Journal of Management Studies



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Cơ quản chủ quản:  WILEY , Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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Business and International ManagementStrategy and ManagementManagement of Technology and Innovation

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Consistently highly ranked in the Management category of the ISI Journal Citation Reports, the Journal of Management Studies (JMS) is a globally respected, multidisciplinary journal with a long established history of excellence in management research. JMS publishes innovative empirical and conceptual articles which advance knowledge of management and organisation broadly defined, in such fields as organization theory, organizational behaviour, human resource management, strategy, international business, entrepreneurship, innovation and critical management studies. JMS has an inclusive ethos and is open to a wide range of methodological approaches and philosophical underpinnings.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Tacit Knowledge: Some Suggestions for Operationalization
Tập 38 Số 6 - Trang 811-829 - 2001
Véronique Ambrosini, Cliff Bowman
With the emergence of the resource‐based view of the firm and of the concept of core competencies, intangible resources, and tacit knowledge in particular have been argued to occupy a central place in the development of sustainable competitive advantage. This is because tacit knowledge is argued to be difficult to imitate, to substitute, to transfer and it is rare. However, there is little empirical research to support this theoretical proposition. Tacit knowledge has so far resisted operationalization. This paper sets out to define the term tacit knowledge and proposes to redefine it, within the context of the resource‐based view of the firm, as tacit skills. A methodology (based on causal mapping, self‐Q and storytelling) for empirically researching the subject is outlined.
Tập 29 Số 3 - Trang 349-368 - 1992
Kim Langfield‐Smith
ABSTRACTThis article reports on an experiment that was undertaken to elicit the shared perceptions of a group of individuals in relation to a particular organizational domain. These shared perceptions were termed collective beliefs, and were to be modelled in the form of a causal cognitive map. An initial conceptual framework was presented in which it was posited that groups of individuals who work closely together share a set of common beliefs which enable them to function successfully as a group. These shared beliefs are an integral part of the group's cultural identity. Collective beliefs were defined as those beliefs which are a function of the group, encompassing more than those beliefs that are shared by the individuals within the group.Following the experiment it was proposed that it is not necessary for members of a group to have a complete set of shared beliefs in order to function as a decision‐making group. In the new model, collective cognitions are described as merely transitory phenomena, changing in response to circumstances. The reforming of such phenomena over time results in the formation of shared belief systems. This framework was supported by the literature.
Tập 29 Số 3 - Trang 261-265 - 1992
Colin Eden
Management ‘Intuition’: An Interpretative Account of Structure and Content of Decision Schemas Using Cognitive Maps
Tập 38 Số 2 - Trang 147-172 - 2001
Ian Clarke, William Mackaness
In this paper, the structure and content of executive perceptions are considered using cognitive mapping to isolate ‘intuitive’ elements within their individual decision schemas. An inductive approach is used to develop three propositions drawn from the literature. These are explored using the results of interviews with senior executives of two UK retail organizations. Three of the maps represent different levels of seniority and roles and are used to explore potential differences within the organization. Similarities and differences between organizations are examined with reference to an additional map of an individual in a second organization.[1] Propositions are interpreted and developed with reference to the maps and textual extracts from the interviews, to provide additional insight into the concept of intuition prior to larger‐scale studies. The study highlights the need to explore differences in schemas both within and between different industry sectors. It emphasizes three important aspects of intuition as a way in which individuals ‘cut through’ a decision situation to make an ‘unexplained’ relationship between input and cognition without really thinking in‐depth. First, they appear to trade‐off depth for breadth of information. Second, they use personal experiences, surrogate indicators, and typologies to rationalize their decisions. Finally, the study shows there are important overlaps and differences in the content of decision schemas that represent ground for agreement and disagreement and as a basis for negotiating group decisions. These insights are used to redevelop and extend the propositions by way of conclusion.
Tập 20 Số 4 - Trang 453-465 - 1983
William H. Davidson
Commercializing Open Science: Deep Space Communications as the Lead Market for Shannon Theory, 1960–73
Tập 45 Số 8 - Trang 1506-1532 - 2008
Joel West
abstractRecent research on the commercialization of scientific discoveries has emphasized the use of formal intellectual property rights (notably patents) as a mechanism for aligning the academic and entrepreneurial incentives for commercialization. Without such explicit intellectual property rights and licensing, how is such open science commercialized? This paper examines the commercialization of Claude Shannon's theory of communications, developed at and freely disseminated by Bell Telephone Laboratories. It analyses the first 25 years of Shannon theory, the role of MIT in developing and extending that theory, and the importance of deep space communications as the initial market for commercialization. It contrasts the early paths of two MIT‐related spinoffs that pursued this opportunity, including key technical and business trajectories driven by information theory. Based on this evidence, the paper provides observations about commercializing open science, particularly for engineering‐related fields.
