AIP Advances

SCOPUS (2011-2023)SCIE-ISI




Cơ quản chủ quản:  AIP PUBLISHING , American Institute of Physics

Lĩnh vực:
Nanoscience and NanotechnologyPhysics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

The design and verification of MuMax3
Tập 4 Số 10 - 2014
Arne Vansteenkiste, Jonathan Leliaert, Mykola Dvornik, M. Helsen, Felipe García‐Sánchez, Bartel Van Waeyenberge

We report on the design, verification and performance of MuMax3, an open-source GPU-accelerated micromagnetic simulation program. This software solves the time- and space dependent magnetization evolution in nano- to micro scale magnets using a finite-difference discretization. Its high performance and low memory requirements allow for large-scale simulations to be performed in limited time and on inexpensive hardware. We verified each part of the software by comparing results to analytical values where available and to micromagnetic standard problems. MuMax3 also offers specific extensions like MFM image generation, moving simulation window, edge charge removal and material grains.

A Raman spectroscopic investigation of graphite oxide derived graphene
Tập 2 Số 3 - 2012
Adarsh Kaniyoor, S. Ramaprabhu

Graphene sheets that are now routinely obtained by the exfoliation/reduction of graphite oxide exhibit Raman spectra unlike traditional graphene systems. The general attributes of the Raman spectra of these ‘wrinkled graphene’ are first reaffirmed by evaluating the spectra of samples prepared by seven different exfoliation-reduction methods. These graphene sheets exhibit highly broadened D and G Raman bands and in addition, have a modulated bump in place of the conventional 2D (G′) band. It is shown that the high wavenumber ‘bump’ can be resolved into the conventional 2D band and several defect activated peaks such as G*, D+D′ and 2D′. The broad G band could also be deconvoluted into the actual G band and the D′ band, thereby attributing the broadening in the G band to the presence of this defect activated band. Two additional modes, named as D* at 1190 cm-1 and D** at ∼1500 cm-1 could be identified. These peculiar features in the Raman spectrum of ‘graphene’ are attributed to the highly disordered and wrinkled (defective) morphology of the sheets. The affect of defects are further augmented due to the finite crystallite size of these graphene sheets. The dispersion in the band positions and peak intensities with respect to the laser energy are also demonstrated.

Exact solutions for the static bending of Euler-Bernoulli beams using Eringen’s two-phase local/nonlocal model
Tập 6 Số 8 - 2016
Y. B. Wang, Xi Zhu, Hui–Hui Dai

Though widely used in modelling nano- and micro- structures, Eringen’s differential model shows some inconsistencies and recent study has demonstrated its differences between the integral model, which then implies the necessity of using the latter model. In this paper, an analytical study is taken to analyze static bending of nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli beams using Eringen’s two-phase local/nonlocal model. Firstly, a reduction method is proved rigorously, with which the integral equation in consideration can be reduced to a differential equation with mixed boundary value conditions. Then, the static bending problem is formulated and four types of boundary conditions with various loadings are considered. By solving the corresponding differential equations, exact solutions are obtained explicitly in all of the cases, especially for the paradoxical cantilever beam problem. Finally, asymptotic analysis of the exact solutions reveals clearly that, unlike the differential model, the integral model adopted herein has a consistent softening effect. Comparisons are also made with existing analytical and numerical results, which further shows the advantages of the analytical results obtained. Additionally, it seems that the once controversial nonlocal bar problem in the literature is well resolved by the reduction method.

