Annals of Intensive Care

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Outcome of acute kidney injury: how to make a difference?
Annals of Intensive Care - Tập 11 - Trang 1-11 - 2021
Matthieu Jamme, Matthieu Legrand, Guillaume Geri
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the most frequent organ failure encountered among intensive care unit patients. In addition to the well-known immediate complications (hydroelectrolytic disorders, hypervolemia, drug overdose), the occurrence of long-term complications and/or chronic comorbidities related to AKI has long been underestimated. The aim of this manuscript is to briefly review the short- and long-term consequences of AKI and discuss strategies likely to improve outcome of AKI. We reviewed the literature, focusing on the consequences of AKI in all its aspects and the management of AKI. We addressed the importance of clinical management for improving outcomes AKI. Finally, we have also proposed candidate future strategies and management perspectives. AKI must be considered as a systemic disease. Due to its short- and long-term impact, measures to prevent AKI and limit the consequences of AKI are expected to improve global outcomes of patients suffering from critical illnesses.
Predictive analytics: beyond the buzz
Annals of Intensive Care - Tập 9 - Trang 1-3 - 2019
Frederic Michard, Jean Louis Teboul
Systematic review and literature appraisal on methodology of conducting and reporting critical-care echocardiography studies: a report from the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine PRICES expert panel
Annals of Intensive Care - Tập 10 - Trang 1-13 - 2020
S. Huang, F. Sanfilippo, A. Herpain, M. Balik, M. Chew, F. Clau-Terré, C. Corredor, D. De Backer, N. Fletcher, G. Geri, A. Mekontso-Dessap, A. McLean, A. Morelli, S. Orde, T. Petrinic, M. Slama, I. C. C. van der Horst, P. Vignon, P. Mayo, A. Vieillard-Baron
The echocardiography working group of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine recognized the need to provide structured guidance for future CCE research methodology and reporting based on a systematic appraisal of the current literature. Here is reported this systematic appraisal. We conducted a systematic review, registered on the Prospero database. A total of 43 items of common interest to all echocardiography studies were initially listed by the experts, and other “topic-specific” items were separated into five main categories of interest (left ventricular systolic function, LVSF n = 15, right ventricular function, RVF n = 18, left ventricular diastolic function, LVDF n = 15, fluid management, FM n = 7, and advanced echocardiography techniques, AET n = 17). We evaluated the percentage of items reported per study and the fraction of studies reporting a single item. From January 2000 till December 2017 a total of 209 articles were included after systematic search and screening, 97 for LVSF, 48 for RVF, 51 for LVDF, 36 for FM and 24 for AET. Shock and ARDS were relatively common among LVSF articles (both around 15%) while ARDS comprised 25% of RVF articles. Transthoracic echocardiography was the main echocardiography mode, in 87% of the articles for AET topic, followed by 81% for FM, 78% for LVDF, 70% for LVSF and 63% for RVF. The percentage of items per study as well as the fraction of study reporting an item was low or very low, except for FM. As an illustration, the left ventricular size was only reported by 56% of studies in the LVSF topic, and half studies assessing RVF reported data on pulmonary artery systolic pressure. This analysis confirmed sub-optimal reporting of several items listed by an expert panel. The analysis will help the experts in the development of guidelines for CCE study design and reporting.
Prognostic performance of endothelial biomarkers to early predict clinical deterioration of patients with suspected bacterial infection and sepsis admitted to the emergency department
Annals of Intensive Care - Tập 10 - Trang 1-12 - 2020
Thomas Lafon, Marie-Angélique Cazalis, Christine Vallejo, Karim Tazarourte, Sophie Blein, Alexandre Pachot, Pierre-François Laterre, Said Laribi, Bruno François
