Global Change Biology



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Cơ quản chủ quản:  Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd , WILEY

Lĩnh vực:
Global and Planetary ChangeEnvironmental Science (miscellaneous)EcologyEnvironmental Chemistry

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Thông tin về tạp chí


Global Change Biology exists to promote understanding of the interface between all aspects of current environmental change that affects a substantial part of the globe and biological systems. Studies must concern biological systems, regardless of whether they are aquatic or terrestrial, and managed or natural environments. Both biological responses and feedbacks to change are included, and may be considered at any level of organization from molecular to biome. Studies may employ theoretical, modeling, analytical, experimental, observational, and historical approaches and should be exploratory rather than confirmatory. GCB publishes primary research articles, technical advances, research reviews, commentaries and letters. Global Change Biology defines global change as any consistent trend in the environment - past, present or projected - that affects a substantial part of the globe. Examples include: rising tropospheric ozone, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide concentrations; increasing UV-B irradiation; global climate change; biological sinks and sources of atmospheric trace gases; eutrophication; land use change; loss of biodiversity; biological feedback on climate change; biological mitigation for atmospheric change

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Investigating the potential impacts of climate change on a marine turtle population
Tập 0 Số 0 - Trang 070621084512044-???
Lucy A. Hawkes, Annette C. Broderick, Matthew H. Godfrey, Brendan J. Godley
Metabolite specific effects of solar UV‐A and UV‐B on alder and birch leaf phenolics
Tập 14 Số 6 - Trang 1294-1304 - 2008
Titta Kotilainen, Riitta Tegelberg, Riitta Julkunen‐Tiitto, Anders Lindfors, Pedro J. Aphalo
AbstractWe measured the concentrations of ultraviolet (UV)‐absorbing phenolics varying in response to exclusion of either solar UV‐B or both solar UV‐A and UV‐B radiations in leaves of grey alder (Alnus incana) and white birch (Betula pubescens) trees under field conditions. In alder leaves 20 and in birch leaves 13 different phenolic metabolites were identified. The response to UV exclusion varied between and within groups of phenolics in both tree species. The changes in concentration for some metabolites suggest effects of only UV‐A or UV‐B, which band being effective depending on the metabolite. For some other metabolites, the results indicate that UV‐A and UV‐B affect concentrations in the same direction, while for a few compounds there was evidence suggesting opposite effects of UV‐A and UV‐B radiation. Finally, the concentration of some phenolics did not significantly respond to solar UV. We observed only minor effects on the summed concentration of all determined phenolic metabolites in alder and birch leaves, thus indicating that measuring only total phenolics concentration may not reveal the effects of radiation. Here, we show that the appropriate biological spectral weighting functions for plant‐protective responses against solar UV radiation extend in most cases – but not always – into the UV‐A region and more importantly that accumulation of different phenolic metabolites follows different action spectra. This demonstrates under field conditions that some of the implicit assumptions of earlier research simulating ozone depletion and studying the effects of UV radiation on plant secondary metabolites need to be reassessed.
Decomposition of <i>Metrosideros polymorpha</i> leaf litter along elevational gradients in Hawaii
Tập 6 Số 1 - Trang 73-85 - 2000
Paul G. Scowcroft, Douglas Turner, Peter M. Vitousek
SummaryWe examined interactions between temperature, soil development, and decomposition on three elevational gradients, the upper and lower ends of each being situated on a common lava flow or ash deposit. We used the reciprocal transplant technique to estimate decomposition rates of Metrosideros polymorpha leaf litter during a three‐year period at warm and cool ends of each gradient. Litter quality was poorest early in soil development or where soils were most intensely leached and waterlogged. In situ litter decomposition was slowest on the young 1855 flow (k=  0.26 and 0.14 at low and high elevation, respectively). The more fertile Laupahoehoe gradient also supported more rapid in situ decay at the warmer low elevation site (k=  0.90) than at high elevation (k=  0.51). The gradient with the most advanced soil development showed no difference for in situ decay at low and high elevations (k=  0.88 and 0.99, respectively) probably due to low soil nutrient availability at low elevation, which counteracted the effect of warmer temperature. Comparisons of in situ, common litter, and common site experiments indicated that site factors influenced decomposition more than litter quality did. The effect of temperature, however, could be over‐ridden by soil fertility or other site factors. Field gradient studies of this sort yield variable estimates of apparent Q10, even under the best conditions, due to interactions among temperature, moisture, nutrient availability, decomposer communities and litter quality. Such interactions may be as likely to occur with changing climate as they are along elevational gradients.
The ecological impact of city lighting scenarios: exploring gap crossing thresholds for urban bats
Tập 21 Số 7 - Trang 2467-2478 - 2015
James Hale, Alison Fairbrass, Thomas J. Matthews, Gemma Davies, John Sadler
