Integrated bio-affinity nano-platform into a microfluidic immunosensor based on monoclonal bispecific trifunctional antibodies for the electrochemical determination of epithelial cancer biomarker

Clinica Chimica Acta - Tập 464 - Trang 64-71 - 2017
Karina Bravo1, Francisco G. Ortega2, Germán A. Messina1, María I. Sanz1, Martín A. Fernández-Baldo1, Julio Raba1
1INQUISAL, Departamento de Química, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, CONICET, Chacabuco 917, D5700BWS, San Luis, Argentina
2GENYO, Centre for Genomics and Oncological Research: Pfizer/University of Granada/Andalusian Regional Government, PTS Granada, Avenida de Ilustración, 114 18016 Granada, Spain

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