




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER , Springer Netherlands

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HorticultureGeneticsAgronomy and Crop SciencePlant Science

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Condensed tannins in birdsfoot trefoil: Genetic relationships with forage yield and quality in NC-83 germplasm
Tập 92 - Trang 383-391 - 1995
Perry R. Miller, Nancy J. Ehlke
Genetic relationships of condensed tannins (CT) with other forage quality parameters have not been adequately studied in birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.). The objectives were to bidirectionally select for CT concentration in birdsfoot trefoil to determine selection response and to create populations for examination of genetic relationships of CT with forage quality parameters, principally lignin. High-and low-tannin parental clones were selected from NC-83 birdsfoot trefoil germplasm and intercrossed to produce Syn1 populations. Herbage samples, harvested for two years at two locations, were analyzed from high-tannin, low-tannin, and parental populations for CT concentration, herbage yield, and forage quality parameters. The mean condensed tannin concentrations in the high-and low-tannin populations were 69.3±0.8 and 21.1±0.8 g catechin equivalent (CE) kg-1 dry matter (DM) compared with 36.4±0.8 g CE kg-1 DM in the parental population. The selection response exhibited a quadratic relationship, with selection for increased CT concentration more effective than for reduced CT concentration. Compared with the parental population, acid detergent lignin (ADL) was higher, and crude protein (CP) and in vitro digestible dry matter (IVDDM) concentrations were lower for the high-tannin population and the converse was true for the low-tannin population. Lignin concentration was positively correlated with CT concentration (rg=0.66 P≤0.01).
Field assessment of partial resistance to powdery mildew in spring barley
- 1986
J. Chr. Nørgaard Knudsen, H. H. Dalsgaard, J. Helms
Partial resistance to powdery mildew in spring barley was evaluated in three plot types: large isolation plots, in 1.4 m2 plots in chessboard design with guard plots of spring wheat and in single rows. Percentage leaf area covered by powdery mildew was scored four to six times during the season and partial resistance was characterized by the area under the disease progress curve. Varietal differences were revealed in al three plot designs, differences between the most resistant and susceptible genotypes being of a factor five. Differences between varieties decreased with decreasing plot size. The relationship between single scores of amount of powdery mildew on the upper four leaves and the area under the disease progress curve was high in all plot designs during the first two to three weeks after heading, allowing selection for the trait by one or two scorings. Differential ranking of varieties between different plot designs was observed, and is assumed to be due to increasing plot interference with reduced plot size and reduced distance between plots. A reliable selection for partial resistance could be made in large isolation plots and in 1.4 m2 plots, but hardly in single rows.
Breeding for yield in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Tập 102 - Trang 343-356 - 1998
James D. Kelly, Judith M. Kolkman, Kristin Schneider
Strategies employed by dry bean breeders to improve yield include early generation testing, ideotype breeding, selection for physiological efficiency, and selection based on genotypic performance and combining ability across gene pools of Phaseolus vulgaris. Ideotype breeding has been successfully deployed to improve yield in navy, pinto and great northern seed types. The ideotype method is based on an ideal plant architecture to which breeders target their selection. Breeding for physiological efficiency is important in combining increased biomass, high growth rates and efficient partitioning. Genotypic performance and combining ability are also critical for yield improvement, since crosses between gene pools can exhibit negative combining ability and problems with lethality, whereas interracial crosses within the same gene pool exhibit the greatest potential. Breeders must work within specific constraints for growth habit, maturity, seed quality and disease resistance. A three-tiered pyramidal breeding strategy is proposed to facilitate yield improvement in dry bean. Breeding of elite, agronomically acceptable germplasm within the same market class is restricted to the apex of the pyramid. The intermediate level has fewer constraints and greater access to diverse germplasm. Interracial crosses within the same gene pool are utilized to exploit genetic differences within adapted material. Extracting genetic diversity from unadapted sources, including wild germplasm and other Phaseolus species, is conducted at the base of the pyramid. The objective of this breeding strategy is the movement of improved germplasm towards the apex, using different breeding procedures to optimize improvement at each tier of the breeding pyramid.
