Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1958-2023)




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Wiley-Blackwell , WILEY

Lĩnh vực:
Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous)

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Heat and mass transfer on a stretching sheet with suction or blowing
Tập 55 Số 6 - Trang 744-746 - 1977
Priyanka Gupta, Abhijit Sen Gupta
Multivariate statistical monitoring of process operating performance
Tập 69 Số 1 - Trang 35-47 - 1991
J.V. Kresta, John F. MacGregor, Thomas E. Marlin

Process computers routinely collect hundreds to thousands of pieces of data from a multitude of plant sensors every few seconds. This has caused a “data overload” and due to the lack of appropriate analyses very little is currently being done to utilize this wealth of information. Operating personnel typically use only a few variables to monitor the plant's performance. However, multivariate statistical methods such as PLS (Partial Least Squares or Projection to Latent Structures) and PCA (Principal Component Analysis) are capable of compressing the information down into low dimensional spaces which retain most of the information. Using this method of statistical data compression a multivariate monitoring procedure analogous to the univariate Shewart Chart has been developed to efficiently monitor the performance of large processes, and to rapidly detect and identify important process changes. This procedure is demonstrated using simulations of two processes, a fluidized bed reactor and an extractive distillation column.

Assessment of control loop performance
Tập 67 Số 5 - Trang 856-861 - 1989
Thomas J. Harris

For processes described by linear transfer functions with additive disturbances, the best possible control in the mean square sense is realized when a minimum variance controller is implemented. It is shown that an estimate of the best possible control can be obtained by fitting a univariate time series to process data collected under routine control. No ‘identifiabüity’ constraints need be imposed. The use of this technique is demonstrated with pilot plant and production data.

The kinetics of sorption of basic dyes from aqueous solution by sphagnum moss peat
Tập 76 Số 4 - Trang 822-827 - 1998
Yuh‐Shan Ho, Gordon McKay

The kinetics of sorption of three basic dyes, namely, Chrysoidine (BO2), Astrazon Blue (BB3) and Astrazone Blue (BB69) onto sphagnum moss peat have been investigated. The study focuses on the application of three sorption kinetic models for predicting the uptake of basic dyes. The sorption behaviour is found to be second order, based on the assumption of a pseudo‐second order mechanism. The rate constant of sorption, the equilibrium capacity and initial sorption rate with the effect of various peat doses and initial dye concentrations have also been predicted.

Experimental methods in chemical engineering: specific surface area and pore size distribution measurements—BET, BJH, and DFT
Tập 97 Số 11 - Trang 2781-2791 - 2019
Raoof Bardestani, Gregory S. Patience, Serge Kaliaguine

Gas physisorption is an experimental technique based on equilibrium Van der Waals interactions between gas molecules and solid particles, that quantifies the specific surface area (SSA), pore size distribution (PSD), and pore volume of solids and powders. The performance of catalysts, absorbents, chromatography column materials, and polymer resins depends on these morphological properties. Here we introduce the basic principles and procedures of physical adsorption, especially nitrogen physisorption, as a guide to students and researchers unfamiliar with the field. The Brunauer‐Emmett‐Teller theory (BET) is a common approach to estimate SSA that extends the Langmuir monolayer molecular adsorption model to multilayer layers. It relies on an equilibrium adsorption isotherm, measured at the normal boiling point of the adsorbate, eg, 77 K or 87 K for N2 and Ar, respectively. Web of Science indexed 45 400 articles in 2016 and 2017 that mentioned N2 adsorption porosimetry—BET and BJH (Barrett‐Joyner‐Halenda) keywords. The VOSViewer bibliometric tool grouped these articles into four research clusters: adsorption, activated carbon in aqueous solutions for removal of heavy metal ions; synthesis of nanoparticles and composites; catalysts performance in oxidation and reduction processes; and photocatalytic degradation with TiO2. According to the literature, the accuracy of the density function theory (DFT) method is higher than with the BJH theory and it is more reliable.

Practical significance of brinkman's extension of darcy's law: Coupled parallel flows within a channel and a bounding porous medium
Tập 52 Số 4 - Trang 475-478 - 1974
Graham H. Neale, Walter K. Nader

Problems involving fluid flow past permeable surfaces have customarily been solved by matching Darcy's Law with the Navier‐Stokes equation via an empirical slip‐flow boundary condition at these surfaces. The present analysis serves to place the semi‐empirical theory proposed by Beavers and Joseph (1967) on a more rigorous physical and mathematical basis. It is demonstrated that the predictions of these workers may be derived independently, without having to formulate empirical boundary conditions, by employing Brinkman's extension of Darcy's Law within the porous medium. These predictions are in satisfactory agreement with experimental data, thereby providing a quantitative verification of Brink‐man's equation to complement its theoretical verification presented recently by several authors.

