quiet standing. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 1211–1221, 1998. Our goal was to provide some insights into how the CNS controls and maintains an upright standing posture, which is an integral part of activities of daily living. Although researchers have used simple performance measures of maintenance of this posture quite effectively in clinical decision making, the mechanisms and control principles involved have not been clear. We propose a relatively simple control scheme for regulation of upright posture that provides almost instantaneous corrective response and reduces the operating demands on the CNS. The analytic model is derived and experimentally validated. A stiffness model was developed for quiet standing. The model assumes that muscles act as springs to cause the center-of-pressure (COP) to move in phase with the center-of-mass (COM) as the body sways about some desired position. In the sagittal plane this stiffness control exists at the ankle plantarflexors, in the frontal plane by the hip abductors/adductors. On the basis of observations that the COP-COM error signal continuously oscillates, it is evident that the inverted pendulum model is severely underdamped, approaching the undamped condition. The spectrum of this error signal is seen to match that of a tuned mass, spring, damper system, and a curve fit of this “tuned circuit” yields ωn the undamped natural frequency of the system. The effective stiffness of the system, K e , is then estimated from K e = Iω2 n, and the damping B is estimated from B = BW × I, where BW is the bandwidth of the tuned response (in rad/s), and I is the moment of inertia of the body about the ankle joint. Ten adult subjects were assessed while standing quietly at three stance widths: 50% hip-to-hip distance, 100 and 150%. Subjects stood for 2 min in each position with eyes open; the 100% stance width was repeated with eyes closed. In all trials and in both planes, the COP oscillated virtually in phase (within 6 ms) with COM, which was predicted by a simple 0th order spring model. Sway amplitude decreased as stance width increased, and K e increased with stance width. A stiffness model would predict sway to vary as K −0.5 e . The experimental results were close to this prediction: sway was proportional to K −0.55 e . Reactive control of balance was not evident for several reasons. The visual system does not appear to contribute because no significant difference between eyes open and eyes closed results was found at 100% stance width. Vestibular (otolith) and joint proprioceptive reactive control were discounted because the necessary head accelerations, joint displacements, and velocities were well below reported thresholds. Besides, any reactive control would predict that COP would considerably lag (150–250 ms) behind the COM. Because the average COP was only 4 ms delayed behind the COM, reactive control was not evident; this small delay was accounted for by the damping in the tuned mechanical system.
Neural Mechanisms of Spatial Selective Attention in Areas V1, V2, and V4 of Macaque Visual Cortex
Tập 77 Số 1 - Trang 24-42 - 1997
Steven J. Luck, Leonardo Chelazzi, Steven A. Hillyard, Robert Desimone
Luck, Steven J., Leonardo Chelazzi, Steven A. Hillyard, and Robert Desimone. Neural mechanisms of spatial selective attention in areas V1, V2, and V4 of macaque visual cortex. J. Neurophysiol. 77: 24–42, 1997. Many neurons in extrastriate visual cortex have large receptive fields, and this may lead to significant computational problems whenever multiple stimuli fall within a single field. Previous studies have suggested that when multiple stimuli fall within a cell's receptive field, they compete for the cell's response in a manner that can be biased in favor of attended stimuli. In the present study we examined this role of attention in areas V1, V2, and V4 of macaque monkeys with the use of a behavioral paradigm in which attention was directed to one of two stimulus locations. When two stimuli were presented simultaneously inside the cell's receptive field (which could be accomplished only in areas V2 and V4), we found that the cell's response was strongly influenced by which of the two stimuli was attended. The size of this attention effect was reduced when the attended and ignored stimuli were presented sequentially rather than simultaneously. In addition, the effects became very weak and inconsistent in these areas when only one of the two stimuli was located inside the receptive field. Attention thus modulated sensory responses primarily when two or more simultaneous stimuli competed for access to a neuron's receptive field. As in areas V2 and V4, attention did not modulate sensory responses in area V1 when only a single stimulus was inside the receptive field. In addition, the small receptive fields in this area precluded the simultaneous presentation of attended and ignored stimuli inside the receptive field, making it impossible to determine whether attention effects would be observed under the conditions that led to consistent attention effects in areas V2 and V4. Spontaneous firing rates in areas V2 and V4 were found to be 30–40% higher when attention was directed inside rather than outside the receptive field, even when no stimulus was present in the receptive field. Spontaneous firing rates also varied according to the particular location within the receptive field that was attended. These shifts in spontaneous activity may reflect a top-down signal that biases responses in favor of stimuli at the attended location.
