Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology
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This report details the proceedings and conclusions from the 3rd International Congress on Unexplained Deaths in Infants and Children, held November 26–27, 2018 at the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University. The Congress was motivated by the increasing rejection of the diagnosis Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in the medical examiner community, leading to falsely depressed reported SIDS rates and undermining the validity and reliability of the diagnosis, which remains a leading cause of infant and child mortality. We describe the diagnostic shift away from SIDS and the practical issues contributing to it. The Congress was attended by major figures and opinion leaders in this area from countries significantly engaged in this problem. Four categories (International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-11 categories of MH11, MH12, MH14, PB00-PB0Z) were recommended for classification, and explicit definitions and guidance were provided for death certifiers. SIDS was reframed as unexplained sudden death in infancy or SIDS/MH11 to emphasize that either term signifies the lack of explanation following a rigorous investigation. A distinct category for children over the age of 1 was recommended (MH12). Definitions and exclusions were provided for the alternative categories of accidental asphyxia and undetermined. As recommended, unexplained sudden death in infancy or SIDS on a death certificate will code a unique, trackable entity, accurately reflecting the inability to determine a definitive explanation, while satisfying surveillance needs and reliable identification for research efforts. The conclusions will be submitted to the World Health Organization for inclusion in the upcoming ICD-11.
Several commercially available quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) systems enable highly sensitive detection of human DNA and provide a degradation index (DI) to assess DNA quality. From routine casework in forensic genetics, it was observed that DNA degradation in forensic samples such as blood samples stored under sub-optimal conditions leads to visible effects in multiplex analyses of short tandem repeat markers (STRs) due to decreased amplification efficiencies in longer amplicons. It was further noticed that degradation indices often remain below the value that is considered to be critical. Thus, the aim of this work was to systematically analyze this effect and to compare conventional qPCR assays with a modified qPCR approach using uracil DNA glycosylase (UNG) and DNA quality assessment methods based on electrophoresis. Blood samples were stored at three different storage temperatures for up to 316 days. Significantly increased DNA recovery was observed from samples stored at high temperatures (37 °C) compared samples stored at room temperature and 4 °C. We observed typical effects of degradation in STR analyses but no correlation between DI and storage time in any of the storage conditions. Adding UNG slightly increased the sensitivity of detecting DNA degradation in one of the qPCR kits used in this study. This observation was not confirmed when using a second qPCR system. Electrophoretic systems did also not reveal significant correlations between integrity values and time. Methods for detecting DNA degradation are usually limited to the detection of DNA fragmentation, and we conclude that degradation affecting forensic STR typing is more complex.
This systematic review aims to learn if and how it is possible to use the human microbiome to indicate the time elapsed after death. Articles were searched on the PubMed database using predefined data fields and keywords; reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses were excluded. The final selection included 14 papers (out of 144). The results indicated that the microorganisms present in the cadaveric island succeed predictably over time, with markers between the stages of decomposition constituting a potential innovative tool for postmortem interval (PMI) estimation. The human microbiome has the potential to be used for PMI estimation and may present advantages as microbes are present in all seasons, in all habitats, including the most extreme ones, and because microbial communities respond predictably to environmental changes.