Entrepreneurial Origin, Technological Knowledge, and the Growth of Spin‐Off Companies
Tập 48 Số 6 - Trang 1420-1442 - 2011
Bart Clarysse, Mike Wright, Els Van de Velde
abstractWe contribute to the literature on corporate spin‐offs and university spin‐offs by exploring how different characteristics in the technological knowledge base at start‐up influence spin‐off performance. We investigate how the technological knowledge characteristics endowed at start‐up predict growth, taking into account whether the knowledge/technology is transferred from a corporation or university. We use a novel, hand‐collected dataset involving 48 corporate and 73 university spin‐offs, comprising the population of spin‐offs in Flanders during 1991–2002. We find corporate spin‐offs grow most if they start with a specific narrow‐focused technology sufficiently distinct from the technical knowledge base of the parent company and which is tacit. University spin‐offs benefit from a broad technology which is transferred to the spin‐off. Novelty of the technical knowledge does not play a role in corporate spin‐offs, but has a negative impact in university spin‐offs unless universities have an experienced technology transfer office to support the spin‐off.
Whose Human Capital? The Challenge of Value Capture When Capital is Embedded
Tập 44 Số 4 - Trang 488-505 - 2007
Cliff Bowman, Juani Swart
abstract Current approaches that position human capital as central to value generation in knowledge‐based industries obscure the importance of the relational nature of knowledge production. That is, separable and embodied forms of capital are interdependent in value creation and capture processes. We identify a relational form of capital, embedded capital, which we argue is the critical resource in knowledge‐based industries such as professional services firms, because it allows us to include agency and interdependency in the value capture process. These dimensions have previously been overlooked by the resource‐based view of the firm. Examples of embedded capital include brand value, processes and procedures. The deployment of embedded capital is also not clearly controlled by either the firm or individual employees. A model is developed to illustrate the links between each form of capital, and the processes of value capture. This conceptual identification of the embedded form of capital is therefore of importance to future value creation and capture debates.
The Impact of Organizational Culture and Reshaping Capabilities on Change Implementation Success: The Mediating Role of Readiness for Change
Tập 42 Số 2 - Trang 361-386 - 2005
Renae Jones, Nerina L. Jimmieson, Andrew Griffiths
abstract It was hypothesized that employees’ perceptions of an organizational culture strong in human relations values and open systems values would be associated with heightened levels of readiness for change which, in turn, would be predictive of change implementation success. Similarly, it was predicted that reshaping capabilities would lead to change implementation success, via its effects on employees’ perceptions of readiness for change. Using a temporal research design, these propositions were tested for 67 employees working in a state government department who were about to undergo the implementation of a new end‐user computing system in their workplace. Change implementation success was operationalized as user satisfaction and system usage. There was evidence to suggest that employees who perceived strong human relations values in their division at Time 1 reported higher levels of readiness for change at pre‐implementation which, in turn, predicted system usage at Time 2. In addition, readiness for change mediated the relationship between reshaping capabilities and system usage. Analyses also revealed that pre‐implementation levels of readiness for change exerted a positive main effect on employees’ satisfaction with the system's accuracy, user friendliness, and formatting functions at post‐implementation. These findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical contribution to the readiness for change literature, and in relation to the practical importance of developing positive change attitudes among employees if change initiatives are to be successful.
Tập 19 Số 2 - Trang 153-162 - 1982
Jim Everett, Bruce W. Stening, Peter A. Longton
ABSTRACTAn analysis is reported of the relations between the semantic responses obtained from managers of four nationalities. A total of 365 expatriate and local managers in the Singaporean subsidiaries of 34 American, British and Japanese M.N.C.s assessed their own and each of the other groups along each of 18 adjectival antonym pairs. For each nationality the correlations between the semantic items are used as similarity data for multidimensional scaling of the adjectives. It is shown that the 18 adjectival pairs can be reduced to a two‐dimensional circular map for each nationality, and that the placing of the adjectives on the circle agrees with a root mean square misfit of about 10° for the four nationalities. The results support the hypothesis that, for the groups considered, a shared international culture exists in the managerial context. The two dimensions on which the 36 semantic items can be mapped are interpretable as functional/dysfunctional and open/closed.