Journal of Career Development

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Sắp xếp:  
An Examination of a Culturally Sensitive University Career Center: Outreach, Services, and Evaluation
Journal of Career Development - - 1998
Lisa Y. Flores, Lisa Beth Spanierman
The effects of a career planning course and a computer-assisted career guidance program (SIGI PLUS) on undecided university students
Journal of Career Development - Tập 16 - Trang 237-248 - 1990
Spencer Niles, Jeffrey W. Garis
This study examined the separate and combined effects of a career planning course and a computer-assisted career guidance system (SIGI PLUS) on undecided university students. Seventy first and second year university students were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups (career planning course only; career planning course and SIGI PLUS; SIGI PLUS only; wait-listed control group). Pre and posttest measures were administered and an analysis of covariance was conducted to determine differences among groups for each measure. Significant overall differences were found for each measure. Follow-up procedures revealed significant differences between specific career treatment groups and the control group. Implications for counselors are discussed.
Incorporating the Narrative in Career Planning
Journal of Career Development - Tập 29 - Trang 149-160 - 2003
Torben K. Christensen, Joseph A. Johnston
The article makes a case for the construction of narratives as major focus for career planning. Narratives can be seen as an appropriate compliment to the analysis of objective test data that has dominated our practice in the past. Narrative is described as an approach for career counselors to understand clients' vocational experiences and future plans. Subjective and objective aspects of a career narrative are explored, and emphasis is placed on co-authoring a career story that is subjectively meaningful and objectively sound. The client's subjective understanding of the career story is given importance as being pivotal information that must be considered in career counseling. Five key interventions are described from a narrative perspective.
Career development of disabled youth: The parents' role
Journal of Career Development - Tập 13 Số 4 - Trang 47-55 - 1987
Izzo, Margaretha Vreeburg
The Elite Theory of Entrepreneurship Challenged: It's a New Day and a New Niche
Journal of Career Development - Tập 26 - Trang 37-50 - 1999
Vickie Cox Edmondson
Journal of Career Development - Tập 25 - Trang 85-87 - 1998
Felissa K. Lee
Business-education collaboratives for college career centers
Journal of Career Development - Tập 13 - Trang 68-76 - 1986
Joseph A. Johnston, Norman C. Gysbers, Laura Lundeen Wright
Eliciting personal constructs and articulating goals
Journal of Career Development - Tập 18 - Trang 175-185 - 1992
Jerald R. Forster
A structured exercise that is based on PCP theory has been described and demonstrated to show how it can facilitate self-understanding and career development. The primary advantage of a PCP-based approach, when compared to approaches that use standardized inventories, is that a PCP approach encourages career explorers to use their own constructs. It is hypothesized that when people use goals that are articulated from their own constructs, they will understand their goals more fully and be more empowered to work towards those goals. A fuller understanding of their goals should allow them to find environments where these goals are more likely to be realized. Future investigations will continue to test these hypotheses.
The use of career information delivery systems in the states
Journal of Career Development - Tập 14 - Trang 196-204 - 1988
Mary Elizabeth McCormac
The ever increasing demands on guidance and counseling programs has added new responsibilities to the tasks of the counselor specifically in the area of career development. Along with this increase in responsibility, the issue of accountability has been added. Career information delivery systems assist the counselor in meeting the need for accurate, relevant occupational and educational information that can be disseminated in a timely efficient manner. Therefore, CIDS should be a vital part of all comprehensive career guidance and counseling programs.
Holland's theory and effective use of computer-assisted career guidance systems
Journal of Career Development - Tập 19 - Trang 245-253 - 1993
Janet G. Lenz, Robert C. Reardon, James P. Sampson
A variety of client characteristics, drawn primarily from John Holland's theory and constructs, were used to examine client reactions to using a computer-assisted career guidance system. The subjects were 206 individuals who sought assistance at a university-based career center. A regression analysis revealed that persons with higher Social and Enterprising scores rated the system lower on its ability to help them acquire self and occupational knowledge.
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