Environment and Planning A



  Anh Quốc

Cơ quản chủ quản:  SAGE Publications Inc. , SAGE Publications Ltd

Lĩnh vực:
Geography, Planning and DevelopmentEnvironmental Science (miscellaneous)

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Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space is a pluralist and heterodox journal of economic research, principally concerned with questions of urban and regional restructuring, globalization, inequality, and uneven development. International in outlook and interdisciplinary in spirit, the journal is positioned at the forefront of theoretical and methodological innovation, welcoming substantive and empirical contributions that probe and problematize significant issues of economic, social, and political concern, especially where these advance new approaches. The horizons of Economy and Space are wide, but themes of recurrent concern for the journal include: global production and consumption networks; urban policy and politics; race, gender, and class; economies of technology, information and knowledge; money, banking, and finance; migration and mobility; resource production and distribution; and land, housing, labor, and commodity markets. To these ends, Economy and Space values a diverse array of theories, methods, and approaches, especially where these engage with research traditions, evolving debates, and new directions in urban and regional studies, in human geography, and in allied fields such as socioeconomics and the various traditions of political economy.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

(Post)Suburban Development and State Entrepreneurialism in Beijing's Outer Suburbs
Tập 43 Số 2 - Trang 410-430 - 2011
Fulong Wu, Nicholas A. Phelps
Chinese cities are experiencing rapid urban expansion and rampant land conversions in periurban areas. Has China's suburban growth gone beyond commonly noted ‘suburbanisation’? To what extent does fast metropolitan growth reflect state entrepreneurialism after economic reform? The authors seek to elaborate further and contextualise Chinese suburban and postsuburban development and examine the underlying dynamics of state entrepreneurialism in the process of metropolitan development. The empirical basis of this research is a case study of the historical development of Yizhuang, an outer suburban new town of Beijing. The city originates from the establishment of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone in 1992, but has passed rapidly through several phases of growth. The pattern of growth reveals both the complexities of adequately defining and delimiting such a growth node within the metropolitan fabric and of the state's intimate involvement in its development and evolution.
Healthy Land? An Examination of the Area-Level Association between Brownfield Land and Morbidity and Mortality in England
Tập 46 Số 2 - Trang 433-454 - 2014
Clare Bambra, Steve Robertson, Adetayo Kasim, Joe Smith, Joanne‐Marie Cairns, Alison Copeland, Nina Finlay, Karen L. Johnson
It is increasingly understood that the physical environment remains an important determinant of area-level health and spatial and socioeconomic health inequalities. Existing research has largely focused on the health effects of differential access to green space, the proximity of waste facilities, or air pollution. The role of brownfield—or previously developed—land has been largely overlooked. This is the case even in studies that utilise multiple measures of environmental deprivation. This paper presents the results of the first national-scale empirical examination of the association between brownfield land and morbidity and mortality, using data from England. Census Area Statistical ward-level data on the relative proportion of brownfield land (calculated from the 2009 National Land Use Database), standardised morbidity (2001 Census measures of ‘not good’ general health and limiting long-term illness), and premature (aged under 75 years) all-cause mortality ratios from 1998/99 to 2002/03 were examined using linear mixed modelling (adjusting for potential environmental, socioeconomic, and demographic confounders). A significant and strong, adjusted, area-level association was found between brownfield land and morbidity: People living in wards with a high proportion of brownfield land are significantly more likely to suffer from poorer health than those living in wards with a small proportion of brownfield land. This suggests that brownfield land could potentially be an important and previously overlooked independent environmental determinant of population health in England. The remediation and redevelopment of brownfield land should therefore be considered as a public health policy issue.
The strategic use of time-limited property rights in land-use planning: Evidence from Switzerland
Tập 49 Số 7 - Trang 1684-1703 - 2017
Jean‐David Gerber, Stéphane Nahrath, Thomas Hartmann
While land-use plans are regularly revised, property rights are extremely stable over time. Yet, the stability of property rights resulting from the current conception of exclusive ownership makes the implementation of land-use plans increasingly complicated, difficult and long. Planners recognized the need for more flexibility in many urban contexts to effectively steer spatial development in the already built environment. Relying on a detailed case study carried out in the municipality of Bienne, Switzerland, this paper examines how a strategic use of long-term ground leases granted on municipal land can allow for increased flexibility in planning. Ground leases are a policy instrument leading to a time-limited division of the bundle of rights between a public landowner and the ground lease holder, who becomes the owner of the facilities on the land for up to one hundred years. The strategic role of ground leases in urban planning remains largely unexplored. This article shows that ground leases are an empirical and practical response of planning authorities to the inflexibility of property rights in given situations where more flexibility would be needed. Public actors can use ground leases to implement an active land policy leading to a better allocation of land to specific projects and to a more precise control of building activity. By analyzing the role of ground leases at the interface between planning and property, this article aims to contribute to a better understanding of the complex relationship between land-use planning and property rights.
Changing Governance Patterns in the Trade in Fresh Vegetables between Africa and the United Kingdom
Tập 36 Số 3 - Trang 491-509 - 2004
Catherine Dolan, John Humphrey