The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of endothelial biomarkers to early predict clinical deterioration of patients admitted to the emergency department (ED) with a suspected sepsis. This was a prospective, multicentre, international study conducted in EDs. Adult patients with suspected acute bacterial infection and sepsis were enrolled but only those with confirmed infection were analysed. The kinetics of biomarkers and organ dysfunction were collected at T0, T6 and T24 hours after ED admission to assess prognostic performances of sVEGFR2, suPAR and procalcitonin (PCT). The primary outcome was the deterioration within 72 h and was defined as a composite of relevant outcomes such as death, intensive care unit admission and/or SOFA score increase validated by an independent adjudication committee. After adjudication of 602 patients, 462 were analysed including 124 who deteriorated (27%). On admission, those who deteriorated were significantly older (73 [60–82] vs 63 [45–78] y-o, p < 0.001) and presented significantly higher SOFA scores (2.15 ± 1.61 vs 1.56 ± 1.40, p = 0.003). At T0, sVEGFR2 (5794 [5026–6788] vs 6681 [5516–8059], p < 0.0001), suPAR (6.04 [4.42–8.85] vs 4.68 [3.50–6.43], p < 0.0001) and PCT (7.8 ± 25.0 vs 5.4 ± 17.9 ng/mL, p = 0.001) were associated with clinical deterioration. In multivariate analysis, low sVEGFR2 expression and high suPAR and PCT levels were significantly associated with early deterioration, independently of confounding parameters (sVEGFR2, OR = 1.53 [1.07–2.23], p < 0.001; suPAR, OR = 1.57 [1.21–2.07], p = 0.003; PCT, OR = 1.10 [1.04–1.17], p = 0.0019). Combination of sVEGFR2 and suPAR had the best prognostic performance (AUC = 0.7 [0.65–0.75]) compared to clinical or biological variables. sVEGFR2, either alone or combined with suPAR, seems of interest to predict deterioration of patients with suspected bacterial acute infection upon ED admission and could help front-line physicians in the triage process.
Monocyte human leukocyte antigen-DR but not β-d-glucan may help early diagnosing invasive Candida infection in critically ill patients
Annals of Intensive Care - Tập 11 - Trang 1-11 - 2021
Boris Jung, Clément Le Bihan, Pierre Portales, Nathalie Bourgeois, Thierry Vincent, Laurence Lachaud, Gerald Chanques, Matthieu Conseil, Philippe Corne, Pablo Massanet, Jean François Timsit, Samir Jaber
Precision medicine risk stratification is desperately needed to both avoid systemic antifungals treatment delay and over prescription in the critically ill with risk factors. The aim of the present study was to explore the combination of host immunoparalysis biomarker (monocyte human leukocyte antigen-DR expression (mHLA-DR)) and Candida sp wall biomarker β-d-glucan in risk stratifying patients for secondary invasive Candida infection (IC). Prospective observational study. Two intensive care units (ICU). All consecutive non-immunocompromised septic shock patients. Serial blood samples (n = 286) were collected at day 0, 2 and 7 and mHLA-DR and β-d-glucan were then retrospectively assayed after discharge. Secondary invasive Candida sp infection occurrence was then followed at clinicians’ discretion. Fifty patients were included, 42 (84%) had a Candida score equal or greater than 3 and 10 patients developed a secondary invasive Candida sp infection. ICU admission mHLA-DR expression and β-d-glucan (BDG) failed to predict secondary invasive Candida sp infection. Time-dependent cause-specific hazard ratio of IC was 6.56 [1.24–34.61] for mHLA-DR < 5000 Ab/c and 5.25 [0.47–58.9] for BDG > 350 pg/mL. Predictive negative value of mHLA-DR > 5000 Ab/c and BDG > 350 pg/mL combination at day 7 was 81% [95% CI 70–92]. This study suggests that mHLA-DR may help predicting IC in high-risk patients with septic shock. The added value of BDG and other fungal tests should be regarded according to the host immune function markers.
Ketoacidosis in type 1 diabetics: we should return to pediatric guidelines
Annals of Intensive Care - Tập 10 - Trang 1-2 - 2020
Sébastien Redant, David De Bels, Jacques Massaut, Jacques Devriendt, Xavier Beretta-Piccoli, Rachid Attou, Patrick M. Honore
Áp lực đường thở trung bình tối ưu trong thông khí dao động tần số cao ở mô hình thực nghiệm của hội chứng suy hô hấp cấp tính: Phương pháp dựa trên điện trở sinh học (EIT) Dịch bởi AI
Annals of Intensive Care - - 2020
Songqiao Liu, Zhanqi Zhao, Li Tan, Lihui Wang, Knut Möller, Inéz Frerichs, Tao Yu, Yingzi Huang, Chun Pan, Yi Yang, Haibo Qiu
Tóm tắt Nền tảng

