Journal of Applied Physiology

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Cardiac dimensions in intact unanesthetized man. VI. Effects of changes in heart rate.
Journal of Applied Physiology - Tập 21 Số 3 - Trang 947-952 - 1966
Gerald Glick, John F. Williams, D C Harrison, Morrow Ag, Eugene Braunwald
Effects of pressure on uptake and release of calcium by brain synaptosomes
Journal of Applied Physiology - Tập 60 Số 4 - Trang 1446-1450 - 1986
Sara C. Gilman, K.K. Kumaroo, John M. Hallenbeck
Uptake of radioactive calcium from guinea pig brain fractions enriched in synaptosomes could be significantly and reproducibly decreased by exposure to high pressure. Calcium efflux from preloaded synaptosomes was unaffected by pressure exposure. It was hypothesized that the development of pressure-induced encephalopathy may be related to an effect of pressure on the central nervous system calcium transport system.
Effect of ambient temperature upon emotional hyperthermia and hypothermia in rabbits
Journal of Applied Physiology - Tập 21 Số 6 - Trang 1795-1798 - 1966
Yasuko Yokoi
An artificial arterial system for pumping hearts.
Journal of Applied Physiology - Tập 31 Số 5 - Trang 776-781 - 1971
Nico Westerhof, G. Elzinga, Pieter Sipkema
Reperfusion injury is reduced in skeletal muscle by inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase
Journal of Applied Physiology - Tập 94 Số 4 - Trang 1473-1478 - 2003
Li Zhang, Colin G. Looney, Wen Qi, L E Chen, Anthony V. Seaber, Jonathan S. Stamler, James R. Urbaniak
This study evaluated the effects of the selective inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) inhibitor N-[3-(aminomethyl)benzyl]acetamidine (1400W) on the microcirculation in reperfused skeletal muscle. The cremaster muscles from 32 rats underwent 5 h of ischemia followed by 90 min of reperfusion. Rats received either 3 mg/kg 1400W or PBS subcutaneously before reperfusion. We found that blood flow in reperfused muscles was <45% of baseline in controls but sharply recovered to near baseline levels in 1400W-treated animals. There was a significant ( P < 0.01 to P< 0.001) difference between the two groups at each time point throughout the 90 min of reperfusion. Vessel diameters remained <80% of baseline in controls during reperfusion, but recovered to the baseline level in the 1400W group by 20 min, and reached a maximum of 121 ± 14% (mean ± SD) of baseline in 10- to 20-μm arterioles, 121 ± 6% in 21- to 40-μm arterioles, and 115 ± 8% in 41- to 70-μm arteries ( P < 0.01 to P < 0.001). The muscle weight ratio between ischemia-reperfused (left) and non-ischemia-reperfused (right) cremaster muscles was 193 ± 42% of normal in controls and 124 ± 12% in the 1400W group ( P < 0.001). Histology showed that neutrophil extravasation and edema were markedly reduced in 1400W-treated muscles compared with controls. We conclude that ischemia-reperfusion leads to increased generation of NO from iNOS in skeletal muscle and that the selective iNOS inhibitor 1400W reduces the negative effects of ischemia-reperfusion on vessel diameter and muscle blood flow. Thus 1400W may have therapeutic potential in treatment of ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Mechanisms of postischemic injury in skeletal muscle: intervention strategies
Journal of Applied Physiology - Tập 80 Số 2 - Trang 369-387 - 1996
Barry B. Rubin, Alex Romaschin, Paul Walker, Dean C. Gute, Ronald J. Korthuis
Reperfusion of ischemic skeletal muscle leads to adverse local and systemic effects. These detrimental effects may be attenuated by interfering with or modulating the pathophysiological processes that are set in motion during ischemia and/or reperfusion. The purpose of this paper is to review the different intervention strategies that have been employed in an attempt to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of skeletal muscle ischemia-reperfusion injury. The results of these studies indicate that the postischemic injury processes that lead to cell dysfunction and death are multifactorial in nature and include oxidant generation, elaboration of proinflammatory mediators, infiltration of leukocytes, Ca2+ overload, phospholipid peroxidation and depletion, impaired nitric oxide metabolism, and reduced ATP production. Although the etiopathogenesis of skeletal muscle ischemia-reperfusion is complex, careful delineation of the mechanisms that contribute to postischemic microvascular dysfunction and muscle necrosis has progressed to the point where rational intervention strategies may be proposed and implemented as potential treatments for skeletal muscle dysfunction associated with ischemia-reperfusion.
