Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures

SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1979-2023)



  Anh Quốc

Cơ quản chủ quản:  WILEY , Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Lĩnh vực:
Materials Science (miscellaneous)Mechanics of MaterialsMechanical Engineering

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Tập 11 Số 1 - Trang 1-17 - 1988
Jean‐Louis Chaboche, Priscille Lesne

Abstract— ‐A non‐linear cumulative fatigue damage model proposed previously is applied to different steels and various loading situations, including two‐level tests and block‐programs. Its ability to describe all the main features of fatigue damage and the ease of its practical use for engineers are discussed and several examples cited. The relationship with other formulations are pointed out together with the main advantages of the proposed model. A generalization is proposed for both cyclic temperature and multiaxial loading conditions.

Tập 21 Số 9 - Trang 1089-1103 - 1998
P. Lazzarin, R. Tovo

In the context of linear elastic stress gradients that are present in welded joints, a stress field approach based on notch stress intensity factors is presented with the aim of describing stress distributions in the neighbourhood of weld toes, since fatigue strength is dependent on such distributions. This paper summarizes the analytical fundamentals and gives an appropriate definition of the parameters for stress components under opening and sliding modes. Then, by comparing the expected results with those obtained by numerical analysis, the contributions of the symmetric and skew‐symmetric loading modes are quantified for different geometries, and summarized into concise expressions which also take into account the influence of the main geometrical parameters of the welded joint. The range of validity and the application limits of this field approach in the presence of weld toe radii are discussed. Finally, a synthesis of experimental fatigue strength data based on the new field parameters is reported.

Tập 13 Số 3 - Trang 213-227 - 1990
Malcolm J. Couper, A. E. Neeson, John R. Griffiths

Abstract— The fatigue properties of un‐notched polished specimens of an aluminium casting alloy have been measured for various heat‐treatment conditions and at various mean stresses. The relation between fatigue life and alternating stress is insensitive to heat‐treatment and, apparently, to mean stress. It was observed that failure initiated at interdendritic shrinkage defects: evidence of classical crack initiation from persistent slip bands was also seen but such cracks, being less severe than the casting defects, never caused failure. A fracture mechanics analysis for the growth of fatigue cracks from the pores is described. It shows that the fatigue life can be quantitatively predicted from a knowledge of the size of casting defects: in particular it explains the lack of effect of heat‐treatment and the apparent absence of a mean stress effect is shown to be caused by the variation in size of maximum defect present among the specimens tested. It is shown that reducing the size of shrinkage defects will increase the life, but only up to the stage at which initiation from persistent slip bands becomes operative.

A literature survey on the stability and significance of residual stresses during fatigue
Tập 30 Số 3 - Trang 173-205 - 2007
R. Craig McClung

Many manufacturing processes can induce residual stresses in components. These residual stresses influence the mean stress during cyclic loading and so can influence the fatigue life. However, the initial residual stresses induced during manufacturing may not remain stable during the fatigue life. This paper provides a broad and extensive literature survey addressing the stability of surface and near‐surface residual stress fields during fatigue, including redistribution and relaxation due to static mechanical load, repeated cyclic loads, thermal exposure and crack extension. The implications of the initial and evolving residual stress state for fatigue behaviour and life prediction are addressed, with special attention to fatigue crack growth. This survey is not a critical analysis; no detailed attempt is made to evaluate the relative merits of the different explanations and models proposed, to propose new explanations or models or to provide quantitative conclusions. Primary attention is given to the residual stresses resulting from four major classes of manufacturing operations: shot peening and related surface treatments, cold expansion of holes, welding and machining.