Kinetic modelling of the pyrolysis of biomass and biomass components
Tập 67 Số 1 - Trang 75-84 - 1989
C. Koufopanos, A. Lucchesi, Giuseppe Maschio

The kinetics of the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic materials was studied with a view of providing simple kinetic models for engineering purposes. Experimental data obtained by means of thermal analysis techniques suggest that the pyrolysis of fine particles (below 1 mm) can be considered to be controlled by pyrolysis kinetics. The rate of pyrolysis of one biomass type can be represented by the sum of the corresponding rates of the main biomass components (cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose). The kinetics of each of these components was simulated by a kinetic scheme capable of predicting the pyrolysis rate and the final weight‐loss for a wide range of pyrolysis parameters including various heating conditions.

A Comprehensive Review on Emulsions and Emulsion Stability in Chemical and Energy Industries
Tập 97 Số 1 - Trang 281-309 - 2019
Fatemeh Goodarzi, Sohrab Zendehboudi

Emulsion refers to a mixture that includes two or more liquid phases. The uses of emulsions are found in several chemical, energy, and environmental industries such as the food, health care, chemical synthesis, and firefighting sectors. Water‐in‐oil emulsions are formed spontaneously during oil production when oil and water are mixed together and in the presence of asphaltene as a naturally occurring surfactant. For operational and economic reasons, oil emulsions need to be treated to recover both oil and water phases. To develop more efficient emulsion treatments, it is essential to have a better understanding of the factors that affect emulsion formation and stability. The droplet size variation is an important parameter that influences the stability and rheological characteristics of the emulsions. In addition, the available interfacial area for any possible chemical reactions might affect the behaviours and properties of the emulsions in various transport phenomena systems. The adequate knowledge of the factors and mechanisms affecting the droplet size and emulsion stability still needs further engineering and research activities. This study is aimed to provide a comprehensive literature review on the formation of water/oil emulsions and their stability in various physical systems (e.g., pipeline networks and porous media). In this review, fundamental aspects of emulsions, emulsion formation mechanisms, analytical models, and numerical solutions for the description and characterization of the behaviours of emulsions in porous media and/or separators are discussed. The effects of different fluid properties, physical model characteristics, and operational conditions on emulsion behaviours are studied. This paper also summarizes the previous experimental and modelling studies and methodologies with a focus on reliable laboratory equipment/tools and simulation and modelling packages/strategies for the investigation of emulsion stability and droplet size distribution where a systematic parametric sensitivity analysis to study various effects of important thermodynamic, process, and medium properties on the targeted variables is conducted. This review manuscript provides useful guidelines to characterize and model emulsions and their behaviours in different industrial sectors, which will considerably help to conduct better design and optimal operation of corresponding equipment.

Structure–process–yield interrelations in nanocrystalline cellulose extraction
Tập 88 Số 3 - Trang 392-402 - 2010
Wadood Y. Hamad, Thomas Q. Hu

In order to improve the extraction of nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) from sulfuric acid hydrolysis of chemical pulps, we have studied the effect of hydrolysis conditions on the degree of polymerization (DP), the extent of sulfation, morphological, and solid‐state characteristics of the extracted materials vis‐à‐vis yield.

Our results demonstrate that sulfation plays a significant role in (i) determining the yield of, and (ii) imparting the unique solid‐state characteristics to, the extracted, H2O‐insoluble cellulose nanomaterial from sulfuric acid hydrolysis. The hydrolysis process is itself proven to be highly reproducible, and NCC with high crystallinity (>80%) and a yield between 21% and 38% could be extracted from a fully bleached, commercial softwood kraft pulp using 64 wt.% sulfuric acid at 45–65°C after freeze drying. The NCC aggregates, with iridescent patterns typical of chiral nematic materials, are parallelepiped rod‐like structures which possess cross‐sections in the nanometer range and lengths orders of magnitude larger, resulting in high aspect ratios.

The Ruland–Rietveld analysis was employed to precisely resolve X‐ray diffraction patterns and obtain information on crystallite size, crystalline and amorphous areas, and crystallinity of the extracted materials.

Removal of fine particles from water by dispersed air flotation: Effects of bubble size and particle size on collection efficiency
Tập 51 Số 2 - Trang 178-185 - 1973
David Reay, G. A. Ratcliff

A theoretical treatment is presented which attempts to quantify the benefits obtained by using smaller bubbles or larger particles in dispersed air flotation. The limited experimental data obtained so far suggest that the theory is sound, particularly in its prediction of the effect of bubble size.