Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology




Cơ quản chủ quản:  ANNUAL REVIEWS , Annual Reviews Inc.

Lĩnh vực:
Developmental BiologyCell Biology

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The Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, in publication since 1985, covers the most significant developments in the field of cell and developmental biology, including structure, function, and organization of the cell, development and evolution of the cell as it relates to single and multicellular organisms, and models and tools of molecular biology.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Tập 12 Số 1 - Trang 543-573 - 1996
Kathleen M. Ruppel, James A. Spudich
▪ Abstract  Motor proteins perform a wide variety of functions in all eukaryotic cells. Recent advances in the structural and mutagenic analysis of the myosin motor has led to insights into how these motors transduce chemical energy into mechanical work. This review focuses on the analysis of the effects of myosin mutations from a variety of organisms on the in vivo and in vitro properties of this ubiquitous motor and illustrates the positions of these mutations on the high-resolution three-dimensional structure of the myosin motor domain.
Protein Sorting at the<i>trans</i>-Golgi Network
Tập 30 Số 1 - Trang 169-206 - 2014
Yusong Guo, Daniel W. Sirkis, Randy Schekman
The trans-Golgi network (TGN) is an important cargo sorting station within the cell where newly synthesized proteins are packaged into distinct transport carriers that are targeted to various destinations. To maintain the fidelity of protein transport, elaborate protein sorting machinery is employed to mediate sorting of specific cargo proteins into distinct transport carriers. Protein sorting requires assembly of the cytosolic sorting machinery onto the TGN membrane and capture of cargo proteins. We review the cytosolic and transmembrane sorting machinery that function at the TGN and describe molecular interactions and regulatory mechanisms that enable accurate protein sorting. In addition, we highlight the importance of TGN sorting in physiology and disease.
Cell Polarity Signaling in <i>Arabidopsis</i>
Tập 24 Số 1 - Trang 551-575 - 2008
Zhenbiao Yang
Cell polarization is intimately linked to plant development, growth, and responses to the environment. Major advances have been made in our understanding of the signaling pathways and networks that regulate cell polarity in plants owing to recent studies on several model systems, e.g., tip growth in pollen tubes, cell morphogenesis in the leaf epidermis, and polar localization of PINs. From these studies we have learned that plant cells use conserved mechanisms such as Rho family GTPases to integrate both plant-specific and conserved polarity cues and to coordinate the cytoskeketon dynamics/reorganization and vesicular trafficking required for polarity establishment and maintenance. This review focuses upon signaling mechanisms for cell polarity formation in Arabidopsis, with an emphasis on Rho GTPase signaling in polarized cell growth and how these mechanisms compare with those for cell polarity signaling in yeast and animal systems.
Polar Targeting and Endocytic Recycling in Auxin-Dependent Plant Development
Tập 24 Số 1 - Trang 447-473 - 2008
Jürgen Kleine‐Vehn, Jiřı́ Friml
Plant development is characterized by a profound phenotypic plasticity that often involves redefining of the developmental fate and polarity of cells within differentiated tissues. The plant hormone auxin and its directional intercellular transport play a major role in these processes because they provide positional information and link cell polarity with tissue patterning. This plant-specific mechanism of transport-dependent auxin gradients depends on subcellular dynamics of auxin transport components, in particular on endocytic recycling and polar targeting. Recent insights into these cellular processes in plants have revealed important parallels to yeast and animal systems, including clathrin-dependent endocytosis, retromer function, and transcytosis, but have also emphasized unique features of plant cells such as diversity of polar targeting pathways; integration of environmental signals into subcellular trafficking; and the link between endocytosis, cell polarity, and cell fate specification. We review these advances and focus on the translation of the subcellular dynamics to the regulation of whole-plant development.
ABC Transporters: From Mircoorganisms to Man
Tập 8 Số 1 - Trang 67-113 - 1992
Christopher F. Higgins
Tập 13 Số 1 - Trang 513-609 - 1997