Thông khí dao động tần số cao (HFOV) có thể lý thuyết cung cấp thông khí bảo vệ phổi. Kết quả lâm sàng không thuận lợi có thể do các thiết lập áp lực đường thở trung bình (mPaw) không đủ trong HFOV. Mục tiêu của chúng tôi là đánh giá phân phối không khí, tác động thông khí và huyết động của việc điều chỉnh mPaw cá nhân trong HFOV ở động vật ARDS dựa vào độ bão hòa oxy và điện trở sinh học (EIT).

Phương pháp

ARDS được gây ra với việc rửa phế quản phế nang lặp lại, tiếp theo là thông khí cơ học gây tổn thương ở mười con lợn đực khỏe mạnh (51.2 ± 1.9 kg). Các thiết lập của HFOV là 9 Hz (tần số hô hấp), 33% (thời gian hít vào) và 70 cmH2O (chênh lệch áp suất). Sau khi thu hồi phổi, mPaw được giảm dần từng bước 3 cmH2O mỗi 6 phút. Các chỉ số huyết động và khí trong máu được thu thập ở mỗi bước. Phân phối thông khí khu vực được xác định bằng EIT.

Kết quả

PaO2/FiO2 giảm đáng kể trong giai đoạn giảm mPaw (p < 0.001). Các vùng phổi quá giãn giảm, trong khi các vùng có thể tái thu hồi tăng lên khi mPaw giảm. Giá trị mPaw tối ưu liên quan đến PaO2/FiO2 là 21 (18.0–21.0) cmH2O, tương đương với trung tâm thông khí dựa trên EIT (EIT-CoV) và sự sụp đổ/quá giãn trong EIT, lần lượt là 19.5 (15.0–21.0) và 19.5 (18.0–21.8) (p = 0.07). EIT-CoV giảm theo sự giảm của mPaw cho thấy sự phân bổ lại về các vùng không phụ thuộc. Việc điều chỉnh mPaw cá nhân bằng các chỉ số dựa trên EIT cải thiện phân phối thông khí khu vực liên quan đến tình trạng quá giãn và sụp đổ (p = 0.035).

Kết luận

Dữ liệu của chúng tôi cho thấy rằng việc điều chỉnh mPaw cá nhân hóa bằng các chỉ số dựa trên EIT cải thiện phân phối thông khí khu vực và tính đồng nhất của phổi trong quá trình thông khí dao động tần số cao.

Clinical review: peripheral muscular ultrasound in the ICU
Annals of Intensive Care - Tập 9 - Trang 1-13 - 2019
Paolo Formenti, Michele Umbrello, Silvia Coppola, Sara Froio, Davide Chiumello
Muscular weakness developing from critical illness neuropathy, myopathy and muscle atrophy has been characterized as intensive care unit-acquired weakness (ICUAW). This entity occurs commonly during and after critical care stay. Various causal factors for functional incapacity have been proposed. Among these, individual patient characteristics (such as age, comorbidities and nutritional status), acting in association with sustained bed rest and pharmacological interventions (included the metabolic support approach), seem influential in reducing muscular mass. Long-term outcomes in heterogeneous ICUAW populations include transient disability in 30% of patients and persistent disabilities that may occur even in patients with nearly complete functional recovery. Currently available tools for the assessment of skeletal muscle mass are imprecise and difficult to perform in the ICU setting. A valid alternative to these imaging modalities is muscular ultrasonography, which allows visualization and classification of muscle characteristics by cross-sectional area, muscle layer thickness, echointensity by grayscale and the pennation angle). The aim of this narrative review is to describe the current literature addressing muscular ultrasound for the detection of muscle weakness and its potential impact on treatment and prognosis of critically ill patients when combined with biomarkers of muscle catabolism/anabolism and bioenergetic state. In addition, we suggest a practical flowchart for establishing an early diagnosis.
Peripheral tissue hypoperfusion predicts post intubation hemodynamic instability
Annals of Intensive Care - Tập 12 - Trang 1-8 - 2022
Vincent Dubée, Geoffroy Hariri, Jérémie Joffre, Julien Hagry, Lisa Raia, Vincent Bonny, Paul Gabarre, Sebastien Ehrminger, Naike Bigé, Jean-Luc Baudel, Bertrand Guidet, Eric Maury, Guillaume Dumas, Hafid Ait-Oufella
Tracheal intubation and invasive mechanical ventilation initiation is a procedure at high risk for arterial hypotension in intensive care unit. However, little is known about the relationship between pre-existing peripheral microvascular alteration and post-intubation hemodynamic instability (PIHI). Prospective observational monocenter study conducted in an 18-bed medical ICU. Consecutive patients requiring tracheal intubation were eligible for the study. Global hemodynamic parameters (blood pressure, heart rate, cardiac function) and tissue perfusion parameters (arterial lactate, mottling score, capillary refill time [CRT], toe-to-room gradient temperature) were recorded before, 5 min and 2 h after tracheal intubation (TI). Post intubation hemodynamic instability (PIHI) was defined as any hemodynamic event requiring therapeutic intervention. During 1 year, 120 patients were included, mainly male (59%) with a median age of 68 [57–77]. The median SOFA score and SAPS II were 6 [4–9] and 47 [37–63], respectively. The main indications for tracheal intubation were hypoxemia (51%), hypercapnia (13%), and coma (29%). In addition, 48% of patients had sepsis and 16% septic shock. Fifty-one (42%) patients develop PIHI. Univariate analysis identified several baseline factors associated with PIHI, including norepinephrine prior to TI, sepsis, tachycardia, fever, higher SOFA and high SAPSII score, mottling score ≥ 3, high lactate level and prolonged knee CRT. By contrast, mean arterial pressure, baseline cardiac index, and ejection fraction were not different between PIHI and No-PIHI groups. After adjustment on potential confounders, the mottling score was associated with a higher risk for PIHI (adjusted OR: 1.84 [1.21–2.82] per 1 point increased; p = 0.005). Among both global haemodynamics and tissue perfusion parameters, baseline mottling score was the best predictor of PIHI (AUC: 0.72 (CI 95% [0.62–0.81]). In non-selected critically ill patients requiring invasive mechanical ventilation, tissue hypoperfusion parameters, especially the mottling score, could be helpful to predict PIHI.
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