Food Science and Nutrition

SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (2013-2023)



  Anh Quốc

Cơ quản chủ quản:  John Wiley and Sons Ltd , WILEY

Lĩnh vực:
Food Science

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Chất chống oxi hóa trong gạo: axit phenolic, flavonoid, anthocyanin, proanthocyanidin, tocopherol, tocotrienol, γ-oryzanol và axit phytic Dịch bởi AI
Tập 2 Số 2 - Trang 75-104 - 2014
Piebiep Goufo, Henrique Trindade
Tóm tắt

Các nghiên cứu dịch tễ học cho thấy rằng tỷ lệ mắc các bệnh mãn tính nhất định thấp ở những vùng tiêu thụ gạo trên thế giới có thể liên quan đến hàm lượng hợp chất chống oxi hóa có trong gạo. Các phân tử có hoạt tính chống oxi hóa có trong gạo bao gồm axit phenolic, flavonoid, anthocyanin, proanthocyanidin, tocopherol, tocotrienol, γ-oryzanol và axit phytic. Bài tổng quan này cung cấp thông tin về hàm lượng của những hợp chất này trong gạo thông qua một cơ sở dữ liệu về thành phần thực phẩm được xây dựng từ việc tổng hợp dữ liệu từ 316 bài báo. Cơ sở dữ liệu này cung cấp quyền truy cập vào thông tin mà nếu không sẽ vẫn ẩn giấu trong tài liệu. Ví dụ, trong số bốn loại gạo được phân loại theo màu sắc, các giống gạo đen nổi lên là những giống có hoạt tính chống oxi hóa cao nhất, tiếp theo là các giống gạo tím, đỏ và nâu. Hơn nữa, các hợp chất không hòa tan có vẻ như tạo thành phần chính của axit phenolic và proanthocyanidin trong gạo, nhưng không phải của flavonoid và anthocyanin. Rõ ràng, để tối đa hóa việc tiếp nhận các hợp chất chống oxi hóa, gạo nên được tiêu thụ chủ yếu dưới dạng cám hoặc nguyên hạt. Về vấn đề giống, các giống gạo japonica được tìm thấy có nhiều hợp chất chống oxi hóa hơn so với các giống gạo indica. Tổng thể, các phần hạt gạo có vẻ là nguồn giàu hợp chất chống oxi hóa. Tuy nhiên, trên cơ sở hạt nguyên và ngoại trừ γ-oryzanol và anthocyanin, hàm lượng chất chống oxi hóa trong các loại ngũ cốc khác có vẻ cao hơn so với trong gạo.

Long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acid sources and evaluation of their nutritional and functional properties
Tập 2 Số 5 - Trang 443-463 - 2014
Elahe Abedi, Mohammad Ali Sahari

Recent studies have clearly shown the importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (as essential fatty acids) and their nutritional value for human health. In this review, various sources, nutritional properties, and metabolism routes of long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) are introduced. Since the conversion efficiency of linoleic acid (LA) to arachidonic acid (AA) and also α‐linolenic acid (ALA) to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosatetraenoic acid (EPA) is low in humans, looking for the numerous sources of AA, EPA and EPA fatty acids. The sources include aquatic (fish, crustaceans, and mollusks), animal sources (meat, egg, and milk), plant sources including 20 plants, most of which were weeds having a good amount ofLCPUFA, fruits, herbs, and seeds; cyanobacteria; and microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, microalgae, and diatoms).

Emulsion stabilizing capacity of intact starch granules modified by heat treatment or octenyl succinic anhydride
Tập 1 Số 2 - Trang 157-171 - 2013
Anna Timgren, Marilyn Rayner, Petr Dejmek, Diana Marku, Malin Sjöö

Starch granules are an interesting stabilizer candidate for food‐grade Pickering emulsions. The stabilizing capacity of seven different intact starch granules for making oil‐in‐water emulsions has been the topic of this screening study. The starches were from quinoa; rice; maize; waxy varieties of rice, maize, and barley; and high‐amylose maize. The starches were studied in their native state, heat treated, and modified by octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA). The effect of varying the continuous phase, both with and without salt in a phosphate buffer, was also studied. Quinoa, which had the smallest granule size, had the best capacity to stabilize oil drops, especially when the granules had been hydrophobically modified by heat treatment or by OSA. The average drop diameter (d32) in these emulsions varied from 270 to 50 μm, where decreasing drop size and less aggregation was promoted by high starch concentration and absence of salt in the system. Of all the starch varieties studied, quinoa had the best overall emulsifying capacity, and OSA modified quinoa starch in particular. Although the size of the drops was relatively large, the drops themselves were in many instances extremely stable. In the cases where the system could stabilize droplets, even when they were so large that they were visible to the naked eye, they remained stable and the measured droplet sizes after 2 years of storage were essentially unchanged from the initial droplet size. This somewhat surprising result has been attributed to the thickness of the adsorbed starch layer providing steric stabilization. The starch particle‐stabilized Pickering emulsion systems studied in this work has potential practical application such as being suitable for encapsulation of ingredients in food and pharmaceutical products.