Theoretical crack path prediction
Tập 28 Số 1-2 - Trang 3-12 - 2005
Hans Albert Richard, M. Fulland, Manuela Sander

In many practical cases, the crack growth leads to abrupt failure of components and structures. For reasons of a reliable quantification of the endangerment due to sudden fracture of a component, therefore, it is of enormous importance to know the threshold values, the crack paths and the growth rates for the fatigue crack growth as well as the limiting values for the beginning of unstable crack growth (fracture toughness). This contribution deals with the complex problem of a—however initiated—crack, that is subjected to a mixed‐mode loading. It will present the hypotheses and concepts, which describe the superposition of Mode I and Mode II (plane mixed mode) as well as the superposition of all three modes (Mode I, II and III) for spatial loading conditions. Those concepts admit a quantitative appraisal of such crack situations and a characterization of possible crack paths.

Fatigue crack closure: a review of the physical phenomena
Tập 40 Số 4 - Trang 471-495 - 2017
Reinhard Pıppan, Anton Hohenwarter

Plasticity‐induced, roughness‐induced and oxide‐induced crack closures are reviewed. Special attention is devoted to the physical origin, the consequences for the experimental determination and the prediction of the effective crack driving force for fatigue crack propagation. Plasticity‐induced crack closure under plane stress and plane strain conditions require, in principle, a different explanation; however, both types are predictable. This is even the case in the transition region from the plane strain to the plane stress state and all types of loading conditions including constant and variable amplitude loading, the short crack case or the transition from small‐scale to large‐scale yielding. In contrast, the prediction of roughness‐induced and oxide‐induced closures is not as straightforward.

Tập 1 Số 1 - Trang 135-148 - 1979
N. Walker, C.J. Beevers

Abstract— Fatigue crack closure in commercial titanium has been investigated by examining the crack profile using a two‐stage replica technique and by monitoring the crack raouth opening displacement. The replicas show that when closure occurs the crack does not close back from the crack tip but at discrete contact points along the crack faces. The observed closure mechanism is therefore quite different from the generally accepted model. Assuming that the contact points wedge the crack open, the stress intensity at the minimum load is greater than expected and the range of the stress intensity is effectively reduced. Also, it was found that the crack growth rates measured in the range 0·05 ≦R≦ 0·7 showed a singular dependence on the parameter Δθ which for SEN specimens approximates to the change in angle subtended by the crack faces. It is therefore suggested that there is a direct link between Δθ and the effective stress intensity amplitude.

Very high‐cycle fatigue behaviour of shot‐peened high‐carbon–chromium bearing steel
Tập 25 Số 8-9 - Trang 813-822 - 2002
Kazuaki SHIOZAWA, Liantao Lu

Effect of shot‐peening on fatigue behaviour in the gigacycle regime was investigated in order to clarify the duplex S–N curve characteristics. Cantilever‐type rotary bending fatigue tests were performed in laboratory air at room temperature by using hourglass‐shaped specimens of high‐carbon–chromium bearing steel, JIS SUJ2. Fatigue crack initiation site changed from the surface of untreated specimen to the subsurface of the specimen because of hardening and compressive residual stress with shot‐peening in the region of high‐stress amplitude. On the other hand, no difference in fatigue life controlled by the subsurface crack initiation between untreated specimen and shot‐peening one was observed in high‐cycle region. It was suggested that the S–N curve corresponding to the internal fracture mode is inherent in the material, as compared with the S–N curve of surface fracture mode, which is affected by surface conditions, environmental conditions and so on. Subsurface crack initiation and propagation behaviour were discussed under the detailed measurement of crack initiation area and shape of the fish‐eye fracture surface.

A fatigue criterion for general multiaxial loading
Tập 23 Số 1 - Trang 19-32 - 2000
Meiling Xu

An incremental fatigue damage model is proposed. The model incorporates the critical plane concept in multiaxial fatigue, plastic strain energy and material memory in cyclic plasticity. With an incremental form the model does not require a cycle counting method for variable amplitude loading. The model is designed to consider mean stress and loading sequence effects. Features of the new model are discussed and the determination of material constants is detailed. Verification of the model is achieved by comparing the predictions obtained by using the new model and experimental data of four materials under different loading conditions.

An over-deterministic method for calculation of coefficients of crack tip asymptotic field from finite element analysis
Tập 34 Số 3 - Trang 159-176 - 2011
M.R. Ayatollahi, Morteza Nejati