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Antinociceptive and antiedema effects produced in rats by Brassica oleracea var. italica sprouts involving sulforaphane
Inflammopharmacology - Tập 31 - Trang 3217-3226 - 2023
Natural products are recognized as potential analgesics since many of them are part of modern medicine to relieve pain without serious adverse effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of an aqueous extract of Brassica oleracea var. italica sprouts (AEBS) and one of its main reported bioactive metabolites sulforaphane (SFN). Antinociceptive activity of the AEBS (30, 100, and 300 mg/kg, i.p. or 1000 and 2000 mg/kg, p.o.) and SFN (0.1 mg/kg, i.p.) was evaluated in the plantar test in rats to reinforce its analgesic-like activity at central level using the reference drug tramadol (TR, 50 mg/kg, i.p.). The anti-inflammatory-like response was determined in the carrageenan-induced oedema at the same dosages for comparison with ketorolac (KET, 20 mg/kg, i.p.) or indomethacin (INDO, 20 mg/kg, p.o.). A histological analysis of the swollen paw was included to complement the anti-inflammatory response. Additionally, acute toxicity observed in clinical analgesics as the most common adverse effects, such as sedation and/or gastric damage, was also explored. As a result, central and peripheral action of the AEBS was confirmed using enteral and parenteral administration, in which significant reduction of the nociceptive and inflammatory responses resembled the effects of TR, KET, or INDO, respectively, involving the presence of SFN. No adverse or toxic effects were observed in the presence of the AEBS or SFN. In conclusion, this study supports that Brassica oleracea var. italica sprouts are a potential source of antinociceptive natural products such as SFN for therapy of pain alone and associated to an inflammation condition.
Nomenclature for prostanoid and leukotriene receptors
Inflammopharmacology - Tập 3 - Trang 97-98 - 1995
Vinpocetine restores cognitive and motor functions in Traumatic brain injury challenged rats
Inflammopharmacology - Tập 30 - Trang 2243-2259 - 2022
Traumatic brain damage is common worldwide and the treatments are not well-defined. Vinpocetine is a synthetic derivative of the vinca alkaloid vincamine and is clinically being used for various brain disorders. Here in the current study, we have investigated the neuroprotective potential of vinpocetine against traumatic brain injury. TBI was induced by the Marmarou weight drop method in rats. Brain damage was evaluated using cognitive and motor functions and the alterations in biomolecules. Injured rats were treated with different doses of vinpocetine (2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg) for 4 weeks. Traumatic brain injury in rats produced significant deterioration of cognition and motor functions, which was accompanied by increased oxidative stress and significant alterations in brain monoamine levels as compared with the sham control group (p < 0.05). Vinpocetine alleviated TBI-induced oxidative burden, altered neurochemistry, and improved the cognitive and motor functions as compared with that of the TBI control group (p < 0.05). The observed neuroprotective potential of vinpocetine may be due to the observed antioxidant potential and its ability to restore the levels of brain neurochemicals under stressed conditions. The outcomes of the current study may help the repositioning of vinpocetine for preventing or treating traumatic brain injuries.
Sulphasalazine-induced forms of colitis
Inflammopharmacology - Tập 2 - Trang 301-305 - 1993
Administration of oral or rectal sulphasalazine may lead to a number of potentially serious and life-threatening adverse reactions, including specific gastrointestinal complications. Mimicry and/or exacerbation of either ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s colitis may occur and has been described in several previous case reports. In addition, challenge studies after oral and rectal sulphasalazine have demonstrated unequivocal worsening of rectal biopsies. More recently, sulphasalazine treatment resulted in the development of pseudomembranous colitis associated with detection ofClostridium difficile toxin in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis and no evident pre-existing intestinal disease. This observation is particularly interesting because of the potential effects of the medication in altering the enteric microflora.
Protective effects of sinomenine against dextran sulfate sodium-induced ulcerative colitis in rats via alteration of HO-1/Nrf2 and inflammatory pathway
Inflammopharmacology -
Điều chỉnh PPARγ và TNFα bởi dầu emu và glycyrrhizin trong bệnh viêm loét đại tràng Dịch bởi AI
Inflammopharmacology - Tập 23 - Trang 47-56 - 2015
Bệnh viêm loét đại tràng (UC) là một rối loạn viêm ruột ảnh hưởng đến đại tràng và trực tràng. Các phương pháp điều trị cho nhiều bệnh nhân UC thường hiệu quả khác nhau và đi kèm với nhiều tác dụng phụ đáng kể. Do đó, nghiên cứu hiện tại được thực hiện nhằm khám phá tác dụng chống viêm của dầu emu, glycyrrhizin, và sự kết hợp giữa dầu emu và glycyrrhizin trong bệnh UC được gây ra bởi axit acetic ở chuột. Bệnh UC được gây ra bằng cách nhỏ 5% axit acetic vào trong hậu môn của chuột. Dầu emu và glycyrrhizin được dùng đường uống cho các nhóm thử nghiệm. Mức độ viêm đại tràng được đánh giá dưới kính hiển vi và qua quan sát đại thể. Mức độ của myeloperoxidase và các enzyme chống oxy hóa như catalase, superoxide dismutase và glutathione peroxidase được định lượng bằng phương pháp quang phổ. Sự biểu hiện của PPARγ và TNFα được nghiên cứu bằng PCR thời gian thực. Axit acetic gây tổn thương nghiêm trọng cho đại tràng và trực tràng. Dầu emu và glycyrrhizin đã được tìm thấy làm giảm đáng kể tổn thương đại thể và vi thể cũng như giảm các mức độ myeloperoxidase. Có sự cải thiện đáng kể về mức độ chống oxy hóa trong các nhóm điều trị so với nhóm axit acetic. Sự kết hợp giữa dầu emu và glycyrrhizin cho thấy khả năng điều chỉnh biểu hiện PPARγ và TNFα lớn hơn đáng kể so với dầu emu và glycyrrhizin khi dùng đơn độc. Sự kết hợp giữa dầu emu và glycyrrhizin có thể đã có tác động hiệp đồng trong việc điều chỉnh PPARγ và TNFα. Các nghiên cứu tiếp theo về cơ chế hoạt động của sự kết hợp dầu emu và glycyrrhizin sẽ mở đường cho việc xác định khả năng của sự kết hợp này trong việc quản lý bệnh UC.
