International Journal of Quantum Chemistry

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Transition states and energy barriers from density functional studies: Representative isomerization reactions
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry - Tập 52 Số 4 - Trang 695-704 - 1994
Yury Abashkin, Nino Russo, Marirosa Toscano

Three representative isomerization reactions (HNC → HCN, CH3NC → CH3CN, and N2H2 trans → cis and sin) have been studied using both the LCGTO–LSD and LCGTO–NLSD density functional methods and employing a new algorithm for the search and the refinement of the transition‐state structures. The inclusion of the nonlocal corrections and the use of large basis sets improve the reliability of the energetic parameters. Results are in good agreement with previous accurate first‐principle computations and available experimental data. © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Molecular orbital cluster model study of bonding and vibrations of CO adsorbed on MgO surface
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry - Tập 42 Số 5 - Trang 1115-1139 - 1992
Gianfranco Pacchioni, Giuseppe Cogliandro, Eugene S. Ilton

The interaction of CO with the MgO(100) surface has been investigated by means of all electron cluster model calculations. The CO molecule is bound on the Mg2+ site of MgO with a chemisorption energy of about 0.2 eV. The binding mechanism is electrostatic in nature and arises almost entirely from the interaction of the weak electric field generated by the ionic surface and the CO charge distribution, with negligible contributions from chemical effects as the CO σ donation. When CO is bound through carbon, its vibrational frequency increases with respect to the gas‐phase value. This shift, Δ, has been analyzed and decomposed into the sum of different contributions. It is found that the positive Δω does not arise entirely from the field–dipole interaction but is due, in part, to the increase in Pauli repulsion occurring when the CO molecule vibrates in the presence of the surface “wall.” A stronger electrostatic interaction, bringing the CO adsorbate closer to the surface, increases this wall effect and results in a more pronounced positive ω shift. It is also found that the two CO orientations exhibit opposite shifts in ωe, thus, the two orientations can be distinguished, in principle, by IR spectroscopy. The analysis of our ab initio cluster wave functions gives a very different picture than the standard view of the metal–CO bond as arising from σ donation and π back donation.

Efficient excited‐state intramolecular proton transfer in acridone derivatives—A case study of Paratrimerin C
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry - Tập 123 Số 4 - 2023
Thi Lê Anh Nguyen, Dinh Hieu Truong, Thị Chinh Ngo, Duy Quang Dao

Paratrimerin C is a natural acridone antioxidant that is also potent as an anti‐UV agent. The photophysical process of Paratrimerin C, including the absorption and emission and the excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) mechanism, is studied herein with time‐dependent density functional theory. The solvent effect on ESIPT is studied for polar (water) and non‐polar (benzene) solvents employing the Integral Equation Formalism Polarization Continuum Model and adding up to three explicit molecules of solvent. The normal and tautomer forms of the Paratrimerin C at the ground‐ and excited‐state structures are studied at the M06‐2X/6‐311++G(d,p) level of theory. The potential energy curves along the reaction coordinates indicate that the ESIPT is a barrier‐less reaction, and the variation of OdOa distance in the excited state shows significant molecular structure deformation along the proton transfer process following the normal‐to‐tautomerism pathway. The obtained results suggest using of acridone derivatives as efficient and tunable fluorescence molecules besides their biological activities.

Comparison of geometric, electronic, and vibrational properties for all pentagon/hexagon‐bearing isomers of fullerenes C38, C40, and C42
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry - Tập 109 Số 9 - Trang 1999-2011 - 2009
Edyta Małolepsza, Yuan‐Pern Lee, Henryk A. Witek, Stephan Irle, Chun‐Fu Lin, Horngming Hsieh

