Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology

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p53 point mutations in primary human gastric carcinomas
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology - Tập 119 - Trang 67-70 - 1992
Hiroshi Yokozaki, Hiroki Kuniyasu, Yasuhiko Kitadai, Kenji Nishimura, Hiroko Todo, Ayşe Ayhan, Wataru Yasui, Hisao Ito, Eiichi Tahara
p53 point mutations in primary gastric carcinomas were analyzed by performing cDNA deoxynucleotide sequencing of the gene. Out of 16,9 (56.3%) primary gastric carcinoma cases, including early cancer, showed one or more p53 point mutations in their open-reading frame, and 4 out of 9 cases had a p53 point mutation within highly conserved domains. The characteristics of the p53 mutation spectrum observed in primary tumors were (a) frequent mutation at an A:T pair (50%, 7 out of 14 mutations), (b) high transversion incidence (29%, 4 out of 14 mutations), (c) no transition at CpG, and (d) no G:C to T:A transversion. Our results suggest that p53 mutation is a common event in gastric carcinoma occurring from the early stage of progression with its specific mutation spectrum.
Upregulation of cytidine deaminase in NAT1 knockout breast cancer cells
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology - - 2023
Kyung U. Hong, Afi Henriette Tagnedji, Mark A. Doll, Kennedy M Walls, David W. Hein
Sự khác biệt trong dược động học của mitomycin C, được sử dụng riêng lẻ hoặc như một phần của hóa trị liệu phối hợp Dịch bởi AI
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology - Tập 112 - Trang 283-284 - 1986
J. Verweij, M. Stuurman, J. de Vries, H. M. Pinedo
Trong một báo cáo trước đây, đã có ý kiến rằng độ thanh thải toàn thân của mitomycin C (MMC) khác nhau sau khi điều trị bằng thuốc đơn so với hóa trị liệu phối hợp. Ý kiến này dựa trên các phép tính lại ở một mức liều duy nhất. Trong nghiên cứu hiện tại, liều cố định là 10 mg/m2 đã được sử dụng. Bảy bệnh nhân điều trị bằng MMC đơn lẻ và tám bệnh nhân điều trị bằng hóa trị liệu phối hợp đã được nghiên cứu. Thời gian bán hủy cuối cùng dao động từ 25 đến 78 phút, thể tích phân phối từ 7 đến 73 l/m2, độ thanh thải toàn thân từ 11 đến 56 l/h trên mỗi m2, và diện tích dưới đường cong nồng độ huyết tương so với thời gian (AUC) từ 177 đến 933 μg/h trên 1. Độ thanh thải toàn thân cao hơn đáng kể và AUC thấp hơn đáng kể ở những bệnh nhân điều trị bằng hóa trị liệu phối hợp. Nguyên nhân của sự khác biệt này không được điều tra.
#mitomycin C #hóa trị liệu phối hợp #dược động học #độ thanh thải #AUC
Hypernephroides Carcinom nach Thorotrastanwendung und eosinophiles Adenom der Hypophyse
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology - Tập 63 - Trang 456-459 - 1960
W. Friedrich
Bei einer 55jährigen Frau entwickelte sich 20 Jahre nach einer Arteriographie mittels Thorotrast ein Hypernephrom. Die besonders ausgedehnte Metastasierung könnte mit einem eosinophilen Hypophysenadenom zusammenhängen.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology - - 1944
Fetscher, Annelise Schlüter
Body mass index and incidence of thyroid cancer in Korea: the Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology - Tập 143 - Trang 143-149 - 2016
Hyun-Young Shin, Yong Ho Jee, Eo Rin Cho
The prevalence of thyroid cancer and obesity has increased worldwide. However, their association has remained controversial and few studies have been performed in Asia. Our study evaluated the correlation between the incidence of thyroid cancer and body mass index (BMI) in Korea. This is a multi-centered, prospective cohort study from the Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II. A total of 141,157 individuals between 1994 and 2012, including 1546 newly developed thyroid cancer patients, were enrolled. Subjects were divided into four groups on the BMI. Person-years, incidence rate, and hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated using the Cox proportional hazard model. The increasing trends of HRs of thyroid cancer in men and women younger than 50 years of age were observed as BMI increased (P trend <0.001 in both groups). However, in women older than 50 years of age, there was no association between thyroid cancer incidence and BMI. Our findings suggest that positive association between thyroid cancer incidence and high BMI in men and women under 50 years old. Based on these results, we suggest that obese men and women under 50 years old are better to be considered for the higher possibility of thyroid cancer development, and more efforts are needed to control weight gain.
