Journal of Indian Business Research
Công bố khoa học tiêu biểu
* Dữ liệu chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo
The purpose of this paper is to present the case of Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka, a state in the South of India, which is the centre of this research project.
Starting with a summary of the theoretical context of this district, the paper considers the informationalism paradigm. Then, it analyzes in depth the context of Bangalore, with the analytical session devoted to the institutional actors involved and their relationships, heart of the entire system. In the final part, the paper attempts to give meaning to the identity of Bangalore, and also it investigates its future sustainability, both economic and social.
The paper finds that Bangalore is not the Silicon Valley of Asia. According to the district literature, each district has its own specific and unrepeatable features.
It is useful as an analytical expedient to study specifically the district of Bangalore itself, its evolution and its characteristics.
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the use of a
The study considers various demographic, socio‐economic and psychographic variables for the purpose of understanding the investor's preferences. Using a sample of individual investors (
The results showed that psychographic variables emerged as the most important predictors in the case of investment products with greater degree of risk, and the demographic and socio‐economic variables emerged as the most important for the investment instruments with lesser degree of risk. However, when the sample was divided based on occupation profile (government and non‐government), for both the fixed returns based instruments and the non‐fixed instruments, psychographic variables emerged as the most important predictors.
These results show the need for financial service providers to consider the psychographic variables along with demographic and socio‐economic variables, so as to better understand and advise the financial consumers. This would enable the financial service institutions to target their audience more sharply, so as to develop appropriate marketing strategies and further build the investor's trust.
This paper is a first of its kind to empirically identify the most important variable that determines the financial consumer's preference for investment products in India, using CART technique. This study contributes to furthering the understanding of investor behavior.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of in‐game placements on the explicit memory of Indian gamers and understand their attitude towards this form of communication. It attempts to find out whether the memory effects differ due to the nature of the games. The avenues for in‐game placements for the rapidly growing Indian video gaming industry are discussed.
The effect of the nature of the game on the recall and recognition is measured using a sample of 240 gamers; two games of different nature (fast versus slow) are used as stimuli and the recall and recognition of the in‐game placements are compared. Subsequently the perceptions towards this type of placement are tapped. The moderating effect of gaming experience on the explicit memory is also tested.
The paper finds that in‐game placements do affect the explicit memory of gamers. Games with lower perceptual load (slow game) result in a significantly higher recall and recognition as compared to the games with higher perceptual load (fast game). Indian players have a positive attitude towards placements in this medium and do not find this practice either intrusive or unethical.
Further research using different combinations of games is required to confirm, expand and generalize the findings.
This medium provides an opportunity to brand managers and game developers as an alternative communication vehicle. In‐game placements provide an avenue to companies as they are cost effective, they facilitate building brand awareness and are not viewed negatively.
The arena of in‐game placements is an unexplored one in India. This study is the first step towards understanding views and effects of in‐game placements on Indian gamers and may encourage more research in this field.
– Mục tiêu của bài báo này là cung cấp cái nhìn sâu sắc về các yếu tố quyết định thái độ và ý định hành vi của khách hàng đối với việc sử dụng dịch vụ ngân hàng trực tuyến, đặc biệt chú ý đến vai trò của rủi ro nhận thức, niềm tin, sự hài lòng, thiết kế trang web và ảnh hưởng xã hội.
– Một mô hình nghiên cứu dựa trên mô hình chấp nhận công nghệ (TAM) phản ánh các ảnh hưởng của niềm tin, rủi ro nhận thức, sự hài lòng, thiết kế trang web và ảnh hưởng xã hội đối với các cấu trúc TAM được đề xuất. Kỹ thuật mô hình cấu trúc phương trình được sử dụng để phân tích mẫu gồm 697 người dùng ngân hàng trực tuyến cá nhân ở Ấn Độ thông qua khảo sát trực tuyến.
