Israel Journal of Chemistry
Cơ quản chủ quản: WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH , Wiley-Blackwell
Các bài báo tiêu biểu
Các hằng số tốc độ dập tắt huỳnh quang, kq, nằm trong khoảng từ 106 đến 2 × 1010 M−1 giây−1, của hơn 60 hệ thống cho-nhận electron điển hình đã được đo trong acetonitrile tách oxy và cho thấy có mối quan hệ với sự thay đổi thế năng tự do, Δ
trong phức hợp gặp gỡ và thay đổi trong khoảng từ +5 đến −60 kcal/mol. Mối quan hệ này dựa trên cơ chế chuyển electron ngoại-đường dãn cơ adiabatic yêu cầu Δ
Một nghiên cứu chi tiết về một số hệ thống mà các hằng số dập tắt tính toán khác biệt với các hằng số thí nghiệm đến vài bậc quy mô đã tiết lộ rằng cơ chế dập tắt hoạt động trong những trường hợp này là chuyển nguyên tử hydro thay vì chuyển electron.
Các điều kiện mà các cơ chế khác nhau này áp dụng và hậu quả của chúng được thảo luận.
A linear synchronous transit or quadratic synchronous transit approach is used to get closer to the quadratic region of the transition state and then quasi‐newton or eigenvector following methods are used to complete the optimization. With an empirical estimate of the hessian, these methods converge efficiently for a variety of transition states from a range of starting structures.
New scaling factors have been determined for obtaining fundamental vibrational frequencies and zero‐point vibrational energies from harmonic frequencies calculated at the HF/6–31G* and MP2/6–31G* levels. The scaling factors for the fundamental frequencies have been derived from a comparison of a total of 1066 calculated frequencies for 122 molecules with corresponding experimental values, while the zero‐point energy scaling factors were determined from a comparison of the computed values with the experimental zero‐point energies for a set of 24 molecules. The scaling factors recommended are, respectively, 0.8929 and 0.9427 for HF/6–31G* and MP2/6–31G* fundamental frequencies, and 0.9135 and 0.9646 for HF/6–31G* and MP2/6–31G* zero‐point energies. RMS errors were determined to be around 50 cm−1 for the HF and MP2 fundamental frequencies, and around 0.4 kJ mol−1 for the HF and MP2 zero‐point energies.
Many mutations disappear from the population because they impair protein function and/or stability. Thus, amino acid positions that are essential for proper function evolve more slowly than others, or in other words, the slow evolutionary rate of a position reflects its importance. ConSurf (
With rising levels of CO2 in our atmosphere, technologies capable of converting CO2 into useful products have become more valuable. The field of electrochemical CO2 reduction is reviewed here, with sections on mechanism, formate (formic acid) production, carbon monoxide production, reduction to higher products (methanol, methane, etc.), use of flow cells, high pressure approaches, molecular catalysts, non‐aqueous electrolytes, and solid oxide electrolysis cells. These diverse approaches to electrochemical CO2 reduction are compared and contrasted, emphasizing potential processes that would be feasible for large‐scale use. Although the focus is on recent reports, highlights of older reports are also included due to their important contributions to the field, particularly for high‐rate electrolysis.
The terms “chiral” and “achiral” are sharply defined when applied to geometric figures or models. The same terms are also commonly used to refer to the real systems to which these models have been adjoined, e.g., molecules, solvents, or reagents. Here, the terms are not sharply defined but depend upon conditions of measurement. The contrast between the geometric and operational usages is discussed in detail.
This paper gives an overview of the author's activities in the research of extremely small metal oxide particles in recent years. In particular, the synthesis of transparent colloidal solutions of extremely small zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, hematite, and titanium/iron mixed oxide particles (2 nm <
The energy transfer from an oxacyanine to a thiacyanine dye was investigated in monolayer assemblies. No temperature‐dependence of the efficiency was observed between 300 K and 20 K in arrangements where the donor molecules were isolated. However, in arrangements where the donor was organized into a large aggregate and the acceptor was highly diluted in the adjacent monolayer, the efficiency of the energy transfer was proportional to the absolute temperature; the spectral distributions of the fluorescence of the donor and the absorption of the acceptor were equally well matched at low and high temperatures. A simple model is discussed based on the idea that the energetic match needed for energy and electron transfer occurs occasionally due to thermal fluctuations and that this match will not be achieved below a certain temperature. A mechanism based on exciton hopping in the aggregate followed by energy transfer from a molecule in the vicinity of the acceptor to the acceptor does not explain the observed temperature‐dependence. However, the present experimental data can be rationalized by assuming that the excitation extends over a certain domain (consisting of about 10 donor dye molecules at room temperature and about 150 molecules at 20 K) which moves over the aggregate, occasionally reaching the vicinity of an acceptor molecule.
Over the past few decades, crystalline silicon solar cells have been extensively studied due to their high efficiency, high reliability, and low cost. In addition, these types of cells lead the industry and account for more than half of the market. For the foreseeable future, Si will still be a critical material for photovoltaic devices in the solar cell industry. In this paper, we discuss key issues, cell concepts, and the status of recent high‐efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells.
Boundary conditions and quantum mechanical numerical methods for evaluating transition probabilities of photodissociation and half‐collisional processes are presented. Direct and indirect dissociation modes are discussed. In each case we write a set of equations tying the particular boundary behaviour of each dissociation mode to the standard scattering boundary conditions. Numerical schemes based on these equations are presented. The case of competing dissociation reactions and exchange is also considered for the indirect case. When interference between these modes is expected to play a significant role, we show how the quantum jump due to photon and electron impact can be incorporated into the set of equations describing the dissociation. Finally we indicate how a numerical construction of potential surfaces from photofragment spectra and absorption spectra in the continuous and predissociation range can be obtained using these numerical schemes.