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Characterization of an Italian rice germplasm collection with genetic markers useful for breeding to improve eating and cooking quality
Euphytica - Tập 194 - Trang 383-399 - 2013
A. Caffagni, G. Albertazzi, G. Gavina, S. Ravaglia, A. Gianinetti, N. Pecchioni, J. Milc
Gelatinization temperature and apparent amylose content are key parameters used to describe the eating and cooking qualities of rice. Sequence variants of SSIIa and Waxy genes are important determinants of gelatinization temperature and apparent amylose content, respectively. A collection of Italian non-glutinous japonica rice accessions was characterized for sequence polymorphisms in SSIIa and Waxy genes, in comparison with non-Italian japonica and indica genotypes. For SSIIa two markers, SNP3 and SNP4, were used. A PCR amplification of multiple specific alleles protocol was developed for the identification of G/T polymorphism in 5′ splice site of first intron and A/C polymorphism in exon 6 of the Waxy gene. Based on simple allele-specific PCR, it can be proposed as a user-friendly, cost-effective tool for marker-assisted selection of amylose content. The collection was characterized also for the (CT)n repeats in exon 1 of the Waxy gene. The results showed that while SSIIa haplotypes were rather similar between Italian and non-Italian japonica rice, the Waxy gene haplotype T/A/(CT)18 was largely predominant in Italian accessions, other haplotypes, well represented in non-Italian japonica [T/A/(CT)19] and indica [e.g. G/C/(CT)20] genotypes, were present at lower frequency. Grain starch quality traits as apparent amylose content and RVA profile were also analysed. The In1/Ex6 SNP haplotypes of Wx gene were found to explain 79 % of variation in apparent amylose content, and 36, 22 and 25 %, of variation in the RVA parameters peak viscosity, breakdown and setback, respectively. The additional use of (CT)n repeats marker further improved the association of haplotypes with RVA parameters.
Genomic evidence for a repetitive nature of the RAPD polymorphisms in Olea europaea (olive-tree)
Euphytica - - 2003
Rocío Bautista, Francisco M. Cánovas, M. Gonzalo Claros
The sequence of 12 SCAR markers obtained for olive-tree was analysed in the seek of information about the nature of the RAPD polymorphisms in olive-tree. The absence of internal repetitions of the RAPD primer corroborates that the polymorphisms were not obtained by alternative priming nor by rearrangements. We have found a high degree repetition within each sequence which is a reflect of the repetitive nature of the RAPD polymorphisms. Most the sequence corresponded to unknown DNA sequences, although some of the SCAR markers like GH1,PH2 or PF84 present clear homology or identity to other repetitive sequences(mainly microsatellites) from other plants or animals. This suggests that repetitive sequences could be more conserved among species than initially thought. As expected, none of the markers presented any open reading frame, although PJ65 revealed a significant homology to the gene and pseudo gene of a lectin receptor in Arabidopsis. Taken together, the results described in this paper demonstrate that the polymorphisms detected by SCAR/RAPD methods are mainly repetitive in olive-tree, and that most of these repetitions corresponded to micro satellite DNA.
Inheritance of red foliage in flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.)
Euphytica - Tập 176 - Trang 99-104 - 2010
Phillip A. Wadl, Xinwang Wang, Vincent R. Pantalone, Robert N. Trigiano
Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.) is an ornamental tree valued for its showy white, pink, or red spring bract display and red fall color. A “pseudo” F2 flowering dogwood population was recently developed from a honeybee mediated cross of ‘Cherokee Brave’ × ‘Appalachian Spring’. The foliage color of 94 “pseudo” F2 plants segregated into green- and red- leaved phenotypes and was visually rated for color on five spring dates over 3 years (2007–2009). Chi-square analyses of observed segregation of phenotypes indicated that a complementary gene interaction form of epistasis controls foliage color with a 9:7 two gene ratio. We propose the symbols rl 1 and rl 2 for the genes controlling this trait.
New quantitative trait loci for enhancing adaptation to salinity in rice from Hasawi, a Saudi landrace into three African cultivars at the reproductive stage
Euphytica - Tập 200 - Trang 45-60 - 2014
Isaac Kofi Bimpong, Baboucarr Manneh, Bathe Diop, Kanfany Ghislain, Abdulai Sow, Nana Kofi Abaka Amoah, Glenn Gregorio, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Rodomiro Ortiz, Marco Wopereis
Salinity is a major constraint affecting rice productivity in rainfed and irrigated agro-ecosystems. Understanding salinity effects on rice production at the reproductive stage could improve adaptation for this trait. Identifying quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling adaptation to salinity may also accelerate breeding rice germplasm for environments prone to this stress. We used the salt tolerant landrace ‘Hasawi’ as a donor parent to generate three F2 offspring (consisting each of 500 individuals) with three African cultivars (‘NERICA-L-19’, ‘Sahel 108’ and ‘BG90-2’) used as recipient parents (RP). The F2s and F2:3s were evaluated for grain yield and other traits in saline fields. Salinity caused reduction in all measured traits across the F2-derived offspring, e.g. grain yield reduced between 65 and 73 %, but some offspring had twice the RP’s grain yield. QTL analysis revealed 75 QTLs for different traits in all 3 genetic backgrounds (GBs): 24 of them were common among all the 3 GBs while 31 were noted in 2 GBs, and 17 in one GB. ‘Hasawi’ contributed on average 49 % alleles to these QTLs. Two yield and yield related QTLs (qGY11 and qTN11) common in all 3 GBs were mapped on the same chromosomal segment suggesting these QTLs might be stable across different GBs. Four other QTLs were strongly associated with salinity tolerance with peak marker RM419, representing a potential candidate for MAS due to high LOD score and relatively large effect QTLs.
