Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Công bố khoa học tiêu biểu
* Dữ liệu chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo
Experience exerts a profound influence on the brain and, therefore, on behavior. When the effect of experience on the brain is particularly strong during a limited period in development, this period is referred to as a sensitive period. Such periods allow experience to instruct neural circuits to process or represent information in a way that is adaptive for the individual. When experience provides information that is essential for normal development and alters performance permanently, such sensitive periods are referred to as critical periods.
Although sensitive periods are reflected in behavior, they are actually a property of neural circuits. Mechanisms of plasticity at the circuit level are discussed that have been shown to operate during sensitive periods. A hypothesis is proposed that experience during a sensitive period modifies the architecture of a circuit in fundamental ways, causing certain patterns of connectivity to become highly stable and, therefore, energetically preferred. Plasticity that occurs beyond the end of a sensitive period, which is substantial in many circuits, alters connectivity patterns within the architectural constraints established during the sensitive period. Preferences in a circuit that result from experience during sensitive periods are illustrated graphically as changes in a “stability landscape,” a metaphor that represents the relative contributions of genetic and experiential influences in shaping the information processing capabilities of a neural circuit. By understanding sensitive periods at the circuit level, as well as understanding the relationship between circuit properties and behavior, we gain a deeper insight into the critical role that experience plays in shaping the development of the brain and behavior.
We measured cerebral activation with functional magnetic resonance imaging at 3 Tesla while eight healthy volunteers performed various number processing tasks known to be dissociable in brain-lesioned patients: naming, comparing, multiplying, or subtracting single digits. The results revealed the activation of a circuit comprising bilateral intraparietal, prefrontal, and anterior cingulate components. The extension and lateralization of this circuit was modulated by task demands. The intraparietal and prefrontal activation was more important in the right hemisphere during the comparison task and in the left hemisphere during the multiplication task and was intensely bilateral during the subtraction task. Thus, partially distinct cerebral circuits with the dorsal parietal pathway underlie distinct arithmetic operations.
Positron emission tomography was used to localize the cerebral networks specifically involved in three basic numerical processes: arabic numeral processing, numerical magnitude comparison, and retrieval of simple addition facts. Relative cerebral blood flow changes were measured while normal volunteers were resting with eyes closed, making physical judgment on nonnumerical characters or arabic digits, comparing, or adding the same digits. Processing arabic digits bilaterally produced a large nonspecific activation of occipito-parietal areas, as well as a specific activation of the right anterior insula. Comparison and simple addition fact retrieval revealed a fronto-parietal network involving mainly the left intraparietal sulcus, the superior parietal lobule and the precentral gyrus. Comparison also activated, but to a lesser extent, the right superior parietal lobe, whereas addition also activated the orbito-frontal areas and the anterior insula in the right hemisphere. Implications for current anatomo-functional models of numerical cognition are drawn.
Giảm hoạt động bị gây ra bởi nhiệm vụ (TID) là sự giảm lưu lượng máu khu vực trong khi thực hiện một nhiệm vụ so với trạng thái "nghỉ ngơi" hoặc "bị động". Chúng tôi đã kiểm định giả thuyết rằng TID là kết quả của việc điều chỉnh xử lý tài nguyên bằng cách thay đổi từng bước độ khó của nhiệm vụ trong ba yếu tố: khả năng phân biệt mục tiêu, tốc độ trình bày kích thích, và tải trọng bộ nhớ ngắn hạn. Người tham gia thực hiện một nhiệm vụ nhận diện mục tiêu thính giác trong quá trình hình ảnh cộng hưởng từ chức năng (fMRI), phản ứng với một âm thanh mục tiêu đơn lẻ hoặc, trong các điều kiện tải trọng bộ nhớ ngắn hạn, là các chuỗi mục tiêu. Bảy điều kiện nhiệm vụ (một phiên bản chung và hai cấp độ bổ sung cho từng yếu tố) được luân phiên với "nghỉ ngơi" trong một thiết kế khối. Phân tích hiệp phương sai đã xác định các vùng não mà TID xảy ra. Phân tích phương sai đã xác định bảy vùng (vỏ vân trước trái/giao diện trán trên, vỏ trán giữa trái, gamma trán trước phải, gamma cingulate sau trái và phải, vỏ parieto-occipital sau trái, và