Effect of sleep deprivation on diurnal variation of vertical perception and postural control
Journal of Applied Physiology - Tập 125 Số 1 - Trang 167-174 - 2018
Tristan Martin, Antoine Gauthier, Ying Zhang, Nicolas Benguigui, Sébastien Moussay, Jan Bulla, Damien Davenne, Nicolas Bessot
The aim of the study was to test the effect of total sleep deprivation on performance and time-of-day pattern of subjective visual vertical (SVV) and postural control. Nineteen healthy, young participants (4 women and 15 men 21.9 ± 1.2 yr) were engaged in two counterbalanced experimental sessions with or without total sleep deprivation. Oral temperature, Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, and visual analogic scale for fatigue, postural control, and SVV were randomly measured every 4 h, from 0600 to 2200. A linear mixed model was used to capture the effect of time of day and sleep condition as factors. A classical adjusted COSINOR function was then used to modelize this daily variation. After the control night of sleep, SVV as well as oral temperature, sleepiness, and fatigue showed significant time-of-day variation, contrasting with measures of postural control which remained stable across the day. After sleep deprivation, SVV showed no diurnal variation, but its mean deviation value increased by 29%. Postural control capability also decreased after sleep deprivation, with a higher center of pressure surface (+70.4%) and total length (+7.37%) but remained stable throughout the day. These results further confirm the negative effect of sleep loss on postural control capability. Even if a direct relationship cannot be confirmed, the disruption of SVV capacity after sleep deprivation could strongly play a role in postural control capacity changes. Sleep deprivation should be considered as a potent factor involved in balance loss and subsequent fall. NEW & NOTEWORTHY The topic of sleep deprivation and postural control is not understood, with discrepancy among results. This study described that postural control displays a stable level throughout the day and that sleep deprivation, even if it increases postural sway, does not affect this stable diurnal pattern. The modification of the perception of the vertical level after sleep deprivation could strongly play a role in the observed changes in postural control capacity.
Activation of branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex by exercise: effect of high-fat diet intake
Journal of Applied Physiology - Tập 68 Số 1 - Trang 161-165 - 1990
Yoshiharu Shimomura, Takahiro Suzuki, Shinichi Saitoh, YOUSUKE TASAKI, Robert A. Harris, Masashige Suzuki
The effect of exercise on the activity of branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex in liver and muscle was studied in rats fed a high-fat (FAT) or a high-carbohydrate (CHO) diet. Both diet groups of rats were offered isoenergetic diets by a meal-feeding method and were trained by treadmill running. On the final day of the experiment, half of the rats in each diet group were exercised by 2 h of running just before they were killed. The activity state of the enzyme complex was elevated maximally by exercise in liver of rats fed the FAT diet but not in liver of rats fed the CHO diet, suggesting that catabolism of branched-chain amino acids in rat liver during exercise was enhanced by the FAT diet. The activity state of the enzyme complex in muscle was enhanced by exercise in both groups of rats, but a significant difference was not observed between the groups. The concentration of branched-chain amino acids was elevated in liver and muscle by exercise in both groups of rats, but the elevated levels in liver were lower in rats fed the FAT diet than in those fed the CHO diet. Serum branched-chain amino acid concentrations were significantly lower in rested rats fed the FAT diet than in those fed the CHO diet, and the leucine and isoleucine concentrations in the former were elevated by exercise, but the serum concentrations in the latter were not significantly affected by exercise. ATP and ADP concentrations in muscle were not significantly affected by either diet or exercise.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Postexercise muscle glycogen resynthesis in humans
Journal of Applied Physiology - Tập 122 Số 5 - Trang 1055-1067 - 2017
Louise M. Burke, Luc J. C. van Loon, John A. Hawley
Since the pioneering studies conducted in the 1960s in which glycogen status was investigated using the muscle biopsy technique, sports scientists have developed a sophisticated appreciation of the role of glycogen in cellular adaptation and exercise performance, as well as sites of storage of this important metabolic fuel. While sports nutrition guidelines have evolved during the past decade to incorporate sport-specific and periodized manipulation of carbohydrate (CHO) availability, athletes attempt to maximize muscle glycogen synthesis between important workouts or competitive events so that fuel stores closely match the demands of the prescribed exercise. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors that enhance or impair this biphasic process. In the early postexercise period (0–4 h), glycogen depletion provides a strong drive for its own resynthesis, with the provision of CHO (~1 g/kg body mass) optimizing this process. During the later phase of recovery (4–24 h), CHO intake should meet the anticipated fuel needs of the training/competition, with the type, form, and pattern of intake being less important than total intake. Dietary strategies that can enhance glycogen synthesis from suboptimal amounts of CHO or energy intake are of practical interest to many athletes; in this scenario, the coingestion of protein with CHO can assist glycogen storage. Future research should identify other factors that enhance the rate of synthesis of glycogen storage in a limited time frame, improve glycogen storage from a limited CHO intake, or increase muscle glycogen supercompensation.
Evans blue dye as a marker of albumin clearance in cultured endothelial monolayer and isolated lung
Journal of Applied Physiology - Tập 72 Số 3 - Trang 865-873 - 1992
Carolyn E. Patterson, Rodney A. Rhoades, Joe G. N. Garcia
Determination of protein transfer across the endothelial barrier or the entire alveolar capillary membrane is critical for investigation of mechanisms leading to pulmonary edema. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Evans blue dye for determination of protein clearance across cultured bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cell monolayers and as a quantitative marker for albumin leakage to the air spaces in isolated perfused rat lungs. Evans blue dye bound tightly to albumin (EBA) as determined by lack of transfer through dialysis membranes and specific elution with albumin from a molecular exclusion column. EBA was equivalent to 125I-labeled albumin for calculation of albumin clearance rates (Calb) across intact and challenged monolayers [Calb (+ vehicle) = 0.12 microliters/min; Calb (+10 nM alpha-thrombin) = 0.47 microliters/min; Calb (+5 mg/ml trypsin) = 1.29 microliters/min]. Transfer of EBA was linear with time in both the endothelial cell monolayer model and the perfused lung. EBA was a sensitive marker for early edema in the perfused lung (before detectable weight gain) as well as for severe edema in the oxidant-injured lung (marked EBA accumulation in lavage fluid) and was a more specific marker for protein transfer than lavage fluid protein. EBA transfer is a convenient, reproducible, and accurate means to assess alterations in vascular permeability.
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