Suppression of azoxymethane-induced aberrant crypt foci in rat colon by nimesulide, a selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase 2
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology - Tập 122 - Trang 219-222 - 1996
Mami Takahashi, Masato Fukutake, Shigeru Yokota, Kaori Ishida, Keiji Wakabayashi, Takashi Sugimura
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as piroxicam and sulindac, are known to inhibit development of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) and cancer in the colon. However, these agents cause gastrointestinal side-effects. Nimesulide is a selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase 2 and has been shown to have a more potent anti-inflammatory action than piroxicam, but be less ulcerogenic and, therefore, a potentially more useful chemopreventive agent. To assess this possibility the inhibitory effects of nimesulide on the formation of ACF induced by azoxymethane in rat colon were investigated, and compared with those of piroxicam and sulindac. Male F344 rats were treated s.c. with 15 mg/kg body weight azoxymethane once a week for 2 weeks and given 50, 100 or 200 ppm nimesulide, 200 ppm piroxicam, or 200 ppm sulindac in their diet from the day before the first carcinogen treatment until the end of the experiment at week 4. At this time, nimesulide at doses of 50, 100 and 200 ppm had reduced the numbers of azoxymethane-induced ACF to 75%, 71% and 65% respectively compared to the control. The number of azoxymethane-induced ACF per colon in the group given 200 ppm nimesulide was almost the same as in those given 200 ppm piroxicam, and lower than that in the group given 200 ppm sulindac. These results suggest that nimesulide, a selective cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor, warrants attention as a candidate for chemopreventive agent with low toxicity, active against colon carcinogenesis.
Unterschiedliche Reaktionen genetisch verschiedener Rattenst�mme auf die Implantation von Walker-Carcinom-256
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology - - 1966
Viktor E. Meyer
First salvage treatment in patients with advanced germ cell cancer after cisplatin-based chemotherapy: analysis of a registry of the German Testicular Cancer Study Group (GTCSG)
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology - Tập 140 - Trang 1211-1220 - 2014
Lars Arne Berger, Carsten Bokemeyer, Anja Lorch, Marcus Hentrich, Hans-Georg Kopp, Thomas Christoph Gauler, Jörg Beyer, Maike de Wit, Frank Mayer, Ina Boehlke, Christoph Oing, Friedemann Honecker, Karin Oechsle
We analyzed prognostic categories at first relapse according to the International Prognostic Factors Study Group (IPFSG) criteria as well as the efficacy of salvage treatment. 143 patients with relapsed or refractory germ cell cancer undergoing first salvage treatment with conventional-dose (CD-CX, n = 48) or high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell support (HD-CX, n = 95) contributed by nine centers were retrospectively analyzed. Prognostic subgroups according to IPFSG criteria were: very low risk 13/143, low risk 36/143, intermediate risk 66/143, high risk 22/143, and very high risk 6/143 patients. The IPFSG categories significantly correlated with overall survival (OS) (p = 0.025) after 1st salvage treatment. After a median follow-up of 19 months, 55 % of all patients had relapsed and 33 % had died. For the entire cohort, progression-free survival (PFS) rate after 2 years was 43 %, and OS rate after 5 years was 52 %. Compared to the HD-CX group, vital carcinoma was found more often in secondarily resected lesions following CD-CX (22/29 vs. 22/45; p = 0.021). Second relapse rate was higher with 75 versus 44 %, resulting in a shorter median PFS with 8 versus 42 months (p < 0.001), but this did not translate into different OS (p = 0.931). At subsequent relapses, 26/36 patients received HD-CX as ≥2nd-salvage treatment. This analysis confirms the prognostic value of the IPFSG prognostic score. HD-CX seemed superior to CD-CX as first salvage treatment with respect to PFS in this retrospective analysis.
Über ein primäres Carcinom in einem Meckelschen Divertikel
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology - Tập 39 - Trang 206-216 - 1933
Kurt Franke
Bei einem 54 jährigen, unter Ileuserscheinungen operierten Mann findet sich bei der Eröffnung der Bauchhöhle 1,25 m oberhalb der Ileocöcalklappe ein an seiner Oberfläche ulceriertes, etwa faustgroßes M.D., aus dem sich gallertartige, schleimige Massen ergießen, die die ganze Bauchhöhle anfüllen. Auf Grund des histologischen Befundes handelt es sich um ein Adenocarcinom mit starker Schleimbildung ohne nachweisbare Metastasenbildungen und mit klinisch durchaus günstigem Verlauf.
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