Darcy-Forchheimer flow of Maxwell nanofluid flow with nonlinear thermal radiation and activation energy
Tập 8 Số 3 - 2018
Tanveer Sajid, Muhammad Sagheer, Shafqat Hussain, Muhammad Bilal

The present article is about the study of Darcy-Forchheimer flow of Maxwell nanofluid over a linear stretching surface. Effects like variable thermal conductivity, activation energy, nonlinear thermal radiation is also incorporated for the analysis of heat and mass transfer. The governing nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) with convective boundary conditions are first converted into the nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with the help of similarity transformation, and then the resulting nonlinear ODEs are solved with the help of shooting method and MATLAB built-in bvp4c solver. The impact of different physical parameters like Brownian motion, thermophoresis parameter, Reynolds number, magnetic parameter, nonlinear radiative heat flux, Prandtl number, Lewis number, reaction rate constant, activation energy and Biot number on Nusselt number, velocity, temperature and concentration profile has been discussed. It is viewed that both thermophoresis parameter and activation energy parameter has ascending effect on the concentration profile.

Characterisation and optimisation of PECVD SiNx as an antireflection coating and passivation layer for silicon solar cells
Tập 3 Số 3 - 2013
Yimao Wan, Keith R. McIntosh, Andrew Thomson

In this work, we investigate how the film properties of silicon nitride (SiNx) depend on its deposition conditions when formed by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD). The examination is conducted with a Roth & Rau AK400 PECVD reactor, where the varied parameters are deposition temperature, pressure, gas flow ratio, total gas flow, microwave plasma power and radio-frequency bias voltage. The films are evaluated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to determine structural properties, by spectrophotometry to determine optical properties, and by capacitance–voltage and photoconductance measurements to determine electronic properties. After reporting on the dependence of SiNx properties on deposition parameters, we determine the optimized deposition conditions that attain low absorption and low recombination. On the basis of SiNx growth models proposed in the literature and of our experimental results, we discuss how each process parameter affects the deposition rate and chemical bond density. We then focus on the effective surface recombination velocity Seff, which is of primary importance to solar cells. We find that for the SiNx prepared in this work, 1) Seff does not correlate universally with the bulk structural and optical properties such as chemical bond densities and refractive index, and 2) Seff depends primarily on the defect density at the SiNx-Si interface rather than the insulator charge. Finally, employing the optimized deposition condition, we achieve a relatively constant and low Seff,UL on low-resistivity (≤1.1 Ωcm) p- and n-type c-Si substrates over a broad range of n = 1.85–4.07. The results of this study demonstrate that the trade-off between optical transmission and surface passivation can be circumvented. Although we focus on photovoltaic applications, this study may be useful for any device for which it is desirable to maximize light transmission and surface passivation.

Dual serial vortex-induced energy harvesting system for enhanced energy harvesting
Tập 8 Số 7 - 2018
Shengxi Zhou, Junlei Wang

This paper presents a novel dual serial vortex-induced vibration energy harvesting system for enhanced energy harvesting. It consists of two identical cantilever-based piezoelectric vortex-induced vibration energy harvesters, which are successively installed in one plane (which is paralleled with the wind flow direction) of the wind tunnel. The Lattice Boltzmann method is employed to predict the strength of vortex-induced vibrations and the pressure distribution around the circular cylinders of the harvesters. The numerical results qualitatively explain the influence of the space distance on the energy harvesting performance of the presented system. Experimental results verify the numerical analysis and demonstrate a higher energy harvesting efficiency of the presented system over its traditional single harvester. In detail, experimental results indicate that the effective wind speed range and the output power area of a coupled harvester in the presented system can be as many as 2.67 times and 6.79 times of that of the traditional single harvester, respectively.

Integrated intravital microscopy and mathematical modeling to optimize nanotherapeutics delivery to tumors
Tập 2 Số 1 - 2012
Anne L. van de Ven, Min Wu, John Lowengrub, Steven Robert McDougall, Mark A. J. Chaplain, Vittorio Cristini, Mauro Ferrari, Hermann B. Frieboes

Inefficient vascularization hinders the optimal transport of cell nutrients, oxygen, and drugs to cancer cells in solid tumors. Gradients of these substances maintain a heterogeneous cell-scale microenvironment through which drugs and their carriers must travel, significantly limiting optimal drug exposure. In this study, we integrate intravital microscopy with a mathematical model of cancer to evaluate the behavior of nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems designed to circumvent biophysical barriers. We simulate the effect of doxorubicin delivered via porous 1000 x 400 nm plateloid silicon particles to a solid tumor characterized by a realistic vasculature, and vary the parameters to determine how much drug per particle and how many particles need to be released within the vasculature in order to achieve remission of the tumor. We envision that this work will contribute to the development of quantitative measures of nanoparticle design and drug loading in order to optimize cancer treatment via nanotherapeutics.

