Sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation as assessed by the sperm chromatin dispersion test in assisted reproductive technology programs: results of a large prospective multicenter study

Fertility and Sterility - Tập 90 - Trang 1792-1799 - 2008
Juan Felipe Velez de la Calle1, Audrey Muller2, Marie Walschaerts2, Jean Louis Clavere3, Clément Jimenez4, Christiane Wittemer5, Patrick Thonneau2
1Unité In Vitro Fertilization, Clinique Pasteur Saint-Esprit, Brest, France
2Human Fertility Research Group, Paul Sabatier University and Paule de Viguier Hospital, Toulouse, France
3Centre de Fécondation In Vitro, Bayonne, France
4Service de Biologie de la Reproduction, University Hospital Dijon, Dijon, France
5Service de Biologie de la Reproduction, Centre d'Assisted Reproductive Techiques, Maternity Department of University Hospital, Schiltigheim, France

Tài liệu tham khảo

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