ACM Transactions on Graphics

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Fitting B-spline curves to point clouds by curvature-based squared distance minimization
ACM Transactions on Graphics - Tập 25 Số 2 - Trang 214-238 - 2006
Wenping Wang, Helmut Pottmann, Yang Liu

Computing a curve to approximate data points is a problem encountered frequently in many applications in computer graphics, computer vision, CAD/CAM, and image processing. We present a novel and efficient method, calledsquared distance minimization(SDM), for computing a planar B-spline curve, closed or open, to approximate a target shape defined by apoint cloud, that is, a set of unorganized, possibly noisy data points. We show that SDM significantly outperforms other optimization methods used currently in common practice of curve fitting. In SDM, a B-spline curve starts from some properly specified initial shape and converges towards the target shape through iterative quadratic minimization of the fitting error. Our contribution is the introduction of a new fitting error term, called thesquared distance (SD) error term, defined by a curvature-based quadratic approximant of squared distances from data points to a fitting curve. The SD error term faithfully measures the geometric distance between a fitting curve and a target shape, thus leading to faster and more stable convergence than the point distance (PD) error term, which is commonly used in computer graphics and CAGD, and the tangent distance (TD) error term, which is often adopted in the computer vision community. To provide a theoretical explanation of the superior performance of SDM, we formulate the B-spline curve fitting problem as a nonlinear least squares problem and conclude that SDM is a quasi-Newton method which employs a curvature-based positive definite approximant to the true Hessian of the objective function. Furthermore, we show that the method based on the TD error term is a Gauss-Newton iteration, which is unstable for target shapes with high curvature variations, whereas optimization based on the PD error term is the alternating method that is known to have linear convergence.

Image smoothing via L 0 gradient minimization
ACM Transactions on Graphics - Tập 30 Số 6 - Trang 1-12 - 2011
Xu Li, Cewu Lu, Yi Xu, Jiaya Jia

We present a new image editing method, particularly effective for sharpening major edges by increasing the steepness of transition while eliminating a manageable degree of low-amplitude structures. The seemingly contradictive effect is achieved in an optimization framework making use of L 0 gradient minimization, which can globally control how many non-zero gradients are resulted in to approximate prominent structure in a sparsity-control manner. Unlike other edge-preserving smoothing approaches, our method does not depend on local features, but instead globally locates important edges. It, as a fundamental tool, finds many applications and is particularly beneficial to edge extraction, clip-art JPEG artifact removal, and non-photorealistic effect generation.

Image deformation using moving least squares
ACM Transactions on Graphics - Tập 25 Số 3 - Trang 533-540 - 2006
Scott Schaefer, Travis McPhail, Joe Warren

We provide an image deformation method based on Moving Least Squares using various classes of linear functions including affine, similarity and rigid transformations. These deformations are realistic and give the user the impression of manipulating real-world objects. We also allow the user to specify the deformations using either sets of points or line segments, the later useful for controlling curves and profiles present in the image. For each of these techniques, we provide simple closed-form solutions that yield fast deformations, which can be performed in real-time.

Jigsaw image mosaics
ACM Transactions on Graphics - Tập 21 Số 3 - Trang 657-664 - 2002
Jun Hwan Kim, Fabio Pellacini

This paper introduces a new kind of mosaic, called Jigsaw Image Mosaic (JIM), where image tiles of arbitrary shape are used to compose the final picture. The generation of a Jigsaw Image Mosaic is a solution to the following problem: given an arbitrarily-shaped container image and a set of arbitrarily-shaped image tiles, fill the container as compactly as possible with tiles of similar color to the container taken from the input set while optionally deforming them slightly to achieve a more visually-pleasing effect. We approach the problem by defining a mosaic as the tile configuration that minimizes a mosaicing energy function. We introduce a general energy-based framework for mosaicing problems that extends some of the existing algorithms such as Photomosaics and Simulated Decorative Mosaics. We also present a fast algorithm to solve the mosaicing problem at an acceptable computational cost. We demonstrate the use of our method by applying it to a wide range of container images and tiles.

Color harmonization
ACM Transactions on Graphics - Tập 25 Số 3 - Trang 624-630 - 2006
Daniel Cohen‐Or, Olga Sorkine, Ran Gal, Tommer Leyvand, Yingqing Xu

Harmonic colors are sets of colors that are aesthetically pleasing in terms of human visual perception. In this paper, we present a method that enhances the harmony among the colors of a given photograph or of a general image, while remaining faithful, as much as possible, to the original colors. Given a color image, our method finds the best harmonic scheme for the image colors. It then allows a graceful shifting of hue values so as to fit the harmonic scheme while considering spatial coherence among colors of neighboring pixels using an optimization technique. The results demonstrate that our method is capable of automatically enhancing the color "look-and-feel" of an ordinary image. In particular, we show the results of harmonizing the background image to accommodate the colors of a foreground image, or the foreground with respect to the background, in a cut-and-paste setting. Our color harmonization technique proves to be useful in adjusting the colors of an image composed of several parts taken from different sources.