The self‐consistent‐charge density‐functional tight‐binding (SCC‐DFTB) method is employed for computing geometric, electronic, and vibrational properties for various topological isomers of small fullerenes. We consider all pentagon/hexagon‐bearing isomers of C38, C40, and C42 as the second part of a larger effort to catalogue the CC distance distributions, valence CCC angle distributions, electronic densities of states (DOSs), vibrational densities of states (VDOSs), and infrared (IR) and Raman spectra for fullerenes C20C180 [analogous data for C20C36 were published previously in Małolepsza et al., J Phys Chem A, 2007, 111, 6649]. Common features among the fullerenes are identified and properties characteristic for each specific fullerene cage size are discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2009

On the use of an extended nucleus in Dirac-Fock Gaussian basis set calculations
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry - Tập 32 Số S21 - Trang 523-532 - 1987
Yasuyuki Ishikawa, Harry M. Quiney
On the use of gaussian-type functions in dirac-fock basis set expansion calculations
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry - Tập 34 Số S22 - Trang 457-463 - 1988
Yasuyuki Ishikawa, Hideo Sekino
Many‐body perturbation theory, coupled‐pair many‐electron theory, and the importance of quadruple excitations for the correlation problem
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry - Tập 14 Số 5 - Trang 561-581 - 1978
Rodney J. Bartlett, George D. Purvis

Many‐body (diagrammatic) perturbation theory (MBPT), coupled‐pair many‐electron theory (CPMET), and configuration interaction (CI) are investigated with particular emphasis on the importance of quadruple excitations in correlation theories. These different methods are used to obtain single, double, and quadruple excitation contributions to the correlation energy for a series of molecules including CO2, HCN, N2, CO, BH3, and NH3. It is demonstrated that the sum of double and quadruple excitation diagrams through fourth‐order perturbation theory is usually quite close to the CPMET result for these molecules at equilibrium geometries. The superior reliability of the CPMET model as a function of internuclear separation is illustrated by studying the 1 potential curve of Be2. This molecule violates the assumption common to nondegenerate perturbation theory that only a single reference function is important and this causes improper behavior of the potential curve as a function of R. This is resolved once the quadruple excitation terms are fully included by CPMET.

Semilocalized approach to investigation of chemical reactivity
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry - Tập 94 Số 6 - Trang 302-316 - 2003
V. Gineitytė

Application of the power series for the one‐electron density matrix Gineityte, V., J Mol Struct Theochem 1995, 343, 183 to the case of two interacting molecules is shown to yield a semilocalized approach to investigate chemical reactivity, which is characterized by the following distinctive features: (1) Electron density (ED) redistributions embracing orbitals of the reaction centers of both molecules and of their neighboring fragments are studied instead of the total intermolecular interaction energy; (2) the ED redistributions are expressed directly in the basis of fragmental orbitals (FOs) without passing to the basis of delocalized molecular orbitals (MOs) of initial molecules; (3) terms describing the ED redistributions due to an intermolecular contact arise as additive corrections to the purely monomolecular terms and thereby may be analyzed independently; (4) local ED redistributions only between orbitals of the reaction centers of both molecules are described by lower‐order terms of the power series, whereas those embracing both the reaction centers and their neighborhoods are represented by higher‐order terms. As opposed to the standard perturbative methods based on invoking the delocalized (canonical) MOs of isolated molecules, the results of the approach suggested are in‐line with the well‐known intuition‐based concepts of the classic chemistry concerning reactivity, namely, with the assumption about different roles of the reaction center and of its neighborhood in a chemical process, with the expectation about extinction of the indirect influence of a certain fragment (substituent) when its distance from the reaction center grows, etc. Such a parallelism yields quantum chemical analogs for the classic concepts and thereby gives an additional insight into their nature. The scope of validity of these concepts also is discussed. Applicability of the approach suggested to specific chemical problems is illustrated by a brief consideration of the SN2 and AdE2 reactions. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem 94: 302–316, 2003

Molecular structures, thermochemistry, and electron affinities for the dichlorine oxides: Cl2On/Cl2O (n = 1–4)
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry - Tập 95 Số 6 - Trang 731-757 - 2003
Qian‐Shu Li, Shun-feng Lü, Yaoming Xie, Paul von Ragué Schleyer, Henry F. Schaefer