Thickness and microstructure effects in the optical and electrical properties of silver thin films
Tập 5 Số 11 - 2015
Guowen Ding, C. Clavero, Daniel Schweigert, Minh Tung Le

The optical and electrical response of metal thin films approaching thicknesses in the range of the electron mean free path is highly affected by electronic scattering with the interfaces and defects. Here, we present a theoretical and experimental study on how thickness and microstructure affect the properties of Ag thin films. We are able to successfully model the electrical resistivity and IR optical response using a thickness dependent electronic scattering time. Remarkably, the product of electronic scattering time and resistivity remains constant regardless of the thickness (τx ρ = C), with a value of 59 ± 2 μΩ cm ⋅ fs for Ag films in the investigated range from 3 to 74 nm. Our findings enable us to develop a theoretically framework that allows calculating the optical response of metal thin films in the IR by using their measured thickness and resistivity. An excellent agreement is found between experimental measurements and predicted values. This study also shows the theoretical lower limit for emissivity in Ag thin films according to their microstructure and thickness. Application of the model presented here will allow rapid characterization of the IR optical response of metal thin films, with important application in a broad spectrum of fundamental and industrial applications, including optical coatings, low-emissivity windows and semiconductor industry.

Influence of heat and mass flux conditions in hydromagnetic flow of Jeffrey nanofluid
Tập 5 Số 3 - 2015
F. M. Abbasi, Sabir Ali Shehzad, Tasawar Hayat, A. Alsaedi, Mustafa Ali Obid

This article explores the hydromagnetic steady flow of Jeffrey fluid in the presence of thermal radiation. The chosen nanofluid model takes into account the Brownian motion and thermophoresis effects. Flow and heat transfer characteristics are determined by a stretching surface with flux conditions. The nonlinear boundary layer flow through partial differential systems is converted into the ordinary differential systems. The resulting reduced systems are computed for the convergent solutions of velocity, temperature and nanoparticle concentration. Graphs of dimensionless temperature and nanoparticle concentration profiles are presented for different values of emerging parameters. Skin-friction coefficient are computed and analyzed in both hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic flow situations.

Studies on structural, thermal and AC conductivity scaling of PEO-LiPF6 polymer electrolyte with added ionic liquid [BMIMPF6]
Tập 5 Số 7 - 2015
Sujeet Kumar Chaurasia, A.L. Saroj, Shalu, Shishir Kumar Singh, Alok Kumar Tripathi, A.K. Gupta, Y. L. Verma, Rajendra Kumar Singh

Preparation and characterization of polymer electrolyte films of PEO+10wt.% LiPF6 + xwt.% BMIMPF6 (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate) containing dopant salt lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6) and ionic liquid (BMIMPF6) having common anion PF6- are reported. The ionic conductivity of the polymer electrolyte films has been found to increase with increasing concentration of BMIMPF6 in PEO+10 wt.% LiPF6 due to the plasticization effect of ionic liquid. DSC and XRD results show that the crystallinity of polymer electrolyte decreases with BMIMPF6 concentration which, in turn, is responsible for the increase in ionic conductivity. FTIR spectroscopic study shows the complexation of salt and/or ionic liquid cations with the polymer backbone. Ion dynamics behavior of PEO+LiPF6 as well as PEO+LiPF6 + BMIMPF6 polymer electrolytes was studied by frequency dependent conductivity, σ(f) measurements. The values σ(f) at various temperatures have been analyzed in terms of Jonscher power law (JPL) and scaled with respect to frequency which shows universal power law characteristics at all temperatures.