– Kết quả phân tích dữ liệu xác nhận một số giả thuyết được rút ra từ tài liệu. Phù hợp với một số nghiên cứu khác, sự hữu dụng nhận thức, sự dễ sử dụng nhận thức, niềm tin và sự hài lòng nhận thức được tìm thấy là những yếu tố quyết định trực tiếp ngay lập tức của thái độ khách hàng đối với việc sử dụng ngân hàng trực tuyến. Thái độ, rủi ro nhận thức, sự hài lòng và niềm tin quyết định ý định hành vi của khách hàng sử dụng ngân hàng trực tuyến. Mặc dù ảnh hưởng trực tiếp của thiết kế trang web nhận thức chỉ đáng kể đối với sự dễ sử dụng nhận thức, nhưng ảnh hưởng gián tiếp của nó lại đáng kể đối với sự hữu dụng nhận thức, thái độ và ý định hành vi. Hơn nữa, sự hài lòng nhận thức tác động cả trực tiếp và gián tiếp lên sự hữu dụng nhận thức nhưng chỉ tác động trực tiếp lên sự dễ sử dụng nhận thức.
– Tính tổng quát của nghiên cứu này là một hạn chế thực tiễn trong các nghiên cứu người tiêu dùng và nghiên cứu này không phải là ngoại lệ đối với điều đó. Nghiên cứu hiện tại chỉ tập trung vào một số yếu tố công nghệ, hành vi và thái độ và nhiều yếu tố đặc thù khách hàng và các yếu tố tâm lý và hành vi khác như chi phí, giá trị nhận thức, chất lượng dịch vụ và sự hài lòng, có thể cung cấp cái nhìn sâu sắc hơn về quá trình chấp nhận, không là một phần của phạm vi nghiên cứu.
– Nghiên cứu này chỉ ra các ứng dụng ở ba góc độ, đó là lý thuyết, phương pháp luận và quản lý. Hơn nữa, nghiên cứu này cung cấp các khuyến nghị thực tiễn để nâng cao niềm tin của khách hàng và hướng dẫn giảm thiểu rủi ro nhận thức. Ứng dụng quan trọng nhất cho ngành ngân hàng là ngoài việc cung cấp các dịch vụ có lợi và dễ sử dụng, họ cần xây dựng mối quan hệ tin cậy với khách hàng.
– Nghiên cứu này mở rộng khối lượng tài liệu hiện có về ngân hàng trực tuyến bằng cách tích hợp niềm tin và nhận thức rủi ro. Các ảnh hưởng của thiết kế trang web và sự hài lòng nhận thức lên việc chấp nhận ngân hàng trực tuyến đã được xem xét và được tìm thấy có ý nghĩa trong bối cảnh Ấn Độ. Ngoài ra, nó cho phép chúng tôi đóng góp vào tài liệu hiện tại về thị trường dịch vụ ngân hàng trực tuyến ở Ấn Độ, một thị trường chủ yếu chưa được nghiên cứu.
The purpose of this paper is to do a thorough literature review to assess the current status of corporate sustainability practices, issues and challenges in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and, based on literature, suggest a model that can improve and strategically manage their sustainability practices in the emerging market context of Asia.
The authors did a meta-analysis of the reviewed literature taken from peer-reviewed scholarly journals in the time frame of 1985-2016. Methodology used by the authors is through preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis.
Corporate sustainability is a well-practiced area in big organisations. However, literature suggests that in case of SMEs, the situation is different. Social and environmental practices are grossly neglected in SMEs, more specifically in emerging markets. Existing literature mentions that collaborative mode of operation, government policy and facilitation and supporting organisation culture can positively influence SME’s sustainability performance and hence improve their financial performance.
Most of the papers in corporate sustainability literature are qualitative in nature and there is no empirical evidence of establishing this relationship in SME context. This paper tries to conceptualise the existence of a possible framework relating factors of sustainability and their role in improving business performance of the SMEs. However, the findings are purely literature-based and piloting of the questionnaire is also done on 20 SMEs in a specific geography. This is a very small and also a biased sample. Future research studies based on this paper are expected to verify the proposed relationship with larger data set catering to different industry clusters and countries.
The proposed model is only directional in nature. With the content analysis, the authors have tried to answer the research questions relating to factors of sustainability and its impact on business performance. To address the research questions in a more generalised way, an empirical research needs to be conducted to establish the research propositions. The proposed model needs to be validated and optimised with further research and data analysis. Once such a model is established, this can be proved beneficial for providing guidance to SMEs to enhance the sustainability of their business operations.
