AV communication review

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Information retrieval systems and education
AV communication review - Tập 11 - Trang 29-44 - 1963
Effect of film-mediated intensive instruction on basic problem-solving skills of ninth graders
AV communication review - Tập 26 - Trang 207-214 - 1978
Emmett L. Wright
How can junior high students sharpen thetr problem-solving skills? Can they be taught to observe accurately, analyze variables, and then generate a hypothesis? A number of approaches to this problem have been tried experimentally. In this study, ninth graders in two experimental groups watched a filmloop from Suchman’s Inquiry Development Program repeatedly until they could name 75 details or generate 5 hypotheses. The control and experimental groups then watched three more filmloops and were tested on both number and quality of details named, questions asked, and hypotheses generated. The assessment was repeated more than a year later with different filmloops. The results suggest that instruction in cue attendance, and perhaps hypotheses generation, would benefit junior high school students, not only immediately, but also in the long run.
An evaluation of interactive tabletops in elementary mathematics education
AV communication review - Tập 61 - Trang 311-332 - 2013
Alexander T. Jackson, Bradley J. Brummel, Cody L. Pollet, David D. Greer
This research examined the effect that a relatively new Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) device, specifically an interactive tabletop, has on elementary students’ attitudes toward collaborative technologies, mathematical achievement, and the gender gap in mathematics. Prior research has shown many positive effects of CSCL technologies on mathematics education, such as increased math performance and an increased interest in math. Further, previous research has shown inconsistent results regarding gender differences in mathematics and has not examined the effect that CSCL technology has on the gender gap. Therefore, the effects of interactive tabletops on math performance, attitudes, and gender differences were examined. This study was conducted using a sample of 53 elementary students. The technology was brought to the classroom twice each week for an entire academic semester. To obtain a more accurate understanding of the influence of the CSCL technology, both self-report data and performance data were collected. Specifically, changes in students’ attitudes and reactions and changes in cognitive learning were measured. The results show that students learn and react favorably towards interactive tabletops. Implications for future research are discussed.
Dosuperior teachers employ systematic instructional planning procedures? A descriptive study
AV communication review - Tập 46 - Trang 65-78 - 1998
Andrea C. Young, Robert A. Reiser, Walter Dick
The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which a group of superior elementary and secondary school teachers employed systematic instructional planning practices. The research method employed was a multicase design in which nine teachers (five secondary and four elementary) from a single school district were studied. Qualitative data in the form of written surveys and face-to-face interviews were collected and analyzed. Results revealed that most of the teachers' planning activities centered around six types of decisions. When the teachers' planning activities were compared with a systematic approach to instructional planning, the two approaches were found to be different in several important ways: the teachers did not place much emphasis on specifying objectives, creating objectives-based tests, or making other instructional decisions in light of objectives. Implications for teaching preservice teachers about systematic planning are discussed.
AV communication review - Tập 13 - Trang 140-158 - 1965
Warren F. Seibert, Richard E. Snow
Cartoon embellishments in informative presentations
AV communication review - Tập 28 - Trang 39-46 - 1980
Edward H. Sewell, Roy L. Moore
What effect does the inclusion of cartoon embellishments have on printed and audiovisual presentations? College students read, listened to, or viewed a presentation about the library. Some presentations included cartoons. The results suggest that if comprehension is the only goal, the printed text without cartoons is just as effective as cartoons or audiovisual presentations. If enjoyment is a factor, cartoons or audiovisual presentations should be considered.
Influence of emotions on digital learning
AV communication review - Tập 69 - Trang 55-57 - 2021
Kausalai (Kay) Wijekumar
Emotions have been theoretically and empirically linked to engagement and learning outcomes in many domains and settings. A recent quasi-experimental study measured medical students’ emotions after completing four diagnostic tasks in a computer based learning environment (Jarrell et al., Educ Technol Res Dev 65:1263–1284, 2017). Cluster Analysis showed three distinct groups and students in the positive emotion cluster performed well on their diagnostic tasks and negative emotions were linked to poor performance. Three perspectives about the results are presented in this Special Issue: K-12 teacher and administrator, student, and practical and policy. All perspectives focus on the need for additional research in the area of emotions and digital learning. Recommendations for future research are presented with a need for causal studies that meet the What Works Clearinghouse Guidelines.
Programed instruction and AV personnel in the future
AV communication review - Tập 10 - Trang 238-249 - 1962
Desmond L. Cook
Towards innovation in complex problem solving research: an introduction to the special issue
AV communication review - Tập 61 - Trang 359-363 - 2013
Deniz Eseryel, Dirk Ifenthaler, Xun Ge
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