AbstractAs the global population urbanizes, dramatic changes are expected in city lighting and the urban form, which may threaten the functioning of urban ecosystems and the services they deliver. However, little is known about the ecological impact of lighting in different urban contexts. Movement is an important ecological process that can be disrupted by artificial lighting. We explored the impact of lighting on gap crossing for Pipistrellus pipistrellus, a species of bat (Chiroptera) common within UK cities. We aimed to determine whether the probability of crossing gaps in tree cover varied with crossing distance and lighting level, through stratified field surveys. We then used the resulting data on barrier thresholds to model the landscape resistance due to lighting across an entire city and explored the potential impact of scenarios for future changes to street lighting. The level of illumination required to create a barrier effect reduced as crossing distance increased. For those gaps where crossing was recorded, bats selected the darker parts of gaps. Heavily built parts of the case study city were associated with large and brightly lit gaps, and spatial models indicate movement would be highly restricted in these areas. Under a scenario for brighter street lighting, the area of accessible land cover was further reduced in heavily built parts of the city. We believe that this is the first study to demonstrate how lighting may create resistance to species movement throughout an entire city. That connectivity in urban areas is being disrupted for a relatively common species raises questions about the impacts on less tolerant groups and the resilience of bat communities in urban centres. However, this mechanistic approach raises the possibility that some ecological function could be restored in these areas through the strategic dimming of lighting and narrowing of gaps.
How anthropogenic noise affects foraging
Tập 21 Số 9 - Trang 3278-3289 - 2015
Jinhong Luo, Björn M. Siemers, Klemen Koselj
AbstractThe influence of human activity on the biosphere is increasing. While direct damage (e.g. habitat destruction) is relatively well understood, many activities affect wildlife in less apparent ways. Here, we investigate how anthropogenic noise impairs foraging, which has direct consequences for animal survival and reproductive success. Noise can disturb foraging via several mechanisms that may operate simultaneously, and thus, their effects could not be disentangled hitherto. We developed a diagnostic framework that can be applied to identify the potential mechanisms of disturbance in any species capable of detecting the noise. We tested this framework using Daubenton's bats, which find prey by echolocation. We found that traffic noise reduced foraging efficiency in most bats. Unexpectedly, this effect was present even if the playback noise did not overlap in frequency with the prey echoes. Neither overlapping noise nor nonoverlapping noise influenced the search effort required for a successful prey capture. Hence, noise did not mask prey echoes or reduce the attention of bats. Instead, noise acted as an aversive stimulus that caused avoidance response, thereby reducing foraging efficiency. We conclude that conservation policies may seriously underestimate numbers of species affected and the multilevel effects on animal fitness, if the mechanisms of disturbance are not considered.
Inertia in an ombrotrophic bog ecosystem in response to 9 years' realistic perturbation by wet deposition of nitrogen, separated by form
Tập 20 Số 2 - Trang 566-580 - 2014
Lucy J. Sheppard, Ian D. Leith, Toshie Mizunuma, Sarah R. Leeson, Sanna Kivimäki, J.N. Cape, Netty van Dijk, David Leaver, Mark A. Sutton, D. Fowler, L.J.L. van den Berg, Alan Crossley, Chris D. Field, Simon M. Smart
AbstractWet deposition of nitrogen (N) occurs in oxidized (nitrate) and reduced (ammonium) forms. Whether one form drives vegetation change more than the other is widely debated, as field evidence has been lacking. We are manipulating N form in wet deposition to an ombrotrophic bog, Whim (Scottish Borders), and here report nine years of results. Ammonium and nitrate were provided in rainwater spray as NH4Cl or NaNO3 at 8, 24 or 56 kg N ha−1 yr−1, plus a rainwater only control, via an automated system coupled to site meteorology. Detrimental N effects were observed in sensitive nonvascular plant species, with higher cumulative N loads leading to more damage at lower annual doses. Cover responses to N addition, both in relation to form and dose, were species specific and mostly dependent on N dose. Some species were generally indifferent to N form and dose, while others were dose sensitive. Calluna vulgaris showed a preference for higher N doses as ammonium N and Hypnum jutlandicum for nitrate N. However, after 9 years, the magnitude of change from wet deposited N on overall species cover is small, indicating only a slow decline in key species. Nitrogen treatment effects on soil N availability were likewise small and rarely correlated with species cover. Ammonium caused most N accumulation and damage to sensitive species at lower N loads, but toxic effects also occurred with nitrate. However, because different species respond differently to N form, setting of ecosystem level critical loads by N form is challenging. We recommend implementing the lowest value of the critical load range where communities include sensitive nonvascular plants and where ammonium dominates wet deposition chemistry. In the context of parallel assessment at the same site, N treatments for wet deposition showed overall much smaller effects than corresponding inputs of dry deposition as ammonia.
Determination of tropical deforestation rates and related carbon losses from 1990 to 2010
Tập 20 Số 8 - Trang 2540-2554 - 2014
Frédéric Achard, René Beuchle, Philippe Mayaux, Hans‐Jürgen Stibig, Catherine Bodart, Andreas Brink, Silvia Carboni, Baudouin Desclée, François Donnay, Hugh Eva, Andrea Lupi, Rastislav Raši, Roman Seliger, Dario Simonetti