Microwave‐assisted extraction and ultrasound‐assisted extraction for recovering carotenoids from Gac peel and their effects on antioxidant capacity of the extracts
Tập 6 Số 1 - Trang 189-196 - 2018
Hoang Van Chuyen, Minh H. Nguyen, Paul D. Roach, John B. Golding, Sophie E. Parks

The peel of Gac fruit (Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng.) contains high levels of bioactive compounds, especially carotenoids which possess significant antioxidant capacities. However, the peel of Gac is regarded as a waste from the production of carotenoid‐rich oil from Gac fruit. In this study, carotenoids of Gac peel were extracted by microwave‐assisted extraction (MAE) and ultrasound‐assisted extraction (UAE) using ethyl acetate as extraction solvent. The effect of extraction time and different levels of microwave and ultrasonic powers on the yield of total carotenoid and antioxidant capacity of the extracts were investigated. The results showed that an extraction at 120 W for 25 min and an extraction at 200 W for 80 min were the most effective for MAE and UAE of the Gac peel samples, respectively. The maximum carotenoid and antioxidant capacity yields of UAE were significantly higher than those of the MAE. The antioxidant capacity of extract obtained by the UAE was also significantly higher that of the conventional extraction using the same ratio of solvent to material. The results showed that both MAE and UAE could be used to reduce the extraction time significantly in comparison with conventional extraction of Gac peel while still obtained good extraction efficiencies. Thus, MAE and UAE are recommended for the improvement of carotenoid and antioxidant capacity extraction from Gac peel.

Microwave‐assisted extraction and ultrasound‐assisted extraction for recovering carotenoids from Gac peel and their effects on antioxidant capacity of the extracts
- 2018
Hoang Van Chuyen, Minh H. Nguyen, Paul D. Roach, Jonathan M. Golding, Sophie E. Parks

The peel of Gac fruit (Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng.) contains high levels of bioactive compounds, especially carotenoids which possess significant antioxidant capacities. However, the peel of Gac is regarded as a waste from the production of carotenoid‐rich oil from Gac fruit. In this study, carotenoids of Gac peel were extracted by microwave‐assisted extraction (MAE) and ultrasound‐assisted extraction (UAE) using ethyl acetate as extraction solvent. The effect of extraction time and different levels of microwave and ultrasonic powers on the yield of total carotenoid and antioxidant capacity of the extracts were investigated. The results showed that an extraction at 120 W for 25 min and an extraction at 200 W for 80 min were the most effective for MAE and UAE of the Gac peel samples, respectively. The maximum carotenoid and antioxidant capacity yields of UAE were significantly higher than those of the MAE. The antioxidant capacity of extract obtained by the UAE was also significantly higher that of the conventional extraction using the same ratio of solvent to material. The results showed that both MAE and UAE could be used to reduce the extraction time significantly in comparison with conventional extraction of Gac peel while still obtained good extraction efficiencies. Thus, MAE and UAE are recommended for the improvement of carotenoid and antioxidant capacity extraction from Gac peel.

Chemical characterization of commercial liquid smoke products
Tập 1 Số 1 - Trang 102-115 - 2013
Naim Montazeri, Alexandra Oliveira, Brian H. Himelbloom, Mary Beth Leigh, Charles A. Crapo

The objective of this study was to determine important chemical characteristics of a full‐strength liquid smoke, Code 10‐Poly, and three refined liquid smoke products (AM‐3, AM‐10 and 1291) commercially available (Kerry Ingredients and Flavors, Monterey, TN). The pH of the products were significantly different (P < 0.05) and ranged from 2.3 (Code 10‐Poly) to 5.7 (1291). The pH was inversely correlated with titratable acidity (R2 = 0.87), which was significantly different (P < 0.05) among products ranging from 10.3% acetic acid (Code 10‐Poly) to 0.7% acetic acid (1291). Total phenol content was quantified using the Gibbs reaction; the only liquid smoke containing appreciable level of phenolic compounds was Code 10‐Poly at 3.22 mg mL−1. Gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) analysis of liquid smoke dichloromethane extracts revealed that carbonyl‐containing compounds were major constituents of all products, in which 1‐hydroxy‐2‐butanone, 2(5H)‐furanone, propanal and cyclopentenone predominated. Organic acids were detected by GC‐MS in all extracts and correlated positively (R2 = 0.98) with titratable acidity. The GC‐MS data showed that phenolic compounds constituted a major portion of Code 10‐Poly, and were detected only in trace quantities in 1291. The refined liquid smokes had lighter color, lower acidity, and reduced level of carbonyl‐containing compounds and organic acids. Our study revealed major differences in pH, titratable acidity, total phenol content, color and chemical make‐up of the full‐strength and refined liquid smokes. The three refined liquid smoke products studied have less flavor and color active compounds, when compared with the full‐strength product. Furthermore, the three refined products studied have unique chemical characteristics and will impart specific sensorial properties to food systems. Understanding the chemical composition of liquid smokes, be these refined or full‐strength products, is an important step to establish their functions and appropriate use in food systems.