Effects of Spatial Attention on Contrast Response Functions in Macaque Area V4
Tập 96 Số 1 - Trang 40-54 - 2006
Tori Williford, John H. R. Maunsell
Previous single-unit studies of visual cortex have reported that spatial attention modulates responses to different orientations and directions proportionally, such that it does not change the width of tuning functions for these properties. Other studies have suggested that spatial attention causes a leftward shift in contrast response functions, such that its effects on responses to stimuli of different contrasts are not proportional. We have further explored the effects of attention on stimulus-response functions by measuring the responses of 131 individual V4 neurons in two monkeys while they did a task that controlled their spatial attention. Each neuron was tested with a set of stimuli that spanned complete ranges of orientation and contrast during different states of attention. Consistent with earlier reports, attention scaled responses to preferred and nonpreferred orientations proportionally. However, we did not find compelling evidence that the effects were best described by a leftward shift of the contrast response function. The modulation of neuronal responses by attention was well described by either a leftward shift or proportional scaling of the contrast response function. Consideration of differences in experimental design and analysis that may have contributed to this discrepancy suggests that it was premature to exclude a proportional scaling of responses to different contrasts by attention in favor of a leftward shift of contrast response functions. The current results reopen the possibility that the effects of attention on stimulus-response functions are well described by a single proportional increase in a neuron's response to all stimuli.
Topographic Maps of Visual Spatial Attention in Human Parietal Cortex
Tập 94 Số 2 - Trang 1358-1371 - 2005
Michael A. Silver, David Ress, David J. Heeger
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure activity in human parietal cortex during performance of a visual detection task in which the focus of attention systematically traversed the visual field. Critically, the stimuli were identical on all trials (except for slight contrast changes in a fully randomized selection of the target locations) whereas only the cued location varied. Traveling waves of activity were observed in posterior parietal cortex consistent with shifts in covert attention in the absence of eye movements. The temporal phase of the fMRI signal in each voxel indicated the corresponding visual field location. Visualization of the distribution of temporal phases on a flattened representation of parietal cortex revealed at least two distinct topographically organized cortical areas within the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), each representing the contralateral visual field. Two cortical areas were proposed based on this topographic organization, which we refer to as IPS1 and IPS2 to indicate their locations within the IPS. This nomenclature is neutral with respect to possible homologies with well-established cortical areas in the monkey brain. The two proposed cortical areas exhibited relatively little response to passive visual stimulation in comparison with early visual areas. These results provide evidence for multiple topographic maps in human parietal cortex.
Columnar organization of directionally selective cells in visual area MT of the macaque
Tập 51 Số 1 - Trang 16-31 - 1984
Thomas D. Albright, Robert Desimone, Charles G. Gross
We recorded from single neurons in visual area MT of the macaque in order to examine the spatial distribution of its directionally selective cells. The animals were paralyzed and anesthetized with nitrous oxide. All MT neurons (n = 614) responded better to moving stimuli than to stationary stimuli. For 55% of the neurons, responses to moving stimuli were independent of stimulus color, shape, length, or orientation. For the remaining cells, stimulus length affected the response magnitude and tuning bandwidth but not the preferred direction. MT neurons were divided into four categories on the basis of their sensitivity to moving stimuli: 60% responded exclusively to one direction of motion, 24% responded best to one direction with a weaker response in the opposite direction, 8% responded equally well to two opposite directions of motion, and 8% responded equally well to all directions of motion. The direction preferences of successively sampled cells on a penetration either changed by small increments or occasionally by approximately 180 degrees. Thus, there is a systematic representation of direction of motion. The representation of axis of motion, i.e., the orientation of the path along which a stimulus moves, is more continuous than the representation of direction of motion. There was a systematic relationship between penetration angle and rate of change of preferred axis of motion, indicating that cells with a similar axis of motion preference are arranged in vertical columns. Furthermore, axis of motion columns appear to exist in the form of continuous slabs in area MT. The size of these slabs is such that 180 degrees of axis of motion are represented in 400-500 micron of cortex. There was also a systematic relationship between penetration angle and frequency of 180 degrees reversals, indicating that cells with a similar direction of motion preference are also organized in vertical columns and cells with opposite direction preferences are located in adjacent columns within a single axis of motion column. Just as in macaque striate cortex where approximately 500 micron of cortex contain the mechanism for the local analysis of stimulus orientation, so in MT approximately 500 micron of cortex contain the mechanism for the local analysis of stimulus motion.
