
BMC Biology




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Correction to: A genetically encoded Ca2+ indicator based on circularly permutated sea anemone red fluorescent protein eqFP578
Tập 17 - Trang 1-1 - 2019
Yi Shen, Hod Dana, Ahmed S. Abdelfattah, Ronak Patel, Jamien Shea, Rosana S. Molina, Bijal Rawal, Vladimir Rancic, Yu-Fen Chang, Lanshi Wu, Yingche Chen, Yong Qian, Matthew D. Wiens, Nathan Hambleton, Klaus Ballanyi, Thomas E. Hughes, Mikhail Drobizhev, Douglas S. Kim, Minoru Koyama, Eric R. Schreiter, Robert E. Campbell
In the online version of the article [ 1 ], Figure S1 was mistakenly replaced with Figure 1.
A genetically encoded Ca2+ indicator based on circularly permutated sea anemone red fluorescent protein eqFP578
Tập 16 - Trang 1-16 - 2018
Yi Shen, Hod Dana, Ahmed S. Abdelfattah, Ronak Patel, Jamien Shea, Rosana S. Molina, Bijal Rawal, Vladimir Rancic, Yu-Fen Chang, Lanshi Wu, Yingche Chen, Yong Qian, Matthew D. Wiens, Nathan Hambleton, Klaus Ballanyi, Thomas E. Hughes, Mikhail Drobizhev, Douglas S. Kim, Minoru Koyama, Eric R. Schreiter, Robert E. Campbell
Genetically encoded calcium ion (Ca2+) indicators (GECIs) are indispensable tools for measuring Ca2+ dynamics and neuronal activities in vitro and in vivo. Red fluorescent protein (RFP)-based GECIs have inherent advantages relative to green fluorescent protein-based GECIs due to the longer wavelength light used for excitation. Longer wavelength light is associated with decreased phototoxicity and deeper penetration through tissue. Red GECI can also enable multicolor visualization with blue- or cyan-excitable fluorophores. Here we report the development, structure, and validation of a new RFP-based GECI, K-GECO1, based on a circularly permutated RFP derived from the sea anemone Entacmaea quadricolor. We have characterized the performance of K-GECO1 in cultured HeLa cells, dissociated neurons, stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes, organotypic brain slices, zebrafish spinal cord in vivo, and mouse brain in vivo. K-GECO1 is the archetype of a new lineage of GECIs based on the RFP eqFP578 scaffold. It offers high sensitivity and fast kinetics, similar or better than those of current state-of-the-art indicators, with diminished lysosomal accumulation and minimal blue-light photoactivation. Further refinements of the K-GECO1 lineage could lead to further improved variants with overall performance that exceeds that of the most highly optimized red GECIs.
Long-term imaging reveals behavioral plasticity during C. elegans dauer exit
Tập 20 - Trang 1-14 - 2022
Friedrich Preusser, Anika Neuschulz, Jan Philipp Junker, Nikolaus Rajewsky, Stephan Preibisch
During their lifetime, animals must adapt their behavior to survive in changing environments. This ability requires the nervous system to undergo adjustments at distinct temporal scales, from short-term dynamic changes in expression of neurotransmitters and receptors to longer-term growth, spatial and connectivity reorganization, while integrating external stimuli. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans provides a model of nervous system plasticity, in particular its dauer exit decision. Under unfavorable conditions, larvae will enter the non-feeding and non-reproductive stress-resistant dauer stage and adapt their behavior to cope with the harsh new environment, with active reversal under improved conditions leading to resumption of reproductive development. However, how different environmental stimuli regulate the exit decision mechanism and thereby drive the larva’s behavioral change is unknown. To fill this gap and provide insights on behavioral changes over extended periods of time, we developed a new open hardware method for long-term imaging (12h) of C. elegans larvae. Our WormObserver platform comprises open hardware and software components for video acquisition, automated processing of large image data (> 80k images/experiment) and data analysis. We identified dauer-specific behavioral motifs and characterized the behavioral trajectory of dauer exit in different environments and genetic backgrounds to identify key decision points and stimuli promoting dauer exit. Combining long-term behavioral imaging with transcriptomics data, we find that bacterial ingestion triggers a change in neuropeptide gene expression to establish post-dauer behavior. Taken together, we show how a developing nervous system can robustly integrate environmental changes activate a developmental switch and adapt the organism’s behavior to a new environment. WormObserver is generally applicable to other research questions within and beyond the C. elegans field, having a modular and customizable character and allowing assessment of behavioral plasticity over longer periods.