Drawing graphs nicely using simulated annealing
ACM Transactions on Graphics - Tập 15 Số 4 - Trang 301-331 - 1996
Ron Davidson, David Harel

The paradigm of simulated annealing is applied to the problem of drawing graphs “nicely.” Our algorithm deals with general undirected graphs with straight-line edges, and employs several simple criteria for the aesthetic quality of the result. The algorithm is flexible, in that the relative weights of the criteria can be changed. For graphs of modest size it produces good results, competitive with those produced by other methods, notably, the “spring method” and its variants.

Data-driven structural priors for shape completion
ACM Transactions on Graphics - Tập 34 Số 6 - Trang 1-11 - 2015
Minhyuk Sung, Vladimir G. Kim, Roland Angst, Leonidas Guibas

Acquiring 3D geometry of an object is a tedious and time-consuming task, typically requiring scanning the surface from multiple viewpoints. In this work we focus on reconstructing complete geometry from a single scan acquired with a low-quality consumer-level scanning device. Our method uses a collection of example 3D shapes to build structural part-based priors that are necessary to complete the shape. In our representation, we associate a local coordinate system to each part and learn the distribution of positions and orientations of all the other parts from the database, which implicitly also defines positions of symmetry planes and symmetry axes. At the inference stage, this knowledge enables us to analyze incomplete point clouds with substantial occlusions, because observing only a few regions is still sufficient to infer the global structure. Once the parts and the symmetries are estimated, both data sources, symmetry and database, are fused to complete the point cloud. We evaluate our technique on a synthetic dataset containing 481 shapes, and on real scans acquired with a Kinect scanner. Our method demonstrates high accuracy for the estimated part structure and detected symmetries, enabling higher quality shape completions in comparison to alternative techniques.

Domain transform for edge-aware image and video processing
ACM Transactions on Graphics - Tập 30 Số 4 - Trang 1-12 - 2011
Eduardo S. L. Gastal, Manuel M. Oliveira

We present a new approach for performing high-quality edge-preserving filtering of images and videos in real time. Our solution is based on a transform that defines an isometry between curves on the 2D image manifold in 5D and the real line. This transform preserves the geodesic distance between points on these curves, adaptively warping the input signal so that 1D edge-preserving filtering can be efficiently performed in linear time. We demonstrate three realizations of 1D edge-preserving filters, show how to produce high-quality 2D edge-preserving filters by iterating 1D-filtering operations, and empirically analyze the convergence of this process. Our approach has several desirable features: the use of 1D operations leads to considerable speedups over existing techniques and potential memory savings; its computational cost is not affected by the choice of the filter parameters; and it is the first edge-preserving filter to work on color images at arbitrary scales in real time, without resorting to subsampling or quantization. We demonstrate the versatility of our domain transform and edge-preserving filters on several real-time image and video processing tasks including edge-preserving filtering, depth-of-field effects, stylization, recoloring, colorization, detail enhancement, and tone mapping.

Robust fairing via conformal curvature flow
ACM Transactions on Graphics - Tập 32 Số 4 - Trang 1-10 - 2013
Keenan Crane, Ulrich Pinkall, Peter Schröder

We present a formulation of Willmore flow for triangulated surfaces that permits extraordinarily large time steps and naturally preserves the quality of the input mesh. The main insight is that Willmore flow becomes remarkably stable when expressed in curvature space -- we develop the precise conditions under which curvature is allowed to evolve. The practical outcome is a highly efficient algorithm that naturally preserves texture and does not require remeshing during the flow. We apply this algorithm to surface fairing, geometric modeling, and construction of constant mean curvature (CMC) surfaces. We also present a new algorithm for length-preserving flow on planar curves, which provides a valuable analogy for the surface case.

ACM Transactions on Graphics - Tập 39 Số 6 - Trang 1-13 - 2020
Alon Lahav, Ayellet Tal

Most attempts to represent 3D shapes for deep learning have focused on volumetric grids, multi-view images and point clouds. In this paper we look at the most popular representation of 3D shapes in computer graphics---a triangular mesh---and ask how it can be utilized within deep learning. The few attempts to answer this question propose to adapt convolutions & pooling to suit Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). This paper proposes a very different approach, termed MeshWalker to learn the shape directly from a given mesh. The key idea is to represent the mesh by random walks along the surface, which "explore" the mesh's geometry and topology. Each walk is organized as a list of vertices, which in some manner imposes regularity on the mesh. The walk is fed into a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) that "remembers" the history of the walk. We show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art results for two fundamental shape analysis tasks: shape classification and semantic segmentation. Furthermore, even a very small number of examples suffices for learning. This is highly important, since large datasets of meshes are difficult to acquire.

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