Journal of Industrial Engineering International

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The multi-objective decision making methods based on MULTIMOORA and MOOSRA for the laptop selection problem
Journal of Industrial Engineering International - Tập 13 - Trang 229-237 - 2016
Esra Aytaç Adalı, Ayşegül Tuş Işık
A decision making process requires the values of conflicting objectives for alternatives and the selection of the best alternative according to the needs of decision makers. Multi-objective optimization methods may provide solution for this selection. In this paper it is aimed to present the laptop selection problem based on MOORA plus full multiplicative form (MULTIMOORA) and multi-objective optimization on the basis of simple ratio analysis (MOOSRA) which are relatively new multi-objective optimization methods. The novelty of this paper is solving this problem with the MULTIMOORA and MOOSRA methods for the first time.
Optimization of single outsourcer–single subcontractor outsourcing relationship under reliability and maintenance constraints
Journal of Industrial Engineering International - Tập 15 - Trang 395-409 - 2019
Mohammed Haoues, Mohammed Dahane, Nadia Kinza Mouss
In this paper, we focus on outsourcing activities optimization problem in single period setting. In some situations, capacity planning or outsourcing is a one-time event and can be modeled as a single period problem. The aim of this research is to balance the trade-off between two echelons of a supply chain consisting of a single outsourcer and a single subcontractor. Each part is composed of a failure-prone single machine that produces one product type to satisfy market requirements. The outsourcer’s manufacturing system is not able to satisfy the demand; in this case, outsourcing is allowed to recover the lack of capacity. We consider that the subcontractor can satisfy the demands of strategic clients and rent his machine for the outsourcer under a win–win partnership contract. We assume that the hazard failure rate depends on time and the adopted manufacture rate. When unforeseen failures occur, minimal repairs are implemented. Overhaul can be performed to reduce the degradation effects. Hence, we develop a mathematical model to define a profitability interval so that both parties of supply chain can be considered as winners. We seek to determine the contract parameters that suit both parties (duration, start and end dates, the production and outsourcing rates). Then, we develop an exact algorithm to solve the problem of single period optimization, which offers a better execution time through a series of test problems. Finally, we consider a sensitivity analysis based on outsourcing parameters (cost, periodicities, etc) to analyze their effects on partial costs and individual profit of each part, as well as the total profit generated by the system.
Process capability improvement of an engine connecting rod machining process
Journal of Industrial Engineering International - - 2013
G. V. S. S. Sharma, P. Srinivasa Rao
New spatial clustering-based models for optimal urban facility location considering geographical obstacles
Journal of Industrial Engineering International - Tập 10 - Trang 1-12 - 2014
Maryam Javadi, Jamal Shahrabi
The problems of facility location and the allocation of demand points to facilities are crucial research issues in spatial data analysis and urban planning. It is very important for an organization or governments to best locate its resources and facilities and efficiently manage resources to ensure that all demand points are covered and all the needs are met. Most of the recent studies, which focused on solving facility location problems by performing spatial clustering, have used the Euclidean distance between two points as the dissimilarity function. Natural obstacles, such as mountains and rivers, can have drastic impacts on the distance that needs to be traveled between two geographical locations. While calculating the distance between various supply chain entities (including facilities and demand points), it is necessary to take such obstacles into account to obtain better and more realistic results regarding location-allocation. In this article, new models were presented for location of urban facilities while considering geographical obstacles at the same time. In these models, three new distance functions were proposed. The first function was based on the analysis of shortest path in linear network, which was called SPD function. The other two functions, namely PD and P2D, were based on the algorithms that deal with robot geometry and route-based robot navigation in the presence of obstacles. The models were implemented in ArcGIS Desktop 9.2 software using the visual basic programming language. These models were evaluated using synthetic and real data sets. The overall performance was evaluated based on the sum of distance from demand points to their corresponding facilities. Because of the distance between the demand points and facilities becoming more realistic in the proposed functions, results indicated desired quality of the proposed models in terms of quality of allocating points to centers and logistic cost. Obtained results show promising improvements of the allocation, the logistics costs and the response time. It can also be inferred from this study that the P2D-based model and the SPD-based model yield similar results in terms of the facility location and the demand allocation. It is noted that the P2D-based model showed better execution time than the SPD-based model. Considering logistic costs, facility location and response time, the P2D-based model was appropriate choice for urban facility location problem considering the geographical obstacles.