Selection for cold chipping genotypes from three early generations in a potato breeding program
Euphytica - Tập 128 - Trang 353-362 - 2002
Ryan J. Hayes, Christian A. Thill
Chipping potatoes are an important market for the processing industry. Of the traits influencing chip quality,chip color is market limiting since other traits have diminished value without light chip color. Cold (4 °C) storage can reduce storage losses and cultivars producing light colored chips directly from cold storage are needed for this reason. Selection for cold chipping cultivars is traditionally practiced by visual evaluation of progeny the first few years in the field, followed by selection for cold chipping in years 4–5. Early generation selection for cold chipping may reduce cultivar development time by identifying good chipping progeny, families and parents earlier in the breeding cycle. Progeny from 175 4x × 4x families were evaluated from three early generations. They were greenhouse grown tubers (GGT) evaluated after6 mo. storage using randomly selected progeny, and field grown single hills propagated from either seedling transplants (FTR), or from greenhouse grown tubers (FGT). Progeny from field grown generations were selected first by visual evaluation, and then by random selection and chipped after6 mo. (visual selections) or 3 and 6 mo. storage (random selections). Cold chipping progenies were found in all three early generations. The earliest generations for selection are GGT or FTR, but may be less efficient than FGT. Correlations suggest that reliable parent and family selection is possible using GGT data. Visual selection eliminated 4/5 of the good chipping progeny, while identifying 8 of 11,714 genotypes combining visual merit and cold chipping potential. Increased genetic variation and sexual polyploidization are possible strategies for increasing the number of desirable genotypes.
High-throughput targeted genotyping using next-generation sequencing applied in Coffea canephora breeding
Euphytica - Tập 214 Số 3 - 2018
Emilly Ruas Alkimim, Eveline Teixeira Caixeta, Tiago Vieira Sousa, Felipe Lopes da Silva, Ney Sussumu Sakiyama, Laércio Zambolim
Effects of gamma irradiation on in vitro pollen germination of different Cucumis species
Euphytica - Tập 36 - Trang 651-658 - 1987
C. J. M. Denissen, A. P. M. Den Nijs
Pollen grains of 14 Cucumis accessions were irradiated with 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 kGy acute gamma rays and germinated in vitro directly afterwards. Pollen germination was significantly reduced by increasing irradiation dose for all species, except C. melo var. agrestis. Pollen tube growth was generally reduced likewise. Pollen of two C. anguria subspecies was most sensitive to irradiation. Sensitivity of the pollen with respect to pollen tube growth in relation to irradiation dose was inversely related to total DNA amount per nucleus. In vitro germination was not related to DNA amount per nucleus. Results show that the examined Cucumis species, especially C. melo var. agrestis, are sufficiently resistant to irradiation to be used as donor species for in vivo egg cell transformation of the cucumber.
Diversity in agronomical traits in common bean populations from Northwestern Spain
Euphytica - Tập 76 - Trang 1-6 - 1994
M. R. Escribano, A. M. De Ron, J. M. Amurrio
Fifty-six populations of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were grown in Pontevedra (Northwestern Spain) in four different environments in order to study their genetic diversity in 18 agronomical traits. All characters showed significant differences among populations, and most of them had significant genotype-environment interactions. Broad-sense heritability for this pool of characters ranged from 0.87 (seed length) to 0.12 (seed yield). Sixteen populations which deserve special attention because of their breeding value for earliness, yield, pod and seed size have been identified.
Euphytica - Tập 7 - Trang 292-292 - 1958
Geneticanalysis of drought stress response in rapeseed (Brassica campestris and B. Napus). II. Yield improvement and the application of selection indices
Euphytica - Tập 28 - Trang 169-177 - 1979
R. A. Richards, N. Thurling
The expected improvement in grain yield if selection was made for plant characters measured between flowering and maturity was evaluated in populations of rapeseed (Brassica campestris and B. napus) grown in a droughted environment. Drought was commenced at flowering in each species and measurements were made on plants at the commencement of the drought stress, during the stress treatment and at crop maturity. Substantial genetic and phenotypic variation was observed in yield as well as the different morphophysiological determinants of yield. In B. campestris no single parameter was found to be a suitable alternative selection criterion to yield since the correlated responses in yield if selection was for another character was lower than if selection was for yield alone. By the use of a selection index however, joint selection for yield, as well as harvest index, 1000 seed weight and seeds per pod, was expected to be 20% more effective than direct selection for yield under drought. In the B. napus population direct selection for flowering time or for harvest index was predicted to result in a genetic advance in yield equal to or greater than that obtained by direct selection for yield, whereas joint selection for flowering time and yield should result in a 16% greater yield increase. Selection for increased yield in these populations grown in droughted conditions is discussed.
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