Journal of Marketing

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Product Differentiation and Market Segmentation as Alternative Marketing Strategies
Journal of Marketing - Tập 21 Số 1 - Trang 3 - 1956
Wendell R. Smith
Consumer Generalization of Nutrient Content Claims in Advertising
Journal of Marketing - Tập 62 Số 4 - Trang 62-75 - 1998
J. Craig Andrews, Richard G. Netemeyer, Scot Burton
Although considerable research exists on consumer processing of nutrition labeling and package claims, less is known about consumer interpretation of nutrient content claims in advertising. This is important because product advertising often provides a significant first step for consumers in learning new nutrition information. Yet, unlike package claims, Nutrition Facts Panels are often not available for consumers during the processing of such advertising claims. Therefore, the authors examine the following research questions: (1) Do consumers misinterpret (i.e., overgeneralize) common nutrient content claims in advertising? If so, under what conditions does this occur? and (2) Can various types of disclosure statements remedy this problem? To address these questions, the authors interview a total of 365 primary food shoppers in three geographically dispersed malls in the United States in a between-subjects experiment. Misleading generalizations, beyond those of control ad claims, are found for general and specific nutrient content claims. Ad disclosure type, ad claim type, and nutrition knowledge all separately influence nutrient content and disease risk measures. Evaluative disclosures reduce misleading generalizations to a greater extent than do absolute or relative disclosures. The authors offer implications for public policy and food marketers.
Making Healthful Food Choices: The Influence of Health Claims and Nutrition Information on Consumers’ Evaluations of Packaged Food Products and Restaurant Menu Items
Journal of Marketing - Tập 67 Số 2 - Trang 19-34 - 2003
John Kozup, Elizabeth H. Creyer, Scot Burton
The authors report the results of three experiments that address the effects of health claims and nutrition information placed on restaurant menus and packaged food labels. The results indicate that when favorable nutrition information or health claims are presented, consumers have more favorable attitudes toward the product, nutrition attitudes, and purchase intentions, and they perceive risks of heart disease and stroke to be lower. The nutritional context in which a restaurant menu item is presented moderates the effects of both nutrition information and a health claim on consumer evaluations, which suggests that alternative (i.e., nontarget) menu items serve as a frame of reference against which the target menu item is evaluated.
That’s Not So Bad, I’ll Eat More! Backfire Effects of Calories-per-Serving Information on Snack Consumption
Journal of Marketing - Tập 83 Số 1 - Trang 133-150 - 2019
Andrea Heintz Tangari, My Bui, Kelly L. Haws, Peggy J. Liu
This research investigates how provision of calories-per-serving information on serving size labels affects snack consumption quantity. Drawing from expectancy-disconfirmation theory, this research shows that providing calories-per-serving information can ironically create a consumption backfire effect (consumers eat more when presented with calories-per-serving information) for snacks perceived as unhealthy but not for snacks perceived as healthy. The authors find that this effect arises when calorie expectations are higher than the posted calories-per-serving level—a frequent occurrence due to stated serving sizes that are typically smaller than amounts consumed in one sitting. The authors also show that attention to calorie information plays a key role such that the backfire effect occurs among consumers who pay more attention to calorie information. Furthermore, motivational factors including individual differences and perceptions of the risk associated with consuming a snack also play a role in driving consumption differences. The authors offer managerial, policy, and consumer welfare implications, including proposing and testing larger stated serving sizes as an intervention.
Determinants of Long-Term Orientation in Buyer-Seller Relationships
Journal of Marketing - Tập 58 Số 2 - Trang 1 - 1994
Shankar Ganesan
An Examination of the Nature of Trust in Buyer-Seller Relationships
Journal of Marketing - Tập 61 Số 2 - Trang 35 - 1997
Patricia M. Doney, Joseph P. Cannon
Consumer Rankings of Risk Reduction Methods
Journal of Marketing - Tập 35 Số 1 - Trang 56-61 - 1971
Ted Roselius
When a buyer perceives risk in a purchase he can pursue different strategies of risk resolution. This article presents research findings which indicate that consumers have preferences for different methods of risk reduction associated with various types of loss.
The Effect of a Market Orientation on Business Profitability
Journal of Marketing - Tập 54 Số 4 - Trang 20 - 1990
John C. Narver, Stanley F. Slater
Market Orientation: The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial Implications
Journal of Marketing - Tập 54 Số 2 - Trang 1 - 1990
Ajay K. Kohli, Bernard J. Jaworski
Innovation, Market Orientation, and Organizational Learning: An Integration and Empirical Examination
Journal of Marketing - Tập 62 Số 3 - Trang 42 - 1998
Robert F. Hurley, G. Tomas M. Hult
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