Over the past twenty years the marketing of African fresh vegetables in the United Kingdom has become dominated by large retailers that have adopted competitive strategies based on quality, year-round supply, and product differentiation. This has led to a dramatic change in marketing channels, from wholesale markets to tightly knit supply chains. Global value chain analysis is used to explain why the various stages of production and marketing have become much more closely integrated and to consider the likely outcome of a further round of restructuring occurring at the present time. Although the current trends may lead to a changing role for importers, the tendency towards the concentration of production and processing in Africa in the hands of a few large firms is likely to continue.
Assigning a Volcano Alert Level: Negotiating Uncertainty, Risk, and Complexity in Decision-Making Processes
Tập 45 Số 8 - Trang 1891-1911 - 2013
Carina J. Fearnley
A volcano alert level system (VALS) is used to communicate warning information from scientists to civil authorities managing volcanic hazards. This paper provides the first evaluation of how the decision-making process behind the assignation of an alert level, using forecasts of volcanic behaviour, operates in practice. Using interviews conducted from 2007 to 2009 at five USGS-managed (US Geological Survey) volcano observatories (Alaska, Cascades, Hawaii, Long Valley, and Yellowstone), two key findings are presented here. First, that observatory scientists encounter difficulties in interpreting scientific data, and in making decisions about what a volcano is doing, when dealing with complex volcanic processes. Second, the decision to move between alert levels is based upon a complex negotiation of perceived social and environmental risks. This research establishes that decision-making processes are problematic in the face of intrinsic uncertainties and risks, such that warning systems become complex and nonlinear. A consideration of different approaches to negotiating uncertainty and risk that are deliberative would, therefore, be beneficial in volcanic hazard management insofar as these suggest effective practices for decision-making processes in assigning an alert level.
Integration of Multiregional Models for Policy Analysis
Tập 14 Số 3 - Trang 359-376 - 1982
Walter Isard, Luc Anselin
An initial conceptual framework is presented for the integration of a number of multi-regional models, and a modular structure is outlined. This structure consists of a national econometric model; an integrated comparative cost, industrial complex, input-output, and programming module; a transportation module; a demographic module; a multiregion econometric module; and a factor demand-investment supply econometric module. Fruitful directions for partial or full integration of these modules are suggested with particular emphasis on intermodule and intramodule linkages and on several necessary consistency checks.
The Gender Institute, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, England
Tập 31 Số 2 - Trang 305-325 - 1999
Susan Tiano, Carolina Ladino
We explore the construction of feminine identities among women maquila workers in Juárez, Mexico. The findings suggest that women workers' identities are fluid processes in permanent negotiation. Women's changing employment practices, gender roles and relations, and personal experiences have created spaces for new interpretations of courtship and motherhood. As Mexican women increasingly face controversial messages, they reconcile emerging and conventional feminine discourses by recreating images of Mexican womanhood.
Gentrification and the Nature of Work: Exploring the Links in Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Tập 36 Số 7 - Trang 1243-1258 - 2004
Winifred Curran
This paper looks at the linkages between gentrification and the displacement of small-scale manufacturing and blue-collar work in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. Although the link between global economic change and gentrification has been made for the upper classes who are the consumers of the gentrified landscape, very little work has been done on the blue-collar work and workers that remain in the central city despite the assumption by policymakers that deindustrialization is complete. I argue that manufacturing is still a viable sector of the urban economy that is increasingly at risk of displacement because of the conversion of industrial space to residential use and speculative real-estate pressure. In this way, gentrification is encouraging industrial displacement, which in turn is leading to the degradation of the blue-collar work that remains and to the increasing informalization of work.
Modelling the Effects of Shopping Centre Size and Store Variety on Consumer Choice Behaviour
Tập 29 Số 6 - Trang 1073-1090 - 1997
Harmen Oppewal, Harry Timmermans, Jordan J. Louviere
In this paper it is argued that models of consumer choice of shopping destination have included few attributes related to the selection of stores available in a shopping centre. The authors seek to develop and illustrate empirically a way to define the selection of stores in shopping centres, such that effects of various modifications to the available selection can be modelled by conjoint analysis (or stated preference of decompositional choice) methods. Profiles of hypothetical shopping centres are developed that describe the total size of centres as well as the marketing mix positionings of the individual stores within these centres. The approach is implemented in choice experiments, one on food shopping and one on shopping for clothing and shoes. Logit models are estimated and compared for these two product categories and for large versus small centres.
The Spatiotemporal Pricing of Some Urban Public Services: Urban Ecology, Equity, and Efficiency
Tập 7 Số 3 - Trang 315-323 - 1975
Stephen L. Feldman, Akın Gönen
The paper discusses pricing schemes for some public services in urban areas with regard to equity and efficiency, taking into consideration the residential geography of cities, in terms of the spatial pattern of population density and the level of income. Spatial pricing schemes that use a distance criterion, especially distance from city center, are shown to be inadequate for purposes of equity and efficiency—the reason being the weakness of distance as an underlying variable in urban social ecology. One should, therefore, resort to a pricing scheme which comes as close as possible to the actual residential pattern. This paper suggests the use of a zonal and parcel pricing scheme which takes into account data on density and income by zone, or neighborhood, and by parcel. Usually such zonal and parcel data are quite readily available and are often used for such purposes as land use regulation or property taxation. With little additional effort a more refined spatial pricing scheme would be reached, thus equity and efficiency considerations would be more properly satisfied. By introducing additional data on the spatial distribution of peak and offpeak users, such a spatial scheme could replace temporal pricing in urban areas where peak-load pricing through metering is not feasible.