Clinical Oral Implants Research

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Influence of forces on peri‐implant bone
Clinical Oral Implants Research - Tập 17 Số S2 - Trang 8-18 - 2006
Flemming Isidor

Abstract: Occlusal forces affect an oral implant and the surrounding bone. According to bone physiology theories, bones carrying mechanical loads adapt their strength to the load applied on it by bone modeling/remodeling. This also applies to bone surrounding an oral implant. The response to an increased mechanical stress below a certain threshold will be a strengthening of the bone by increasing the bone density or apposition of bone. On the other hand, fatigue micro‐damage resulting in bone resorption may be the result of mechanical stress beyond this threshold. In the present paper literature dealing with the relationship between forces on oral implants and the surrounding bone is reviewed. Randomized controlled as well as prospective cohorts studies were not found. Although the results are conflicting, animal experimental studies have shown that occlusal load might result in marginal bone loss around oral implants or complete loss of osseointegration. In clinical studies an association between the loading conditions and marginal bone loss around oral implants or complete loss of osseointegration has been stated, but a causative relationship has not been shown.

Kích thước của thành xương mặt ở vùng hàm trên trước: Nghiên cứu bằng chụp cắt lớp vi tính chùm tia nón Dịch bởi AI
Clinical Oral Implants Research - Tập 22 Số 10 - Trang 1168-1171 - 2011
Alessandro Lourenço Januário, Wagner Rodrigues Duarte, Maurício Barriviera, Juliana Mesti, Maurício G. Araújo, Jan Lindhe
Tóm tắt

Mục tiêu: Xác định độ dày của thành xương mặt ở răng trước hàm trên và tại các vị trí khác nhau ở bên dưới điểm nối men-mentum (CEJ).

Nguyên liệu và phương pháp: Hai trăm năm mươi đối tượng, trong độ tuổi từ 17 đến 66 tuổi, với tất cả các răng trước hàm trên đều có mặt đã được đưa vào nghiên cứu. Đã thu thập đồng ý bằng văn bản từ các đối tượng. Các chụp cắt lớp vi tính chùm tia nón được thực hiện bằng thiết bị iCAT. Cuộc khảo sát này bao gồm tất cả các răng và vị trí không răng trong cung hàm. Các hình ảnh được thu thập thông qua phần mềm iCAT và được xử lý bởi máy tính. Các phép đo độ (i) khoảng cách giữa CEJ và đỉnh xương mặt và (ii) độ dày của thành xương mặt đã được thực hiện. Kích thước của thành xương được đánh giá tại ba vị trí khác nhau liên quan đến đỉnh xương mặt, tức là, tại các khoảng cách 1, 3 và 5 mm ở vị trí bên dưới đỉnh.

#xương mặt #hàm trên #chụp cắt lớp vi tính #CEJ #độ dày xương
Effects of implant surface coatings and composition on bone integration: a systematic review
Clinical Oral Implants Research - Tập 20 Số s4 - Trang 185-206 - 2009
Rüdiger Junker, Athanasios Dimakis, Maurice Thoneick, John A. Jansen

Objective:The aim of the present review was to evaluate the bone integration efficacy of recently developed and marketed oral implants as well as experimental surface alterations.

Materials and methods:A PubMed search was performed for animal studies, human reports and studies presenting bone‐to‐implant contact percentage or data regarding mechanical testing.

Results:For recently developed and marketed oral implants, 29 publications and for experimental surface alterations 51 publications fulfilled the inclusion criteria for this review.

Conclusions:As demonstrated in the available literature dealing with recently developed and marketed oral implants, surface‐roughening procedures also affect the surface chemical composition of oral implants. There is sufficient proof that surface roughening induces a safe and predictable implant‐to‐bone response, but it is not clear whether this effect is due to the surface roughness or to the related change in the surface composition. The review of the experimental surface alterations revealed that thin calcium phosphate (CaP) coating technology can solve the problems associated with thick CaP coatings, while they still improve implant bone integration compared with non‐coated titanium implants. Nevertheless, there is a lack of human studies in which the success rate of thin CaP‐coated oral implants is compared with just roughened oral implants. No unequivocal evidence is available that suggests a positive effect on the implant bone integration of peptide sequences or growth factors coated on titanium oral implants. In contrast, the available literature suggests that bone morphogenetic protein‐2 coatings might even impede the magnitude of implant‐to‐bone response.