IGT/LAZY genes are differentially influenced by light and required for light-induced change to organ angle
Tập 22 - Trang 1-16 - 2024
Jessica Marie Waite, Christopher Dardick
Plants adjust their growth orientations primarily in response to light and gravity signals. Considering that the gravity vector is fixed and the angle of light incidence is constantly changing, plants must somehow integrate these signals to establish organ orientation, commonly referred to as gravitropic set-point angle (GSA). The IGT gene family contains known regulators of GSA, including the gene clades LAZY, DEEPER ROOTING (DRO), and TILLER ANGLE CONTROL (TAC). Here, we investigated the influence of light on different aspects of GSA phenotypes in LAZY and DRO mutants, as well as the influence of known light signaling pathways on IGT gene expression. Phenotypic analysis revealed that LAZY and DRO genes are collectively required for changes in the angle of shoot branch tip and root growth in response to light. Single lazy1 mutant branch tips turn upward in the absence of light and in low light, similar to wild-type, and mimic triple and quadruple IGT mutants in constant light and high-light conditions, while triple and quadruple IGT/LAZY mutants show little to no response to changing light regimes. Further, the expression of IGT/LAZY genes is differentially influenced by daylength, circadian clock, and light signaling. Collectively, the data show that differential expression of LAZY and DRO genes are required to enable plants to alter organ angles in response to light-mediated signals.
Enabling cell-type-specific behavioral epigenetics in Drosophila: a modified high-yield INTACT method reveals the impact of social environment on the epigenetic landscape in dopaminergic neurons
Tập 17 - Trang 1-19 - 2019
Pavan Agrawal, Phuong Chung, Ulrike Heberlein, Clement Kent
Epigenetic mechanisms play fundamental roles in brain function and behavior and stressors such as social isolation can alter animal behavior via epigenetic mechanisms. However, due to cellular heterogeneity, identifying cell-type-specific epigenetic changes in the brain is challenging. Here, we report the first use of a modified isolation of nuclei tagged in specific cell type (INTACT) method in behavioral epigenetics of Drosophila melanogaster, a method we call mini-INTACT. Using ChIP-seq on mini-INTACT purified dopaminergic nuclei, we identified epigenetic signatures in socially isolated and socially enriched Drosophila males. Social experience altered the epigenetic landscape in clusters of genes involved in transcription and neural function. Some of these alterations could be predicted by expression changes of four transcription factors and the prevalence of their binding sites in several clusters. These transcription factors were previously identified as activity-regulated genes, and their knockdown in dopaminergic neurons reduced the effects of social experience on sleep. Our work enables the use of Drosophila as a model for cell-type-specific behavioral epigenetics and establishes that social environment shifts the epigenetic landscape in dopaminergic neurons. Four activity-related transcription factors are required in dopaminergic neurons for the effects of social environment on sleep.
The role of upstream sequences in selecting the reading frame on tmRNA
Tập 6 - Trang 1-10 - 2008
Mickey R Miller, David W Healey, Stephen G Robison, Jonathan D Dewey, Allen R Buskirk
tmRNA acts first as a tRNA and then as an mRNA to rescue stalled ribosomes in eubacteria. Two unanswered questions about tmRNA function remain: how does tmRNA, lacking an anticodon, bypass the decoding machinery and enter the ribosome? Secondly, how does the ribosome choose the proper codon to resume translation on tmRNA? According to the -1 triplet hypothesis, the answer to both questions lies in the unique properties of the three nucleotides upstream of the first tmRNA codon. These nucleotides assume an A-form conformation that mimics the codon-anticodon interaction, leading to recognition by the decoding center and choice of the reading frame. The -1 triplet hypothesis is important because it is the most credible model in which direct binding and recognition by the ribosome sets the reading frame on tmRNA. Conformational analysis predicts that 18 triplets cannot form the correct structure to function as the -1 triplet of tmRNA. We tested the tmRNA activity of all possible -1 triplet mutants using a genetic assay in Escherichia coli. While many mutants displayed reduced activity, our findings do not match the predictions of this model. Additional mutagenesis identified sequences further upstream that are required for tmRNA function. An immunoblot assay for translation of the tmRNA tag revealed that certain mutations in U85, A86, and the -1 triplet sequence result in improper selection of the first codon and translation in the wrong frame (-1 or +1) in vivo. Our findings disprove the -1 triplet hypothesis. The -1 triplet is not required for accommodation of tmRNA into the ribosome, although it plays a minor role in frame selection. Our results strongly disfavor direct ribosomal recognition of the upstream sequence, instead supporting a model in which the binding of a separate ligand to A86 is primarily responsible for frame selection.