Haploid induction in potato: Cytological basis for the pollinator effect
Tập 18 Số 1 - Trang 116-123 - 1969
H. Montelongo-Escobedo, P. R. Rowe
Disease resistance in protected crops and mushrooms
Tập 63 - Trang 33-49 - 1992
J. T. Fletcher
Cultivars of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and peppers have been bred for resistance to one or more pathogens. Some tomato and cucumber cultivars have resistance to a wide range of diseases. Resistance has been transient in many cases and a succession of cultivars with new genes or new combinations of resistance genes has been necessary to maintain control. There has been a number of notable exceptions and these have included durable resistance to such pathogens asFulvia fulva and tomato mosaic virus. With lettuce the resistance situation is complicated by the occurrence of fungicide resistant pathotypes. There are no strains ofAgaricus bisporus purposely bred for disease resistance. In protected flower crops only resistance to Fusarium wilt in carnations has been purposely bred but differences in disease resistance are apparent in cultivars of many ornamental crops. This is particularly so in chrysanthemums where there are cultivars with resistance to many of the major pathogens. Similar situations occur with other flower crops and pot plants. Cultivars of some species have not been systematically investigated for resistance. The need for genetic resistance will increase with the further reduction, in the limits on pesticide use and an increasing public awareness and importance of pesticide pollution.
Trisomic analysis of new gene for late heading in rice, Oryza sativa L
Tập 151 - Trang 235-241 - 2006
Leang Hak Khun, Shuhei Miyaji, Keiji Motomura, Seiichi Murayama, Shinichi Adaniya, Akihiro Nose
A near isogenic line, T65-LH7 bred from a rice variety, Ketan Nangka by five times of successive backcrossing with Taichung 65 (T65) as recurrent parent was found to carry a recessive lateness gene tentatively designated as ef6(t). The present study was performed to investigate the allelic relationships between ef6(t) and other heading time genes, Ef1, Efx, ef2(t), ef3(t), ef4(t) and ef5 by allelism test and to locate the chromosomal location of ef6(t) by trisomic analysis. In allelism test, six testers carrying each of heading time genes, Ef1, Efx, ef2(t), ef3(t), ef4(t) and ef5 were used. Those testers were the near isogenic lines of T65. T65-LH7 was crossed with respective testers. Heading times in F2 and/or B1F1 plants were examined. All F2 and/or B1F1 populations derived from those crosses exhibited digenic segregations, respectively. These results suggested that ef6(t) was independent of Ef1, Efx, ef2(t), ef3(t), ef4(t) and ef5. Sub sequently, trisomic analysis of ef6(t) was performed using seven Triplo lines having extra chromosomes, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 12. These Triplo lines were the near isogenic lines of T65. They were used as maternal parent to cross with T65-LH7. Heading times in F2 plants obtained from self-pollination of F1 plants were observed. Among F2 plants examined only those derived from a cross between Triplo-7 and T65-LH7 showed a typical trisomic segregation manner, suggesting that ef6(t) was located on chromosome 7. Consequently, the nomenclature of the present gene should be designated as ef6.
Breeding widely adapted, popular maize hybrids
Tập 92 Số 1-2 - Trang 163-174 - 1996
A. Forrest Troyer
Height, competition and yield potential in winter wheat
Tập 74 Số 1-2 - Trang 9-17 - 1993
Julian B. Thomas, G. Bruce Schaalje, M. N. Grant
Density effects on environmental variance and expected response to selection in maize (Zea mays L.)
Tập 174 Số 2 - Trang 283-291 - 2010
Ioannis S. Tokatlidis, V. Haş, Ioannis Mylonas, Ioan Haș, G. Evgenidis, Vassilios Melidis, Anna Copandean, Elissavet Ninou
Effects of competition and selection pressure on yield response in winter rye (Secale cereale L.)
Tập 34 Số 3 - Trang 883-895 - 1985
Dimi Kyriakou, Aristeidis Fasoulas