The SME sector has made a significant contribution to the economic development in countries, and this sector has huge potential for growth, and their geographic spread and penetration is much higher than large organisations. Sustainable growth of this industry sector can reasonably be expected to lead to stable and sustainable development of the nation. Moreover, environmental and social best practices adopted by SMEs will also have a positive influence on society and environment in the long run.
This paper had done a geography wise analysis of sustainable practices in SMEs, and based on the recommendations and suggestions of different analyses, the authors developed few research propositions and also presented a conceptual model. Finally, to address the gap, it mentions some future research possibilities to test and validate the proposed model in the context of SMEs in emerging markets of Asia.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of other customer perception (OCP) (Brocato
Following a theoretical methodology, hypotheses were developed to analyze the effect of OCP, service involvement and customer’s NFU. A 2 × 2 × 2 scenario-based experiment was designed. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to test the hypotheses.
The analysis reveals that the presence of conforming (versus non-conforming) other customers improves service quality perception and revisit intention of focal customers in high-involvement services, but not in low-involvement services. However, the relationship between similarity perception and outcome variables does not hold good for high-NFU customers.
This study suggests that conforming and non-conforming other customers are critical in forming service quality perception of high-involvement services, and highlights the boundary condition of this relationship. If service managers take service involvement and individual differences into account, and strategize their service offering aligned to their target customers, influence of other customers can be managed more efficiently.
As this study is one of the first empirical studies to focus on the effect of OCP on service quality perception and examine its boundary condition, it contributes significantly to the body of knowledge. Future research directions are discussed and managerial implications are proposed.
Mobile commerce is a broad term used for mobile banking, mobile ticketing, mobile coupons, purchasing of goods and services using mobile phones. Considering mobile penetration and changing lifestyles of the Indian population, it has huge potential. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors influencing the adoption intention of mobile commerce.
For the study, a research model was developed based on constructs from the technology acceptance model and innovation resistance theory and a literature review on research related to usage intention of similar technologies which was then empirically tested using second generation statistical technique of SEM.
Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and social influence are found to be significant dimensions of technology adoption readiness to use mobile commerce while facilitating conditions were not found to be significant. The results also indicate perceived credibility risk defined by security risk and privacy risk is significantly associated with behavioural intention in negative relation, which indicates that security and privacy concerns are important in deterring customers from using mobile commerce.
This study proposed and validated a new construct – technology adoption readiness. The study developed an integrated model for behavioural intention towards financial innovations.
Knowing the factors affecting customers' behaviour towards mobile commerce and the relationship between these factors, various banks, merchants and mobile service providers can develop their marketing strategies to ensure that people use this new service. This in turn will influence the behavioural intention and change these intentions to actual adoption of this new technology.
This study is one of the few empirical studies which have investigated the adoption of mobile commerce in India, which is considered one of the fastest growing countries in terms of mobile usage. The study relates to inclusion of both utilitarian and credibility aspect of adoption intention. It gives an empirical basis on which mobile and banking companies can base their mobile payments marketing strategy.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate corporate social responsibility (CSR) platforms and the communication surrounding those platforms in India. It seeks to establish the CSR platforms that are typically used, together with stakeholder attitudes to both the form and content of those platforms.
The paper refers to both primary and secondary sources of data, i.e. a survey of internet sources and a questionnaire survey.
The paper shows that the Indian corporations surveyed pursue a primarily philanthropic platform with a focus on community development projects, as predicted by previous studies. It also indicates, however, that Indian consumers may not value philanthropic CSR as highly as other CSR initiatives and that this may in turn influence their attitudes to different marketing communication strategies.
The paper suggests ways in which Indian corporations may formulate the form and content of their CSR policies in the future within a marketing strategy in order to influence their stakeholders positively and increase their competitive advantage.
The paper provides an innovative approach to investigating the consequences of how Indian corporations communicate their CSR policies to their stakeholders. It suggests a number of fruitful areas of enquiry with direct implications for Indian business in the future.
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