Comparison of nutritional properties of Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) flour with wheat and barley flours
Tập 4 Số 1 - Trang 119-124 - 2016
Bhaskar Mani Adhikari, Alina Bajracharya, Ashok K. Shrestha

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica. L) is a wild, unique herbaceous perennial flowering plant with Stinging hairs. It has a long history of use as a food sources as a soup or curries, and also used as a fiber as well as a medicinal herb. The current aim was to analyze the composition and bioactive compounds in Nepalese Stinging nettle. Chemical analysis showed the relatively higher level of crude protein (33.8%), crude fiber (9.1%), crude fat (3.6%), total ash (16.2%), carbohydrate (37.4%), and relatively lower energy value (307 kcal/100 g) as compared to wheat and barley flours. Analysis of nettle powder showed significantly higher level of bioactive compounds: phenolic compounds as 129 mg Gallic acid equivalent/g; carotenoid level 3497 μg/g; tannin 0.93 mg/100 g; anti‐oxidant activity 66.3 DPPH inhibition (%), as compared to wheat and barley. This study further established that nettle plants as very good source of energy, proteins, high fiber, and a range of health benefitting bioactive compounds.

Comparative study of the functional properties of lupin, green pea, fava bean, hemp, and buckwheat flours as affected by pH
Tập 2 Số 6 - Trang 802-810 - 2014
Vassilios Raikos, Madalina Neacsu, Wendy R. Russell, Garry G. Duthie

The demand for products of high nutritional value from sustainable sources is growing rapidly in the global food market. In this study, the effect of pH on the functional properties of lupin, green pea, fava bean, hemp, and buckwheat flours was investigated and compared with wheat flour. Functional properties included solubility, emulsifying and foaming properties, gelling ability, and water holding capacity (WHC). All flours had minimal solubility at pH 4 and their corresponding values increased with increasing pH. Emulsifying properties were improved at pH 10 for all samples and emulsion stability showed a similar trend. Increasing pH in the range 4–10 enhanced the foaming properties of the flours, particularly buckwheat and hemp. Wheat, green pea, buckwheat, and fava bean were more capable of forming firm gels compared with lupin and hemp, as indicated by least gelling concentrations (LGCs). The ranking of the water binding properties of the different types of flours were lupin>hemp>fava bean>buckwheat>green pea>wheat. Results indicate that underutilized flours from sustainable plant sources could be exploited by the food industry as functional food ingredients or as replacements of wheat flour for various food applications. Depending on the application, flour functionality may be effectively tailored by pH adjustment.

Bioactive compounds, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Arum maculatum leaves extracts as affected by various solvents and extraction methods
Tập 7 Số 2 - Trang 465-475 - 2019
Reza Farahmandfar, Reza Esmaeilzadeh Kenari, Maryam Asnaashari, Dina Shahrampour, Tahmineh Bakhshandeh

The different species of Arum maculatum plant can be found in all over the world, and a wide range of medicinal applications has been mentioned for them. Thus, it can also be valued as a source of natural compounds with antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. In this study, the effect of solvents (water, ethanol, ethanol:water (50:50)) and extraction methods (maceration and ultrasound) on the extraction yields and bioactive properties of extracts were analyzed. The antioxidant capacity of Arum maculatum leaves extracts was investigated, and the concentrations of total phenolics, tocopherols, tannins and flavonoids were determined. 1,1‐diphenyl 2‐picrylhydrazyl free radical (DPPH), β‐Carotene bleaching, and oxidative stability index (OSI) were used to determine antioxidant activity. The ability to scavenge radicals was measured in these experiments by the discoloration of the solution. Also, the antimicrobial activity of different extracts against Gram‐positive (Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes) and Gram‐negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) was evaluated by using of microdilution and agar diffusion assays. The results demonstrated that ultrasonic extracts (especially ethanol:water (50:50) solvent) had the higher extraction yield and antioxidant potential than maceration extracts. All extracts were effective against all tested bacteria, and Listeria monocytogenes was the most sensitive bacterium with lowest MIC value (12.5 mg/ml) and biggest diameter of growth inhibition zone (13.77 mm). Generally, this Arum maculatum leaves extracts can be suggested as an economical source of antioxidant and antimicrobial agents and can be a suitable substitute for artificial and chemical food preservatives.

Mathematical modeling of drying of potato slices in a forced convective dryer based on important parameters
Tập 4 Số 1 - Trang 110-118 - 2016
Samira Naderinezhad, Nasrin Etesami, Arefe Poormalek Najafabady, Majid Ghasemi Falavarjani

The effect of air temperature, air velocity, and sample shapes (circle and square with the same cross‐sectional area) on kinetic drying of potato slices in a tunnel dryer was investigated experimentally and a suitable drying model was developed. The experiments of drying of potato slices were conducted at an air temperature of 45–70°C with an air velocity 1.60 and 1.81 m sec−1. Results showed that drying temperature was the most effective parameter in the drying rate. The influence of air velocity was more profound in low temperature. The time for drying square slices was lower compared to the circle ones. Furthermore, drying data were fitted to different empirical models. Among the models, Midilli–Kucuk was the best to explain the single layer drying of potato slices. The parameters of this model were determined as functions of air velocity and temperature by multiple regression analysis for circle and square slices. Various statistical parameters were examined for evaluating the model.