
Leadership & Organization Development Journal




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Who is a ″Good Manager″?
Tập 13 Số 6 - Trang 3-7
Examines the practical utility of research on managerial behaviour and managerial effectiveness for training and development programmes. Casts doubt on the relevance of models in the literature that tell managers what they should do. Reviews studies of effective managers. Concludes that the design of programmes in particular settings requires a study of who is an effective manager in that setting; that the concepts and methods available in the literature will be used; that such research has potential use for programmes where training is a stepping stone to change.
Organisational Change and Leadership in a University: A Business School Case
Tập 2 Số 3 - Trang 21-26
A new definition of university organisation structures has begun to emerge. Customers in the form of students determine what the senior university departments offer. Staff members work in programme teams to manage and organise delivery. A professor is simply one grade of staff within the university available to teach or left to his own devices in research. Vice Chancellors now spend much of their time in the role of industrial relations officers. To make the whole industrial relations job that much more fascinating, virtually all academic staff have tenure—a sophisticated notion that goes well beyond contemporary concepts of unfair dismissal.
Environmental leadership development: Toward a contextual model of leader selection and effectiveness
Tập 27 Số 2 - Trang 93-105
– The purpose of this article is to provide a basis for comparing the interactions between the level of environmental support for leadership development and individual leadership characteristics in determining leadership selection and effectiveness within organizations., – A contextual model of leader selection and effectiveness examining the interactions between the level of environmental support and individual leadership characteristics to predict specific research propositions based on organizational needs is presented. The paper first provides an overview of leadership selection and effectiveness research and then illustrates a contextual model of leadership selection and effectiveness. The model design is based on a four‐quadrant structure with two propositions being suggested for each quadrant. Findings – Describes the context and proposed outcome of each respective quadrant for identifying and selecting potential leadership talent within an organization. The model also highlights the tendencies of organizational leadership to promote or select potential leadership talent from predictable employee groups based on how they match preconceived expectations. Research limitations/implications – The model has not yet been tested empirically. Practical implications – A very useful approach for organizations looking to improve their internal leadership development capabilities and leadership selection processes. This model lays the foundation for leadership identification and selection from all areas of an organization while emphasizing the necessity for leadership development at all levels. Originality/value – All organizations face the challenge of leadership identification, growth, development and effectiveness. This paper offers insights into understanding how leaders are identified for growth and development within an organization and how individuals within those organizations perceive themselves participating in leadership opportunities.
Characteristics associated with success: CEOs' perspectives
Tập 26 Số 3 - Trang 186-196
– This exploratory study investigated the characteristics that chief executive officers (CEOs) associated with their success., – Twenty CEOs were interviewed and asked to identify characteristics they possessed, and that they felt were related to their success., – The two dominant characteristics identified were achievement orientation and humanistic approach, followed by positivism. Very little or no emphasis was placed on being inclusive, having integrity, having a balanced approach, learning and self‐awareness or having an external focus., – In order to further our understanding of effective leadership in organisations, future research needs to build on these findings by asking individuals who directly report to CEOs to comment on the characteristics they believe their CEOs possesses., – There are important implications from these results for the selection and development of CEOs., – This study is one of the few to comprehensively investigate CEOs' characteristics. Most of the earlier work was either theoretical or narrowly focused.
The relationship between charismatic leadership behaviors and organizational commitment
Tập 21 Số 1 - Trang 30-35
This article reports on a study to measure the relationship between the six leadership behaviors identified by Conger and Kanunago and the two organizational commitment components identified by Porter and Smith. A total of 245 respondents from six organizations in south‐eastern USA participated in the study. Pearson correlations of the factors from the two scales were computed and revealed that five of the six C‐K factors were significantly correlated with the two commitment factors. These findings indicate leader’s sensitivity to member’s needs is related to organizational commitment, having a clear vision and articulating it seems related to commitment, and managers need to be clear about the goals and values of the organization. This study has implications for the strategic role of managers as change agents in organizations.
Organisational Culture: Organisational Change?
Tập 23 Số 6 - Trang 354-355
Managing employees in China from Hong Kong: interaction, relationships and productivity as antecedents to motivation
Tập 19 Số 3 - Trang 147-156
States that managers must often try to motivate employees working in another country. Senior accounting managers in Hong Kong were interviewed on their experiences leading professionals in China. Results of structural equation analyses suggest the usefulness of Deutsch’s theory of co‐operation and competition to understanding how interaction between leaders and employees develops future motivation. Co‐operative goals were found to contribute to a constructive discussion of opposing views between managers and employees which, in turn, resulted in productive work and stronger work relationships; these outcomes, in turn, developed motivation to work hard and well on future assignments. These results were interpreted as suggesting that managers can motivate employees through developing strong co‐operative goals and the skills of constructive controversy.
Sự tham gia đầy đủ: sự tích hợp giữa sự tham gia của nhân viên và sức khỏe tâm lý Dịch bởi AI
Tập 31 Số 4 - Trang 324-336
- Bằng cách giới thiệu khái niệm "sự tham gia đầy đủ", bài báo này nhằm đề xuất rằng sự tham gia của nhân viên có khả năng bền vững hơn khi sức khỏe của nhân viên cũng ở mức cao. - Bằng chứng nghiên cứu về các khái niệm riêng biệt được xem xét và chứng cứ về những lợi ích mà cả sự tham gia và sức khỏe mang lại cho các tổ chức được trình bày. - Hầu hết các quan điểm hiện tại về sự tham gia của nhân viên thiếu những yếu tố có liên quan trực tiếp đến sức khỏe và phản ánh một quan điểm hạn hẹp, dựa trên cam kết. Quan điểm này tập trung quá nhiều vào những lợi ích cho tổ chức. Một khái niệm rộng hơn về sự tham gia (được gọi là "sự tham gia đầy đủ"), bao gồm sức khỏe của nhân viên, là cơ sở tốt hơn để xây dựng những lợi ích bền vững cho cả cá nhân và tổ chức. - Các nghiên cứu khám phá mối liên hệ giữa sự tham gia của nhân viên và sức khỏe cần thiết để xác thực và phát triển các giả thuyết được đưa ra trong bài báo này. - Một mô hình để cải thiện sự tham gia đầy đủ trong các tổ chức được trình bày cùng với những minh họa từ các nghiên cứu trường hợp ngắn. - Sự tích hợp của sức khỏe và sự tham gia dựa trên cam kết vào cấu trúc duy nhất của sự tham gia đầy đủ cung cấp một quan điểm mới mẻ.
#sự tham gia của nhân viên #sức khỏe tâm lý #sự tham gia đầy đủ #lợi ích tổ chức #nghiên cứu trường hợp
Have We Misread the Psychology of Innovation? A Case Study from Two NHS Hospitals
Tập 13 Số 2 - Trang 17-21
Describes a research project using a qualitative research methodology investigating innovation processes in two NHS hospitals. Employs a multi‐perspective approach to examine the perception of innovation processes by actors at different organizational levels, whereas past innovation research has predominantly adopted a management perspective of innovation by concentrating upon the views and opinions of senior managers exclusively. Data collection methods include semi‐structured interviews, participant observation over a two‐month period, and document analysis; 26 interviews were conducted, transcribed and their content analysed. Shows that the perception of the innovation process differs very much across individuals. Illustrates two different types of innovation – imposed and emergent – each displaying substantively different developmental processes. Discusses the implications of these findings from the perspective of the practising manager and the applied psychologist conducting research into organizational innovation and change processes.