Developments in breeding cereals for organic agriculture

Euphytica - 2008
Martin S. Wolfe1, Jörg Peter Baresel2, Dominique Desclaux3, Isabelle Goldringer4, SP Hoad5, G. Kovács6, Franziska Löschenberger7, Thomas Miedaner8, Hanne Østergård9, E.T. Lammerts van Bueren10
1The Organic Research Centre, Wakelyns Agroforestry, Fressingfield, Eye, IP21 5SD, Suffolk, UK
2Technical University, München-Weihenstephan, Alte Akademie 16, 85354, Freising, Germany
3INRA, UMR 1097, F-34060, Montpellier, France
4INRA, UMR de Génétique Végétale, INRA UPS INA-PG CNRS, Ferme du Moulon, 91190, Gif sur Yvette, France
5Scottish Agricultural College, West Mains Road, EH9 3JG, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
6Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Brunszvik u. 2, Martonvasar, Hungary
7Saatzucht Donau GesmbH & CoKG, Saatzuchtstraße 11, 2301, Probstdorf, Austria
8University of Hohenheim, Landessaatzuchtanstalt, State Plant Breeding Institute, Fruwirthstr. 21, 70593, Stuttgart, Germany
9Risø National Laboratory DTU, Biosystems Department, P.O. Box 49, 4000, Roskilde, Denmark
10Wageningen UR Plant Breeding, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 386, 6700 AJ, Wageningen, The Netherlands

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