Sustainability and innovation in the Brazilian supply chain of green plastic

Journal of Cleaner Production - Tập 177 - Trang 12-18 - 2018
Giana de Vargas Mores1, Caroline Pauletto Spanhol Finocchio2, Rodrigo Barichello3, Eugenio Avila Pedrozo4
1Postgraduate Program in Accounting and Business, Community University of Chapecó Region (Unochapecó), Center for Studies and Research in Agribusiness, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, 7712 Bento Gonçalves Avenue, Agronomy District, Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, 91540-000, Brazil
2Management and Business School, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, 1555 Senador Filinto Muller Avenue, Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, 79070-900, Brazil
3Postgraduate Program in Accounting and Business, Community University of Chapecó Region (Unochapecó), 591 Senador Atílio Fontana Avenue, Efapi, Chapecó, State of Santa Catarina, 89809-000, Brazil
4School of Administration, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, 855 Washington Luiz Street, Historic Center, Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, 90010-460, Brazil

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