Dosuperior teachers employ systematic instructional planning procedures? A descriptive study

AV communication review - Tập 46 - Trang 65-78 - 1998
Andrea C. Young1, Robert A. Reiser2, Walter Dick2
1the Learning Systems Institute/Center for Academic Support and Distance Learning, Florida State University, USA
2Department of Educational Research, College of Education, Florida State University, Tallahassee

Tóm tắt

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which a group of superior elementary and secondary school teachers employed systematic instructional planning practices. The research method employed was a multicase design in which nine teachers (five secondary and four elementary) from a single school district were studied. Qualitative data in the form of written surveys and face-to-face interviews were collected and analyzed. Results revealed that most of the teachers' planning activities centered around six types of decisions. When the teachers' planning activities were compared with a systematic approach to instructional planning, the two approaches were found to be different in several important ways: the teachers did not place much emphasis on specifying objectives, creating objectives-based tests, or making other instructional decisions in light of objectives. Implications for teaching preservice teachers about systematic planning are discussed.

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