Applied Physics Letters




Cơ quản chủ quản:  American Institute of Physics , AIP PUBLISHING

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Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)

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Applied Physics Letters (APL) features concise, up-to-date reports on significant new findings in applied physics. Emphasizing rapid dissemination of key data and new physical insights, APL offers prompt publication of new experimental and theoretical papers reporting applications of physics phenomena to all branches of science, engineering, and modern technology. In addition to regular articles, the journal also publishes invited Fast Track, Perspectives, and in-depth Editorials which report on cutting-edge areas in applied physics. APL Perspectives are forward-looking invited letters which highlight recent developments or discoveries. Emphasis is placed on very recent developments, potentially disruptive technologies, open questions and possible solutions. They also include a mini-roadmap detailing where the community should direct efforts in order for the phenomena to be viable for application and the challenges associated with meeting that performance threshold. Perspectives are characterized by personal viewpoints and opinions of recognized experts in the field. Fast Track articles are invited original research articles that report results that are particularly novel and important or provide a significant advancement in an emerging field. Because of the urgency and scientific importance of the work, the peer review process is accelerated. If, during the review process, it becomes apparent that the paper does not meet the Fast Track criterion, it is returned to a normal track.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Nonlinear oscillators for vibration energy harvesting
Tập 94 Số 16 - 2009
L. Gammaitoni, G. Newton, M. Yvert
Vibration to electricity energy conversion strategies are discussed by using nonlinear stochastic dynamics. General principles for the exploitation of nonlinear oscillators in energy harvesting that provide useful leads for the realization of micropower generators of practical interest are presented.
Evidence of graphene-like electronic signature in silicene nanoribbons
Tập 96 Số 26 - 2010
Paola De Padova, Claudio Quaresima, C. Ottaviani, Polina M. Sheverdyaeva, Paolo Moras, C. Carbone, D. Topwal, Bruno Olivieri, Abdelkader Kara, Hamid Oughaddou, B. Aufray, G. Le Lay
We report on the electronic properties of straight, 1.6 nm wide, silicene nanoribbons on Ag(110), arranged in a one-dimensional grating with a pitch of 2 nm, whose high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy images reveal a honeycomb geometry. Angle-resolved photoemission shows quantum confined electronic states of one-dimensional character. The silicon band dispersion along the direction of the nanoribbons suggests a behavior analogous to the Dirac cones of graphene on different substrates.
s p 2 -like hybridization of silicon valence orbitals in silicene nanoribbons
Tập 98 Số 8 - 2011
Paola De Padova, C. Quaresima, Bruno Olivieri, P. Perfetti, G. Le Lay
Silicene nanoribbons grown on a silver (110) substrate have been studied by reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy as a function of the electron beam incidence angle α. The spectra, taken at the Si K absorption edge (1.840 keV), reveal the presence of two distinct loss structures attributed to transitions 1s→π∗ and 1s→σ∗, according to their intensity dependence on α. Such behavior, when compared to graphite, attests the sp2-like hybridization of the silicon valence orbitals in the silicene nanoribbons as is, indeed, for carbon atomic bonds of graphene.
Epitaxial growth of a silicene sheet
Tập 97 Số 22 - 2010
B. Lalmi, Hamid Oughaddou, Hanna Enriquez, Abdelkader Kara, S. Vizzini, B. Ealet, B. Aufray
Using atomic resolved scanning tunneling microscopy, we present here the experimental evidence of a silicene sheet (graphenelike structure) epitaxially grown on a close-packed silver surface [Ag(111)]. This has been achieved via direct condensation of a silicon atomic flux onto the single-crystal substrate in ultrahigh vacuum conditions. A highly ordered silicon structure, arranged within a honeycomb lattice, is synthesized and present two silicon sublattices occupying positions at different heights (0.02 nm) indicating possible sp2-sp3 hybridizations.
Surface polar phonon dominated electron transport in graphene
Tập 97 Số 23 - 2010
X. Li, Edwin Barry, J. M. Zavada, Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, K. W. Kim