Two phase genetic algorithm for vehicle routing and scheduling problem with cross-docking and time windows considering customer satisfaction
Journal of Industrial Engineering International - Tập 14 Số 1 - Trang 15-30 - 2018
Ali Baniamerian, Mahdi Bashiri, Fahime Zabihi
Residuals based process capability indices for two-stage processes
Journal of Industrial Engineering International - Tập 13 - Trang 239-247 - 2017
Erfaneh Nikzad, Amirhossein Amiri, Babak Abbasi
The manufacturing operations often involve multistage processes where the process capability of each stage is affected by the process capability of its precedent processes. This property is known as the cascade property. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the process capability of the second stage of two-stage process while the cascade property impact is removed using residuals analysis. To this end, a method is proposed to determine the specification limits of the residuals based on the specification limits of the quality characteristics in the first and second stages. The C p, C pk and S pk indices are used to calculate the capability of the second stage in the two-stage process. The results of simulation study show the satisfactory performance of the proposed method in estimating the pure process capability of the second stage.
A credit policy approach in a two-warehouse inventory model for deteriorating items with price- and stock-dependent demand under partial backlogging
Journal of Industrial Engineering International - Tập 15 Số 1 - Trang 147-170 - 2019
Gobinda Chandra Panda, Md. Al-Amin Khan, Ali Akbar Shaikh
Biofuel supply chain considering depreciation cost of installed plants
Journal of Industrial Engineering International - Tập 12 - Trang 221-235 - 2016
Masoud Rabbani, Farshad Ramezankhani, Ramin Giahi, Amir Farshbaf-Geranmayeh
Due to the depletion of the fossil fuels and major concerns about the security of energy in the future to produce fuels, the importance of utilizing the renewable energies is distinguished. Nowadays there has been a growing interest for biofuels. Thus, this paper reveals a general optimization model which enables the selection of preprocessing centers for the biomass, biofuel plants, and warehouses to store the biofuels. The objective of this model is to maximize the total benefits. Costs of the model consist of setup cost of preprocessing centers, plants and warehouses, transportation costs, production costs, emission cost and the depreciation cost. At first, the deprecation cost of the centers is calculated by means of three methods. The model chooses the best depreciation method in each period by switching between them. A numerical example is presented and solved by CPLEX solver in GAMS software and finally, sensitivity analyses are accomplished.
Development of a cell formation heuristic by considering realistic data using principal component analysis and Taguchi’s method
Journal of Industrial Engineering International - Tập 11 - Trang 87-100 - 2014
Shailendra Kumar, Rajiv Kumar Sharma
Over the last four decades of research, numerous cell formation algorithms have been developed and tested, still this research remains of interest to this day. Appropriate manufacturing cells formation is the first step in designing a cellular manufacturing system. In cellular manufacturing, consideration to manufacturing flexibility and production-related data is vital for cell formation. The consideration to this realistic data makes cell formation problem very complex and tedious. It leads to the invention and implementation of highly advanced and complex cell formation methods. In this paper an effort has been made to develop a simple and easy to understand/implement manufacturing cell formation heuristic procedure with considerations to the number of production and manufacturing flexibility-related parameters. The heuristic minimizes inter-cellular movement cost/time. Further, the proposed heuristic is modified for the application of principal component analysis and Taguchi’s method. Numerical example is explained to illustrate the approach. A refinement in the results is observed with adoption of principal component analysis and Taguchi’s method.
An empirical study of innovation-performance linkage in the paper industry
Journal of Industrial Engineering International - Tập 8 - Trang 1-6 - 2012
Parveen Farooquie, Abdul Gani, Arsalanullah K Zuberi, Imran Hashmi
To enter new markets and remain competitive in the existing markets, companies need to shift their focus from traditional means and ways to some innovative approaches. Though the paper industry in India has improved remarkably on its technological and environmental issues, yet it shows a low rate of innovation. The present paper attempts to review the industry in the perspective of technological innovations and investigates empirically the role of innovations in performance improvement and pollution control. Multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant function analysis are applied for data processing. The findings reveal that the mean scores on the factors, such as sales, quality, and flexibility, are higher for the good innovators than those for the poor innovators. Conversely, the factors which are likely to be reduced as a result of innovations, such as time, cost, emissions, and disposal of waste, have shown higher means for the poor innovators.
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