precuneus phải) mà mức độ TID thay đổi qua các cấp độ nhiệm vụ trong một yếu tố. Các thử nghiệm tiếp theo chỉ ra rằng với mỗi yếu tố trong ba yếu tố, mức độ TID tăng cùng với độ khó của nhiệm vụ. Những kết quả này nghi ngờ rằng TID biểu thị sự điều chỉnh tài nguyên xử lý từ các vùng mà TID xảy ra đến các vùng liên quan đến thực hiện nhiệm vụ. Tải trọng bộ nhớ ngắn hạn và tốc độ kích thích cũng dự đoán sự ức chế của suy nghĩ tự phát và nhiều vùng não thể hiện TID đã được liên kết với xử lý ngữ nghĩa, hỗ trợ các tuyên bố rằng TID có thể một phần là do sự đình chỉ của các quá trình ngữ nghĩa tự phát xảy ra trong khi "nghỉ ngơi" (Binder và cộng sự, 1999). Khái niệm rằng trạng thái "nghỉ ngơi" điển hình thực ra là một điều kiện đặc trưng bởi hoạt động nhận thức phong phú có ý nghĩa quan trọng đối với việc thiết kế và phân tích các nghiên cứu hình ảnh thần kinh.
A recently emerging view sees language understanding as closely linked to sensory and motor processes. The present study investigates this issue by examining the influence of processing action verbs and concrete nouns on the execution of a reaching movement. Fine-grained analyses of movement kinematics revealed that relative to nouns, processing action verbs significantly affects overt motor performance. Within 200 msec after onset, processing action verbs interferes with a concurrent reaching movement. By contrast, the same words assist reaching movement when processed before movement onset. The cross-talk between language processes and overt motor behavior provides unambiguous evidence that action words and motor action share common cortical representations and could thus suggest that cortical motor regions are indeed involved in action word retrieval.
Visual imagery is a basic form of cognition central to activities such as problem solving or creative thinking. Phenomena such as mental rotation, in which mental images undergo spatial transformations, and motion imagery, in which we imagine objects in motion, are very elusive. For example, although several aspects of visual imagery and mental rotation have been reconstructed through mental chronometry, their instantaneous evolution has never been directly observed. We paired mental chronometry to eye movement recording in subjects performing a visuospatial mental rotation task and an instructed circular motion imagery task. In both tasks, sequences of spontaneous saccades formed curved trajectories with a regular spatio-temporal evolution. In the visuospatial mental rotation task, saccadic amplitude decreased progressively within each sequence, resulting in an average gaze rotation with a bell-shaped asymmetrical angular velocity profile whose peak and mean increased with the amount of the to-be-performed rotation, as in reaching movements. In the second task, the average gaze rotation reproduced faithfully the to-be-imagined constant-velocity circular motion, thus excluding important distortions in the oculomotor performance. These findings show for the first time the instantaneous spatio-temporal evolution of mental rotation and motion imagery. Moreover, the fact that visuospatial mental rotation is modeled as a reaching act suggests that reaching pertains to the realm of visuospatial thinking, rather than being restricted to the motor domain. This approach based on eye movement recording can be profitably coupled to methods such as event-related potentials, transcranial magnetic stimulation, or functional magnetic resonance to study the precise neuronal dynamics associated with an ongoing mental activity.
Evidence is presented that the phylogenetically older retin-otectal pathway contributes to reflex orienting of visual attention in normal human subjects. The study exploited a lateralized neuroanatomic arrangement of retinotectal pathways that distinguishes them from those of the geniculostriate system; namely, more direct projections to the colliculus from the temporal hemifield. Subjects were tested under monocular viewing conditions and responded to the detection of a peripheral signal by making either a saccade to it or a choice reaction time manual keypress. Attention was summoned by noninformative peripheral precues, and the benefits and costs of attention were calculated relative to a central precue condition. Both the benefits and costs of orienting attention were greater when attention was summoned by signals in the temporal hemifield. This temporal hemifield advantage was present for both saccade and manual responses. These findings converge with observations in patients with occipital and midbrain lesions to show that the phylogenetically older retinotectal pathway retains an important role in controlling visually guided behavior; and they demonstrate the usefulness of temporal-nasal hemifield asymmetries as a marker for investigating extrageniculate vision in humans.