The effects of surface polar phonons on the electronic transport properties of monolayer graphene are studied by using a Monte Carlo simulation. Specifically, the low-field electron mobility and saturation velocity are examined for different substrates (SiC, SiO2, and HfO2) in comparison to the intrinsic case. While the results show that the low-field mobility can be substantially reduced by the introduction of surface polar phonon scattering, corresponding degradation of the saturation velocity is not observed for all three substrates at room temperature. It is also found that surface polar phonons can influence graphene’s electrical resistivity even at low temperature, leading potentially to inaccurate estimation of the acoustic phonon deformation potential constant.
Graphene-like silicon nanoribbons on Ag(110): A possible formation of silicene
Tập 96 Số 18 - 2010
B. Aufray, Abdelkader Kara, S. Vizzini, Hamid Oughaddou, Christel Léandri, B. Ealet, G. Le Lay
Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and ab initio calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) were used to study the self-aligned silicon nanoribbons on Ag(110) with honeycomb, graphene-like structure. The silicon honeycombs structure on top of the silver substrate is clearly observed by STM, while the DFT calculations confirm that the Si atoms adopt spontaneously this new silicon structure.
Bright red light-emitting organic electroluminescent devices having a europium complex as an emitter
Tập 65 Số 17 - Trang 2124-2126 - 1994
Junji Kido, Hiromichi Hayase, Kenichi Hongawa, Katsutoshi Nagai, Katsuro Okuyama
Organic electroluminescent (EL) devices with a trivalent europium (Eu) complex as an emitter were fabricated. Triple-layer-type cells with a structure of glass substrate/indium-tin oxide/ triphenyldiamine derivative (TPD)/Eu complex: 1,3,4-oxadiazole derivative (PBD)/aluminum complex (Alq)/Mg:Ag exhibit bright red luminescence upon applying dc voltage. The EL spectrum consists of extremely sharp emission bands, which is a typical luminescence spectrum of the Eu complex. Luminance of 460 cd/m2 with an emission peak at 614 nm is achieved at a drive voltage of 16 V. This is the highest luminance so far obtained for the EL cells having a Eu complex as an emitter.
High propagating velocity of spin waves and temperature dependent damping in a CoFeB thin film
Tập 100 Số 26 - Trang 262412 - 2012
Haiming Yu, Rupert Huber, Thomas Schwarze, Florian Brandl, Teresa L. Rapp, P. Berberich, G. Duerr, Dirk Grundler
Ultrafast reduction of the total magnetization in iron
Tập 104 Số 3 - 2014
Andreas Fognini, T. Michlmayr, G. Salvatella, C. Wetli, U. Ramsperger, T. Bähler, F. Sorgenfrei, Martin Beye, Andrea Eschenlohr, N. Pontius, C. Stamm, F. Hieke, Martina Dell’Angela, S. de Jong, Roopali Kukreja, Natalia Gerasimova, V. Rybnikov, A. Al-Shemmary, H. Redlin, Jörg Raabe, Alexander Föhlisch, H. A. Dürr, W. Würth, D. Pescia, A. Vaterlaus, Yves Acremann
Surprisingly, if a ferromagnet is exposed to an ultrafast laser pulse, its apparent magnetization is reduced within less than a picosecond. Up to now, the total magnetization, i.e., the average spin polarization of the whole valence band, was not detectable on a sub-picosecond time scale. Here, we present experimental data, confirming the ultrafast reduction of the total magnetization. Soft x-ray pulses from the free electron laser in Hamburg (FLASH) extract polarized cascade photoelectrons from an iron layer excited by a femtosecond laser pulse. The spin polarization of the emitted electrons is detected by a Mott spin polarimeter.
Time-resolved magnetic domain imaging by x-ray photoemission electron microscopy
Tập 82 Số 14 - Trang 2299-2301 - 2003
J. Vogel, W. Kuch, M. Bonfim, Julio Camarero, Yan Pennec, F. Offi, Keiki Fukumoto, J. Kirschner, A. Fontaine, S. Pizzini
X-ray photoemission electron microscopy (X–PEEM) is a powerful imaging technique that can be used to perform element selective magnetic domain imaging on heterogeneous samples with different magnetic layers, like spin valves and tunnel junctions. We have performed nanosecond time-resolved X–PEEM measurements, on the permalloy layer of a Ni80Fe20 (5 nm)/Cu (10 nm)/Co (5 nm) trilayer deposited on Si(111). We used the pump-probe mode, synchronizing a magnetic pulse from a microcoil with the x-ray photon bunches delivered by the BESSY synchrotron in single bunch mode. Images could be acquired during and after the 20 ns long and 80 Oe high field pulses. The nucleation and subsequent growth of reversed domains in the permalloy could be observed, demonstrating the feasibility of element selective and time-resolved domain imaging using X–PEEM.