AbstractWe estimate changes in forest cover (deforestation and forest regrowth) in the tropics for the two last decades (1990–2000 and 2000–2010) based on a sample of 4000 units of 10 ×10 km size. Forest cover is interpreted from satellite imagery at 30 × 30 m resolution. Forest cover changes are then combined with pan‐tropical biomass maps to estimate carbon losses. We show that there was a gross loss of tropical forests of 8.0 million ha yr−1 in the 1990s and 7.6 million ha yr−1 in the 2000s (0.49% annual rate), with no statistically significant difference. Humid forests account for 64% of the total forest cover in 2010 and 54% of the net forest loss during second study decade. Losses of forest cover and Other Wooded Land (OWL) cover result in estimates of carbon losses which are similar for 1990s and 2000s at 887 MtC yr−1 (range: 646–1238) and 880 MtC yr−1 (range: 602–1237) respectively, with humid regions contributing two‐thirds. The estimates of forest area changes have small statistical standard errors due to large sample size. We also reduce uncertainties of previous estimates of carbon losses and removals. Our estimates of forest area change are significantly lower as compared to national survey data. We reconcile recent low estimates of carbon emissions from tropical deforestation for early 2000s and show that carbon loss rates did not change between the two last decades. Carbon losses from deforestation represent circa 10% of Carbon emissions from fossil fuel combustion and cement production during the last decade (2000–2010). Our estimates of annual removals of carbon from forest regrowth at 115 MtC yr−1 (range: 61–168) and 97 MtC yr−1 (53–141) for the 1990s and 2000s respectively are five to fifteen times lower than earlier published estimates.
Quantifying small‐scale deforestation and forest degradation in African woodlands using radar imagery
Tập 18 Số 1 - Trang 243-257 - 2012
Casey M. Ryan, Timothy C. Hill, Emily Woollen, Claire Ghee, Edward T. A. Mitchard, Gemma Cassells, John Grace, Iain Woodhouse, Mathew Williams
AbstractCarbon emissions from tropical land‐use change are a major uncertainty in the global carbon cycle. In African woodlands, small‐scale farming and the need for fuel are thought to be reducing vegetation carbon stocks, but quantification of these processes is hindered by the limitations of optical remote sensing and a lack of ground data. Here, we present a method for mapping vegetation carbon stocks and their changes over a 3‐year period in a > 1000 km2 region in central Mozambique at 0.06 ha resolution. L‐band synthetic aperture radar imagery and an inventory of 96 plots are combined using regression and bootstrapping to generate biomass maps with known uncertainties. The resultant maps have sufficient accuracy to be capable of detecting changes in forest carbon stocks of as little as 12 MgC ha−1 over 3 years with 95% confidence. This allows characterization of biomass loss from deforestation and forest degradation at a new level of detail. Total aboveground biomass in the study area was reduced by 6.9 ± 4.6% over 3 years: from 2.13 ± 0.12 TgC in 2007 to 1.98 ± 0.11 TgC in 2010, a loss of 0.15 ± 0.10 TgC. Degradation probably contributed 67% (96.9 ± 91.0 GgC) of the net loss of biomass, but is associated with high uncertainty. The detailed mapping of carbon stock changes quantifies the nature of small‐scale farming. New clearances were on average small (median 0.2 ha) and were often additions to already cleared land. Deforestation events reduced biomass from 33.5 to 11.9 MgC ha−1 on average. Contrary to expectations, we did not find evidence that clearances were targeted towards areas of high biomass. Our method is scalable and suitable for monitoring land cover change and vegetation carbon stocks in woodland ecosystems, and can support policy approaches towards reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD).
Evaluation of enteric methane prediction equations for dairy cows used in whole farm models
Tập 16 Số 12 - Trang 3246-3256 - 2010
J.L. Ellis, A. Bannink, J. France, E. Kebreab, J. Dijkstra
AbstractThe importance of evaluating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from dairy cows within the whole farm setting is being realized as more important than evaluating these emissions in isolation. Current whole farm models aimed at evaluating GHG emissions make use of simple regression equations to predict enteric methane (CH4) production. The objective of the current paper is to evaluate the performance of nine CH4 prediction equations that are currently being used in whole farm GHG models. Data used to evaluate the prediction equations came from a collection of individual (IND) and treatment averaged (TRT) data. Equations were compared based on mean square prediction error (MSPE) and concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) analysis. In general, predictions were poor, with root MSPE (as a percentage of observed mean) values ranging from 20.2 to 52.5 for the IND database and from 24.0 to 38.2 for the TRT database and CCC values ranging from 0.009 to 0.493 for the IND database and from 0.000 to 0.271 for the TRT database. Overall, the equations of Moe & Tyrrell and IPCC Tier II performed best on the IND dataset, and the equations of Moe & Tyrrell and Kirchgeßner et al., performed best on the TRT dataset. Results show that the simple more generalized equations performed worse than those that attempted to represent important aspects of diet composition, but in general significant amounts of bias and deviation of the regression slope from unity existed for all equations. The low prediction accuracy of CH4 equations in whole farm models may introduce substantial error into inventories of GHG emissions and lead to incorrect mitigation recommendations.
Clarifying Amazonia's burning crisis
Tập 26 Số 2 - Trang 319-321 - 2020
Jos Barlow, Érika Berenguer, Rachel Carmenta, Filipe França