Sheila Μ. Thomas, Joan S. Brugge
▪ Abstract  Src family protein tyrosine kinases are activated following engagement of many different classes of cellular receptors and participate in signaling pathways that control a diverse spectrum of receptor-induced biological activities. While several of these kinases have evolved to play distinct roles in specific receptor pathways, there is considerable redundancy in the functions of these kinases, both with respect to the receptor pathways that activate these kinases and the downstream effectors that mediate their biological activities. This chapter reviews the evidence implicating Src family kinases in specific receptor pathways and describes the mechanisms leading to their activation, the targets that interact with these kinases, and the biological events that they regulate.
Nodal Signaling in Vertebrate Development
Tập 19 Số 1 - Trang 589-621 - 2003
Alexander F. Schier
▪ Abstract  TGFß signals belonging to the Nodal family set up the embryonic axes, induce mesoderm and endoderm, pattern the nervous system, and determine left-right asymmetry in vertebrates. Nodal signaling activates a canonical TGFß pathway involving activin receptors, Smad2 transcription factors, and FoxH1 coactivators. In addition, Nodal signaling is dependent on coreceptors of the EGF-CFC family and antagonized by the Lefty and Cerberus families of secreted factors. Additional modulators of Nodal signaling include convertases that regulate the generation of the mature signal, and factors such as Arkadia and DRAP1 that regulate the cellular responses to the signal. Complex regulatory cascades and autoregulatory loops coordinate Nodal signaling during early development. Nodals have concentration-dependent roles and can act both locally and at a distance. These studies demonstrate that Nodal signaling is modulated at almost every level to precisely orchestrate tissue patterning during vertebrate embryogenesis.
Molecular Regulation of Adipogenesis
Tập 16 Số 1 - Trang 145-171 - 2000
Evan D. Rosen, Bruce M. Spiegelman
▪ Abstract  Adipogenesis, or the development of fat cells from preadipocytes, has been one of the most intensely studied models of cellular differentiation. In part this has been because of the availability of in vitro models that faithfully recapitulate most of the critical aspects of fat cell formation in vivo. More recently, studies of adipogenesis have proceeded with the hope that manipulation of this process in humans might one day lead to a reduction in the burden of obesity and diabetes. This review explores some of the highlights of a large and burgeoning literature devoted to understanding adipogenesis at the molecular level. The hormonal and transcriptional control of adipogenesis is reviewed, as well as studies on a less well known type of fat cell, the brown adipocyte. Emphasis is placed, where possible, on in vivo studies with the hope that the results discussed may one day shed light on basic questions of cellular growth and differentiation in addition to possible benefits in human health.
CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASES: Engines, Clocks, and Microprocessors
Tập 13 Số 1 - Trang 261-291 - 1997
David O. Morgan
▪ Abstract  Cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) play a well-established role in the regulation of the eukaryotic cell division cycle and have also been implicated in the control of gene transcription and other processes. Cdk activity is governed by a complex network of regulatory subunits and phosphorylation events whose precise effects on Cdk conformation have been revealed by recent crystallographic studies. In the cell, these regulatory mechanisms generate an interlinked series of Cdk oscillators that trigger the events of cell division.
Tập 12 Số 1 - Trang 463-519 - 1996
Keith Burridge, Magdalena Chrzanowska‐Wodnicka
▪ Abstract  Focal adhesions are sites of tight adhesion to the underlying extracellular matrix developed by cells in culture. They provide a structural link between the actin cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix and are regions of signal transduction that relate to growth control. The assembly of focal adhesions is regulated by the GTP-binding protein Rho. Rho stimulates contractility which, in cells that are tightly adherent to the substrate, generates isometric tension. In turn, this leads to the bundling of actin filaments and the aggregation of integrins (extracellular matrix receptors) in the plane of the membrane. The aggregation of integrins activates the focal adhesion kinase and leads to the assembly of a multicomponent signaling complex.