A new microtomographic technique for non‐invasive evaluation of the bone structure around implants
Clinical Oral Implants Research - Tập 12 Số 1 - Trang 91-94 - 2001
Lars Sennerby, Ann Wennerberg, Freek Pasop

Abstract: A new X‐ray microtomographic technique for non‐invasive assessment of the structure of bone surrounding implants was tested. Three titanium microimplants retrieved directly (n=2) or 6 months (n=1) after insertion in 3 patients were used as test samples. Two samples were used dry and one was embedded in plastic resin prior to microtomography. The technique provided high‐resolution consecutive cross‐sectional X‐ray images of the specimens with a slice‐to‐slice distance of 4.4 to 11.0 μm. The pictures could be imported into an image analysing software with which semiautomatic quantitative measurement of the bone area and three‐dimensional images of the specimens could be made. It is suggested that the technique may be used for non‐invasive assessment of the bone structure around implants. Further studies are needed to evaluate the accuracy of the technique, for instance by comparing tomographic sections with histologic ones.

Denosumab and osteonecrosis of the jaw. A systematic analysis of events reported in clinical trials
Clinical Oral Implants Research - Tập 27 Số 3 - Trang 367-375 - 2016
Ana Boquete‐Castro, Gerardo Gómez‐Moreno, José Luís Calvo‐Guirado, Antonio Aguilar‐Salvatierra, Rafael Delgado‐Ruiz

The aims of this meta‐analysis were (i) to perform a systematic review of the relation between treatment with denosumab and the incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) and (ii) to obtain information on dosage, first event apparition, and treatment approaches for patients with ONJ related to denosumab.

Materials and methods

A systematic review and meta‐analysis of relevant literature was performed in the PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane databases, identifying randomized clinical trials that evaluate the adverse effects of denosumab. The overall incidence rates and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for ONJ were calculated employing fixed‐ and random‐effects models, according to the heterogeneity of the studies included.


A total of 8963 patients with a variety of solid tumors reported in seven randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were included in the systematic analysis. The overall incidence of ONJ in patients with cancer receiving denosumab was 1.7% [95% CI: 0.9–3.1%]. The use of denosumab was associated with a significantly increased risk of ONJ in comparison with bisphosphonates (BPs)/placebo treatment (RR 1.61, 95% CI: 1.05–2.48, P = 0.029). Subgroup analysis based on controlled therapies demonstrated an increased risk of ONJ in denosumab therapy, when compared with BPs (RR 1.48, 95% CI: 0.96–2.29, P = 0.078) or placebo (RR 16.28, 95% CI: 1.68–158.05, P = 0.017). Similar results were observed for prostate cancer (RR 3.358, 95% CI: 1.573–7.166, P = 0.002).


Denosumab combined with risk factors such as dental extraction, poor oral hygiene, use of removable apparatus, and chemotherapy may favor the development of ONJ.

Retention and postinsertion maintenance of bar‐clip, ball and magnet attachments in mandibular implant overdenture treatment: an in vivo comparison after 3 months of function
Clinical Oral Implants Research - Tập 14 Số 6 - Trang 720-726 - 2003
Frits van Kampen, Marco S. Cune, Andries van der Bilt, Frits Bosman

Abstract: It could be hypothesised that attachments, which provide more retention against vertical and horizontal dislodgement, will be associated with more favourable parameters of oral function. This in vivo study is designed to provide data regarding initial retention force, loss of retention force after 3 months of function and postinsertion maintenance and complications associated with the use of magnet, bar‐clip and ball attachments in mandibular overdenture treatment. Eighteen edentulous subjects received two permucosal implants in the inter‐foramina region of the mandible, a new denture and three successive suprastructure modalities (magnet‐, bar‐clip and ball attachments). The retention force of the attachments at baseline and after 3 months was measured in a standardised way. The amount and type of postinsertion maintenance that was related to the attachment were evaluated. No differences in retention force at baseline and after 3 months of loading were observed for all three attachment types. The mean retention forces of magnet attachments, bar‐clip attachments and ball attachments were 8.1, 31.3 and 29.7 N respectively. Functional maintenance complications related to the attachments were predominantly observed in 11/36 magnet attachments. Functional problems in the ball attachment group were relatively rare, easily manageable and seen in 4/36 attachments. The bar‐clip attachments exhibited no maintenance problems at all.

Mandibular overdentures supported by two or four endosseous implants
Clinical Oral Implants Research - Tập 16 Số 1 - Trang 19-25 - 2005
Anita Visser, Gerry M. Raghoebar, Henny J. A. Meijer, Rutger H. K. Batenburg, Arjan Vissink

Objective: The aim of this 5‐year prospective comparative study was to evaluate treatment outcome (survival rate, condition of hard and soft peri‐implant tissues, patient satisfaction, prosthetic and surgical aftercare) of mandibular overdentures supported by two or four implants.

Material and methods: Sixty edentulous patients with a mandibular height between 12 and 18 mm participated. Thirty patients were treated with an overdenture supported by two IMZ implants (group A) and 30 patients were treated with an overdenture supported by four IMZ implants (group B). Standardised clinical and radiographic parameters were evaluated 6 weeks after completion of the prosthetic treatment and after 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years of functional loading. Prosthetic and surgical aftercare was scored during the evaluation period.