Genetic mechanisms underlying increased microalgal thermotolerance, maximal growth rate, and yield on light following adaptive laboratory evolution
Tập 20 - Trang 1-14 - 2022
Robin Barten, Dirk-Jan M. van Workum, Emma de Bakker, Judith Risse, Michelle Kleisman, Sofia Navalho, Sandra Smit, Rene H. Wijffels, Harm Nijveen, Maria J. Barbosa
Adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) is a powerful method for strain optimization towards abiotic stress factors and for identifying adaptation mechanisms. In this study, the green microalga Picochlorum sp. BPE23 was cultured under supra-optimal temperature to force genetic adaptation. The robustness and adaptive capacity of Picochlorum strains turned them into an emerging model for evolutionary studies on abiotic stressors such as temperature, salinity, and light. Mutant strains showed an expanded maximal growth temperature of 44.6 °C, whereas the maximal growth temperature of the wild-type strain was 42 °C. Moreover, at the optimal growth temperature of 38 °C, the biomass yield on light was 22.3% higher, and the maximal growth rate was 70.5% higher than the wild type. Genome sequencing and transcriptome analysis were performed to elucidate the mechanisms behind the improved phenotype. A de novo assembled phased reference genome allowed the identification of 21 genic mutations involved in various processes. Moreover, approximately half of the genome contigs were found to be duplicated or even triplicated in all mutants, suggesting a causal role in adaptation. The developed tools and mutant strains provide a strong framework from whereupon Picochlorum sp. BPE23 can be further developed. Moreover, the extensive strain characterization provides evidence of how microalgae evolve to supra-optimal temperature and to photobioreactor growth conditions. With this study, microalgal evolutionary mechanisms were identified by combining ALE with genome sequencing.
Expression of mammalian GPCRs in C. elegansgenerates novel behavioural responses to human ligands
Tập 4 - Trang 1-9 - 2006
Michelle S Teng, Martijn PJ Dekkers, Bee Ling Ng, Suzanne Rademakers, Gert Jansen, Andrew G Fraser, John McCafferty
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) play a crucial role in many biological processes and represent a major class of drug targets. However, purification of GPCRs for biochemical study is difficult and current methods of studying receptor-ligand interactions involve in vitro systems. Caenorhabditis elegans is a soil-dwelling, bacteria-feeding nematode that uses GPCRs expressed in chemosensory neurons to detect bacteria and environmental compounds, making this an ideal system for studying in vivo GPCR-ligand interactions. We sought to test this by functionally expressing two medically important mammalian GPCRs, somatostatin receptor 2 (Sstr2) and chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) in the gustatory neurons of C. elegans. Expression of Sstr2 and CCR5 in gustatory neurons allow C. elegans to specifically detect and respond to somatostatin and MIP-1α respectively in a robust avoidance assay. We demonstrate that mammalian heterologous GPCRs can signal via different endogenous Gα subunits in C. elegans, depending on which cells it is expressed in. Furthermore, pre-exposure of GPCR transgenic animals to its ligand leads to receptor desensitisation and behavioural adaptation to subsequent ligand exposure, providing further evidence of integration of the mammalian GPCRs into the C. elegans sensory signalling machinery. In structure-function studies using a panel of somatostatin-14 analogues, we identified key residues involved in the interaction of somatostatin-14 with Sstr2. Our results illustrate a remarkable evolutionary plasticity in interactions between mammalian GPCRs and C. elegans signalling machinery, spanning 800 million years of evolution. This in vivo system, which imparts novel avoidance behaviour on C. elegans, thus provides a simple means of studying and screening interaction of GPCRs with extracellular agonists, antagonists and intracellular binding partners.
A climate for contemporary evolution
- 2010
David K. Skelly
Insights into the structure-function relationship of the NorQ/NorD chaperones from Paracoccus denitrificans reveal shared principles of interacting MoxR AAA+/VWA domain proteins
Tập 21 - Trang 1-18 - 2023
Maximilian Kahle, Sofia Appelgren, Arne Elofsson, Marta Carroni, Pia Ädelroth
NorQ, a member of the MoxR-class of AAA+ ATPases, and NorD, a protein containing a Von Willebrand Factor Type A (VWA) domain, are essential for non-heme iron (FeB) cofactor insertion into cytochrome c-dependent nitric oxide reductase (cNOR). cNOR catalyzes NO reduction, a key step of bacterial denitrification. This work aimed at elucidating the specific mechanism of NorQD-catalyzed FeB insertion, and the general mechanism of the MoxR/VWA interacting protein families. We show that NorQ-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis, an intact VWA domain in NorD, and specific surface carboxylates on cNOR are all features required for cNOR activation. Supported by BN-PAGE, low-resolution cryo-EM structures of NorQ and the NorQD complex show that NorQ forms a circular hexamer with a monomer of NorD binding both to the side and to the central pore of the NorQ ring. Guided by AlphaFold predictions, we assign the density that “plugs” the NorQ ring pore to the VWA domain of NorD with a protruding “finger” inserting through the pore and suggest this binding mode to be general for MoxR/VWA couples. Based on our results, we present a tentative model for the mechanism of NorQD-catalyzed cNOR remodeling and suggest many of its features to be applicable to the whole MoxR/VWA family.