The molecular structures, relative energies, vibrational frequencies, and electron affinities for the Cl2On/Cl2O (n = 1–4) systems have been investigated using hybrid Hartree–Fock/density functional theories (BHLYP and B3LYP) and pure density functional theories (BP86 and BLYP). The three different types of neutral/anion energy differences reported in this research are the adiabatic electron affinity (EAad), the vertical electron affinity (EAvret), and the vertical detachment energy (VDE). The basis set used in this work is of double‐ζ plus polarization quality with additional s‐ and p‐type diffuse functions, and it is denoted DZP++. The geometries are fully optimized by all four DFT methods. We have predicted a number of possible low‐lying local minima, including some that are unprecedented. Most strikingly, in several cases structures that have been observed in the laboratory turn out not to be lowest in energy for a particular chemical composition. Two structures are predicted with a formally seven‐coordinate chlorine atom. The global minima for the Cl2On/Cl2O (n = 1–4) systems are ClOCl (C2v), ClClO (Cs), ClOOCl (C2), OOCl (C2v), ClOOOCl (C2/C1), ClO(O2)Cl (Cs), trans‐ClO(O2)OCl (Ci), and trans‐ClO(O2)OCl (Ci), respectively. The relative energies of the different minima are reported. Five of the 42 structures predicted here have been determined experimentally. Our theoretical geometries and vibrational frequencies are carefully compared with the limited available experimental results, and the BHLYP functional in general provides the best agreement. The ClClO and ClClO ground states might be regarded as Cl … ClO and Cl … ClO2 complexes, respectively. The adiabatic electron affinities, obtained at the favored DZP++ BLYP level of theory, are 3.12 eV for Cl2O, 3.96 eV for Cl2O2, 3.66 eV for Cl2O3, and 4.15 eV for Cl2O4. The adiabatic EAs for the first three systems are similar to those of Br2On (3.14, 3.80, and 3.46 eV with BLYP for Br2On, n = 1–3), and this may reflect the geometric similarity between these bromine and chlorine species. But, EAad for Br2O4 (1.97 eV) is different from Cl2O4 because the neutral and anionic bromine species have different global minimum geometries from those for Cl2O4. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2003

Theoretical and experimental studies on the thermal decomposition and fire‐extinguishing performance of cis‐1,1,1,4,4,4‐hexafluoro‐2‐butene
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry - Tập 120 Số 9 - 2020
Yue Wang, Xingyu Wang, Xiao Zhang, Haolun Fu, Zhaoyang Tan, Haijun Zhang

Due to the environmental problems caused by the existing Halon substitutes, it is essential to explore new extinguishants with better environmental friendliness. In this study, in order to evaluate the practicability of cis‐1,1,1,4,4,4‐hexafluoro‐2‐butene (HFO‐1336mzz(Z)) as a potential Halon substitution product, the thermal decomposition mechanism and fire‐extinguishing performance of HFO‐1336mzz(Z) were studied by using density functional theory calculation and experimental analysis. The computational results show that thermal decomposition of HFO‐1336mzz(Z) would result in some products that can further react with active OH˙ and H˙ radicals, which are indispensable reactants in the flame and combustion. Moreover, during the interaction between HFO‐1336mzz(Z) and flame, the fire‐extinguishing radical CF3˙ would be produced, indicating the chemical‐extinguishing mechanism and the pronounced fire‐extinguishing performance of HFO‐1336mzz(Z). To explore its actual fire‐extinguishing effect, the fire‐extinguishing concentration (FEC) of HFO‐1336mzz(Z) on methane‐air flame was measured in cup‐burner. The FEC value of HFO‐1336mzz(Z) is 6.84% in volume, which is lower than those of HFC‐125 and HFC‐116, and is slightly higher than that of HFC‐236fa. Both the experimental and theoretical results suggest that HFO‐1336mzz(Z) can be a promising candidate for Halon substitute.

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