Results: One implant was lost (group A) during the healing period. There were no significant differences with regard to any of the studied clinical or radiographic parameters of the peri‐implant tissues between the groups. None of the patients reported sensory disturbances in the lip or chin region. No differences in satisfaction were observed between the groups. With regard to aftercare, there was a tendency of a greater need of prosthetic interventions in group A, while correction of soft‐tissue problems was restricted to patients of group B.

Conclusion: There is no difference in clinical and radiographical state of patients treated with an overdenture on two or four implants during a 5‐year evaluation period. Patients of both groups were as satisfied with their overdentures.

Overdenture attachment selection and the loading of implant and denture‐bearing area. Part 2: A methodical study using five types of attachment
Clinical Oral Implants Research - Tập 12 Số 6 - Trang 640-647 - 2001
Siegfried M. Heckmann, Manfred Wichmann, Werner Winter, Martin Meyer, Hans‐Peter Weber

Abstract: In general, an implant is loaded via axial and horizontal forces. Besides this, moment loading can also occur. The aim of this study was to investigate how different prosthetic connectors with overdentures develop force transfer to implant and bone as well as to the denture‐bearing alveolar ridge. Five connectors were investigated on a stereolithographic model fabricated according to a real patient situation. The model was fitted with strain gauges on the “bone” distal and medial to the implants and with vertical force transducers in the alveolar “bone” under the denture‐bearing area. The parallel‐sided rigid telescopic connector developed the highest moment loading of the implant (P<0.001), which would suggest restraint in the use of this connector. The bar construction also showed somewhat high moments but these may have been at least partly exaggerated by the individual patient situation. Loading results through the non‐rigid telescopic copings, single spherical attachments and magnet overdentures demonstrated a low level of implant moment loading which would in part result from horizontal forces caused by denture forward shift during force application. The denture‐bearing area loading was different with all attachments (P<0.001) and was related to the rigidity of the connector and reached the highest values with the non‐rigid telescopic coping. The clinical implications of the various findings are discussed.

Mandibular overdentures supported by two Brånemark, IMZ or ITI implants. A prospective comparative preliminary study: One‐year results.
Clinical Oral Implants Research - Tập 9 Số 6 - Trang 374-383 - 1998
Rutger H. K. Batenburg, Henny J. A. Meijer, Gerry M. Raghoebar, Robert P. Van Oort, G Boering

The aim of this prospective comparative study was to evaluate the condition of the peri‐implant tissues of three different implant systems supporting a mandibular overdenture. Ninety edentulous patients (Cawood class V–VI) participated in this study. After randomization, 30 patients were treated with 2 Brånemark implants, 30 patients with 2 IMZ implants and 30 patients with 2 ITI implants. The implants were inserted in the canine region of the mandible. After 3 months overdentures were fabricated supported by a round bar and clip attachment. A standardized clinical and radiographic evaluation was performed 0,6 and 12 months after insertion of the denture. The intra‐oral radiographs were made, using the long‐cone technique with an aiming device. Two implants were lost (1 Brånemark, 1 IMZ) during the healing period. None of the patients showed any sensory change in lip or chin region. The pocket depth in the Brinemark group decreased significantly whereas the mucosa recession increased significantly in both the Brånemark as well as in the IMZ group. After 12 months, there was significantly less bone loss in the ITI group. From our study it was concluded that 2 (Brånemark, IMZ or ITI) implants placed in the interforaminal region connected with a bar supply a proper base for the support of a mandibular overdenture in the (Cawood V–VI) edentulous patient. The ITI implant appears to be the implant of choice for mandibular overdenture therapy. because only one operation is required for a comparable result.

Bone reactions adjacent to titanium implants subjected to static load of different duration. A study in the dog (III)
Clinical Oral Implants Research - Tập 12 Số 6 - Trang 552-558 - 2001
Klaus Gotfredsen, Tord Berglundh, Jan Lindhe

Abstract: The aim of the present experiment was to study the effect of a long‐standing lateral static load on the peri‐implant bone. Three beagle dogs were used. The mandibular premolars were extracted and 12 weeks later 3 titanium implants (ITI® Dental Implant System) were installed in each quadrant. Crowns were fitted to all implants 12 weeks after the installation procedure. The anterior and central crowns were fused and connected to the posterior crown by an expansion screw. In the right side of the mandible, the expansion screws were activated every 2 weeks during a 46‐week period. During the last 10 weeks of this period, an expansion force similar to that of the right side was applied in the left. The animals were sacrificed and block biopsies of each implant site harvested and prepared for histological analysis. Sites subjected to 10 weeks or 46 weeks of lateral load had a similar (i) distribution of bone markers (ii) proportion of bone density and (iii) degree of bone‐to‐implant contact. The proportion of fluorochromes was higher at sites subjected to 10 weeks of loading than at sites subjected to 46 weeks of loading.

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