Origins of Cross-Orientation Suppression in the Visual Cortex
Tập 96 Số 4 - Trang 1755-1764 - 2006
Baowang Li, Jeffrey Thompson, Thang Duong, Matthew R. Peterson, Ray Freeman
The response of a neuron in striate cortex to an optimally oriented stimulus is suppressed by a superimposed orthogonal stimulus. The neural mechanism underlying this cross-orientation suppression (COS) may arise from intracortical or subcortical processes or from both. Recent studies of the temporal frequency and adaptation properties of COS suggest that depression at thalamo-cortical synapses may be the principal mechanism. To examine the possible role of synaptic depression in relation to COS, we measured the recovery time course of COS. We find it too rapid to be explained by synaptic depression. We also studied potential subcortical processes by measuring single cell contrast response functions for a population of LGN neurons. In general, contrast saturation is a consistent property of LGN neurons. Combined with rectifying nonlinearities in the LGN and spike threshold nonlinearities in visual cortex, contrast saturation in the LGN can account for most of the COS that is observed in the visual cortex.
Noise From Voltage-Gated Ion Channels May Influence Neuronal Dynamics in the Entorhinal Cortex
Tập 80 Số 1 - Trang 262-269 - 1998
John A. White, Ruby Klink, Ángel Alonso, Alan R. Kay
White, John A., Ruby Klink, Angel Alonso, and Alan R. Kay. Noise from voltage-gated ion channels may influence neuronal dynamics in the entorhinal cortex. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 262–269, 1998. Neurons of the superficial medial entorhinal cortex (MEC), which deliver neocortical input to the hippocampus, exhibit intrinsic, subthreshold oscillations with slow dynamics. These intrinsic oscillations, driven by a persistent Na+ current and a slow outward current, may help to generate the theta rhythm, a slow rhythm that plays an important role in spatial and declarative learning. Here we show that the number of persistent Na+ channels underlying subthreshold oscillations is relatively small (<104) and use a physiologically based stochastic model to argue that the random behavior of these channels may contribute crucially to cellular-level responses. In acutely isolated MEC neurons under voltage clamp, the mean and variance of the persistent Na+ current were used to estimate the single channel conductance and voltage-dependent probability of opening. A hybrid stochastic-deterministic model was built by using voltage-clamp descriptions of the persistent and fast-inactivating Na+ conductances, along with the fast and slow K+ conductances. All voltage-dependent conductances were represented with nonlinear ordinary differential equations, with the exception of the persistent Na+ conductance, which was represented as a population of stochastic ion channels. The model predicts that the probabilistic nature of Na+ channels increases the cell's repertoire of qualitative behaviors; although deterministic models at a particular point in parameter space can generate either subthreshold oscillations or phase-locked spikes (but rarely both), models with an appropriate level of channel noise can replicate physiological behavior by generating both patterns of electrical activity for a single set of parameters. Channel noise may contribute to higher order interspike interval statistics seen in vitro with DC current stimulation. Models with channel noise show evidence of spike clustering seen in brain slice experiments, although the effect is apparently not as prominent as seen in experimental results. Channel noise may contribute to cellular responses in vivo as well; the stochastic system has enhanced sensitivity to small periodic stimuli in a form of stochastic resonance that is novel (in that the relevant noise source is intrinsic and voltage-dependent) and potentially physiologically relevant. Although based on a simple model that does not include all known membrane mechanisms of MEC stellate cells, these results nevertheless imply that the stochastic nature of small collections of molecules may have important effects at the cellular and network levels.
A unifying principle underlying the extracellular field potential spectral responses in the human cortex
Tập 114 Số 1 - Trang 505-519 - 2015
Ella Podvalny, Niv Noy, Michal Harel, Stephan Bickel, Gal Chechik, Charles E. Schroeder, Ashesh D. Mehta, Misha Tsodyks, Rafael Malach
Electrophysiological mass potentials show complex spectral changes upon neuronal activation. However, it is unknown to what extent these complex band-limited changes are interrelated or, alternatively, reflect separate neuronal processes. To address this question, intracranial electrocorticograms (ECoG) responses were recorded in patients engaged in visuomotor tasks. We found that in the 10- to 100-Hz frequency range there was a significant reduction in the exponent χ of the 1/ fχ component of the spectrum associated with neuronal activation. In a minority of electrodes showing particularly high activations the exponent reduction was associated with specific band-limited power modulations: emergence of a high gamma (80–100 Hz) and a decrease in the alpha (9–12 Hz) peaks. Importantly, the peaks' height was correlated with the 1/ fχ exponent on activation. Control simulation ruled out the possibility that the change in 1/ fχ exponent was a consequence of the analysis procedure. These results reveal a new global, cross-frequency (10–100 Hz) neuronal process reflected in a significant reduction of the power spectrum slope of the ECoG signal.