Far (extrapersonal) and near (peripersonal) spaces are behaviorally defined as the space outside the hand-reaching distance and the space within the hand-reaching distance. Animal and human studies have confirmed this distinction, showing that space is not homogeneously represented in the brain. In this paper we demonstrate that the coding of space as “far” and “near” is not only determined by the hand-reaching distance, but it is also dependent on how the brain represents the extension of the body space. We will show that when the cerebral representation of body space is extended to include objects or tools used by the subject, space previously mapped as far can be remapped as near. Patient P.P., after a right hemisphere stroke, showed a dissociation between near and far spaces in the manifestation of neglect. Indeed, in a line bisection task, neglect was apparent in near space, but not in far space when bisection in the far space was performed with a projection lightpen. However, when in the far space bisection was performed with a stick, used by the patient to reach the line, neglect appeared and was as severe as neglect in the near space. An artificial extension of the patient's body (the stick) caused a remapping of far space as near space.
The spatial rule of multisensory integration holds that cross-modal stimuli presented from the same spatial location result in enhanced multisensory integration. The present study investigated whether processing within the somatosensory cortex reflects the strength of cross-modal visuotactile interactions depending on the spatial relationship between visual and tactile stimuli. Visual stimuli were task-irrelevant and were presented simultaneously with touch in peripersonal and extrapersonal space, in the same or opposite hemispace with respect to the tactile stimuli. Participants directed their attention to one of their hands to detect infrequent tactile target stimuli at that hand while ignoring tactile targets at the unattended hand, all tactile nontarget stimuli, and any visual stimuli. Enhancement of ERPs recorded over and close to the somatosensory cortex was present as early as 100 msec after onset of stimuli (i.e., overlapping with the P100 component) when visual stimuli were presented next to the site of tactile stimulation (i.e., perihand space) compared to when these were presented at different locations in peripersonal or extrapersonal space. Therefore, this study provides electrophysiological support for the spatial rule of visual–tactile interaction in human participants. Importantly, these early cross-modal spatial effects occurred regardless of the locus of attention. In addition, and in line with previous research, we found attentional modulations of somatosensory processing only to be present in the time range of the N140 component and for longer latencies with an enhanced negativity for tactile stimuli at attended compared to unattended locations. Taken together, the pattern of the results from this study suggests that visuotactile spatial effects on somatosensory processing occur prior and independent of tactile–spatial attention.
In the present study we report neuropsychological evidence of the existence of an auditory peripersonal space representation around the head in humans and its characteristics. In a group of right brain-damaged patients with tactile extinction, we found that a sound delivered near the ipsilesional side of the head (20 cm) strongly extinguished a tactile stimulus delivered to the contralesional side of the head (cross-modal auditory-tactile extinction). By contrast, when an auditory stimulus was presented far from the head (70 cm), cross-modal extinction was dramatically reduced. This spatially specific cross-modal extinction was most consistently found (i.e., both in the front and back spaces) when a complex sound was presented, like a white noise burst. Pure tones produced spatially specific cross-modal extinction when presented in the back space, but not in the front space. In addition, the most severe cross-modal extinction emerged when sounds came from behind the head, thus showing that the back space is more sensitive than the front space to the sensory interaction of auditory-tactile inputs. Finally, when cross-modal effects were investigated by reversing the spatial arrangement of cross-modal stimuli (i.e., touch on the right and sound on the left), we found that an ipsilesional tactile stimulus, although inducing a small amount of cross-modal tactile-auditory extinction, did not produce any spatial-specific effect. Therefore, the selective aspects of cross-modal interaction found near the head cannot be explained by a competition between a damaged left spatial representation and an intact right spatial representation. Thus, consistent with neurophysiological evidence from monkeys, our findings strongly support the existence, in humans, of an integrated cross-modal system coding auditory and tactile stimuli near the body, that is, in the peripersonal space.
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