Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica




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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Plasma and Blood Volume in the Calf from Birth Till 90 Days of Age
Tập 16 - Trang 178-185 - 1975
Lars Möllerberg, Lars Ekman, Sten-Olof Jacobsson
Determinations of plasma volume were made of 9 clinically healthy Swedish Red and White calves from birth to 90 days of age by means of the isotop dilution technique. Commercially available 131I labelled human serum albumin was used. Calculation of the total blood volume was based on the plasma volume and packed cell volume. The plasma and blood volumes increased per kg body weight in average 17 and 14% respectively from directly after birth to 24 hrs. old. From 1 to 90 days of age the plasma and blood volume fell steadily per kg body weight. Plasma volume expressed as a percentage of body weight was 5.3% at birth, 6.5% at 1 day old, and 4.9% at 90 days old. Corresponding values for blood volume were 8.4, 9.3 and 7.0%.
Assay for Antibody in Pig Fetuses Infected with Porcine Parvovirus
Tập 21 - Trang 312-317 - 1980
K. J. Sørensen, J. Askaa, K. Dalsgaard
Fetal fluids from field cases of fetal death were assayed for antibody to porcine parvovirus (PPV) using 3 different techniques. An indirect immunofluorescent antibody test, a counter immunoelectrophoresis test and a hemagglutination inhibition test were compared. The indirect immunofluorescent antibody test was found to be the most sensitive of the tests employed. The hemagglutination inhibition test apparently suffered from the occurrence of false positive results.
Neuromas at the castration site in geldings
Tập 61 - Trang 1-9 - 2019
Emma Angelina Bengtsdotter, Stina Ekman, Pia Haubro Andersen
Inguinal pain, unexplained hind limb lameness, back pain or behavioural problems in geldings could be attributable to painful neuromas that develop as a consequence of crushing and severing the testicular nerves during castration. The presence of neuroma in this anatomical location has never been reported, hence the knowledge of possible clinical relevance is limited. The aim of this study was to histologically investigate the testicular nerves at the castration site in geldings for the presence of neuromas. Proximal spermatic cord remnants were collected from 20 geldings admitted to routine post mortem examination for various reasons. The time of castration was unknown, but it had not been performed during the last year. Spermatic cord specimens were immersed in 10% formalin, trimmed, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, sectioned and stained with haematoxylin and eosin (HE) for light microscopy. Identification of nerve tissue was done by immuno-localization of nerve specific enolase (NSE). Neuromas were found in 21 spermatic cords from 13 geldings and were bilateral in eight of the horses. The neuromas consisted of areas with small groups of non-neoplastic proliferations of peripheral neural tissue. The tissue included neurofilaments and Schwann cells, intermingled or surrounded with, epineural, perineural and endoneural fibrous tissue. The neural tissue immunostained positive with NSE. This study showed neuromas of the remnant testicular nerves at the site of castration. Further studies are required to establish if these neuromas in the castration site are painful and if certain castration methods promote their formation. Future studies should also investigate the clinical consequence of these neuromas for the individual horse.
Listeriosis in Sheep
Tập 20 - Trang 417-428 - 1979
Hallstein Grønstøl
The excretion of Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) in the faeces and milk, and humoral immunity against Lm, were examined in a sheep flock with outbreaks of listeric encephalitis and in a flock with outbreaks of listeric abortion. The encephalitis flock consisted of 86 ewes and 20 hoggs, the abortion flock of 45 ewes and 3 hoggs, all of them pregnant. Faecal excretion rate in the encephalitis flock varied from about 25 % in the first part of the indoor season to nearly zero 1 month later, to about 30 % 1 month before lambing and about 15 % at lambing. About 15 % of the animals also excreted Lm in the milk. Lm 4 was the dominating serotype. In the abortion flock about 2/3 of the animals excreted Lm in the faeces and 1/3 in the milk at lambing. All the isolates belonged to serotype 1, which also was isolated from grass silage and strawbedding samples. In the encephalitis flock ewes with ≥ 3 foetuses had a higher excretion rate than the remainder, while no such differences were found in the abortion flock. Antibody titres against Lm in sera and whey in the encephalitis flock were of the same order as in the healthy flock described in an earlier publication (Grønstøl 1979), except that the highest titres were found in the hoggs. Serum titres from the abortion flock after lambing were significantly higher than in the encephalitis flock, while whey titres were of the same order. Treatment with 2-mercapto-ethanol reduced the titres substantially in sera from the abortion flock, indicating that the antibodies belonged to the IgM-fraction, while only a slight reduction was seen after similar treatment of the whey.
