Internal and Emergency Medicine
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Timing of INR reversal using fresh-frozen plasma in warfarin-associated intracerebral hemorrhage
Internal and Emergency Medicine - Tập 13 - Trang 557-565 - 2017
Rapid reversal of coagulopathy is recommended in warfarin-associated intracerebral hemorrhage (WAICH). However, rapid correction of the INR has not yet been proven to improve clinical outcomes, and the rate of correction with fresh-frozen plasma (FFP) can be variable. We sought to determine whether faster INR reversal with FFP is associated with decreased hematoma expansion and improved outcome. We performed a retrospective analysis of a prospectively collected cohort of consecutive patients with WAICH presenting to an urban tertiary care hospital from 2000 to 2013. Patients with baseline INR > 1.4 treated with FFP and vitamin K were included. The primary outcomes are occurrence of hematoma expansion, discharge modified Rankin Scale (mRS), and 30-day mortality. The association between timing of INR reversal, ICH expansion, and outcome was investigated with logistic regression analysis. 120 subjects met inclusion criteria (mean age 76.9, 57.5% males). Median presenting INR was 2.8 (IQR 2.3–3.4). Hematoma expansion is not associated with slower INR reversal [median time to INR reversal 9 (IQR 5–14) h vs. 10 (IQR 7–16) h, p = 0.61]. Patients with ultimately poor outcome received more rapid INR reversal than those with favorable outcome [9 (IQR 6–14) h vs. 12 (8–19) h, p = 0.064). We find no evidence of an association between faster INR reversal and either reduced hematoma expansion or better outcome.
Changes in global longitudinal strain in renal transplant recipients following 12 months of exercise
Internal and Emergency Medicine - Tập 13 - Trang 805-809 - 2018
Clinical, diagnostic, and therapeutic features of patients admitted to acute care hospitals with trunk compared to lower limb cellulitis
Internal and Emergency Medicine - - 2017
Correction to: A fatal unsuspected case of acquired A hemophilia. Misleading role of therapy with acetylsalicylic acid?
Internal and Emergency Medicine - Tập 16 - Trang 2343-2343 - 2021
Serial KL-6 measurements in COVID-19 patients
Internal and Emergency Medicine - Tập 16 - Trang 1541-1545 - 2021
SARS-CoV2-induced direct cytopathic effects against type II pneumocytes are suspected to play a role in mediating and perpetuating lung damage. The aim of this study was to evaluate serum KL-6 behavior in COVID-19 patients to investigate its potential role in predicting clinical course. Sixty patients (median age IQR, 65 (52–69), 43 males), hospitalized for COVID-19 at Siena COVID Unit University Hospital, were prospectively enrolled. Twenty-six patients were selected (median age IQR, 63 (55–71), 16 males); all of them underwent follow-up evaluations, including clinical, radiological, functional, and serum KL-6 assessments, after 6 (t1) and 9 (t2) months from hospital discharge. At t0, KL-6 concentrations were significantly higher than those at t1 (760 (311–1218) vs. 309 (210–408) p = 0.0208) and t2 (760 (311–1218) vs 324 (279–458), p = 0.0365). At t0, KL-6 concentrations were increased in patients with fibrotic lung alterations than in non-fibrotic group (755 (370–1023) vs. 305 (225–608), p = 0.0225). Area under the receiver operating curve (AUROC) analysis showed that basal KL-6 levels showed good accuracy in discriminating patients with fibrotic sequelae radiologically documented (AUC 85%, p = 0.0404). KL-6 concentrations in patients with fibrotic involvement were significantly reduced at t1 (755 (370–1023) vs. 290 (197–521), p = 0.0366) and t2 (755 (370–1023) vs. 318 (173–435), p = 0.0490). Serum concentrations of KL-6 in hospitalized COVID-19 patients may contribute to identify severe patients requiring mechanical ventilation and to predict those who will develop pulmonary fibrotic sequelae in the follow-up.