#Bệnh viêm loét đại tràng #dầu emu #glycyrrhizin #PPARγ #TNFα #axit acetic
Efficacy and safety between early use and late use of celecoxib in hip osteoarthritis patients who receive total hip arthroplasty: a randomized, controlled study
Inflammopharmacology - Tập 29 - Trang 1761-1768 - 2021
Celecoxib is commonly used for pain management after total hip arthroplasty (THA), while the optimal timing of analgesic celecoxib remains unclear. This randomized, controlled study aimed to investigate the pain control efficacy and safety of preoperative celecoxib versus postoperative celecoxib in osteoarthritis (OA) patients undergoing THA. Totally, 192 hip OA patients about to undergo THA were randomized into pre-treatment group (N = 96) and post-treatment group (N = 96). The former was given 400 mg celecoxib at 4 h before THA, 200 mg at 4 h after THA, and then 200 mg every 12 h until 72 h post-operation. The latter was given 400 mg celecoxib at 4 h after THA, and then 200 mg every 12 h until 72 h post-operation. Pain at rest visual analog scale (VAS) score at 6 h, and pain at flexion VAS scores at 6 h, 12 h, and on D1, D2 were decreased in pre-treatment group compared to post-treatment group (all P < 0.05). Furthermore, additional consumption of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) (P = 0.006) and total consumption of PCA (P = 0.006) were both reduced in pre-treatment group compared to post-treatment group. Meanwhile, compared to post-treatment group, patient satisfaction in pre-treatment group was higher on D1 (P = 0.010) and D2 (P = 0.039). While, Harris hip score showed no difference between pre-treatment group and post-treatment group on M1 or M3 (both P > 0.05). In conclusion, preoperative celecoxib exhibits better analgesic efficacy and patients’ satisfaction management with similar tolerance compared to postoperative celecoxib in hip OA patients undergoing THA.
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Alternanthera brasiliana improve cutaneous wound healing in rats
Inflammopharmacology - Tập 29 - Trang 1443-1458 - 2021
Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze is recognized for its healing properties; however, its therapeutic effects remain unclear. Therefore, our study aimed to elucidate the wound healing activities of A. brasiliana using in vitro and in vivo assays. In vitro assays were used to evaluate the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects of A. brasiliana extract. For the in vivo study, two dorsal excisions were established in Wistar rats using a punch (1.5 cm in diameter), which were topically treated daily with 2% carbopol gel (Ctrl group) or 20% hydroalcoholic plant extract with 2% carbopol gel (A. brasiliana–Ab group). After the 2nd, 7th, 14th, and 21st days, inflammation, oxidative damage, antioxidants, angiogenesis, tissue formation, and re-epithelialization were evaluated. In vitro, Ab reduced nitric oxide, anion superoxide, and pro-inflammatory cytokine production. In vivo, Ab presented lower levels of inflammatory infiltrate, although increased levels of IL-1β and TGF-β1 were observed. The plant extract controlled oxidative damage by antioxidants, which favored angiogenesis, collagenesis, and wound re-epithelialization. Thus, the topical application of the hydroalcoholic extract of 20% A. brasiliana was distinguished by its important anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities both in vivo and in vitro. The plant extract also stimulated angiogenesis and tissue formation, accelerating total re-epithelization, which is promising for wound healing.
Osteoarthritis: symptoms, signs and source of pain
Inflammopharmacology - Tập 12 - Trang 3-31 - 2004
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. The condition is characterised by loss or failure of the functional and/or biochemical integrity of the joint. The clinical symptoms include joint stiffness, pain and dysfunction, but the principal problem for the majority of patients is the pain. Although there are no pain receptors in the cartilage, the origin of the pain is thought to be due to stimulation of the A delta mechanoreceptors and the C polymodal nerve endings in the synovium and surrounding tissues. However, some of the pain experienced in and around the joints is referred pain or sympathetic efferent pain. In addition, there is a poor correlation of clinical symptoms with radiological or imaging appearance. This lack of correlation of clinical evaluation and imaging makes attempts at treatment difficult and compromises attempts to design studies and to evaluate the outcome of osteoarthritis in clinical trials.
Antihypernociceptive activity of anethole in experimental inflammatory pain
Inflammopharmacology - - 2013
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