Effect of Two Virus Inactivation Methods: Electron Beam Irradiation and Binary Ethylenimine Treatment on Determination of Reproductive Hormones in Equine Plasma
Tập 38 - Trang 225-233 - 1997
N. Chr. Kyvsgaard, R. Høier, I. Brück, P. Nansen
Ionizing irradiation and binary ethylenimine treatment have previously been shown to be effective for in-vitro inactivation of virus in biological material. In the present study the 2 methods were tested for possible effects on measurable concentrations of reproductive hormones in equine plasma (luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), progesterone (P4), and oestradiol-17β (E2)). The inactivation methods were electron beam irradiation with a dose from 11 to 44 kGy or treatment with binary ethylenimine (BEI) in concentrations of 1 and 5 mmol/L. Generally, there was a close correlation (r>0.8, p<0.00l) between pre- and post-treatment hormone levels. Thus, the different phases of the oestrous cycle could be distinguished on the basis of measured hormone concentrations of treated samples. However, both treatments significantly changed hormone concentrations of the plasma samples. For LH, FSH, and E2 the effect of irradiation and BEI treatment was depressive and dose-dependant. For P4 the effect of irradiation was also depressive and dose-dependant. However, the highest dose of BEI resulted in an increase of measured P4 concentration, which may be attributed to changes in the plasma matrix due to the treatment. Although the treatments affected measured hormone concentrations, the close correlation between pre-treatment and post-treatment measurements means that the diagnostic value will remain unchanged.
Heavy Metals in Tissues of the Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor)
Tập 20 - Trang 447-465 - 1979
Adrian Frank, Karl Borg
During the period 1973–1977, a number of mute swans (Cygnus olor) were submitted to the National Veterinary Institute in Stockholm and examined post mortem. Organ tissues from 58 swans were chemically analysed for concentrations of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, iron and manganese. In 10 swans (17 %), elevated residues of lead were found indicating intoxication. Cadmium concentrations were significantly higher in adult than in juvenile swans; also in swans from the Swedish east coast compared with specimens from the west coast. Remarkably high copper concentrations were often found, with one exception yet without any signs of intoxication. High zinc and cadmium concentrations were often found in the same swans. The findings of iron and manganese were not remarkable.
Exploring the Cost-Benefit of Vaccines for Infectious Diseases in Slaughter Pig Production
Tập 44 - Trang 1-1 - 2003
Nils Toft, Anders R Kristensen, Erik Jørgensen
Histochemical Distribution of Enzymes in the Small Intestine of Young Milk-Fed Calves
Tập 21 - Trang 402-414 - 1980
Thor Landsverk
The histochemical distribution of selected enzymes were examined in the small intestine of 5 about 3-week-old normal calves fed on whole cow’s milk. Alkaline phosphatase and β-D-galactosidase (= lactase) in the epithelial brush border, and non-specific esterase in the cytoplasm showed a strong reaction in the villi of the anterior small intestine and a marked decrease in the posterior regions. Aminopeptidase in the brush border of the villi showed a reverse distribution, with the strongest reaction in the posterior small intestine. Adenosine-triphosphate-splitting enzyme in the epithelial brush border, acid phosphatase and succinate dehydrogenase in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells gave a relatively uniform reaction in the villi throughout the small intestine. A fluoride-resistant acid phosphatase was demonstrated in the brush border of the villi in the anterior small intestine. The distribution of enzymes demonstrated in this study was generally compatible with the known absorptive functions of the various parts of the small intestine.
The Sequence of Events in the Development of Bilateral Renal Cortical Necrosis Accompanying the Generalized Shwartzman Reaction
Tập 18 - Trang 522-531 - 1977
Knut Nordstoga
The generalized Shwartzman reaction, or Shwartzman-like conditions, were induced in a variety of experimental mammalian species by systemic injections of disintegrated cells of Gram negative bacteria, live Salmonella cholerae-suis or Liquoid. A comparative study of the renal lesions showed that the initial step in the development of bilateral cortical necrosis is stagnation and disintegration of red cells in glomerular capillaries. The glomerular “microthrombi” consist mainly of erythrocytic debris, which frequently has staining properties akin to those of fibrin; even wide-spread glomerular “thrombosis” is not accompanied by obvious destruction of renal parenchyma. A second step is necrotic mural lesions in afferent arteries, with ensuing thrombosis. These vascular lesions lead to the formation of individual infarcts which fuse to form total bilateral cortical necrosis in fulminant cases of the generalized Shwartzman reaction.
CPRMethicillin resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from South Korean ducks exhibiting tremor
Tập 55 - Trang 1-6 - 2013
Jee Eun Han, Sun Young Hwang, Ji Hyung Kim, Sang Phil Shin, Jin Woo Jun, Ji Young Chai, Yong Ho Park, Se Chang Park
We describe coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) isolates collected from ducklings exhibiting tremor in South Korea over the period of 2010 to 2011. Screening of antimicrobial susceptibility and analysis of SCCmec elements of CoNS were also investigated. Staphylococcus cohnii was the most frequent staphylococcus (9 isolates) and S. sciuri (4 isolates), S. lentus (3 isolate), S. simulans (1 isolate) and S. epidermidis (1 isolate) were also detected. Among the 15 antimicrobials tested in this study, resistance against oxacillin (15 isolates, 83.3%) was most frequently observed, but only one isolate (SNUDS-1) possessed mecA. This isolate was shown to possess SCCmec type III; the type 3 ccr complex and the class A mec complex. Based on these results, isolate SNUDS-1 was shown to possess SCCmec type III; the type 3 ccr complex and the class A mec complex. Although the SCCmec type III is not predominant in human, MR-CoNS (Methicillin resistance Coagulase-negative staphylococci) in food animals should be monitored to prevent the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance genes and resistant pathogens to the community.