Point-of-care ultrasound in acute coronary syndrome–it’s about time
Internal and Emergency Medicine - Tập 18 - Trang 15-17 - 2022
Abdominal apoplexy secondary to spontaneous rupture of the right gastric artery in a coagulopathic patient
Internal and Emergency Medicine - Tập 4 - Trang 83-85 - 2008
Non-invasive ventilation in acute respiratory failure: the key “W” questions
Internal and Emergency Medicine - Tập 12 - Trang 1307-1311 - 2017
Associations between biomarkers of multimorbidity burden and mortality risk among patients with acute dyspnea
Internal and Emergency Medicine - Tập 17 - Trang 559-567 - 2021
The patients’ burden of comorbidities is a cornerstone in risk assessment, clinical management and follow-up. The aim of this study was to evaluate if biomarkers associated with comorbidity burden can predict outcome in acute dyspnea patients. We included 774 patients with dyspnea admitted to an emergency department and measured 80 cardiovascular protein biomarkers in serum collected at admission. The number of comorbidities for each patient were added, and a multimorbidity score was created. Eleven of the 80 biomarkers were independently associated with the multimorbidity score and their standardized and weighted values were summed into a biomarker score of multimorbidities. The biomarker score and the multimorbidity score, expressed per standard deviation increment, respectively, were related to all-cause mortality using Cox Proportional Hazards Model. During long-term follow-up (2.4 ± 1.5 years) 45% of the patients died and during short-term follow-up (90 days) 12% died. Through long-term follow-up, in fully adjusted models, the HR (95% CI) for mortality concerning the biomarker score was 1.59 (95% CI 1348–1871) and 1.18 (95% CI 1035–1346) for the multimorbidity score. For short-term follow-up, in the fully adjusted model, the biomarker score was strongly related to 90-day mortality (HR 1.98, 95% CI 1428–2743), whereas the multimorbidity score was not significant. Our main findings suggest that the biomarker score is superior to the multimorbidity score in predicting long and short-term mortality. Measurement of the biomarker score may serve as a biological fingerprint of the multimorbidity score at the emergency department and, therefore, be helpful for risk prediction, treatment decisions and need of follow-up both in hospital and after discharge from the emergency department.
Những thay đổi ở niêm mạc do tổn thương ischemia-reperfusion trong một đoạn ruột jejunum được cấy ghép vào hầu họng Dịch bởi AI
Internal and Emergency Medicine - Tập 8 - Trang 317-325 - 2011
Các mô tiếp xúc với tình trạng thiếu máu và tái tưới máu phát triển phản ứng viêm. Chúng tôi đã điều tra những thay đổi hình thái và miễn dịch xảy ra trong niêm mạc của một đoạn ruột jejunum được cấy ghép vào hầu họng của một bệnh nhân trải qua phẫu thuật cắt hầu thanh quản vòng. Các mẫu sinh thiết ruột jejunum được thu thập trong quá trình cấy ghép (thiếu máu quy lạnh và ấm, tái tưới máu), trong 7 ngày sau phẫu thuật thông qua một đoạn jejunum được đưa ra ngoài để theo dõi vạt, và 45 ngày sau cấy ghép thông qua nội soi trên. Sự gia tăng của matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3 và MMP-12 đi kèm với sự gia tăng song song của các tế bào biểu mô ruột chết theo chương trình, và sự giảm đồng thời của tỷ lệ diện tích bề mặt trên thể tích và chiều cao của tế bào biểu mô ruột. Tăng sản tế bào nhầy được liên kết với sự biến mất của tế bào Paneth tại đáy của các hố tuyến. Các lymphocyte trong biểu mô CD8 dương tính ban đầu giảm, sau đó lại tăng lên tương ứng với đỉnh điểm của quá trình tế bào biểu mô ruột chết theo chương trình. Chúng tôi đã xác định được những thay đổi trong sự xâm nhập của lymphocyte, cấu trúc niêm mạc và tái tạo tế bào biểu mô, điều này có thể mở ra một cái nhìn về cơ chế thiếu máu-tái tưới máu ở ruột non ở người.
#thiếu máu #tái tưới máu #niêm mạc #ruột jejunum #phẫu thuật #tổn thương mạng lưới #tế bào biểu mô #lymphocyte
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